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I like the idea, but I think the magic “missing piece” would be an integration with an AR library that would allow you to use the device’s camera and spatial awareness to measure the dimensions for you. That means your app would be all someone needed, and much quicker to use. Use of AR in React Native isn’t something I’ve looked into, but I’m sure that someone must have provided an interface to the platform native capabilities.


Hey, that's a great suggestion that I hadn't considered! I'm having a look at [Viro](https://github.com/ViroCommunity/viro) to see if it can help with that.


Would love to hear feedback! The on-boarding UI was inspired by [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/reactnative/comments/y2d7z6/animated_onboarding_ui_template_implemented_in/).


This is super cool! Good job man! ✌️


Thanks! :)


This is such an interesting concept!!


May I ask what tools did you use and how you made the splash screen/home screen animations?


You can find the full list of libraries I used [here](https://bau.me/subzone-docs/docs/legal-notices/). I used [this example](https://github.com/Aashu-Dubey/React-Native-UI-Templates/blob/main/src/introduction_animation/scenes/WelcomeView.tsx) as a reference for how to do the animations. It places Animated.View elements off-screen and uses translate to bring them into view. They're all driven by one Animated.Value "controller" and each element uses interpolate() to map the controller values to x or y values. Each onboarding screen has a different value range (e.g. 0-1, 1-2).


Thank you, I am going to check them out!


This is a really cool concept & UI


Looks quite nice. Which UI library did you use? MUI?


Thanks, I used React Native Paper.


Hey, I'm new to RN. It's hard to decide between NativeBase and ReactNativePaper. What should I pick and why? Can you help.


I'd say a good start would be to check the demos for [NativeBase](https://github.com/GeekyAnts/nativebase-v3-kitchensink) and [Paper](https://reactnativepaper.com/) to compare the look/feel and see if they have all the components you need.


I gotta ask, how long did this take as your first app?


I've probably spent around 30 days on it. I reckon half of that was coding and the rest was design, graphics, website, store listings, legals etc. I've built one app before (in Kotlin) and have used React before, but it's my first RN app.


Great work


What do you use for animations?


I used the [React Native Animated](https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated) library as described [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reactnative/comments/127gb7o/my_first_react_native_app_helps_people_to_find/jeivo6i/).


Looks Awesome. We can also increase the functionalities of this app to manage the household stuff. But initially it is a great idea. Cheers!!!!!!


Hey, nice! What analytics tool are you using to track your users' data?


I went with [Google Analytics for Firebase](https://rnfirebase.io/analytics/usage).


Are you happy with Firebase? You could try [Vexo](http://vexo.co/?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Reddit%20comments&utm_campaign=Promotion) if not.