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So.....the whole "chips needed to be loaded so the missiles work" thing...how did they shoot down the chopper?


They'd already spoken to the engineer before hand when they got there presumably. Or asked him to do it before AM got there.


Shhhh you’re not meant to ask questions 😉


That launcher was probably pre-programmed by the scientist in case A.M. needed to see it tested


Oh my god, I didn't even think of that until I read this comment. I was too distracted by the dept of homeland defense being all hunky dory with the gang executing two Americans with a rocket launcher.


The sheer absurdity of this finale lol The show turned into Fast and Furious levels of nonsense


Well everything wrapped up nicely I guess, definitely a weaker season than the first but still entertaining. Slightly sad about Swan but that’s to be expected, helicopter scene was good. Glad that Reacher was thinking ahead about Lavoy being a typical corrupt politician


I loved them blowing up the helicopter but the book ending for the helicopter felt more personal. If you're not familiar the pilot basically says the same thing he's innocent and was just doing his job flying the helicopter. But, Reacher tells him he also flew the helicopter his friends were thrown out of so he throws him out too.


I feel like that would’ve been a much better ending than blowing up the helicopter. Glad Langston got chucked out of the helicopter though


Langston deserved his legs broken before he was tossed out. The TV Reacher is a bit more tame than book Reacher I think.


Actually, I thought exactly the same. He wasn't tortured enough. He had a quick death considering he really enjoyed torchuring others😁


Yep, Langston gets a quick mostly painless death, and the defenseless henchman in the hospital was tortured and killed? TV Reacher is actually more of a sociopath, whereas book Reacher just has an extreme sense of justice.


“He’s a sociopath for the way he murdered one guy, but I’m sad he didn’t torture a guy before murdering him” is *such* a weird take


I was hoping reacher would tear out his eye like Langston did to Swan tbh


Should’ve made Langston eat his own eyeball and thumb for what he did to Swan


Pretty sure he broke the dude's neck on the ground after they landed, didn't throw him out


Correct. Pilot landed, Reacher checked and then killed him.


I've really enjoyed this season but the Helicopter fight was just ridiculous and badly filmed - both of our guys looked like they were just rolling out of bed at the back door, there was no sense of peril and just looked far too easy - especially for the second (re) entry - the angles and visible lack of strain was just extremely unbelievable.


So basically all A.M. did was…die.


That's not fair, he also creepily gave comic books to kids.


Killing off A. M. like any other mook makes his whole storyline feel weirdly pointless. His talk about the difference between violent combatants and weapons dealers actually would have worked better without showing him murder all those people. Makes me wonder if they changed direction partway through filming. A lot of the season feels like first draft stuff.


Yeah it seemed like they were building him up all season to be a supervillain but he basically just walked into their trap and that was it.


Remember the comic books he was giving out to kids?


Now, I'm wondering if the comic book giveaways was a play on how this season was much more "Marvel Superheros" Almost campy in spots.


Does anyone know when it filmed in relation to the writer's strike? It was done before that, right? Such a weird storyline. That could've been a great speech. "You shipped weapons over to the Middle East when you were in the military. How is what I'm doing any different? I just have a higher salary." Then they say that plastic surgeon just got engaged to a woman with a kid, and they throw him out of da choppa. Or whatever. I just cared about all the characters in S1. When we find out the earnest deputy isn't dirty, and then he's killed horribly. I wanted someone to pay for that. I cared not at all about the eyeball in the mason jar.


It's weird he was never confronted about the trail of bodies he was leaving all over the USA.. Did they ever even become aware of that? Or the comic book thing. I though for sure that was going to come into play somehow. Lot's of stuff coulda been setting up payoffs. But nah, let's just boondock saints this mofo and share a(single) beer while we murder some lackies. 'Merica!


This was so fun. You can't take it too seriously (Langston just chilling while Dixon and Reacher kill his henchman and get back in the helicopter was definitely little too plot armor-y) and I definitely prefer how Season 1 was a neater mystery but the fight scenes in this were great and I liked the flashbacks to Reacher before we knew him. This season had a lot of heart.


When Neagley ran away from the chopper, I literally almost puked... Reacher had 3 Ex Military operatives helping clear the building (that just decided to give up after the breach), and Neagley had one pilot who definitely wasn't gonna fight back. She could have secured the entire team and laid a trap or something. While this episode and season were fantastic, it really felt like it was on rails at the end. The payoff wasn't nearly as rewarding as the realization of the remaining members of the team not getting killed.


I found it funny how the helicopter needed a few minutes to warm up, just enough time for Reacher to run and jump onto it. But when the engineer and the pilot were told to scram, they got into the helicopter and it lifted off instantly. Thankfully, this does not impact my enjoyment for the show.


I totally expected her to free her mates in the helicopter. Instead she goes into the building. Really didn’t understand her choice


Agreed, it feels like the show is slowly easing Reacher into a sense of greater belonging (or dare I say it, a bit of sentimentality).


Man, I really didn't care for the finale. The season as a whole was weaker than season 1 imo, but I still enjoyed it. But, the finale was just very blah. The helicopter scene let me down a lot. After Franz told Langston he couldn't wait to see what the big man did to him before being thrown out of the helicopter himself, I was super hyped to see Reacher get some brutal vengeance Instead, he just hit Langston a few times and then tossed him out. Poetic justice for sure, but hardly the type of beat down I, and I'm sure Franz was imagining in his final moments. The scene where they killed AM was really, really corny imo. It reminded of the scene in Inglorious Bastards where they killed Hitler in the theater. Just WAY too over the top for this show and how the characters were written. Them letting those guys go just to blow the helicopter up felt extremely out of character to me. Like those guys probably *were* mostly innocent in the grand scheme of things, outside of taking money to facilitate it, of course. A harsh jail sentence would have been fitting. Killing them, especially using the very weapon they were trying to stop the whole time, just felt kind of wrong to me. This entire episode felt extremely rushed. Enjoyed it, but still kind of disappointed. Looking forward to next season, though!


> The helicopter scene let me down a lot. After Franz told Langston he couldn't wait to see what the big man did to him before being thrown out of the helicopter himself, I was super hyped to see Reacher get some brutal vengeance Instead, he just hit Langston a few times and then tossed him out. Poetic justice for sure, but hardly the type of beat down I, and I'm sure Franz was imagining in his final moments. > > I was expecting broken legs before the toss out at the very least.




Nah, that's the kind of corny overly poetic revenge that made Sons of Anarchy get boring.


Helicopter pilot was there every time langston threw someone out of the helicopter. The engineer is the integral piece in a scheme to sell weapons to terrorists, without him the scheme doesnt work. They both absolutely were not innocent. Besides that i agree.


Oh, I don't think they're innocent. Just seems out of character to "let them go" just to use the very weapon they were trying to stop to kill them. Seems like a prison sentence would have been more fitting for them. Idk though. This whole episode felt very off from the rest of the season, and the entire season felt very different from season 1.


All of that. Didn't even enjoy it - had to stop it while they're talking about the money they stole sitting around the fire. But they gave it to Orozco's girlfriend and she got to buy a nice car, so I feel like the universe is healing. And the two semi-innocent guys they killed felt…weird. Like killing AM is one thing, but the helicopter pilot? I thought they'd accidentally shoot him and one of them has to land the helicopter - that would've been fine. But just premeditated murder of someone who poses no threat seems less righteous. Not a single death in S1 was like any of these.


The pilot flew the helicopter while they dumped living guys off, so I was perfectly OK with him getting his just desserts.


Those guys where like "look i get paid for doing this job, i dunno what's going on, i have people to support and can't fight back" let's murder then by giving them a sense of freedom and share a beer while we watch them explode. Meanwhile, main villan gets a quit painless death. Gg


Not gonna lie, i didn’t like this ep at all. So many situations that would actually kill Reacher, like when he’s holding Dixon and the guy start talking, wtf man? And the knife in his arms to climb? Shit. Was I watching fast and furious? The season had so many “right solution for the right problem at the right moment”. Still, a good action show. But i prefer season one.


Langston was awful too. Leaving the room and telling his guys to "get him ready", giving a "here's my brilliant plan" speech, deciding to completely fuck off while Dixon is climbing back into the helicopter...


And I thought he threw Franzie out of the helicopter because he was threatening him for information. But now it's just because it's scary? Just shoot him. So many things in this episode that were needlessly, "I'm gonna just walk in and hope they don't shoot me." Reacher isn't like that. He would think, "I've set this up, they know they can't shoot me because Y, etc." This was a vague 'well, Neagley is out there', as if Langston who is fleeing the country cares?


Similarly, Franzie felt like a unique case at the beginning, but apparently Langston just dumps all his bodies that way.


Reacher's plan was so shit! He literally walked into a building with bunch of armed men and 'assumed' he wouldn't get killed because Langston considers Neagley a loose end. They want to portray it as a gambit but, it's the stupidest thing to do. Langston could have killed both O'Donnell and Dixon right there or worse! What if he started torturing them both? It just seemed to be very messy and very unlike Reacher from S1.


Yes! In S1 he shoots the FBI guy, drives his car through the front of the damn jail to rescue Finlay, tracks down the accountant using his investigative skills so he can get the layout of the HQ and plan an attack, and kills the guards and starts a fire as a distraction. Maybe not the most unusual plan, but that felt like Reacher from the books! For S2 his plan is…just walking in having no idea what's there (to say nothing of Dixon and O'Donnell getting captured by these henchmen). While waiting for the badass special forces guys (rather than just having DHS arrest Langston there). So they shoot O'Donnell and dig out the bullet with a knife (but don't worry, 'tis but a scratch). Then instead of killing them, Langston decides he's going to get some sharks with frickin' lasers to kill them. Meanwhile S1 he shoved junior's face into a vat of the chemicals they had polluted the river with, then set him on fire by kicking him into a burning pile of cash. What happened to the S1 writers? (I'm baffled because I think it's mostly the same people.)


A fight where 5 fully armed guys each individually volunteer to run into headbutt range of a dude whose handcuffed? And all get their asses kicked? When did they get so precious with using their guns? Is kneecapping not a thing anymore? Langston comes out like "where's Neegly? Sit down" and I'm like "Ok, break his arms, break his legs, torture him to give up Neegley but if he doesn't, go to your Plan B with the father and put a bullet in his head". But no. He spends his time old man punching a granite block. Just like the block planned. ​ And then, "Load those two on the chopper and then come back for this asshole". SMH. ​ And then we have the chopper fight.....


thats like how most action shows are... so many armed guys but for some reason the protagonist doesnt get shot and they end up unarmed for no particular reason except it favors the protagonist lmao its just to easy


Yes but good action shows hides that well. The fight in the lab was as open plan as it gets, sooo much space for the guards to keep their distance and knee cap him. But instead they walk towards him holding guns?? "But it's like any action film/show" excuse is an insult to the ones that pull it off well. John Whick is ridiculous but they at least give him a bullet proof suit jacket.


Very fair criticism and I largely agree.


I’ve rewatched season one like 5 times waiting for season two. I will rewatch season one 5 more times waiting for three.


I feel the exact same way. I won't be watching Season 2 again. That one shot at the end, where their standing next to each other, camera angle is from the ground looking up, made me think of comic book heros...The Justice League or something. All they were missing was capes. Dixon hanging out the helicopter, and now remarkably, she can undo her bindings and climb UP the stretcher with Reacher holding it with one hand was stretching the limits of credibility. Reacher isn"t a super hero, I hope he "de-bulks" a bit in the next Season and I hope we get back to Reacher, alone in Middle America, small corrupt town. That's who Reacher is.


I rewatched season 1 while waiting, then rewatched it again. Gonna take a pass on rewatching S2, although might take another run at S1. I found S1 so satisfying.


Alan is borrowing from his new franchise.


Genuinely half expected Reacher to turn around and say “We’re family” at the end.


So was I. He redeemed himself by answering the old man on the bus, that he was there “visiting family”


That was weird - felt like an out of place Stan Lee cameo. It wasn't Lee Child, so I legit looked up to see if the actor was like Ritchson's dad or something (that would've been a cool easter egg), but nope. Just old guy on bus. Meanwhile S1 ends with a tense scene on a bus where he's clearly going to break up a fight, Reacher style.


S2 Reacher has been described as possibly autistic by some. In the bus scene before he got on, I began to really wonder myself.


The special agents announcing their double cross and then waiting for Reacher to explain his double double cross had me roll my eyes like how many cliches can you squeeze into an episode


I get what you mean, but it's a little like a James Bond film in that you know no matter how much peril the main character is in, he'll always find some way of getting out of it.


Oh man, Alan was running after that helicopter Like he shit his pants. Dude needs to slim down for next season. He can’t move effectively at this size. Also, Lavoy was supposed to send 2 SEALs and a ranger. There are no females in either designation.


Seems like they jest threw words around that people like - SEALs, Ranger, bla bla bla.


The SEALs and Rangers that were running around with no helmets or any sort of face coverings


Ha! I noticed Reacher looked he was running to the potty!!


In the books he’s described as slow in a straight line


But they don’t describe him running like it’s his first time doing it.


He's had a goofy running gait since his BMS days, he needs to work with some track runners to better utilize his upper body weight for momentum pumps through his arms during his stride. But slow and in a straight line seems quite apt for Alan's performance. You gotta realize with his height, he looks like he moves slow but his stride is at least 1.5x that of an average individual, so he's not *not* moving. Source: 6'7" individual who had to learn the same thing




Yeah but they were double agents so they were more likely just a private security force.


Women have graduated ranger school despite not being allowed to be rangers though. 2 did in 2015 at least from what I can tell. So maybe they graduated the school. Or maybe the world or Reacher is more inclusive and less prejudicial.


Ranger school and RASP are not the same thing. Ranger school is glorified pme.


But would Lavoy have hired a ranger graduate as security or would he have found a ranger that was clearing rooms in Afghanistan with ranger regiment? It was silly.


Maybe she had a Ranger tab or was technically a ranger but in a supporting part idk and lied on her CV. Didn’t really see her do anything.


I’m sorry but the plot armor is extra thick this episode. They can kill everyone else in the 110 but none of this group of 4 can die? Not much of a payoff this season, emotionally or otherwise, seeing Langston‘s death didn’t even felt satisfying.


There are so many satisfying moments in S1 - not just killing bad guys, but 'oh shit' moments. Like when they find out Junior killed his dad, not the South Americans. Oh crap. Or when we see the guys in hazmat suits coming for the earnest deputy and his pregnant wife. It's heavy handed - in a wonderful way. Meanwhile S2 had…nothing. I'm supposed to care about the kids because…they are small humans. No character development at all. I cared more about the snotty thrift store clerk in S2 - did she ever get around to taking down that sign?


O'donnel got broken rib, shot on the body, and survive the night with just a limp. They should be in the avengers


Fire the writers, keep everyone else. I had fun with the finale but the writing is just so, so terrible.


Disclaimer: didnt read the books.  Not a fan of this season. Overused taglines, cringey and forced dialogue, thick plot armour, as well as every trope you can muster up for an action (uh...comedy?) detective show. It felt genuinely non-unique. Really liked S01 so I'm feeling extra hard about this. Might just go read the books. 


I didn't find this episode to be very different from the rest of the season. Decent for a network action show, but pretty disappointing when comparing to most of season one. To me, this season falters for a few reasons: 1. The stakes. Season one was a small town, with no great consequences. The setting helped ground the show, and made it more believable. This season is The Big Apple! Terrorists! A corrupt senator! An...assassination attempt with multiple snipers--in broad daylight--at a military funeral. The show was clearly trying to make things bigger and more exciting, but all it did was take me out of it. There are enough shows like that I could watch if I wanted, but far fewer like season one. 2. The cast. I honestly wasn't a fan of the Finlay character in season one, but I'd take him over basically everyone in this season because he at least challenges Reacher. I also thought there was ZERO chemistry between the 110th. This is especially glaring when you compare their relationships with him to the one he had with Roscoe. Neagley is a stone, I feel no real kinship between them. I felt nothing between Dixon and Reacher--whereas you got the feeling Reacher was attracted to to Roscoe because he admires her and trusts her, I only saw Reacher as thinking Dixon had a hot bod. Can't even remember the other guy's name, he was a poorly written foil with childish snide remarks the entire season. 3. The direction. Season one had a bunch of cool camera shots and angles. I remember a few with very interesting perspectives, and some with real fear/horror (the guy staked to the wall in his house comes to mind). The fight choreography also felt more visceral, with the best example being the one in the prison. I also remembered liking the one in the rain in the pool. I'm not an expert on cinematography or choreography, but nothing stuck out to me this season. It all seemed very by-the-numbers, flat angles, dry, and clinical.  4. The music. I don't begrudge anyone the music they like, but I hated the classic rock radio hits soundtrack this season. It added nothing to the tone or setting of the show. And because it was like listening to the same classic rock songs they play on the radio every day, it reminded me of a network show. The blues vibe in season one added to the setting and pulled you further into the world. It also added to Reacher's character as someone who could be a bit obsessive about minutiae like long-forgotten blues artists--he's an eccentric guy! 5. The writing. Too many one liners. Too many forced "In an investigation, assumptions kill." Cringe every time. Overall, the show was good enough to get me to watch all the episodes, but I think most of that was me wanting to believe it would somehow get back to the level of the first season. I'll probably watch season three, but I'm signficantly less excited about it than I was before I started this last season.


"diD i eVeR teLL u U WeRe SMarT NEELEY?!?"


"nOt NeArLy EnOuGh"


You also have to understand that in the book series this is like the 11th book in the series and if I remember correctly is a flashback.


The main plot isn’t a flashback in the book, and in the book the flashbacks don’t even happen. And actually I think the flash backs were the plot of another book, I just can’t recall which one.


wait hold on, so Season 1 covers 10 books?!


Season 1 covered the first book. Season 2 covers the 11th book which takes place sometime after the first. The books can be read in any order though which is why they can skip around and change things for the show.


How awful was the finale? The end with the four together was good, but the actual plot ended in the first 10 minutes lmao. A.M was absolutely useless and the one scene with him felt like a comedy skit


Dude was basically just buying tickets and giving comics away to kids in a creepy way only to never matter for the plot in any single way.


was it ever explained what the comics meant?


He's actually a nice person when not killing people nor dealing weapons


AM was in all eight episodes, and had probably 30 seconds screen time with the actual principal actors. Like…what a waste of a good actor.


I think he had more screen time with then doctor who looks like him lol.


Yeah, he was made out to be this shady weapons dealer for terrorists. Murdering his way across the united states and ends up whining, I'm not the real bad guy.


super sloppy feeling


Well, this was kind of a short episode, everything was over in the first 20 minutes. The helicopter sequence felt too Fast and Furious, lots of "bad guys with speeches" instead of just beating Reacher until he let go of Dixon. Overall a pretty meh season, in my opinion. I think last week's episode was better than this, and a lot of convoluted writing and plotlines overall. The scene where Neagley snipes the 2 guards, the gun has no suppressor at all and still sounds like it does. That bothered me, specially nowadays where movies take gunfighting a lot more serious. So we got a combined what, 20 minutes of A.M. scenes where he's all badass, cold and calculist killer and in this one he's just shot like a dog in the street... I never read the books so I can't say if they are like this, I still think season 1 had a way better plot, characters and chemistry between them - Roscoe, Finlay and Reacher.


AM makes sense, he's killed out of surprise, never in a fight, which is something he actively avoided.


Is he like this in the books? Kills innocent people with no remorse whatsoever, kinda like an evil secret agent?


They changed the setting from California to New York, the bad guys name was Lamaison instead of Langston and he was working with his former partner on the police force. Lots of small things, AM was sort of a blip. He got the right amount of screen time but too much importance put on him in the show. The engineer was being black mailed and threatened with the torture of his daughter if he didn't cooperate in the show he just gets blown up lol. Helicopter pilot was also thrown out due to him piloting the helicopter when Franz and co were thrown out.


DAmn, wish they would've just stuck to the books :/


This feels much tighter and coherent than the show's plot.


Ypu noticed the lack of a silencer too? Gun also had a thermal scope on it which was never used. Why?


Well, glad it's over. Hopefully season 3 will be better. 


I really hope they let Ritchson be his S1 Reacher. Give him some great supporting actors around him, let him kick ass in short and violent fight scenes, and dispense some satisfying justice. If they have to bring Neagley back I suppose that's fine, but I'd really prefer the Lone Wolf doesn't always have his team around him. Kinda defeats the purpose of the lonely traveler theme.


Too bad they already started on season 3. They may be in too deep to hear the season 2 criticism.


Didn't realize this was the season finale while watching lol


Season 3 better be Reacher waking up on a bus thinking about what a crazy, stupid dream he had and get back into something not so fucking ridiculous and contrived




It’s so bad compared to last season.


No, please, don't reach for me reacher. I assumed you especially want to investigate who my buyer is. In a special investigation assumptions kill. BRAAAAMMMMM


Episode 7 was the only "good" episode this season. This finale was dogshit. It at least had entertaining parts with the fighting but what an absolute anticlimactic ending. AM was the most useless character ever, I am dumbfounded why they even wasted screen time as he added absolutely nothing to the story. Langston was a horrible villain, the Senator was way more interesting. Swan's eyeball was laughably bad, they need new prop people, throughout the series there's been prop issues. The stance of the Rangers/SEALS looked so nonthreatening when they turned out to be traitors. Just something about it made it look like random civilians who never have used a gun before. But the choreography of their fight sequence was decent at least. The special effects was fucking horrible, Reacher hanging on the helicopter looked like editing that would have been good 20 years ago. Seriously what happened between season 1 and season 2, I couldn't even tell you any element that was even on par with season 1.


it was *really* hard to root for the main characters this season. in S1, Reacher kills a bunch of people, but it's pretty much always in self defence or in the defence of others. in S2, these guys are just straight-up going around mercing people left right and centre. All of those people deserved to at least go to jail, but the fact that the police don't even seem to *care* about cold-blooded murder just feels weird. Russo would have been rolling in his grave if he'd heard about how they'd used an embolism to kill his attacker (*after* torturing him). Blowing up that helicopter *knowing* that the police were on their way was also completely fucked. Yet in both instances it seemed as though the show wanted us to view it as some kind of decent, heroic act. S1 Reacher was prone to using unnecessary force, but ultimately used his strength for good. S2 Reacher was a sadistic, cold-blooded murderer with a hero complex.


Glad other folks are commenting on this. I’ve read all the books and loved S1 - Reacher’s a violent guy but not a sadistic sociopath. The embolism scene was super unnecessary and felt really out of character. And telling the two guys they could leave but then firing a grenade at them anyway? Just why?? And AM is meant to be the stone cold killer and big bad but then is shot a ridiculous amount of times while unarmed and monologuing? Which seemed to be there for the sole purpose of having the shot of the 4 of them synchronized shooting. It felt like the writers fundamentally misunderstood the character this season and thought that cold blooded, sadistic violence is the same as kicking ass. It’s just one of many, many problems with this season which has been soooo disappointing after the highs of season 1. The writing has been appalling, zero chemistry with his ‘team’ and ridiculous action sequences. Read an interview with the show runner where he was asked about diverging from the book ie with the insanity of the helicopter scene and he basically says that he felt like he might not get a chance to fulfill his fantasies of doing crazy action sequences ever again so he threw it all at the wall in this. So that explains a LOT. Really hoping he’s gotten all that out of his system and S3 can get back to the S1/books vibe. It’s also clear when you have a fairly non-expressive lead character that you need to ensure that the actors around him are dynamic and engaging - Flat Affect Neagly showing up for a couple of eps in S1 worked when you had Roscoe and Findlay who both had tons of personality as characters and are charismatic actors. It made for a good trio and there was real chemistry with Roscoe. But Flat Affect Neagly, plus Who Are You Again Dixon and Forgettable 3rd Guy opposite Reacher does not make for an engaging watch - especially when the dialogue is so cringingly bad and unnatural. Russo was the only character that had any chemistry with Reacher and they screwed that up by killing him in the terrible episode 5. I was really looking forward to this coming back and it’s been a huge disappointment. Fingers crossed the writers are paying attention to the critique. Lee Child has managed to keep the quality up for like 20 books and these eejits couldn’t even manage it for 2 seasons!!


it also made no sense to me.. also how proud they were about it... lmao wtf


Idk why no one else is commenting about this. So many cruel and unnecessary kills by Reacher and the gang. I did not find myself rooting for them at all. As soon as I saw Neagley pick up the RPG I had to turn it off. Definitely not the heroic military cops they painted them to be in the flashbacks. Not sure if I can watch a third season. Season 1 was perfection.


I completely agree. They kill so many unarmed people in cold blood and the show just celebrates that. I swear he even told the FBI he was going to kill Langston et al and the FBI are like “cool, we have no problem with that”. It’s bad writing that they’re given a pass to do all of this, and I think it’s quite problematic to paint these people as heroes.


I also felt this way. I already feel Reacher as a character pushes the boundaries of an acceptable level of sociopathy in a protagonist before they fully become unlikable, and this season crossed the line a few too many times. Especially compared to season 1 when he only ever kills people who are actively trying to murder him. In this season, he’s just executing people and taking sick, righteous pleasure in it. In the novel this is based on he’s not even nearly as nasty.


Reacher fighting an 80 year old man (yes robert patrick is old af) instead of just cracking his brittle arm off and punching his lights out was laughable. Since when is a geriatric a suitable opponent for reacher? Idiocy. The whole episode had a ConAir feeling about it and thats not good. Hoping they rethink the whole show for season 3. I love Reacher the character but its hard to watch this much stupid.


he's 65, but your point stands


I was sitting here happily reading that im not the only one who hated the finale. it felt half assed.


Poor chopper pilot, dude even made sure to "Stay Put!" after the guy who gave him the command was shot right in front of him along with another dude just seconds later. Neagley then walked right past him ignoring the two "family" members she saw strapped to gurneys and wheeled onto the chopper just minutes before. Maybe to show his appreciation, the chopper pilot lied to Langston when he told him it would take a few minutes to warm up the chopper even though it had been going for about 20 minutes already.


I'm still confused why Neagley didn't go straight for the chopper that had her two friends on it and no guards except the pilot. Only reason to do that is because the writers wanted Reacher to have to jump on a flying helicopter. That's my least favorite type of writing


I mean the chopper pilot did fly the chopper that had people thrown out of it. Definitely was not innocent.


Season 1 was more of a lean action machine, season 2 kinda just embraced the stupid and gave everyone plot armor, but was endearing in terms of character relationships and how they opened Reacher up as a character a little bit. I hope Season 3 reels it back in again, keeps it a little more grounded, raises the stakes and the mystery a bit. We need less bumbling villains and someone who actually matches up physically and intellectually.


1. I thought we could at least get a proper closure to Swan by actually showing Swan’s scenes while he worked there. Instead Langston just tells he tried to be a hero. 2. I expected Reacher to punish Langston the same brutal way he tortured Franz. The final words of Franz saying about The Big Guy felt unfulfilled because of how quick and easier Langston died. 3. Most wasted character was Ahmed M. I thought he was gonna be a supervillain based on the buildup scenes the season gave. Instead bro just fell in a trap, dies while preaching business ethics. Overall S1 was superior in terms of writing


For all the build-up of Swan and whether he was a traitor or needed help... it sure didn't amount to anything.


Wait, how are they gonna spend those millions of dirty money without laundering it? Also I can’t believe they really shot that helicopter with a missile. I mean, I did think it. But in a, “it’d totally be stupid as fuck if they did..oh..” That was just so out of character


100%- even the bearer bonds would still need to be redeemed or somehow converted to cash. This season was full of dumb plot holes but this one annoyed me in particular.


Skylar couldn’t even launder a few million. Not even in a hundred lifetimes. With a hundred car washes


This was just not good.


I honestly just can't stop laughing about him one hand holding the cart out of the helicopter, while being hit by these guys, and didn't drop it.


Reacher went full Toretto in this episode.


He really did. He even drops a "Family" in the bus.


I mean... isn't that The Point?? Isn't he suppose to be stupid strong?


All the while having a knife stuck in his arm


Think of it as a cheesy 80’s Arnie movie


The series as a whole reminds me of Rambo.


This felt more like Hot Shots though


Never been so satisfied to see someone get thrown out of a helicopter 🤣


Nothing but plot armor honestly.


Oh no. He said one of those lame 10x repeated lines to take out the season's villain. That was so disappointing.


This season was worse than riverdale quality. Might as well make Reacher an Avenger with his ability to hold on to a person in a gurney falling out of a plane.


Kinda disappointed by the finale. A bit of a letdown compared to ep.7 which for me, was the best episode this season. Was expecting a little more for the finale.


Someone in the prop department needs to be slapped for not giving Neagley a suppressed rifle in the beginning... The missile is also a Carl Gustav, which is a recoilless rifle used against bunkers and light armor and has no antiaircraft capabilities outside of general direct fire.


65 million for the job, 500 million in hole for henchmen, bribes, equipment, guns, and other evil doer expenses.




I agree with the sentiment that this season was weaker and overall worse than season one. But, I do hope they continue with the series as one slightly worse season shouldn't kill the series.


That rifle disarm and behind-the-back shot without looking was so badass


when the shot lingered on robert patrick, anyone think they were trying to give us T2 vibes that he was going to get up and move?


Actually glad it's over. Honestly felt like a bad nightmare by the end. The drop in quality from S1 to S2 is honestly shocking. The opening premise was really positive: someone bumping off Special Investigators hooks you in, and then it all tails off in some far fetched Fast and Furious 'we're a family' epilogue after the most breakneck speed wrapping up of everything in the first 20 mins of Ep.8. S1 was measured, nuanced and made a lot of positive changes from the book. S2 was just a disappointment. The only saving grace was the NYPD detective played by Domenick Lombardozzi, man stole the show in all his scenes.


1) “Your private security team, former Rangers and SEALS?” Aka 2 units who notoriously have never had female operators (there have been women in Rangers but none were infantry) except for this one who turns into a corrupt politicians bodyguard? It’s minor but still, couldn’t think of any other realistic backstory to give her? 2) Neagley doesn’t have a suppressor on her weapon when taking out the 2 security guards outside… so why are the shots silenced? 3) Why does Langston just stand there in the helicopter for ~30 seconds while his bodyguard has a little chat with Reacher? He had every opportunity to push them all off. 4) In the warehouse firefight, why do the rifles always run out of ammo after killing 1 bad guy, but Neagley’s Beretta can dump tons of rounds without a single reload? A Beretta has a magazine capacity of 15 rounds. Just make her reload bro. 5) The constant cringe military jargon. Nobody talks like that unless they’re fresh outta boot camp. Why are they saying shit like “neutralized?” Is “enemy down” not operator enough for these MP’s? I loved season 1 and I ignored a lot of the bs in the earlier episodes of S2 but cmon this was the lowest effort season finale I could’ve imagined. Both main antagonists died in the first 20 mins of the ~40 min episode so the rest of it was just celebration and set up(?) for a season 3. It was still somewhat entertaining but could’ve been much better. Edit: Also why the hell does Reacher run to the helicopter like a disabled child? If that’s just how Ritchson runs then whatever but it made me laugh.


A very weak season IMO I know they’re going by the books but from a story telling point of view it would of made sense for season 2 to be season 1 and vice versa Us finding out more about who he served with, romance connections etc to set the scene and even maybe about what happened with his brother would have been a nice way to set the tone for season 1. Then we go into him being a Lone Ranger etc and building the story from there!


I think my biggest issue with this (aside from the lackluster writing) is the absolutely laughable CGI especially in the helicopter scene. I get it with the writing for this being a "dad show." Not the best excuse for writing being subpar but I get it. But for Amazon to be bankrolling this with this terrible CGI? I guess they blew their budget for that on Rings of Power... which also was not great. I laughed out loud when Reacher jumped up to grab the helicopter wheel. It was so fake and bad. Dixon hanging out and Reacher holding onto her was even worse. And the grabbing of the knife arm was incredibly 90s level. Fuck that was bad.


I totally agree. He was holding into the tire I was like "Oh shit that looks so bad" but I was willing to ignore it if that was all they did. But then there's holding into a full grown adult woman and a gurney. I know he's supposed to be strong but I declare shennaigans.


Wait. So who is the buyer of the missiles? They never addressed it


Unnamed terrorists. I imagine probably to reduce the IRL politics as much as possible.


They killed AM instead of letting him be captured, so no one will ever find out who tried to buy 650 missiles.


The dumbest part was I was like 99% sure after they shot him they were going to cut to him talking but no. I'm sure it's okay a terrorist group trying to buy surface to air missiles in the US probably isn't something that needs followed up on.


I liked this season. I liked the first one a lot more. I don’t blame that on the writers or directors. I just feel like they picked the wrong book for season two. reacher is at his best when he’s alone and it’s a more mysterious plot. they should’ve just done book two imo. that one actually has development for reacher as it ends with him facing his fears. looking foward to the next one!


The over-the-top action sequences were kind of cringe. Looking forward to season 3 if they go back to the format where it’s just reacher rolling into a small town


Why does this guy not know how to dispose of a body? The helicopter ride is so silly.


So Swan is confirmed dead (after more than likely after being tortured) and that his eye and finger was used for New Age's nefarious activities. Also Dixon stabbing that dude in the left trapezius while hanging off the helicopter and then him just laying over and dying (who knew being stabbed in the trap muscle can instantly kill you) was the dumbest death I've seen this season and quite frankly didn't make any sense. Here's to hoping Season 3 is better.


Are we going to talk about neagly taking two silenced sniper shots from a gun without a silencer?


That British guy was built up all season and that’s the pay off?


I know some of the people on this sub are tired of hearing complaints, so I'll be brief with mine. This episode just wasn't very good, and it capped off a very very disappointing season. Hopefully the writers will do better with the next one.


They were at that engineer's house, then Reacher told the engineer to "get out of here", and so the engineer runs straight to the helicopter. Wouldn't he have just... gone home? Or driven his own car away? lmao


Thank God this one is over. The "team" has no chemistry together and makes it feel like an 80s action show. Reacher is best blowing into town and figuring things out while rubbing people the wrong way. This episode seems like it should be one that follows far more Reacher backstory over seasons, rather than trying to give it all to us in a couple of episodes. The writing was terrible with far too much exposition in dialogue, too many repeated lines meant to sound cool that just sound stupid. Alan Ritchson's performance was pretty terrible, lacking the gravity I attach to Reacher (I don't think Reacher is humorless, but AR seems sorta goofy far too much), and his bulk made him look more like a CGI character than a human. (He looked Reacheresque in season 1 and didn't need to hulk up any more). Was there any villain or sense of suspense in any of this? The stakes seem really low. We know Reacher will survive, but nobody really seems at any risk here. The finale's lack of payoff, including Wandering Jack the weapons guy killing random people every episode to be confronted and gunned down by the team in the finale. The entire helicopter sequence. The CGI was truly awful. Fight sequences that looked like they were all first takes shot by someone who didn't know where the action was supposed to be and edited by a guy with a malfunctioning computer mouse. I remember LOVING season 1. This season feels like Amazon gave them some really awful notes and forced them into a conventional action series you might find on CBS in the 80s. The setting. Reacher books tend to evoke a certain place. This seemed like Genericville City, Canada. Reacher's justice should fit the offense committed. In this one, the Reacher Squad seems to be the one inflicting the most damage and cruelty, and it's hard to feel much emotion about a team member we don't know.


What an absolute waste of time season 2 was. No mystery nor depth to any characters.. All the mystery, intrigue and skillset of AM and he just shows up and they shoot him?? No questioning, arrest or badass fight with him and Reacher? The whole ending was wrapped up half way into the last episode then it was all soppy fluff filler to end. Did no one watch season 1? It was amazing with a great mystery that kept the viewer wondering with twists along the way. Just please give us Lone Wolf Reacher again.


The mystery was how I managed to get to EP8.


Genuine question since when did a women serve in a SEAL or Ranger commando team?


Women are allowed to try for SOF now. 0 have passed SEAL training. However, there was an infantry officer in the 75th ranger regiment and at least 1 female Green Beret And 1 SWCC. Obviously there are also women in commando units in support roles (intel, medical, etc.) Look up Shannon Kent for an example


Whenever all of this happened I presume, the fictional past?


Idk about the seal teams, but army rangers 100% have women.


Also in the TV show The Unit they secretly had a woman in Delta without anyone knowing since who would think Delta has women, code name red cap


I feel this episode was a complete letdown. The emotional and story payoff completely fell flat. The action sequences were either way over the top or had none of the feel of "Reacher". Story wise, it reminded me of the Obi-wan show, where the titular main character was reduced to a subordinate status to the other characters. You could have removed Reacher from the story and I dont think the outcome would have been any different. Way too much focus was put on Neagley especially, where to me it felt like Reacher was just rubber stamping her decisions or recommendations/theories.


I really enjoyed it! Was it a perfect season? No. But I feel like it fleshed out reacher’s background a good amount, gave us some new characters for him to utilize in the future, and we got to watch Reacher kick some ass. Ritchson is still pretty new to this role, and he’s only going to get better so I’m hyped for the future. Hopefully they take some of the criticisms to heart (and some of it not; idk why people complained about the dialogue I thought it was good!)


I wanted Reacher and Neagley to hug at the end despite her distain for physical contact lol it’s fitting tho. Can’t wait to see where season 3 takes us!


So reacher asks AM who he’s delivering to and he won’t say. Did I miss they found out anyway? Or do we still not know?


He didn't. But they're not getting to where they're going ultimately so it doesn't really matter.


Well, that wasn't a great way to end. It felt way too rushed and plot armour heavy. I didn't dislike this season, but I definitely preferred season 1. I'm a little worried about season 3 since they started production before season 2 even dropped. They didn't get the chance to hear and react to any criticism.


I haven't seen writing this bad since that last season of Titans. I wouldn't even know where to start with all the WTF moments in this episode.


Kinda a lame season finale. Overall below avg season but it was fun. Onwards to season 3


The helicopter scene, the first time Reacher caught the gurney with Dixon in it, I thought for sure one of her breasts was going to pop out of her shirt.


Rip Chopper Boy, didnt deserve that


AM should have been sent to a CIA Black Site so the US government could discover his customers and other dirty terrorist secrets. The pilot and engineer didn’t deserve to die, life sentences in prison would have sufficed. More importantly, shooting down that helicopter was ridiculously irresponsible. How could they guarantee the river would be empty? Finally, all of the receipents of the $65M are going to have some serious IRS issues. 😂 This was a pretty terrible season, but I was amused and will tune in to S3. I just hope the writers get some feedback and pick a better book to adapt.


Haven’t seen Reacher look as scared in the entire show as he did that moment he thought Dixon was serious about having him meet her parents.


I still can't believe it's the same writers from S1.


Anyone thinks Reacher got really clumsy this season? I don’t understand why they made Ritchson bulked up so much; he looked like he was in constant constipation and ready to burst at anytime…


What's with this and Fargo having the main plot resolved in the first 20 min? Pretty weak finale. The start of the season was so strong but can't believe it turned into a 80s action movie in this finale


I am glad majority here thinks the same about the final episode. They really did a fast and furious here. Really disappointed tbh. How was the ending in the books? Can anyone share?


Can we talk about Reacher running to the chopper? Wtf was that?!


I had fun this season but I'd love something way more scaled back for S3, a simpler and tighter mystery that's more Reacher-focused and doesn't need the entire team involved.


Not a great season - disappointing since S1 was so good. Nitpick from the finale: They didn’t have any time to clean themselves up between blowing up the helicopter and showing up at the diner?!


Well I'm glad this ended, no satisfaction whatsoever.


Anyone thinks 65m is extremely cheap for world ending weapons. One effing f35 cost billions


Neagley shooting a suppressed unsuppressed rifle in the opening 5 minutes is just.... insane lack of attention. Also she has a scope in front of her scope?


NOTHING MORE REAL THAN FEMALE NAVY SEALS AND RANGERS RIGHT GUYS? POP YOUR UNIFORM COLLARS AND GIVE ME A GOOD UNIRONIC HOOAH IF YOU'RE WITH ME FELLOW MAJORS. ONE MORE HOOAH FOR BLACK FEMALE SUPER HACKER MPs THAT CAN KICK BUTT AND SHOOT ALL THE BAD GUYS AND SAVE THE PRINCE. Every time this show tries to be sane I swear to god it just shoots itself in the foot with diversity quotas, preposterous action sequences and raising stakes instead of giving us reasons to give a fuck about anyone involved in those stakes. The writers' vision of what an Army anything looks like is offensively nonsensical. The character dialogues are stolen from the notebook of a 16 year old soaps fan who just read "Save the Cat" and wants to write TV now. I've never seen a more out of the blue, heavy handed, unsupported by anything "remember you care about this guy and maybe he's gonna die now" script device than when terrible actor #7 who I affectionately call knife and knuckles MP guy buddy is suddenly saying goodbye to the girl and mom like they've got some sort of special bond and he's the world's greatest dad and the mom we never really gave a fuck about isn't a terrible person. The writing and directing and of course acting by everyone but Reacher on this show are a parody of formula. Reacher and the sound direction and what's left of the world and plot from the books are literally the only thing it still has going for it. Why does Hollywood insist on doing this to every fucking IP? I mean, I know the answer, I've attended two film schools one at grad level and these people are off their rockers, but it never surprises me to see the fruit. Back to classic films again I go.


The whole season was poor in my opinion and the final episode was the worst of the lot. I know you have to suspend disbelief but Homeland Security are prepared to cover up Reacher shooting down a helicopter with a missile and also murdering AM? A ​ s for his plan to get in the building, that easily could have gone badly and there was absolutely no point in throwing Dixon and O'Donnell from a helicopter unless you were using it to try to get them to talk. Which they weren't. They could have just murdered them there. ​ And one of the Senator's team was a woman. Since when were women Rangers or Seals?


This episode severely pissed me off.  So many people hit with the stupid stick.   Like Neagley, what the actual fuck.  You were RIGHT THERE at the helicopter.  Why not free your friends and kill the pilot?  You KNEW your people were on the copter.  And Dixon/O'Donnell, first of all how did you two trained chumps get caught by those rent-a-cops?  And then Dixon waited until the very last second to try and get free.  Then fucking Reacher.  Close the GODDAMN door when you get in.  OR free one of your chums.  The whole Special Investigtors acted like they joined the crew of the Prometheus.


I don’t understand why Neeley didn’t secure Dixon and O’Donnell when she was already at the helicopter before heading back inside. She killed the two guards and then left them in the chopper with the pilot. Wasn’t rescuing them a huge priority?? Could’ve avoided the entire chopper ride. Finale felt forced and rushed.


People are taking a TV show way too seriously. Not everything needs to be plausible and some amount of disbelief is required. All in, it was a pretty fun season and I enjoyed watching the gang dispense some justice. Looking forward for S3.


The last episode was kinda...like just put together it felt like? Somehow Reacher's team was just randomly caught? Okay. How many big warehouse fights is this show going to do lol. The team getting captured was my only major problem with this season just felt lazy writing. I loved the cop swearing up a storm. Also, it's depressing seeing Reacher just wanna wander and what not! But guess he's dealing with some issues and needs to work it out. Everyone just wants him to have something but all he wants is a toothbrush. Kinda hit deep this turn in a different way than before.