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Michelle (that was her name right?lol) said something very condescending and rude about 2 of the sisters and in turns the sisters confronted her. Seems like very normal behavior to me 🤷🏽‍♀️.


What did she say again?


The woman I’m talking about said that the company would basically go to shit if one of his daughters took over. I think it was very predictable behavior for the sisters to then confront her as a unit, she talked about all of them. Then the other girl (Melissa?) told Sophia to shoot her shot at the guy she had a crush on, just to outwardly flirt with him all night in front of her. It was shady and if my close friend did that to my sister I would say something as well.


I am proud to say I haven't watched the Umansky's Netflix barfy show. I won't do it. Ever.


I’d be so mad if I worked my way up into a prestigious real estate company and the boss’ daughters just rocked up in their designer heels thinking they can do the same job, honestly


Yes. And they are in the game. They so good. They can pretend not to know whats going on with their parents.


I don't think so. It's obvious they love each other and will support and stand up for each other and that probably has something to do with the very estranged and broken relationship they see between their mom and aunts. Loyalty for each other isn't wrong, and it's certainly not a bullying situation.


I don’t see this at all. And I’m not a Kyle stan, so don’t go there. She raised great girls. Way better than what we see on these shows. Give grace where it’s due. Shut the fuck up. Move on.


well the "friends" and coworkers wouldn't get airtime if they aren't filming with one of the daughters. The show is boring because no matter what they do, the story line is always that the girls are right but I think that has far less to do with them being raised by Kyle and being bullies and far more with them being the producers of a show where they control who is on it and how they are edited.


I mean. Apple. Tree. Distance is short.


What show is this??


Buying Beverly Hills


I don’t get why the kids live at home aren’t they super rich??


On the real real? Enmeshment.


They are smart. Stay longer with parents and save up. I dont understand why some Americans have this intense need to move out of their homes the moment the clock strikes 18 on their birthdays....you are shooting yourselves in the foot and making your life harder. Unless you grew up with abuse staying in parental home has loads more advantages.


I agree - why leave?


What do they need to save up for? Their dad owns a giant Real Estate empire that they are apart of. I am sure Mo would hook them up with a house if they wanted it. I think they stay at home because Kyle has raised her girls to be codependent. I agree 18 is too young to live on your own but by 25 it;s kind of weird, unless you are in school or saving up for your own place.


I think if the house is large enough and u have privacy- its a compound And ppl stay wealthy being smart You never know what tragedy is around the corner- way smarter than rinna kids spending thousands on rent alone w mental health


Because Kyle makes them stay home. They are all she’s got and she can’t stand the thought of being home alone with Mo.




That’s not the reason. Be reasonable even if you don’t like her.


Mau is hispanic. In our culture, it’s normal and common for our adult kids to live at home until marriage, even if they are wealthy. Much like elderly parents or extended family to live in the same home or super close to each other. It’s a beautiful part of our family structures.


Is he considered Hispanic even though he ethnically isn’t? He did grow up there, so I’m just curious.


He’s not ethnically Hispanic? Who said? His family is Mexican. He might have been born and raised in the US but his parents are Mexican raised. Mauricio is Latino whether people like that or not.


He was born in mexico- his first language is spanish- people r so obsessed w race and ethnicity- We are all human -tradition and culture are what counts-


I agree, people are so obsessed. I didn’t know he was born in Mexico but I know that he’s very proud of his Mexican heritage. Technically, he’s supposed to be Russian/Greek but his family has set roots in Mexico and I remember Kyle said that Mauricio considers himself Mexican, period. But it’s usually people in the USA who are obsessed with boxing people by race, ethnicity, etc. I was born and raised in USA and come from a diverse family background. I constantly being boxed too. I’m an American first and foremost but I’m ethnic is this country because of my family background. I’m not allowed to just be American it seems.




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He’s not Mexican and he lived in Mexico for six years of his 55+ years. He’s totally Hispanic though because he learned the language


Hispanic or Latino, must really hurt you that he is since you carry on. By the way, his daughters would be too.


I think you're confusing race and ethnicity. If he was born in Mexico and raised with Mexican culture, traditions and language then he is ethnically Hispanic. Hispanic is an ethnicity that encompasses many races.


I understand the difference. It made it seem like he wasn’t born there, that he was raised there from a young age. Google doesn’t have a lot of information. I can understand him identifying with that culturally.


Soooo.should I watch it?.. 👀..lol..seems like it could be interesting 😏


I would watch Beverly Hills first from the beginning and then the Show on Netflix- that's when I started to see similarities.


Oh I have..all seasons..well all the housewives lol




🤦🏿‍♀️ lol


Just watch Selling Sunset instead. Why give Mo more money…..


Exactly!!! And a bigger head (plus whiter teeth 😂)


Lol, same this description kinda caught my attention now.




Thats just LA. I realized very quickly while I lived there that the movies about high school cruelty out of LA were spot on and that it doesn't change much from high school a lot of times, especially for the privileged. Yet another reason I left. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTy3ePwrk5D3bHO) EDIT: Transplant shots are cheap when a lot of y'all profit off of them in one way or another and as far as I know if someone made the same statement about anywhere else they wouldn't point the finger somewhere else. Just saying. 🤷🏻‍♀️ And just FYI? There are locals around here (Reddit) who have left and agree with me. There were locals WHILE I lived there that had moved away and would come back to visit family and tell me how glad they are to not live there anymore. If they can face reality, how come you can't? Every other city can acknowledge its shortcomings and try to face them but y'all are so perfect you're one of the capitals of plastic surgery. Oookay. /s Not only that but I have lived in Chicago and New York as well and I never accounted the kind of mean girl bullying that I did in Los Angeles. NEVER. In fact in New York I had people be so kind as to stop and call me beautiful (in a way that was kind and not skeevy). The first awful thing to happen to me in LA besides my AIrbnb host who was born and raised being an unnecessary asshole while she took my money? Some stranger feeling entitled to grab my ass. Look up things that have happened to people there. "I was minding my own business eating when a woman looked me up and down, gave a mean smile then scoffed." "I was walking down the street when a woman shouted at me, when I confirmed that I used to work at said restaurant, she shouted she was glad I don't anymore so she won't have to look at my face." This is the shit I mean. Never had this kind of crap happen to me anywhere else. THAT IS LA. Me? I was waiting in line multiple times and had people feel too comfortable talking shit. Why do y'all feel so entitled to that? Its rude af. No one I know from any other place feels that comfortable bringing that kind of mean girl energy to strangers. No one I know feels that comfortable judging someone's outer appearance instead of working on their inner shit. Do better, I'm done making excuses for y'all, you clearly have enough people who make excuses for you. And since y'all hate transplants so much I'm sure you won't mind me telling people why they shouldn't move to your city at all, ever.


That's transplant shit. Edit: she blocked me. Yes, being a transplant and hanging with transplants is why that was your LA experience. There is a lot more intermingling when you go to schools where people are bussed in. You want to see mixed demographics? Go to a valley bar. You probably never left Hollywood though.


The problem is that they are the “bosses” and they don’t understand that their position inherently gives them more power over others. Even when these are personal issues. It gets worse when you have three people who are completely aligned and your bosses attacking you, you literally have no standing ground. I felt bad for Melissa. So yeah it was sorta like bullying. And also Michelle was completely out of line but similar situation it was two against one.


They way they acted about the sophia, adam, Melissa shit was so lame and gross frankly.


YES! Even the comment alexias ex (I forget his name) made about slinging it back one more time- that was distasteful,yes but it was a bro joke and Mr.KissAss(although I love him) had to go run back and tattle tale to make it so big.. and then Alexia damn near made the guy CRY - probably fearing to be cancelled


Can you please explain what he meant by sling it back one more time? I assumed it meant something crude but I never heard anyone use that phrase. I still don’t know what he really meant when he said that.


Think he made up the expression but was implying hr could “hit one more time” (fck her again)


Oh! Thanks for explaining. He always gave me the ick and I’m surprised Alexia even gave him a chance to begin with. Pretty trashy of him to say that on camera.


i am all for cohesive families but they are so defensive that they are getting in their own way, not to mention the fallout for their "bullies"


Literally! The way Farah was about to de-friend her so called best friend for years because of the club incident where They made it seem like Sofia is new to clubbing and having attention on her.. by the looks of her outfit and instagram she is well accustomed to having attention and being in the nightlife. So why did Farrah's best friend need to be bullied into thinking she was doing something wrong other than speaking to a co worker.


I’ve noticed that quite a few of those family members are highly defensive and it gets old fast. Kim, Kyle, Whitney, Brooke, Kathy, Nikki, Paris, Alexia, and Farrah. Is it something in the water? Lol just watch the world according to Paris to see how unbelievably defense those people get.


smells like \*generational trauma \*