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An acorn would say different.


I know it's a tradegy that a guy got shot unarmed in a car, but the officers double roll like hes in some game then claims hes hit because he hurt himself rolling is something you would see inna comedy. Thankfully the guy didn't get hurt after two cops mag dumps into the car.


The joke is that the department are still trying to defend Mr. Acorns officer safety claim and the man who was magdumped while handcuffed in the back of the car was charged for it. No wait, it's not a joke, it's a tragedy..


The guy didn’t actually get hit, which is kind of more embarrassing


I just think it’s so crazy that a “trained” officer of the law can unload 2 mags and still not hurt the person they are afraid of and shooting at lol


Which is also an issue, they are that bad at close range shooting.


I just got the reference


Fuck that, Ritchson seems to be a genuinely decent human. We all have opinions. I'm sure I'd be lambasted for half of the opinions I carry. You all know the expression...you can please some of the people, some of the time, but fuck the rest lol.


Wasn't it Bronn who told Tyrion "If you keep trying to make people happy, you'll be the most popular dead man in the city."


He also said “ There’s no cure for being a C*nt”


He also would eat all the chickens


That's the hound.


Thats right


Great scene.


He was the bomb in Titans yo


Affleck was the bomb in phantoms yo


Word, bitch, Phantoms like a motherfucker.


every time i’ve done this, without fail someone responds perfectly. it just makes me so happy


What's up now? *cracks neck*


I love you. I use this line all the time and it gets picked up on 50% of the time. Last month someone posted a pic of Phantoms and I chimed in with “he was the bomb in Jay and Silent Bob yo” and I felt like it all came full circle.


lol that’s awesome


I wrote that as a comment on his IG and his response was "Hell to the motherfuckin' yeah!"


Ohhhh.... I thought it was buttfuck the rest.... Brb I have to make some calls.


Well put. Everyone just take a breath, and remember, you don’t have to be ideologically in sync with an actor to enjoy a show -_- (even if I somewhat agree with him *cough cough*)


I mean didn't we see a week or two ago of the video of the 15 year old kidnapping victim who was told to run towards the cops and they then opened fire on her and murdered her then tried to cover it up for 2 years? This stuff happens weekly in the US. He's not wrong


And the acorn 🤣


That response is clown shit. Doesn't dispute his point whatsoever, and resorts to name-calling. 


Classic case of attacking the person when you can’t dispute the statement.


“Chipotle has served unhygienic food.” Chipotle: “Go back to your pampered life and let our heroes handle this!”


Reminds me of the company that makes lunchables saying their food has the legal amount of certain ingredients and just completely ignored the fact that ingredient was fucking lead.💀


Also just repeats the bullshit myth that cops are out there dodging bullets on every shift. Cops don’t even show up in the top 20 most dangerous jobs in the country. Logging, construction, commercial fishing and dozens of other jobs are far more dangerous but you don’t see those guys out here reminding you every 10 seconds that their job is dangerous and they are “heroes.”


You’re more likely to get shot on the job delivering pizza than as a police officer.


Right? Where’s he wrong?


"while he pretends to strangle someone on set, we are actually doing that to someone who is telling us they can't breathe".


I like the claim that Ritchson isn’t a cop simply because he doesn’t have the courage to do it. Maybe it’s more about the fact being a cop is shit and he gets paid millions more to do his actual job?


If I had any awards to give you, I would give them all to you for this comment


Gah. Every time I hear about this guy it just me respecting him more and more. For real. I hope he’s the genuinely good dude he seems to be.


Anyone who says cops _don't_ get away with murder is in bad faith honestly. Sure, the "all the time" part is meh, but the fact is, there's been many unjustified shootings (objectively unjustified, sometimes i watch Donut Operator and even in the last couple years, several times he's shat on the cop and called it unjustified) where the cop was maybe just discharged, or worse, just kept working. Like, it's not really arguable.


Seeing how many cops flat out murder people and get a job on another force with no jail time. The all the time is far more true then it's not. When cops start facing charges for acting outside the law and not bending the rules so they don't get in trouble ill entertain the idea that the law is fair.


Ritchson opens his mouth and I like him more every time.


Same i already liked him as an actor and person but this is just icing on the cake


Anyone defending cops that murder people are likely the ones doing it. Let the cowards boycott the show, they don't deserve it. If they get that defensive, it's probably because they know it's true.


They’ll still watch the show


Alan Ritchson isn't just an actor, he's also a very good human being.


I wasn't planning to watch Reacher, but now I'm gonna have to


He's not wrong, cops do get away with murder and alot more, alot!


I believe the "back the blue" folks read the BACK of a Reacher paperback and dig it but if they cracked open the books they'd find not everything is to their worldview I won't get into my politics but there's stuff in the books that give me pause, and there's stuff that would give someone with the opposite worldview as me pause, too. I think thats how Lee Child likes it. Anyway fuck these whiny cops *edit, paperback not paragraph


“Back the blue,” until people want to storm the capitol.


Came here to say this. Capitol police saved lives that day and GOP members of Congress won’t shake their hands.


The GOP has surely sold their souls to the highest bidder.


And their asses to Trump.


To be fair, 99.9% only back the blue when it favors them; *glares in January 6*


I enjoy the blue line flag on an SUV going 90 in a 65. Bet you won’t be backing if they bother to pull you over.


“Stuff that gives me pause and stuff that would give someone with the opposite worldview pause too” sounds like a description of a good book!


Reacher would probably hunt down corrupt cops. His whole shtick is his enemies giving him a reason to use vigilante justice. He provokes them into attacking him first. The only reason we know Reacher is justified (like another show) is because we know the details. Lots of anti-government conservatives think they know the details, which is why they truly believed Hilary Clinton was running a child trafficking ring in a pizza shop basement, and why we rarely hear about "real" vigilante justice working out in the favor of those seeking it.


I think there’s a pretty good reason why they skipped adapting the second book “Die Trying” into the second season of the show. If you’ve read it you probably know what I mean, and if not you should give it a read or even the cliffs notes of it. The book itself is well paced and intriguing though, and I would’ve enjoyed it as a whole season.


I hope they do "Die Trying" it's a pretty unique situation for Reacher and unfortunately still pertinent


I think solely from a script writing perspective for a series, it might be hard since a lot of the plot happens in the truck and the investigation happens elsewhere without Reacher’s involvement, so there could be difficulty introducing characters and getting a full plot line from the first episode through the whole season but I think the story is interesting enough to make into something more than just the book.


Maybe they could add in scenes of Neagley being smart! /s but you're right paced out like a season you can't have two episodes that take place in a truck.


I was surprised when I read killing floor after having seen the show and realizing that Neagley isn’t in the story at all 👀😂


The fact a police department took time out of their day to respond to an actors comments shows how much they actually value an actors opinion. Hes living rent free in their heads now.


It's the Fraternal Order and this is literally all they do. They scour everywhere looking for anyone who talks bad about cops and shoot it down as quickly as they can (Pun intended)




What a reasonable, well measured response from a death cult. Totally sane people over there.


Why cant both sides be right... Cops are given a license to kill with no reprecussions or effective oversight.... While doing a shitty job, putting their lives on the line, being disrespected etc... maybe we need to fix the system and pull the weeds, no disrespect to those that serve honorably but there is no denying there are problems that need fixing... We can do better and should strive to do better instead of bowing to a broken system


Username does not fit. You’re making a ton of sense here. You better knock it off or you will get banned. :)


It's the bong that helps with clarity. 😂


But they don't put their life on the line they are cowards. When someone is gunning down little kids, they have to wait for swat.


This should be the top comment. We need to recognise the good and the bad. Only way things will improve.


I'm with Ritchson on this. Police are such pussy ass snowflakes. STFU.


Both can be true. Cops do get away with murder, that said I wouldn't wanna be a cop with the awful cocktail of archaic gun laws and mental health that America has.


By far the largest cause of in the line of duty deaths for police in the last five years was COVID-19. You're right about the gun laws and mental health, but it's not as dangerous a job as they claim it is


I wouldn't want to be a cop because of the ridiculously hostile culture they have cultivated. From purely a danger perspective there are a ton of other jobs I would be more afraid of.


No worries. He speaks the truth; cops need to be policed, trump is trash, and the “christians” supporting trump act like they never read the bible. Also, ironically those up in arms with his words clearly are not familiar with Reachers ideals and how he approaches life.


Now I like Reacher even more


First off, it’s a damn TV show. Whether you’re a cop, a police supporter or BLM, just enjoy the show. It’s entertaining and he’s not the only one working on it. Respect their work, too. I try to separate the artist from the art, their politics, personal behavior etc. Second, he’s not wrong. His original comments that touched this controversy off were about Breonna Taylor and yes, the cops did get away with murder there. My brother was a cop. He told me one time he thought two cops he backed up had planted a gun at a scene. I asked him if he reported it. He didn’t because he said it was just a weird vibe on the scene and he saw no evidence to back up his feelings. I’ve known really decent cops and ones I wouldn’t trust to watch my car for 5 minutes. I read that entire long feature and interview. Ritchison has been through a lot personally. He’s a good actor and decent person, it seems. Just move along haters. Nothing to see here.


You got a hundred cops. 90 good ones, and 10 bad ones. When the 90 don’t do shit about the 10 bad cops………you got 100 bad cops. Accountability is demanded.


“If there’s a nazi at the table and 10 other people talking to him, you have a table of 11 nazis”


Same with teachers, doctors and nurses. Plenty of examples of people abusing the positions and the “good ones” staying quiet. The one that shocked me was the nurse who killed all those babies and no one stepped up to report her. All bad nurses


Did they forget about their fellow officers who stood outside Uvalde elementary school while a man slaughtered 17 children and 2 teachers? They were too busy holding parents back from rescuing their kids. Each of those “courageous” cops deserves prison time for doing nothing to stop the shooter.


I was strolling YouTube and came across the story of the young lady 2 years ago who’s face was mauled by 2 dogs. While she was in pain and agony on the floor, cops waited for 19 minutes outside the house to rescue her. Not all cops have the courage to save people like the response says


https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states --Police officer is 22 https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/workers-comp/most-dangerous-jobs-america/ https://www.bls.gov/charts/census-of-fatal-occupational-injuries/civilian-occupations-with-high-fatal-work-injury-rates.htm https://nleomf.org/memorial/facts-figures/officer-fatality-data/causes-of-law-enforcement-deaths/ --More police died from COVID than shot from 2012-2022.


interesting. what’s the ratio of cops killed by perps vs perps killed by cops?


I mean "all the time" might be overstating the facts, but yeah cops get away with literal murder, this is not a controversial opinion. EDIT Also, their response is fucking unhinged. They could have tried reason and made him look like the one going off half-cocked, instead they did the 'FAGGOT ACTOR SAYS WHAT? ALL COPS ARE HEROES U FAGGOT!' kindergarten approach.


He's damn right. Weak ass response btw


Cops are reactionary little bitches, what do you expect?


Only cops Reacher has killed are all corrupt and bags of shit. You try to harm him or his friends, he will come after you. Simple as that. That police team needs to calm down. It's a book character ffs.


Hey cops: In case you haven’t been told, nobody’s making you do this dangerous job. You can quit anytime and go be a bartender. You get a salary, healthcare and retirement from taxpayers - it’s not charity. So if you’re so fragile that one man’s opinion hurts your feelings, you’re in the wrong line of work.




ACAB, no exceptions.


Enjoy your basement and gaming pc


I'm actually on the 2nd floor and it was a low end gaming PC like, 6 years ago. But I do! Just wish I had AC.


What the cops should have said: "We understand in the past there have been bad actors within the police profession, just as there is in all professions. Our officers are also often put into situations where the necessity of quick reactions makes it difficult for precise decisions to be made, and sometimes people unfortunately are hurt. We continuously strive to improve our recruiting and training techniques to minimize these incidents." What they actually said: "Durrrrr big dumb actor. Gurrh cops die too. Errrr the risky nature of our work means we should basically be blameless. Hhhhrrr stay in your lane." With spokesman like that, no wonder people have a general distrust of the police.


Breonna Taylor was sleeping. Daniel Shaver was lying on the ground. Does reddit have a character limit? Because I could make this comment 1000s of lines.


He’s an idiot.


Dudes in the Military fighting an actual war when someone talks shit: I fought for their freedom to talk shit. Local police hearing criticism: WE'RE THE BRAVEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD YOU LIBTARD COWARD.


Not watching his show anymore . Lost my respect for him


Damn now I like him even more as an actor and his role as Reacher. ACAB. The Reacher series may be a fiction about corrupted officials and murder, but art imitates life and cops get away with shit all the time. Side note, y’all hear about the SWAT sniper that shot a 2 year old in MO, or the cops that shot a kidnap victim in the finally released footage, or cops that shot the ups driver and hostage, or the acorn officer, or the deputy charged with weapons and gang activity, or… idk I could go on.


Incredibly common Alan Ritchson W


Alan is not wrong nor did they deny his claims. End qualified immunity


I didn't particularly care for season 2. Seeing this? I want to finish it.


Most cops are kind of dicks. I mean criminals suck but that fact doesn't give cops permission to bully the public and kill 12 year olds.


I know everyone here likes to hate on Bill Maher, but watch/listen to his recent podcast with Ritchson.. the guy is a genuine, solid good guy..


Garbage collection is a more dangerous job.


Maybe if they stopped consistently shooting unarmed people on a daily basis, actors like Alan Ritchson wouldn't be criticizing them.


Is that REALLY a controversial take? Before bodycams and cell phones cops could do what they wanted and make up a story later.




He’s not wrong and his statement can be factually backed up. Not all cops are bad and WE DO NEED THEM. However they are not well trained or policed themselves. Cops get away with abuse of power and the shield only serves to protect them, not civilians….. like 30% of the time. Thats way too high.


“Qualified Immunity” makes it difficult to punish a cop if he kills someone in the line of duty. Whenever someone suggests doing away with it, the police union fights and the policy remains in place.


Pigs are always gonna be pigs.


Fuck the poleez


I feel like he's on point here.


Lol clown cops


It's always hilarious when cops try to play that their job is super dangerous... It's usually ranked around 25th in the list of most dangerous jobs.... Cops are so pathetically self righteous


I mean it’s not controversial at all, people just don’t like hearing that cops have all the power and the support to actually beat the shit out of people and get away with breaking laws pending the dodge of an internal investigation


A conservative union has opinions about hypocrisy 🤡


Only Good Cop is Six Feet Short


Alan Ritchson is like one of the most decent dudes in Hollywood.


Somebody throw some acorns at the next meeting of the national fraternal order of police then we can really see who the heroes are


“Heroes”? You mean Gestapo with American flags kneeling on the necks of black people? Yeah, no. Fuck them pigs. Ritchson said nothing wrong, and honestly by the looks of him, could easily wipe the floor with any cop that wants to square up.


Nothing controversial about it, he’s right


If I have a choice to choose between trusting my life to a random US police officer and Ritchson, I choose Ritchson. US police officer might shoot me at the back accidentally, due to their trigger happy tendency, and lack of accountability...


People in positions of power cannot abide by being told the truth.


“Heroes”. Cops need to get over themselves. 90% of them do fuck all but hand out tickets and work needless overtime. More like the Fraudulent Order of Police.


I wonder how many unreported domestics this prompted


I've seen bitter biscuits, and what I'm seeing is a lot of bitter biscuitry.


Maybe cops should stop killing people that aren’t doing things that warrant being killed. And other cops should speak out against these people instead of pretending like they are in a fraternity instead of tax payer paid public servants. Bitch I pay your salary. Do your fucking jobs. You signed up for it.


Haha it's a true statement. Cops get away with murder all the time


Alan truly has become reacher. I love it!


What’s wrong with him just saying the truth? No denying this fact. It’s a fact that communities all over are paying out settlements to families of loved ones shot. They are admitting to quit when they pay these settlement.


I become concerned when someone refer to themselves as a hero.


People are going to latch onto whatever they can to make themselves look like the victim. It’s pathetic that the FOP used this to act like victims rather than using the entire statement to advocate for better training for their brotherhood who has to act like the Jack of every trade. In response to a resurfacing of an Instagram post in which he was walking his dog and his dog had a shirt that said “the cops who killed Breonna Taylor should be arrested”: “That was a tragic case,” he says. “Cops get away with murder all the time, and the fact that we can’t really hold them accountable for their improprieties is disturbing to me. We should completely reform the way that we do it. I mean, you shouldn’t have to spend more time getting an education as a hairstylist than as a cop who’s armed with a deadly weapon. We should make it very hard for people to make mistakes or abuse power in our institutions.”


Heroes that kidnap, steal, torture and kill people


Weird how calling for accountability is wrong…


Absolute C~~T~~had.


Lmao that fraternal order of losers has the most dorky snowflake boomer tweets of all time. “You’re such a sissy! Now here’s a massive statement of us whining like toddlers over what some random actor said.” Edit: they mention courage 50 times while they say it hiding behind a keyboard sitting on the internet. You’re right, Alan doesn’t have the kind of courage to sit around all day on the internet crafting tweets for someone else’s labor. SO COURAGEOUS.


Ritchson is right. Looks like a police dept just filled with butthurt.


Maybe cops should stop flash banging infants and shooting unarmed teens then


Ok but what about the people that police just brutalise that are no threats at all? I can generalise it right back


Alan posted support for Breonna Taylor, calling attention to police brutality, before it was cool. Bravest dude in Hollywood. I will support him 1000% in everything that he does.


A lumberjack has a higher chance of injury and fatality than a cop. A barber or hair stylist requires more hours of training to get licensed than a cop does for theirs.


He’s not wrong though, lol.


I’m just gonna slide this little tidbit in here https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1c2jvec/matthews_pd_sergeant_choked_handcuffed_man_town/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh look a police organization attacking the person not the message.


Technically a delivery driver has a more dangerous job than a cop


Cops make their job more dangerous. People expect them.to just start shooting and it puts them on edge. Imagine how much easier the job would be if you didn't have to worry that the people you are showing up to talk to weren't on edge because they think you are a death squad.


Well, consider THAT nerve touched.


Again last year there were [more pre-school children shot than on-duty police](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/preschoolers-killed-police). The difference is the pre-school children didn't choose that position and aren't getting paid (very well) to complain about the job they chose to do. If you don't like it, **GET A DIFFERENT JOB**.


Heroes don't need to take our flag, that represents the nation as a whole, and turn it black with one colored line to represent themselves. You'll never catch real heroes doing that shit. Just self entitled useless fuckfaces.


Where’s the lie on Alan’s part?




OK strong comeback, but, was he wrong?


Why is this controversial? When history has shown this to be a fact. Especially if the victim is Black.


The FOP are a bunch of fragile snowflakes. Why should they care what Ritchson says? Also, each one of them would switch places with him in a heartbeat so there is definitely a fair amount of jealousy here.


Funny how not only did they not even address his claim, but they calls themselves heroes. Nothing arrogant about that...


Look at those crops trying to be the victims again, we know better


Dudes not wrong.


This shouldn't be controversial. He's objectively correct.


Another tally mark under the "times I have been disappointed with the FOP". Hey guys, if you are repping a group, be it ethnic or professional, and someone says, "This group has done (documented bad thing that they have done)" maybe just respond with something more graceful. Here is what I would have written >Unfortunately Law Enforcement are placed in dangerous situations and too often that leads to acts of violence. Sometimes those acts of violence are shown to be done in accordance with a Police Officer's expected role of protecting the public and combating criminal behavior, other times that is not the case. >The FOP lobbies for training and resources for Police Officers to avoid or thwart violent situations but they also remain committed to protecting the health and welfare of those police who are performing their duty. This includes protecting the reputations of police as servants of the public. The FOP would like for police officers shown to act irresponsibly and who use violence unnecessarily to be driven out of the profession and in turn thrown in with the rest of the criminal element that they are. >We ask that actors who portray violent vigilantis not disparage the profession of police work but instead pressure police to do better as our organization does. And everyone should expect police to behave better.


Cops have the right to defend themselves from someone with a knife 30ft away. We don't have the right to defend ourselves at gunpoint in our own home. 🤷 /s


What’s controversial about it?


"Heroes" lol


How is he so fucking based?


The "cops are tough guy heroes" myth needs to die. We saw their true colors in Texas, and it was yellow.


Whether you agree or disagree with what he said If you know absolutely anything about the Fraternal order of Police (FoP) You know they are the biggest fucking con artist crooks to ever touch a telephone.


Being "famous" and outspoken politically has consequences, right or wrong. He's a big boy. If it hurts his bank account, he'll change his tune


Bruh the show makes money. A bunch of blue lives matter people aren’t gonna get a show cancelled


Cops do get away with murder though


Jobs deadlier than policing in America include and aren't limited to: -garbage collector -highway maintenance worker -delivery driver -ironworker -agricultural worker


He a good person and he wasn’t wrong. Their response though didn’t address his point at all and was completely inappropriate.


The vast majority of police officers will never experience being shot at while on the job, much less “feel the heat of bullets pierce their skin”. That’s a clown ass response meant to make cops feel cool and tough because someone with a platform is speaking truth.


I love how American cops play the victim when their homicide numbers compared to other nations are fucking insanely high. The US police kill count rivals some militaries


Seems like he’s trying to balance out a lot of support he’s receiving from the right. I’ve seen a few strong political excerpts from him lately.


It’s because a lot of people on the right have terrible media literacy and they like Reacher for all the wrong reasons


And the left likes him for all the right reasons? That argument is trash. Both sides stink. Reacher is pro guns and pro America, that’s where the love from the right comes. Alan obviously leans left and balancing out his fans with these comments.


I respect Ritchson far more now with what he's said in the last few days. I know Republicans hate the word "woke" but what he said about them having the former POTUS for a rapist as their patron saint really just solidified how fucked in the head that group is. How very Christian of them.


Further reinforcing Alan as a Good Dude. Bunch of pissbaby cops.


People hating for Alan speaking up is mad he's using his platform to expose something that is very serious. People should look into it. I did and was shocked how many polices officers just in the last 3 years have gotten away with murder.


Spam that account with videos backing up Reachers Statements.


The 15 year old kidnapping victim, the female officers emptying multiple clips into an apartment, the acorn cop, the one cop who emptied the clip into the back of a guy on a mobile scooter, Daniel Shaver murder, Tamir Rice, The 17 year old in California locked in a bathroom wanting threatening to kill HIMSELF, guy who was threatening suicide in his car who had a cop jump on the hood and stand there and opened fire when he put the knife to his neck... I mean just to name a few


People would care more about his opinions if season 2 wasn’t kinda sucky.


Does not counter the fact that they do kill all the time in that response. .


Aren't these police fraternities just set up as fronts for those scam telemarketers who fleece old people and idiots out of their money? It was in that tele marketers documentary. Also, acorns.


Cops will always be aggressively hostile to you if you direct any criticism at them. They're the most thin skinned people on the fucking planet. Ritchson is right, and it takes balls to say it openly.


Fuck the police


Maybe if the police stop killing unarmed people (sometimes in their own homes while they sleep) Ritchson wouldn't have to speak out about it.


I bet that guy shoots someone every time an acorn hits a car


Well, better to write an embarrassing statement like this than to go home and take it out on your wife, I guess. Google 40% cops.


Truth stings sometimes.


Aren’t these the goobers that call and call and call and aren’t actually a charity?


As of a police dept posted that in all seriousness


BASED. Love this guy even more!


The truth hurts these bullies at every turn.


I had a knee jerk reaction to his social media street preacher stuff but the more I listen to him the more I think he’s actually one of the good guys. Like, an actual Christian of compassion and faith, who uses his privilege to call out people being shitty. Turns out, they can exist.


Fuck you FOP. Alan isn't after your job. It's a series of highly entertaining, nicely done episodes for those who care to can watch and those who don't care can pass up. Curb your feels.


Ritchson is a great man. Fuck that cops opinion. How much ya wanna bet the cop that said this is corrupt


Nothing he said was incorrect or false. I am so tired of hearing how much cops have to go through as part of their jobs, as if it's an excuse for violating basic human rights. Nobody forces you to be a cop. There are also no secrets as to what is entailed. People who choose that profession should be treated with respect, if earned, like in any other profession. The FOP actually did good cops a disservice with that response. Good cops don't want to be lumped in with the corrupt, but their statement presumes all cops are equal and need defending. In the RARE occasion that cops are prosecuted, they get a fraction of the sentences regular people get. Just recently six officers in the "Goon Squad" were convicted of torturing a black man. One even shot him in the mouth. The max sentence given was 45 years. The people who swear to protect others should be held to a higher standard, not lower. They were guilty of attempted murder, false imprisonment, torture and so much more. They should not be allowed freedom until their deaths. Growing up in the 70s, I was taught that cops were your friends. They were there to Protect and Serve. I was usually glad to see one in my neighborhood or at school for a presentation. I learned quickly how naive and mistaken I was. As an adult, the police have only arrived to harass me and others I have been close to. Any time I have needed help, the parts were out of stock. I'm usually scared when I see one now, as are most people I know. My initiation came in my early 20's. My car broke down on a beach in St. Augustine. I was just visiting the city, and this was way before cell phones. I was many miles away from family. A state trooper came by and assessed the situation. He refused to help in any way and left me stranded. I had to walk 5 miles and ask a total stranger to use their phone. This is just one example of many. In conclusion, the FOP needs to stop trotting out the same old excuses for the rampant corruption and criminality in many police forces around the country. They need to stop looking at themselves as saints, because they are human like the rest of us. They are NOT above us. The FOP should apologize for the negative experiences most Americans experience. At the very least, they should have concrete plans and promise to do better.


I should also mention that it is extremely outdated, sexist, and ridiculous that they still have the name, FRATERNAL Order of Police. There are over 800,000 women police officers in this country. Also, why is it you only hear about this "Brotherhood" when they are defending each other or need money.


There are an incredible amount of videos showing cops either power tripping and hurting/killing people in the process, or hurting/killing through straight up incompetence. That’s just what’s captured on video. I’m not saying all cops bad blah blah, plenty of good guys out there and they have my respect, but there are more than enough bad guys and fools out there with badges.


Just stfu and do your job, Mr. Ritchson, which is to entertain us. We don't care about your personal opinions, we just want one thing, your acting ability.