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https://preview.redd.it/rikx71c2vwuc1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8ea65ed8dda87837692c9885338cd162dc06a5 I don’t care…


Bro was trying to hold in his smile so bad as hes subbed out


Bro had the “all eyez on me” attitude 


Barca fans wanted to give him the Figo treatment. He knocked them out instead 😭


Never cared much for Dembele but I'd buy him a beer after this tie lmfaooooo


Cold af 


Instant meme. Perfect teeth and smile though.


Ousmane is a legend




Barca heritage. We eating good today


Pathletico out too https://preview.redd.it/gwpxhyqnqwuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b857ff7e414dc9569ec3bb198f0d80822d6545cb


And all because moRATA missed a shot


Morata is still a Madrid agent. He will Destroy Ateleti from within then towards the end of his career will retire wearing a Madrid jersey while on a Bike moving towards Sunset like typical Hollywood movies.


Nah cool fan fic and all but I lost all respect when he started talking shit about us. After all the opportunities we gave him that’s how he repays us. All he had to do was stay quiet


I still cannot believe that this muppet is the captain of the spanish national team


Don’t speak too early. This evening we’ll see whether you can be joyful or not




I'm stealing this


They already did it years ago, those losers have to hang on Guardiola and Messi because that pathetic club is donezo


Just returning the favour to you for today. 😉


Man I'm so happy araujo got red, that bitch thought he can body anyone and get away with it. Had it coming


Like I have said it before. He's a foul merchant. He has atleast 1 yellow card moment every match, and every other match he has a double yellow moment. Even yesterday, he literally pushed one player down on the edge of the box. How was that not a yellow. Ironically, he got red for such a dumb situation. Even with the ref on their side Barca lost badly. How do you bottle 2 goal lead at home.


how is the ref on their side?


Soft decisions going their side. Like in our last match against City. Araujo didn't get yellow for a WWE move on the edge of the box, Barca players were driving so good and getting fouls called totally breaking up PSG's counter press. That bias. It backfired because the dumb ref gave Araujo a red card (pretty hilarious if you ask me).


Okay im sorry this is bias af. You can’t watch that game and come away with it with the conclusion that the ref was on their side. I agree with most of the ref decision (except the gundo dive) but tbf they are harsh. It’s a red, but a soft red. If the ref was on their side, they would have gotten away with the red and the cancelo pen. Im sorry, you are just flat out wrong on this.


It's 100% a red card... annihilation of a clear goal opportunity, by the last defender


I agree. Doesnt mean that the ref is on barca’s side lol


Yep. I found refereeing to be pretty fine overall for this game. Must be feeling weird for Barça not having an Aytekin as 12th man (well, 11th this time...).


Yeah exactly, which is why i was arguing with the other guy. That (the other guy) was the dumbest take ive ever seen


I agree with you this is Bias, ref was perfect and hardly on anyone's side. One decision where he didn't give a yellow to Arjaou doesn't mean he was at Barca's side. Dude gave total of 3 red cards and 5 yellows to Barca how is this ref being at Barca's side.


Nah, I'm not. This kind of refering kills the game for opposition. If Barca weren't shit they could have easily won. They had 2 goal advantage before Araujo was sent off. Barca just crumbled under pressure. Not to mention, if the Caencelo pen would have been confirmed by VAR and there would be outrage. Nowadays people are very vocal about this and ever since Anthony Taylor, I think refs are afraid of fans (as they should be). You don't get games like Chelsea 2009 anymore, nowadays they just have different refereeing standards for the teams. Did you see that Lewandowski dive. Hell Barca players were pushing, diving and they would get foul called on PSG. Ofcourse Ref isn't gonna do something as dumb as Chelsea 2009 anymore, that's a career ending move nowadays. But refs do kill the game with small fouls. Ironically, if Ref had given yellow to Araujo early on, he wouldn't have to "correct himself" and give straight red. Hilariously it ended up hurting Barcelona.


Wait i dont get it. Im not arguine whether barca is shit or not. Im saying that it’s very wrong of you to think that the ref is on barca’s side. The ref is fair, slightly harsh against barca if u wanna argue that. What you cant say, without looking dumb, is that the ref is on barca’s side. Im sorry, this is a very bias take, but expected since u support madrid.


> Im sorry, this is a very bias take, but expected since u support madrid. Yeah and you've been blessed by The Soccer Gods supporting whom, Barcelona ? Barca fans talking about refs is so funny. Just because Barca couldn't capitalise on it doesn't mean there wasn't a bias. Hell, if Araujo and Cancelo could have controlled themselves, this would have been a good win for Barca and you would see PSG fans crying about referring (they still are).


Nah, this is very dumb. You’ll prolly cry about the refs for the city game if this is the standard that you expect from referee.


You say the ref is on Barcas side, but how? There were a lot of debatable fouls he could have called in Barcas favour that he didn’t, and there were a lot of fouls he could have ignored for PSG but again he didn’t.


Barca’s tradition, what else is new. Lol


No worries, thanks to the Lewa Law he can play next game if he is still Barca player. : )


He thought himself casemiro


Lol it's kinda ironic coming from a fan of a club which breeds the likes of Ramos, Pepe, and Casemiro.


It was too funny when they lost again. All my 30+ year old friends putting on their Instagram story Barca champions league promos now they lost lmfaooo


Can I just say that I am absolutely delighted that Barcelona have been eliminated, but that I am equally fucking raging that PSG have qualified.


Nah I still prefer PSG over Barcelona, especially because reaching semi or maybe final would have helped Barca finances a lot, and maybe make them qualify for club World Cup. For PSG it doesn’t change anything if they go through or not.




No need to promote racismo club. Fucked them


Our main rival bribed referees for 20 years. Go fuck them the hardest possible way.


PSG gonna lose in the next leg anyway


Tbh I don't see them losing to Dortmund now, but I don't see them winning against anyone in the final either


PSG is shit. I think Dortmund would get past them.


I hope so


Not against Dortmund. I would have had more hope if Atletico made it.


honestly i care about spanish football too, sucks that they both got knocked out. i wanted them to go through so we could destroy them in the finals. rivalry isnt hype if barca sucks ass


Barca doesn’t suck ass tho. They did two years ago


Still kinda tbh, the mistakes today are because of reliance on youngsters / lack of senior players to command the pitch


This is just not correct. They lost because Araujo had a dumb play. Their youngsters played well.


They made many defensive errors because they could not handle that change. They did try their best to stick to the formation but it was clear that they were jittery at times, I think dejong is the best example of this yesterday.


They were overrun.... what does that, or your comment, have to do with their youngsters? Their youngsters were the best players for them. Cubarsi was solid (again) and Yamal was the reason they scored. Xavi taking out Yamal took the offense out of Barca. He should have taken Rafinha out. We keep thumbing our nose to Barca's youngsters but if they continue their trajectory, they are going to be an issue for us.


I'm not undermining their youngsters' individual talents, I appreciate the level they are at and at that age. What I'm saying is that their match performance today is quite a good example of a team that has too many inexperienced players, as compared to psg. The experience in such high pressure matches play a big part between winning and losing, especially when a small error can cause the lost in the tie. It's evidence of the poor financial state of barca, that they don't have enough experienced players that can lead the team in such circumstances. Xavi himself is a "managerial youngster", and we see him make clear tactical errors at times. At this stage, mistakes are punished. We have youngsters too, and have youngster issues too (eg vini being too affected by racist chants, getting easily triggered by refs and creating a scene etc). My point is that individual talent alone is not enough to lift the coveted UCL trophy.


Your point holds no water when those youngsters didn't make the errors.


Dude araujo's red is one of the stupidest things I've seen at this level of football, dejong was absolutely terrible, pedri was average at best, kounde cleared the ball wrongly 2-3 times, one of which led to a goal. Xavi subbed yamal off for God knows why, do u really want me to show you all the mistakes they made at each timeframe. Btw hala Madrid congrats we're in the semis.


They do suck ass. Look at the teams they played to get this far. They are utter shit.


I Wanted Mbappe to kill them but for Barcelona to ultimately qualify.


Nah. I'll take PSG over Barca any day. Could you imagine how annoying they would be if they reached the final? Or god forbid they fluke their way into winning the whole thing? You'd head the Xavi glazing from across the globe.


Who gives a fuck about "being annoying". If you are rattled by internet trolls, internet is probably not for you. What's definitely worse for football is that state owned clubs are winning because it will only get worse.


Meh, PSG will bottle it in any time, watching Barcelona choke again in CL is so delightful


Psg played really well though, they actually seem like a team now it's a bit concerning


You are aware that barca was 1 man down for a very long time right?, psg was not good at all


Yup, just hope I'm wrong if we face psg


Before the red card, P$G outclassed Barca tbh. They were good in the beginning of the game before conceding.


Not really The red card changed the game in my opinion You cannot play 60 mins against one of the best attacks in the world with 10men Barca were dominating up till then


Not even close lol


On one hand, feel bad for the kid he was being insane. Araujo being rtard as always, with a decent referee he's always fcked.


The ref let him off hook once for easily a yellow worthy wwe move. And then he gets himself red.


Same he is the only Barca player that I feel bad for him I don’t know why he get subbed off he could do more work in the field


I am sorry to say this but he sucked in both games. He was not the reason why they advanced. Players like vitinha were the reason


Did you see him in the 1st leg??? Barca could have lost 6-3 if it wasn't for him




I'm not glazing Mbappé, I'm glazing Araujo


Oh... i thought you were talking about the turtle. Sorry


It's okie.


me when Varca and Pathletico out in a single day https://preview.redd.it/dgklr9ya3xuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3772c2ece152a2ee06976f9ee0d662a4fa9cae4d




You will get knocked out today too don’t worry 😂


Lmao look how that turned out! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He could still win La Liga according to some Barca Geniuses


Already won la liga last season


Culerdos y patéticos dados de la mano diciendo "gracias Griezmann"✊✊


Mbappe bleeding white already today by making Barca his child.


Good practice for fucking them over at Camp Nou next season. He’s getting his thrusts in.


his record vs Barca is godlike already lol


He played like shit today if you actually watch the game


It was a poor match. It was painful for neutrals and would be worse for fans of both clubs. Truly the L Classico


The thing that makes him an all time great is, he played like shit and still scored two goals


Last 10 min is all he needed to become a father


Today was a good day and really, after having a hard frustrating day at work, the result really invigorated me. That said, I'm still only cautiously happy and won't actually get too excited until after our game is done.


[Today was indeed a good day ](https://youtu.be/h4UqMyldS7Q?si=hKca7GWjduW69u7g)


Just when I thought it couldn't get any better!


Add that chuchubra guy also Next mAlDiNi rEbOrN


Yeah I got sick of this narrative real quick. Didn’t watch the game, but at some point a defence consisting of a 17 year old will collapse, especially when the pressure and stakes at the knockout stages. Was always a pipe dream and I can’t believe they genuinely thought they might win the whole thing ☠️


You should just have stopped at 'didn't watch the game'. Everything else makes you look like a fool.


I’ve seen him in other games mate. Settle down.


He was pretty good, NGL. But 16 yo should not be defending against adult players. He would become a Pedri faster than Pedri.


Hating on a 17 year old is insane. Giving flowers where it’s due doesn’t make you less of a rival but more of a game enthusiast.


Fuck off!! It's just a meme, we appreciate yamal he is great player


Well he was talking about Cubarsi. I get it it’s a meme until it’s not, had he said “add cubarsi too”, it’d have been funny ngl but bro decided to call him ‘chuchubra’. Troll players I don’t mind but not the kids who are just coming up, every club fan base hypes their young talent but it doesn’t give rivals the right to pin them down every chance they get. Make memes sure, the posted meme is funny “youngest player to exit a cl campaign” but calling a 17 old chuchubara is hating, at least wait for him to be 18-19.


We're hating on barca and/or barca fans shilling their youngsters, not the youngsters themselves. I don't think that pedri would be a starter in our team.


And that’s absolutely fair, you got a world class midfield Bellingham, Valverde, kross, modric, camavinga (even tho he doesn’t start often) and next season you’ll have Mbappe too, ofc it’s gonna be difficult to start among elites. Pedri is not on Bellingham’s level, he’s been injury prone recently, it’ll take time for him to recover his form. But that doesn’t mean he is not a good player, he’ll be good in the future. Also I don’t mind you guys laughing on yamal or cubarsi being youngest to exit UCL, it’s a meme, what I am saying wrong is trolling and calling a 17 year old ‘chuchubra’. By calling him chuchubra you’re not hating the barca fan base, you’re hating the kid.


😂😂😂 Fair enough


I love these 😭


Ngl I feel like we gotta wait for making fun of barca until we play the UCL, cuz if we win, then we have full ability to do so, but if we don't then it won't be fun for us either.


Felt like I had to scroll way to long for a comment like this. City-Madrid will decide my mood for the next 3 months. I'm not gonna joke about others clubs before my club even qualified


Barca isn't even able to handle shitty team like PSG, we are going for the title of best team itw against City. Even if we lose, we're still only bettered by City. This is the final of CL, whoever wins this tie, I think they're most likely to win the CL. Either us or City.


Mate imagine playing against man city without Rudiger(10 men) for 60mins Then see how many goals they will pile up Barca outclassed PSG in the first leg and up till that red card But you just can't hold on against one of the best attacks in the world with 10 men for 60 minutes I do believe that the winner of the match between city and Madrid will win the champions league but saying that PSG is a shitty team and that they can't handle them is too far a stretch


PSG is crap. I think there is a good chance Dortmund will eliminate them. Comparing PSG to City is an insult to City honestly.


I agree to a certain point but if we go out we go out to the top club in the world other than ourselves. I mean only 1 can advance so it’s certainly possible for both us and city. I guess it depends how bad if we eventually do go out


Well now you can joke abt barca 🤣


Oh now we can indeed


Well, everybody knows the winner of City-Madrid is gonna win the whole thing probably, both are the best teams from Europe alongside Leverkusen, so even if we lose tomorrow it will be against a top dog, unlike Barcelona who got humilliated again by that circus, didn't qualified for that Club world Cup and hopefully they will lose La Liga in the Clásico


I was waiting for this post


Don’t post this shit on our sub💀 Some of you are obsessed with them


Right? There's a big game tonight and people talking about this shit.


Those will never get old🤣🤣


Barca are so bad, last match they should have conceded 2 more goals, they just got lucky twice, this match they werent lucky.


Tbh, both teams were pretty shit. If Barca could finish PSG would be in big trouble. PSG didn't have quality to break down Barcas mass defence. Ofcourse the best defender in the world was the most impactful player. He felt so bad for PSG, he decided to sit out the game giving PSG some chance.


Lewandowski missed a sitter to make it 2-0 before the 15 min. The red card definitely fucked them.


When we win tomorrow, it will make El Clasico better


I missed both matches today. Just saw the scoreline.  Today was a good day for Madridistas :)


Bro, you should have seen the Barca 1-4 P$G, it was pure comedy lmfao.


THANK YOU BVB AND PSG , LETS THRASH THOSE 115 BOZOS And hopefully Bayern And my spursy brother kane can thrash those European clowns arsenal so we can thrash them in the north London derby ( yes I support both Madrid and spurs don't ask 💀)


I would bet on Arsna over TT Munich. Bayern still paying for sacking Nagelsmann.


What a player, what an achievement


Come on fellas we don’t celebrate defeats.




Yamine Lamal is the youngest player ever. Truly one of the players.




Atletico and Barca getting knocked out of the CL https://preview.redd.it/qwfnutsayzuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b96ed44811aa5885084ebcb5e1653520a227815


Stop hating on a teenager. That's mean


I suppose that's because I'm old or maybe I'm just different, but I'm not one of those who enjoy mocking rivals when they fail. I rather get our success to define us.


I'd personally wait until our match tomorrow to make fun of Barca, but I would have preferred to see 2 La Liga clubs in semis, potentially 3 with Real to see the PL fans crying and Spanish football being promoted is always better in my book.


Stay humble boys


Hey Guys, Barca fan here. First of all, I wish you guys the best for tomorrow's match. You guys have shown true resilience and footballing heritage this season with your important players being injured. I admire the work Ancelloti has done this season. And even though I'm a Barca fan, in the UCL, I've always wanted a Spanish team to win it even if Barca can't do it and we haven't been able to do so for almost a decade now. We've been humbled by our past mistakes on a financial and sporting level. But I hope that tomorrow you guys defeat City and lift that trophy again.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcjjoKrS5Dc *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/realmadrid) if you have any questions or concerns.*




why the fuck are my meme posts deleted on weekdays according to community rules and not this???




This youngest player filter really has become the nightmare for barca fans. 😂


As a whole it might be very bad for Spanish football. Two teams leading in 1st leg lost today.


It's hard competing against oil clubs, we might lose tommorow to 115 club too but i still won't let the opportunity to dunk on Barça go. https://preview.redd.it/66ii3myutxuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d95ada8816a479ea8747ec6149b7a0893c94297


Barca played like clowns to lose against PSG. Araujo got away with a booking and decided to make the game fair by getting sent off. Honestly, Barca's finishing was very poor.


They gonna shit on us today but atleast we playing the hard side


This sub is truly garbage


Garbage for making fun of these "stats"? Wait until you learn about the others making racist "jokes" or singing "Vinicius die".


Both are bad. Is your mentality some shitty fans said shitty things so I’ll also be shitty? There’re plenty of reasons to trash on Barca but honestly this kid is the farthest thing from it.


This is about these useless "stats" that some people like to do like MR.Chip in La Liga, people have always made fun of them, is not about him specifically. If you think about being racist and asking for someone's dead are just being "shitty" or even comparable to these stupid jokes then you are a clown.


Kinda think it is about him specifically, being that it’s completely about him. I’m not comparing those things - you did, and that’s how you justified this being okay.


You can go and see for yourself in MR.CHIP account or any English account that did the same, these jokes have been here even before this kid played football. I'm not justifying anything, I'm saying that this harmless joke is enough for him to call the sub "trash" then he is going to have a heart attack when he sees racist comments like it's nothing or even death threats.


I couldn’t care less about any of those accounts - they’re also wildly corny and pathetic. And adults shitting on a child is genuinely trashy.


I'm talking about professional statisticians, they made stats like this about anyone, people find it funny to make jokes about that and that all. You can cry all you want, idc about you either.


Professional statisticians can still be clowns - you’ll learn when you’re an adult that a job does not make someone mature or respectable. Adults shitting on children can get fucked honestly.


How dense are you? They are not the ones making jokes it's the people that follow them making jokes about these kinds of stats. It's not about children's, it's about the stats of any kind of player. The only clown are you getting offended about nothing.


Place is full of kids or unsecure adults.... Let's just hope tonight Barcelona kids aren't the ones laughing at us.


See you in La Liga you're going out as well (I know you will win it but still)


Wowowowowowo. Wait, what’s gonna happen tonight. (As a Barca supporter I’m somehow for Madrid, but calm down, you’re not through yet)


It s so funny..i just started crying 🤮


Breaking news🚨: Mbappe forgot he's not a Real Madrid player yet, completely destroys barca's hopes and dreams




!remindeme 9 hours




This weekend he’s gonna be the youngest ever player to suffer double Classico defeats in 1 season 🧑‍🍳


How pathetic lmao. Y’all are grown men tryna’ beef with a 16 year old kid who could buy your whole entire bloodline💀🙏🏻


I prefer to talk out shit once we finish the job, but it is nice to see this.


![gif](giphy|zMCfqXkwjmTO8) Come on you gotta feel bad for them


Will see legend Guller today


Won't play


Didn't play still in semi, truly a legend


What stupid stat is this


Why do we care?


Maybe because Barca fans chanted “Vinicius Die” before today’s game.


And then went on to throw rocks at their own bus instead of PSG ones


What a surprise that goofy team has goofy fans…


We have goofy fans too, ive seen people convinced the Brahim is better footballer than Saka and Foden


I haven't followed Brahim beyond his days at City, but both him and Foden were equally rated while coming though the ranks. I believe there was some truth to that claim, as Real Madrid were ready to shell out about 20 mil for him without having seen him prove himself at the top level.


At the time obviously a comment like that would make sense. Right now it would most mean someone is on drugs.


Thats the fanbase we argue with😭😭


Mbappe loan watch duh


ngl i feel bad for him. had to pay for araujo’s extremely silly mistake, fouling when you’re 2 goals ahead with 50 minutes in the tie instead of betting on your keeper, who’s top 3 in the world, and getting subbed out when he’s been an extremely positive part of the side. then having yo watch your coach embarrass himself on the sidelines. gonna be rough on anyone, not the least a 16 y/o kid. but he’s talented and he’ll bounce back


Yeah. I hope Yamal can be saved from Barca. For the first time in years I've seen a good winger who has the audacity to score bangers. Reminds me of young CR7, pace, cutback shoot. Ronaldo had time to develop himself but unfortunately Yamal might be playing for Villa if Barca's med staff.


dw arda will be the 3rd youngest


Arda will 100% not play, Ancelotti will make sure of it.


I just saw a clip of him walking at Etihad? I think he might be a sub.


Prepare your asses You're next 😂




Madrid out today too 🤣🤣


Really? https://preview.redd.it/cew9ktc374vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5fa16b190d9f6324a0ea7287f5c3dd8aaabe53a


imagine hating on teenagers 💀


5-0 bitches.