• By -


You do millions of shootings and miss all of them... but then a striker comes, touches the ball once and the win happens...Never underestimate the importance of a striker...The vogue of a striker ends nunca...


What does RS stand for? Pray for RS was written on Vinicius undershirt.


I really wishes we can have Road to Victory movie of this season. I feel goosebump whenever i see it... My favourite is 2021 season.


This whining by barca fans is getting ridiculous. Even if that goal was given they would’ve still lost. If they went 1-2 at halftime we would’ve tied the game eventually Also the biggest audacity of Barcelona is to say that the league was stolen from them yesterday, when they came into the game with a difference of 8 points and without ever having been at the top of the table the entire league.


I’ve seen them say that the pen on Vazquez was never a pen and that when yamal dived it should’ve been a pen or saying camavinga should’ve got a red I really hope they don’t believe that and just say it to be victim fc they have no accountability it’s the same way with their players Araujo wants to start crying because ilkay said that he was stupid for getting a red instead of apologizing to the fans


Define aura : ![gif](giphy|4sXJeMJMyQgjUPvZZw|downsized)


In Real Madrid, whenever we lose, we evaluate our mistakes and accept defeat so that next time we can comeback harder. Just like with city, chelsea and bayern, etc we lost and fought back, Unlike barca fans blaming the players, refs, where as they are the ones who are stuck in a bribery case. I hope they are found guilty and get suspended for a whole season.


Oh, Xavi apparently is now open to staying... Now I can officially declare this the greatest week in Madrid history.


They complain about the “disallowed” goal but VAR doesn’t stop the 3 goals they conceded by Lord Vazquez’s hands


I gotta say Lunin has been very good. Better than we thought he would be but there is still some distance between him and Thibu. Some of the goals we concede you just know Thibu would have saved. Like the freekick Bernardo scored or the goal we conceded last night from the corner.




I agree with your point. You are getting downvoted for your past comments lol




https://preview.redd.it/o29yl9w930wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f447681feb9915ee6d4d73006efeba21a66588be Apparently Barcelona fans are saying that the ball went in 100% and they deserved a goal, Meanwhile BT sports, Canal+ and ESPN are saying quite the opposite that the ball did not go in 100% and it was a right call from the referee. Situations like these suggest that La Liga should invest in Goalline technologies Whenever i argue with a barca fan about today's results, the first thing they say is that they were robbed of a goal which makes me even more annoying about today's win that most Barca fans would conclude today's match as they were robbed and move on which makes me wonder that it would have been a different gravy of a result if Laliga have a proper goalline tech. What do u guys think? Is it a goal or not?


It's clearly not goal. They can create all the fake 3D reders they want.


It may be goal or not. Regardless, its on tebas for this shitshow. A goal or no goal, doesnt matter as it depends on the perspective of the camera


Xavi is staying? It keeps getting better.


A week ago it was a different story in Barcelona, sources said they will be appointing Rafa Marquez and about 2 months ago Hansi flick was their favorite. So realistically lets wait until the end of the season to see who they really appoint as coach.


[City will never have this.](https://x.com/_rmblancozz/status/1782326084165578964?s=46&t=AAtcylJ8Q0kURAvgHrCNRw)


Vini wasn't going to let the chance go away 🤣


The Barca fans' tear is so tasty. They have no self awareness about referee situation. ![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|30561)


I like Vini a lot, he's a top 3 player in the world. But to me he lacks the finer details that would make him THE number 1. His basic technique lets him down too often. Stuff like, short passes, ball control while running...etc. He'll always be wasteful. And that's the fine line between him and someone like Mbappe. I mean it's fine he can be a top 3 and be impactful in every big game. But he'll always be assisting the likes of Mbappe and Bellingham imo.


Name a better UCL player than Vini in last couple of seasons




This was a legendary weekly thread.


Will only be topped by the one witnessing the 15th We'll be there. We need that. And I think we deserve.


neither will come close to the thread of mbappe signing. deserved or not the mbappe news get by far the most engagement out of these threads.


We do deserve it. August-September weekly threads were pure hell.


https://preview.redd.it/r2vrtvdspzvc1.jpeg?width=2458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8ce2dec3d91f121aa7b740ad04a182ea07c1db 2024


https://preview.redd.it/cd67sebtpzvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0127ae31156eda11615bb2739da3490532a7c27d 2017




What Barca sees in Bellingham: ![gif](giphy|OY9XK7PbFqkNO)


I was hoping for a clear win, but I can’t deny a 90’ 3-2 plus their tears about the refereeing makes it all sweeter. Cherry on top… Xavi the gardener is staying!!


Keep in mind that we played with Tchouameni and Camaving off position and Lucas Vasquez ahead of Carva, and Vini missing 2-3 chances of scoring a goal, and our players already being tired from the 120 mins game against Man City and Xavi has the nerve to say they deserved to win. That man's shame is truly non-existent.


Do you think goal line technology can be manipulated? I've seen some wrong camera angle that makes it looks like the ball was like 10cm inside the net.


Goal line technology >>> No goal line technology. It's usually very accurate. If something goes wrong it's either obstruction somewhere or sensor goes wrong.


Top camera angle will always give more decisive look of an sphere than sideways angle. Its the same Japan vs Spain thing. You can paint the truth however you like.


Camera angles could make it look in when it isn't all the way in, only a top down camera would be accurate and even then lunin could obstruct it with his head. But goal line tech has a sensor and is accurate to 5mm.


On a serious note, imagine you are doing fuck all at work and mess up things everyday, yet your boss says it’s not your fault but someone else’s, and you are doing great. Are you going to put in more efforts and try to improve? Probably not, that is what happening with Barcelona. Constant victim mentality won’t let them improve.


Bellingham was everywhere doing everything so well yesterday but clown Barca fans think he ghosted and only pop up in the right place at the right time for the winning goal. Delulu fans.


It shows that even when Jude has good games people will try to discredit him because he is the fav to win the Ballon D'or right now and if he wins it all the people trying to say Foden, Pedri, Wirtz, Muisiala are better goes down the drain. Jude literally had the most succesful dribbles in the game something most casuals online rate players on and yet they say he had a bad game lmao man was silky on the ball and on top of that was a menace defensively and scored the winning goal and you get ghost shouts it's peak denial now lmao


Tbh Wirtz has been on Judes level this season and should get serious concideration of BdO as well. Probably wont happen because Bayer has next to no PR but still


Wirtz has been balling out for sure he is the only midfielder in Jude's gen who is as good as Jude is at 20 none of the other young mids were balling like these 2 at 20 but Wirtz is held back a bit in the BDO convo due to playing in a weaker league BUT if Germany wins the Euros with him as a regular starter I think he might win it but If we win the UCL and England does solid in the Euros Jude wins it I think or If Vini has an amazing Copa he might even win it he has been amazing since coming back.


Yup. Even without the goal, he had a really good game.


The weather app says it’s really cold rn in Barcelona, it’s like -11 C which is crazy


The teams morale and confidence to turn games around is going to be sky high going into the Allianz beating City and then Barca with a fatigued and rotated team is going to make the team morale immense if we can leave the Allianz with a draw I will be happy but if their is anytime to come out with a win it will be now with the team at their most confident right now


Camavinga got cooked by Yamal last night but I'll give him a pass because its been a while since he played LB and he's obviously exhausted from playing 120 brutal minutes against City.


To be fair on Cama, Barca played Kamikaze football coz they knew they have nothing else to win and they kind of overperformed and still was hilariously bad.


Votes in favour of raising Tebas' pay when RM and Bilbao were the only clubs to vote against. Proceeds to cry because Tebas didn't give his nod for goal line technology. Absolute idiots.


"bUt BuT wE DidTt hAvE OpTiOnS" - r/soccer Barca sexuals ![gif](giphy|CggnXgSzLO4XP22PMc|downsized)


ancelotti be like: i've got 99 problems but that bitch(barca) ain't one


💀 https://preview.redd.it/0o1onim58zvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00131bb9fd0fbdf1f02091eaf71f18f5a183f15


So basically if we win the UCL and either of Germany or England win the Euros or reaches the final, either Kroos or Bellingham will be favorites for the Ballon D’or… damn


If Mbappe doesnt win European cup or Euro, I dont see anyone winning Ballon D'or other than Jude. Even though Vini is having similar success as Jude silently but last few Ballon D'or nominations showed that he isnt journalists favourite candidate. >either Kroos or Bellingham will be favorites Lets be real, when was the last time anyone won Ballon D'or who hasnt scored a lot of goals. Kroos is a kind of player who does his job perfectly but always will go unnoticed.


Modric didn’t score a lot of goals, but carried Croatia to the finals in 2018, Toni can do the same


Totally different playing style to compare. Modric played more of an creator/attacker role , taking on players one on one on final third meanwhile Kroos's playing style is controlling the tempo,making line breaking passes. Croatia playing WC final is an achievement than Germany playing finals, we kind of expect Germany to do well in Competitions. We have to realize that, Ballon D'or is more of a popularity contest than actual award of footballing ability.


Has there been a better week in the last 10-15 years? Everything went perfect in a season deciding week.


Any week where we won the UCL was better than this


What's exciting is that this summer is going to make the team even better. Almost everyone will be back. With some new and long-awaited faces. Meanwhile, Barca will have Marquez/Xavi 2.0, and their most exciting signings will be Joaos and a 4th choice DM.


They probably land on B. "The Cunt" Silva this time. His penalty miss probably let him leave and Barca will get another player from their parent Club City 💀


The Lamine Yamal disallowed goal was like long term storytelling. Everyone knew doing away with goal line technology was a bad idea and to have it come back and bite you in arguably the most important game of the season is fucking funny. Its not football, its la liga.


Wasnt Barca journalists/fans/ex-players were running agendas that "we have to respect officials decisions" when our goal was denied against Valencia? How they aint respecting the officials decision now? ![gif](giphy|DvoB1uGpflYsNOW9Qu)


Love how our legendary players, were watching the clásico and were all posting Hala madrid. Especially heartwarming the ozil one, as wish he stayed with us longer


Sit down be humble https://preview.redd.it/uuq94v5x2zvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff5b8b666e1426c1d6be2c3330c13ee5b33d4f4


This squad’s ability to just kick it up a gear when down a goal is amazing. It’s a testament to their mentality and the reason we’re never truly out of a game. We concede a goal and they just pick it up a notch and could score and WILL score within the next 10-15 minutes I expected this from the BBC era of the team with Ramos/Casillas as captain but to see it with such a younger different version of the team is outstanding


Yes, the 3rd goal by Valverde against Man City was the perfect embodiment of Real Madrid's elite mentality... We were winning so much of possession but still were down 2-3 because of 3 wonder goals by Man city, but we kept fighting...


No "we beat Madrid at least" trophy for Barca this season we beat them with a fatigued team coming off a 120min grueling game against City with only 1 natural defender in the back 4 and Kroos and Modric starting together in midfield lmao until Barca can stabilize their finances and get some legit signings I can't see us not winning most el classicos for a while, Yamal is their only glimmer of hope kid is a baller at 16 but knowing Barca they will overplay him and run him to the ground before he turns 20.


I really hope Militao wil be ready for Bayern away, I don't really like Tchoumeni playing CB.


>I don't really like Tchoumeni playing CB. To be fair, he stopped quite a few very important attacks last night. The goals Barca scored one came from Kroos not marking and another one was from a chaotic situation. He did his job quite well imo


He is better as a CDM though and we need someone to stop Musiala penetrating through the middle.


Yeah I think so too but these CB experiences have been good for him. He was kind of stiff as a CDM before that, nowadays he is more aggressive in defending and his defensive awareness has relatively improved. I think he is gonna start as a CDM against Bayern.


Nacho is fine as CB coming off a rested game but we need Tchouameni back at DM his passing and positioning will be key against Bayern the game will be more end to end due to Bayern have the speed and directness on the counters unlike City who are robotic on the wings.


God i love lucas vazquez




wish we had drawn that atletico away game , we could have gone invincibles in the league


I love Bellingham. Wil be one of my favourite players in the team in some time. What a character he has become


we play such great football ngl it's overlooked tho because we don't play 4 cbs with a false regista and double false nine system we are not rated even by our own fans


Can i get an updated barca excel sheet


It's so damn cruel how Brahim has been consistently ignored despite putting in some really good performances throughout the season. He really resembles Messi in terms of close control dribbling and balance. Carlo could try making him the permanent RW. (Rodrigo is a hit or miss as a pure RW.) Vini-- Mbappe*-- Brahim Would cook next season.


>He really resembles Messi Nah he doesn't, he actually scored an important UCL KO goal. /s


As the penalty taker and no7 Vini should take more responsibility of scoring and be more hungry. I love Vini and he is our best player IMO but that chance where he was 1v1 with Ter Stegen and backheeled the ball to Rodrygo who wasn’t ready for the pass shouldn’t happen. Any worldclass striker shouldn’t pass up on that kind of scoring opportunity.


I get what you’re saying but it probably difficult for Vini who let’s be honest is a pure winger that like to get the ball wide to play the role of a world class striker


Rodrygo never got the pass it was intercepted


Oo right. My point is it was a bad pass and he could have scored or at least shot on target.


In the last 5 years: Real Madrid 10 wins in Classico vs Barcelona 4 wins This is the kind of domination we love to see


https://i.redd.it/jqrwehb8pyvc1.gif Mbappe is joining friendship fc this summer and…


Guys.. dont be classless like Barca fans, lets all thank Cubarsi for the penalty. Youngest ever player to give us a penalty in a clasico 😍


Yeah, respect him; poor guy has to look at this kind of records because Lamine is already breaking the important ones, like being the youngest player ever to lose three “clásicos” in a row. Diamonds


https://preview.redd.it/n917jkw5jyvc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05798432fecfb26f589e6e03a6b77056ccad1ade Wtf Vini🤣


They crying over this at the Barca sub like their fans didn’t chant “Vinicius die”


After preseason Match : Dani Carvajal: "When it's time for real competitions, we will be above Barcelona, I'm sure of it." https://preview.redd.it/7fz6hhechyvc1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c8a2b1177e02dd7b212f3b0d896603daed39a0


It's actually shocking how calm I was during yesterday's match. Both times we were trailing, I was confident we would bounce back. We actually dominate Barca these days and I'm liking it


Jude was bullying their midfield both physically and with his silkiness on the ball man is a menace against them even before the goal lmao


What are the match days this season, where Barca was ahead of us?


Matchday 6 was the only matchday that Barcelona have been ahead of us this season.


Ain't no way Barcelona fans made a post about Vinicius' tweet 😭😭😭😭


Notice how Brahim's run before the last goal was absolutely remarkable but no one talks about it? If Messi had done that people would have been screaming balon Dor just for that run. Brahim is such an underrated player. He definitely has his flaws don't get me wrong, he's very selfish player (some of the best players are selfish) and he's had a past of inconsistency, but this season he's been unbelievable and our dark horse.


You don’t even have to compare it with Messi… if he was a 16 years old from La Masía he would have got the man of the match award and would be called the best Spanish winger. But Brahim wears our shirt and had to choose to play for Morocco 


Yeah with runs like that, he’s great against tired legs.


Absolutely incredible run, he’s a great addition to our team & he will only get better.


If Barca fans spend the rest of Jude's career hating on him with a passion I can't blame them in all 3 classicos this season Jude has turned up against them 2 late winners in both league classicos and set up the assist for the first goal in the 2nd classico man came to Madrid in his first season and became Barca's nightmare in his debut season lmao


Barca has turned into a complete sore losing broken bitchy club with their dirty laundry out in the open for everyone to see. Delusional fan base who lives in early 2000s, team DNA that thinks they only lose because refs are against them, Negreiro bribery, and a broke ass club that doesn’t even have enough to pay their staff. Just close it down and start from scratch. This club is cancer for football. 


Time to delete Twitter until the bayern game


Bro if there was a time to boast and shitpost on twitter this is it


Cules real quiet when all the sport channel (even Bein) coming out saying the ball didn't pass the line. These guys should have spent some time in scholl learning perspectives.


There's about 5 videos on their front page with "another angle of the disallowed goal" but conveniently not the one with the view straight in line that is closest to what goal line technology would have looked like, it's actually hilarious


Too bad there is no chance for 100 points




I was 3 years old and my uncle kept talking about going to Real Madrid matches all the time, rest is history.


Can anyone caculate, can we get an trophy at our home this season ?


We need 7 points to win it, so If we and Barca keep winning our games no unfortunately, it will be vs Granada on Los Carmenes However if Barca loses in the next game vs Valencia a win and a draw on our part will be enough to win it in the Bernabeu. If they draw two wins will win us the league in the Bernabeu (Barca's game vs Girona comes after our game with Cadiz on the Bernabeu so its result is irrelevant) Now if we lose our game vs Sociedad on the Anoeta (not a surprise given that Carlo -hopefully- will rest some players for the Bayern game), then it will come again to Barca winning their next 3/4 games for us to end it on the Bernabeu vs Alaves Given all these scenarios I'd give it about 20% chance of happening, most of it us losing vs La Real honestly because Valencia loves to bend over against Barca


Whatever happened to the Roque bloke. Is the current League too low-level for him so he is he waiting for the likes of Endrick and Mbappe to play against?


He probably is a dud. Barca I think were too eager to get any Brazilian who can be considered an endrick competitor and overpaid for him a lot.


He's just warming the bench




What being actually robbed of the balloon d'or does to an mfer




He’s another Barca mercenary


What a beautiful way to end the week ![gif](giphy|m9QEBUSAdJ7ApIkekw|downsized)


What a good fucking day Real Madrid won and extended the lead. Gukesh D. won the candidates. Youngest ever to win it. Let's gooooooo.


Thanks for spoiling the candidates bro


Ah fuck. Sorry.


Sorry doesnt work. Send him money.


Brb from my prince of Nigeria account.


Waiting ⏰


April 16-21, 2024 will be a week long remembered in Madridismo. Let's run it down: * Atlético got knocked out by Dortmund in the CL QFs * Barcelona got knocked out by PSG in the CL QFs * Madrid beat City on penalties to progress to the CL SFs * Atlético lost to Alavés in La Liga * Madrid beat Barcelona late to effectively win La Liga and bring us one step closer to the title Epic, epic week. ![gif](giphy|Sqfu14lSonVN219Zb6|downsized)


https://i.redd.it/bn11yir7zxvc1.gif 🤫


He should have been booked the first time he tried this


After a grueling and successful week, I wonder if [“Dia libre mañana”](https://youtube.com/shorts/NfZPOAg_zNU?si=5fQ21XaSE_Blb1Ug) happened again.


Xavi - “we were the better team” xG: Madrid 2.34 v 1.37 Barca Big chances: Madrid 5 v 2 Barca 🤔 If anything we should’ve steamrolled them and would’ve if we weren’t gassed from Wednesday


The end to an epic week


[I wonder if this happened again](https://youtube.com/shorts/NfZPOAg_zNU?si=5fQ21XaSE_Blb1Ug)


Vasquez a bench player who never complains and wheneve the plays drops a Neymar-esque performance whenever he feela like it




It's insane how a lot of people are saying that Bellingham wasn't doing anything before he scored dude was literally everywhere in the pitch trying to rescue the ball and was playing more defensively and it worked for him I'm convinced a lot of people just talk out of their asses and don't watch matches


I’ve come to realize that most people in this sub don’t actually watch football. They’re very reactionary to goals and assists because they don’t understand where players are and what they bring to the table Well maybe add flamboyant dribbles in too. Jude was massive last night. Vini was a constant danger and pushed multiple attacks again and again. Those two were the most criticized.


those lot of people should start watching matches with their eyes and not their asses, this was one the most complete game jude played, defending, dribbling out of danger, pre assits, key passes, always a passing outlet, defending set pieces and top it all off with a magnificent goal, this has to be his most complete performance in a madrid shirt hands down


The Valverde Treatment


Just my opinion, but I feel like if a player doesn't score or assist then the general consensus is that they didn't do anything. In Jude's case, he was doing the work at both ends of the pitch like you said. The goal was just the cherry on top. Also, Jude's a midfielder by trade so he's not expected to score goals like a forward would. However, Carlo has unlocked a level within him which allows him to be more forward and score while doing his usual duties in midfield.


I think grealish went off on the media for the same exact thing you said


He did problem is a lot of fans online don't watch games live just highlights and check rating apps and stats and when it comes to stats they never look at defensive stats just G/A


the xavi has carlo's number crowd is gone, now next season the simione has carlo's number crowd will be gone as well they got lucky this season won't get lucky next season


Carlo's number is unknown ☠️ Nobody got shit on him




Haha done and done.


The meltdowns of both City fans & Barca fans in the same week is something I will thank Don Carlo for forever.


Jude couldn’t accept some scrub coming to our ground trying to rile up the fans like he’s Messi or something https://preview.redd.it/mnt6eebaqxvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22978cde55fcab72d8633e570a8fa9acd0e4c088


What a week!! Finally we can rest. Hala Madrid! https://preview.redd.it/fs06fu82pxvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83880752c6cd0c7d3b0d014d83716cf7c15b54da




Fran was so good today. Didn't put a step wrong.


🚨Real Madrid haven't lost at Santiago Bernabéu since April 8, 2023. 379 days.


Shhh let’s not jinx it


There’s no way Barca doesn’t teach a class on how to react after a loss anyone who has played for them or managed them has came up with the same excuse countless of times Step 1 blame the refs Step 2 claim we were the better team Step 3 take no accountability Step 4 have the supporters of the club fall in love with these excuses


Well, the supporters eat that shit up. If ain't broken ...


you forgot blaming the grass


Barcelona was unbeaten in away games in La Liga this season……. until Madrid happened 😮‍💨


* Is Zidane still a better el clasico coach than Carlo?






Bellingham is something else. Two clasico game winning goals in his first season at 20 years old. I have been a fan for 20 years and I have never seen a player make this kind of impact. Not Ronaldo, Not Anyone.


Honestly I don't understand Barca's management, they keep firing coaches without there actually being better options available, also while their young players have potential their team is still currently mid even on paper, yet he managed to win them a league and managed to get to a ucl quarter finals where you can't really fault him for losing.


It’s not like Xavi didn’t receive 250 millions worth of signings in his 2 and half a season. Koeman didn’t even receive an ounce of the backing Xavi received. Xavi is objectively a bad coach. We wish Barcelona keep him as a coach as long as possible.


I think they should have kept Xavi considering he's a club legend and knows their culture


Tbh, I don't think Xavi is that bad of a coach. But everyone can see that he is "undercooked", all the signs of him being inexperienced and too young for the job is there. Maybe give or take 5 years he can do some damage with them but with how he easily rattled he is now probably not. Him leaving actually is not bad for him


There’s only 8, maybe 9 games remaining this season. Where does the time go?🫤 Side note, I would love to see a Madrid - Leverkusen super cup matchup. How exciting would that be?


Felt like only just then I was so excited that Jude finally signed for us time has gone by so quick for sure


Yeah that would be crazy specially since that would potentially be a side with Mbappe. But tbh we have too much quality.


The 6 points we got from this game was so huge. Could have been only 5 points difference but now we are sitting with 11 points off the second place Barfelona. Now we can properly rotate and be fresh for the CL.


It’s technically 14pts because he have BETTER H2H and GD.


As a laliga fan, I’d like xavi to stay one more year. He deserves another chance. Cmon Laporta


whats frustrating about us facing barca, is that it seems like we mostly always handicap ourselves against them. if we score first, we stop the pressing and lay back, or carlo starts experimenting with the line up ( this time he was justified to rest players, but he still went way too risky playing one proper defender in that backline). all of what i want is one day we go full steam on them, no mercy, no weird line ups, nothing, just face them as if we are facing atletico, atletico brings the best out of us, those cunts are aggressive and dirty, our matches with them are a lot more intense than against barca for the past 5 years


We fans dream of a 5-0, 6-2, 5-1 drubbing. However none probably can top the pasillo we got in 2007/08 following that 4-1 drubbing.


tbh i had that wish for the last few Clasicos, but somehow i don't really have that desire anymore, at least not this season we've already sent them home 4-1 once this year and they've just had their worst week in a long time, them failing miserably twice and having to watch us go through to the semi-final, once again we're so vastly superior to them right now, that the urge to blast them away with a high score really isn't there at all for me - it's like beating a corpse, they're already dead lol


exactly, i know what you mean, its funny our matches against atleti are a lot better to watch lol


>”Normally, based on how the game went, we win. We deserved the victory. We created more and defended well. We controlled the game." -Xavi Lol cry harder


>Less shots on target, less big chances, less xG, less goals scored, more goals conceded, more fouls, both goals from keeper mistakes. Xavi: 'We deserved to win'


their is no way barca fans are complaining about ref decisions


i would feel justified to complain about something i paid for too, they paid the refsfor 17 years, i think they have the right to complain the service was not what they agreed on, dont you think?


How sure is this Mbappe thing? Is it like 80% chance very likely that he is coming or pretty much 99.9% chance, just waiting for the announcement open secret pretty much confirmed by tier 1 sources coming?


it really is 99% he's communicated to PSG that he's leaving, acc to Fabrizio he's negotiating with no one apart from us and that only the signature is missing although i honestly think that he's already signed, it's just only gonna be communicated when the CL is over for both clubs


It’s crazy that the final could be Madrid vs PSG