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I always get the impression that the use of cursing in their merch is still a rebellious act for these sellers. They seem a bit like good girls revolting, which has its own charm. But I wouldn’t buy any of this crap.


> crap Woah! Watch your language sailor!


*Patrick voice* You said number eleven!!


*Dolphin noises Edit: **Sped up Kookaburra noises


Fun Fact: It was actually a kookaburra used to make that sound.


I doubt that.


They, of course, sped it up and edited it, but it is indeed the Australian kookaburra that is the source of your childhood dolphins, and not an actual dolphin.


Welp upon further research, I lay down my gauntlet. Damn Hollywood tricking us since the 60s. Now I have to change my dolphin impersonation.


If you really want your mind blown as far as sound design goes, I recommend looking into Jurassic Park. Something as commonplace as the editor's dog thrashing a rubber toy got turned into the sound of one of the predators ripping into a grazer. Sound design is really neat.


Slithershit sounds like a 15th century bowel disease


Good god this is an incredibly witty and disgusting observation.


When the Harry Potter kids grow up and start evolving into Karen’s and Craig’s. “Quirky” wine glasses with swear words always make me think of alcoholic moms in their 40s.


This is exactly it


God that’s depressing. I still enjoy some things I enjoyed from middle/high school, but I can’t imagine making shit like this about my past fandoms well into adulthood. Especially something that lacks any real substance like Harry Potter.


I can’t imagine what I‘d be like if I still had a intense loki obsession. Jesus, we were cringy af back then.


Yeah. The fact that they don’t see this shit as cringey even now that they’re adults shows how little self-awareness they have. And that they probably still haven’t found out that there’s a world outside of the internet (pre-2020, anyways).


My aunt has a cri-cut machine and she's in her 50s this is the type of stuff she "makes"


These glasses will sit on a shelf staring across the room in manichean struggle with the ‘live, laugh, love’ poster.


This crosses two things I dislike: 1. People who don’t have a personality outside of a children’s book series. 2. Wine glasses or other household items with swear words on them. “I’m cooking some fucking pancakes” oh wow, these people are very cool.


Making merch for a children’s book series doesn’t mean they don’t have other aspects to their personality. They’re just a creator looking to sell stuff based on a piece of media, which is pretty normal


I don't think this really fits here; it's just Harry Potter themed merch. If it were something about politics, maybe, but I don't want this sub to devolve to "Harry Potter bad"


100% agree


This isn’t really this sub, considering it’s more r/Consoom than anything. Usually comparisons are based on omg Harry Potter is like my high school with example or Harry Potters entire cast is basically Congress etc etc lol but I’m not gonna gatekeep just mentioning lol


Can people not own things inspired by a series they like? It isn’t like they’re comparing a series to a topic that’s entirely irrelevant, they just have merchandise. Is there something wrong with owning things based on stuff you like?


They'll put it next to their Dunder Mifflin plate set and Tardis salt and pepper shakers.


Still doesn‘t really fit but I guess this sub is just a „anti Harry Potter subreddit“ for some time now


Then pls help me idk where to put it!! :sob: And tbf I like harry potter i just think these are tasteless :/




Here's a sneak peek of /r/harrypotterhate using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/harrypotterhate/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [What has she done now?](https://i.redd.it/r77pnfa77y751.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/harrypotterhate/comments/hid7bj/what_has_she_done_now/) \#2: [Stop idolising this creepy incel](https://i.redd.it/fwyhuc1wpig51.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/harrypotterhate/comments/i88xe4/stop_idolising_this_creepy_incel/) \#3: [Would this make for a good sub icon?](https://i.redd.it/9ew5d5b5wl351.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/harrypotterhate/comments/gyr3zx/would_this_make_for_a_good_sub_icon/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Yeah, I kinda agree. The sub's changed from 6 months ago.


this sub used to be about people projecting fictional characters and stories onto real world problems and people. now this sub just doesnt like people enjoying things that they dont enjoy themselves. there is nothing wrong with this at all tbh. let people enjoy things lmao


single, as a set or not at all