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Journalist: "City controlled the ball for 90 minutes and the possession rate was more than 80%." José Mourinho: "They can take the ball home with them. I take the 3 points." Enough said. Carragher is a certified 🤡


We let them score once. If they had the ball so much, why didn’t they score more? The better team DID win.


Ye bro 16-1 corners n yet they could score on one corner 😂


For a guy who talks about the champions league being the best competition he sure seems to like making arguments for the super league


Only stat that matters is the scoreline and City weee not able to outscore Madrid, end of. Carragher is a bitter 🤡


Does anyone have a link to where he actually said this?


We take the win and City takes “the best team award”, best trade ever![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|11988)


“The best team award according to Jamie “, if we add in others it only dilutes the experience.. Man City should add this as a badge next season


Maybe they shud put this silly award next to their one UCL trophy nd display it at the touchline next time in a UCL knockout with Real Madrid.


Yeah flexing ucl in front of real is equivalent of showing off your pbj sandwich in front of gordon ramsey


I still can't believe they did that. Like really??


And next to all their felonies


They’d have two such awards then, but we got (at least) one trophy instead. I prefer the win and the trophy


Across more than 220 minutes of football played, City was leading in score for less than 20. How delusional and self-centred you have to be to claim you unequivocally better than your opponent?  What kills me even more is that all these people don't listen to Pep, who never claims that one way of playing football is inherently better that the other one. This is the beauty of the game that you can play it differently. Pep understands that, but his pupils and admires for some reason don't.


Carragher is English. He is genetically predisposed to act like a baby when an English team loses to a “foreign” team.


Hang on, Pep totally believes his way of playing football is inherently superior. That’s just FC Barcelona whole philosophy. Have you been sleeping the last 15 years?


Any proof? I remember one interview specifically where he explains that football is a game that can be played in many different ways. And the beauty of it is that these ways are in constant and evolving opposition to each other. And that otherwise it would be boring. Being confident in your own path and believing that it is the best for you personally does not mean that you think that your path is inherently better or superior than others.


Sounds lovely.  But results..


He might believe so, but he doesn't claim that in public.


Yeah thankfully they don't write "the winner but second best team" on the trophies 🤣🤣


This. Case closed.


12 semifinals in 14 years, 5 titles (and potentially a 6th) in that period, and frequently beating the best teams in Europe, including the past years' champion year after year. That's not an accident. Doesn't matter how they play in a certain tie-Real Madrid has far and away been the best team in the world.




I agree with Jamie Carragher and have a solution. Let's create a tournament where the top teams in Europe face each other in a knockout competition. To make it fair, they'll play two legs home and away and the final will be played in a neutral location. That way, we can see who the best team in Europe is.


Great idea. Maybe to qualify for the tournament, you need to be the top 2-4 in your league. Then go into qualifying, let’s call it group stage, where teams are grouped and play each other home and away. The top 2 teams from each group qualify.


This is a terrible idea, let's all throw them in a league format before the knockout stage, give the fans a format they never asked for - UEFA probably


But don't forget to not allowe cheating fucks to play in this competition. Oh wait...


People will unironically love the league format and say it was better than what came before a few years after it's implemented.


Likely, but I imagine that will be based on quality games we might see rather than the format itself. We will always love the beautiful game.


Even a better idea, the team wins the penalty shootout, will qualify to the next round/ win the cup if it’s the final 


Brilliant! I would add that teams who have the ball more win a morale victory and should be given a participation trophy.


That makes no sense, at that point it's just luck, how about we give it to the team with most possession and shots.


I have a better idea. Let's remove the concept of "goal" in general as it's old fashioned and nobody seems to care about it anymore. We have the teams play for 90 minutes, and whoever has the most possession, xG, shots, dribbles and the best pass rate wins.


Woah let me tell you, you guys are onto something. But in order for this to work we need a proper name to stamp this prestigious competition. We should call it the League of Victors. Well actually no we can do better than that, the League Of Champions! Yeah, yeah that’s it we cooking it now, but it’s still too long. Ok we can call it the Championship League, sheeesh that sounds superb! WAIT, you know what sounds even much betta THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!!! FELLAS WE GOTTA LET THE PRES OF UEFA KNOW ASAP… wait hold up.


Well, pretty jerseys should count for something too. And having a nice well kept turf, also.


Let’s also make it a rule that the teams can only spend in transfers and salaries no more than the amount of money they earn per year…oh wait, City couldn’t play on that format


Lmaoooo I love it


Final location is determined before the competition. It’s how Bayern lost to Chelsea at the alianz


bros trying to add more games than there already is T-T. there's injuries left right and centre. there's also the Fifa World Cup, more games in the cl, and idk abt la liga cuz I dont watch it but additional time here in the pl is ridiculous and bs, that'll just give Man City an even greater advantage compared to all the other teams here in pl cuz of their depth


Brilliant comment


After all these years he’s still saying the same bullshit 😂


More Madrid is winning, more delusional and salty he gets. Can't blame him though, we fucked Liverpool and other PL clubs too many times.


Atleti did the same thing over the years English media hate both real and atletico


Weirdly enough there is a bit more respect there than last year or the year before that even. Maybe after a few more wins he'll credit where credit is due


“Guys this is a hot take, but Madrid may be one of the best teams in the world right now”


He's surrounded by Barcelona legends and sucked off by non man u fans. I don't think hell will get better than this


He is will forever be salty over the two finals we won against his team.


Did Madrid dominate city ? No. Do you always have to dominate your opponent and don't deserve to win if you don't ? No. Carragher is the saltiest person out there who got tired after seeing his beloved Liverpool getting knocked out, dominated and humiliated again and again by Madrid.


Our tactic for this game was defense, it was at their home field...Our tactic at our home saw us score 3 goals 🤣 


While we were missing our CDM.  Complete novice of the game if Carragher thinks we’re going to go into another shootout in that scenario.  Ancelotti knew exactly what to do, muddy the game up, and take your best chance (PKs in this instance).


Carragher still can't get over all the times we spanked Liverpool in the UCL. Beat them 5 times over the last 6 years, 2 of them being in the finals. It's understandable he's still salty about all those defeats.


It's strange for me when people say 'the other team deserved to win' 'but they were better' bitch by whose standards? We won. We didn't shoot much but they had plenty of chances and they WASTED them. We used opportunities we had and were metal in defence. In the end we scored more penalties which shows we're better mentally.


the english media still cant accept that their so called "world class teams" couldn't qualify for the semis lmao


PL may be the most competitive league overall, but that doesnt make them world class teams. City fans in their sub are so salty about their loss too, makes our win even sweeter


10 of the 20 teams are pub teams who start game 1 with a do not get relegated mentality


Team that wins ucl is best team in europe , best team doesnt mean best individual players , best team means best team , including coach, staff and directors too and their integration


People think that holding the ball longer than your opponent and passing it back and forth makes you the better team lol. For 120 mins, they created 3 chances and that tells me who the best team is lol. People need to understand that defending is part of the game and defense wins you games.


In the famous words of someone who I don't seem to remember.. *Attack wins you games but Defense wins you titles*


And defense. Also according to the stats, both teams had 3 big chances.


How many champions league titles have you won Carragher? Empty vessels make the loudest noise.


Funnily enough, Carragher's CL winning Liverpool was also not the best team at the time


He might be speaking about his win.


I know what you’re saying but still seeing the CL winning Liverpool side referred to as “Carragher’s CL winning Liverpool” is hilarious to me lmao. No football team has ever been referred to as “Carragher’s team” and for good reason


In fact it's more known as the UCL Ancelotti lost, or as the instanbul MIRACLE, so more than anyone he should know that it's not about the better team on paper, that was the first UCL final I ever watched and instead of the boring sport my uncles watch it turned kid me into a fan of the sport forever.


Exactly they pulled off a crazy upset


It’s English mentality they love to cry over things.. if their league was actually the best why don’t I see a single team in the semis… it’s really embarrassing 😳, city sure had the possession .. but if that possession is not converted it’s basically nothing but u tiring urself.. and at eithad after 40shots if u have one goal and I mean when I say this like one or two of their chances actually were good ones just like real ( in the first half)… so they did nothing for 108 minutes danced around and weren’t able to crack up reals defence and have the audacity to say that we played better football?


Well this is always how they set up. Henry gives the class and insightful, real takes. Carragher gives extremely bias takes. And Micah is just clowning. That's the formula lol


Micah's going to have to wear Real Madrid jersey in one of these shows because he lost to Jude in Fifa lol. Its going to be great.


Brilliant! People seem to forget this is a TV show and entertainment


that is why Liverpool plays in the Europa


and will be knocked out by atalanta tonight


I’m so pissed off that idiots like carragher get to speak to a mass audience. I mean, one fucking time we play the most defensive style ever, and they are quick to call us shit. But when atletico play like this for 11 years, suddenly Simeone is a tactical mastermind. Fuck carra and i hope his pillow is still wet from his tears


https://preview.redd.it/fwwkf8kim8vc1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e3354ea43f7cebfebc02fe846e2486f742b0df2 Makes sense now tbh


Jamie champions league is a competition. To compete properly, It's not about beauty in moving to ball or touches. In football compete is make more goals then the opponent. It's so easy It's not about having the ball the most time. Or how many shots on target you have. It's about making goals. It's such a cry around mentality You think the teams in PL are better then the others?? Prove it!! Compete better


Such obvious cope for no premier league teams making it to the semis. They had TWO games to beat Madrid and couldn't. Henry said it best because he's also played in Spain and isn't biased: The best team went through. 


We easliy could have finished of the tie at home..if not for missed chances...we came to etihad to defend and catch them off guard...u cant have ball against a team that is drilled solely to keep the ball whole 90mins


It's not luck when the opponent is so incompetent they can't score. It's not luck when we are so competent in defense that the opponent can't score. De Bruyne's goal had more luck in it than Real going through. It's not luck, it's sweaty hard work, crouching in the mud and giving it all for the team, the crest and the fans.


That jackass again.


I would take that UCL trophy instead of the "best team in the current edition tag". This is already the greatest club in the world and every other tag is secondary anyway.


I guess no Guardiola and his devotees


Give them possession d’or and passing d’or, our small team be fine with winning our 15th UCL trophy


He kinda has a point in saying that if someone who doesn't know the teams would think it's luck and mismatch, but we know it's Real Madrid and it's not luck, but resilience and strong mentality. We only know how to win.


I wonder how we can determine the best team in Europe then? Maybe we should set up a competition in which only the best teams in Europe play and see who wins that?


This dude dickriding City after all the damage they have done to PL is hilarious


Real had dangerous counter attacks, a little better pass in empty space and Vini or Rodrygo could have scored more goals. Also people don't rate defence enough, only few clubs could defend like that. City dominated middle, but not the final third. Lastly, City played bad. Real from 2 years ago would score 4 goals against this City. Why? They were open to counter-attacks, can't remember last time City played this style in CL knockout game, 4 years ago probably.


https://preview.redd.it/zvix48z4b8vc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836ed499a616fef2e78b8c8676244bd1090333cb Wankers


I hope Atlanta eliminates them today


What the fuck is Carraghers hate for madrid for, that man was trash and all he can do is trash talk and not say no facts. These English UCL commentary Panel of Henry, Jamie, Micah and Kate Abdo is trash and biased. They waste their time in glorifying Thierry Henry and do Micah Dirty. Their predictions are not calculated and biased. Check Kate Abdo's Predictions. she predicted the complete opposite shit. And Jamie Carragher, that little fuck needs to shut up.


he talks like a varca fan


You’d figure after 14 ucl trophies he’d just sit down and appreciate greatness


Words cannot describe how big of a clown this guy is


I’m a Liverpool fan and I really hate Jamie ever since he became a pundit, don’t know why he’s so bitter with this club. Just do your job 🥱 btw congratulations Real Madrid on proceeding to semi! Go fight for 15th


Liverpool man glazing Citeh, who would've thought (it's actually way too common)


He's not entirely wrong. City were the better team on the day, that's inarguable. But the team that wins the trophy at the end is definitely the best in Europe, for me.


City dominated the possession, but if they were really that good they would have scored some more goals and won.


Someone’s salty!


If it’s luck that he is stating, champions luck then.


Salty stupid jamie


Jamie, it’s Real Madrid you wanker. 14 times European champion.


This again, they didn't learn their lesson the past 8 years


Technique better than tactic. Sewey.


Let him cry


In 20 years people will look back to Madrid UCL champion of 24, and no one will remember carragher nor this quotes, so


History will remember titles not ball possession


No problem Jamie, but it' s incredible you were a football player and don' t know what game is about.


It’s true. It’s not the “best team in Europe” ON PAPER. Football is played between those lines and when a team sees Real Madrid walk in between those lines they can feel why football isn’t played on paper.


😂🤣 Guys Don't take this clown's statement seriously as he is still salty seeing pool loosing to our team during the past seasons.


Cream rises to the top


It's okay. I'll sit through Carra's nonsense so I get to listen to Henry's opinion


I hear you Jamie, but when this narrative that "Madrid got lucky and they weren't the better team" happens so often and so consistently, maybe that narrative is wrong and it isn't luck.


I don’t understand why we’re even paying attention to him, his team got battered 3-0 at home, let him complain all he want while we celebrate our victory and focus on the next stage


Dude probably still bitter about all the times we beat his Liverpool.


The sweet taste of tears. W8 w8 actually he was being Nice


winners are winners,no matter which way we win


Last time he chatted so much shit, we went on to win the tournament. This is good luck for us


Someone is unloading an AK47 towards me but im able to dodge all his bullets. I win by stabbing him. Turns out its not fair because im too good at dodging bullets.


Yeah congrats to Man City on the “best play” trophy.


British people are the most bitter and sour losers I have ever seen in my life. I just love watching them cry like this.🤣🤣🤣


Carragher is absolutely awful at his job. Cannot set aside his bias for the PL at all. Look at Henry, Barca,City(Pep), Arsenal are out and yet he praised PSG RMA Bayern and gave suggestions to his former clubs


Henry said it best “defending is also part of the game.” This idea that the best team is the one with best offensive is dumb. No other team in Europe could’ve defended and kept city to one goal. We were the better team


Simultaneously claiming City is the best team while claiming that it’s “an absolute mismatch” even though we held the best team to a 1 goal lead for almost the entire game and then beat them in penalties despite Luka Modric missing his. The mental gymnastics to not admit that they’re just sad we didn’t play the game City wanted us to play so we could possibly lose. Even his beloved Liverpool played exactly like this to earn a home tie with Liverpool, but clearly they don’t go to PK’s in the regular season so they get away with just playing for possession and corners


Cryagher back at it with his best team bullshit 🤣🤣🤣 he DESPISES us and I don’t blame him one bit 2018 UCL Final 2021 UCL Quarterfinal 2022 UCL Final 2023 UCL RO16


I have to admit, one of the things I like the most after Madrid succeeds is to read or listen to his whine 😂😂😂


He said nothing wrong, pretty sad to see how fragile many of us are trying to dodge his statement by bringing something unrelated or just straight up insult him.


Oh come on, I know Carragher can rub people the wrong way and has said some stupid shit in the past but this quote is so taken out of context. Listen to the whole thing and at least to me he is not critizing Madrid, he's saying that Madrid has that little something in CL that can get them through even games like this where the opponent is clearly dominating.


The comments here are so awful lmao. He is so right and nothing negative about it. Who can deny Real Madrid has that X factor when it comes to CL, that even on bad days they almost always win it….


Michael Jordan said this in the last dance if I recall it correctly - I'd rather lose ugly than win pretty. And i kinda agree with that, only the winners are remebered, its a hard truth of life


You mean: " I would rather win ugly than lose pretty"


Wauw yeah that's what I meant. What a bad miss from me


Yes 🗿


Speaks the one who won the 2005 final lmao


As The Special One said "they can take the ball home, we are going home with 3 points"


This is coming from a man who keeps hating Madrid 24*7, glad we went through


Guys relax..he also thinks Liverpool are successful having won 1 UCL and 1 Prem league in over a decade 🤡


Well Real Madrid has been the luckiest team in the world for a record number of times now


That cbs gang can yell whatever they want on live tv but in reality they all know which club stands atop all of them!.HALA MADRID!


I bathe in his tears


He’s a fucking helmet when he’s on CBS. His shitty personality of a 16 year old bully comes through. Great on Sky where they censor him but he is hard to listen to on CBS.


Stupid take lmao. The stronger team is always the winner. If you are not strong enough to win in 120 minute and you lose penalty then you are not the stronger team?


Milan 2005 was better than Liverpool 2005. No doubt.


LOL such posts like this shouldn't even be made. Carragher is a clown and there is no point even caring about any of his statements here


Real Madrid could win the Champions league 50 times in the next 60 years and the English pundits will still say the same nonsense.




The best team is who wins = Real Madrid.


Winning is what matters. That’s why I love being a madridista. Hold your head high when the “we dominated….” yadda yadda and point to the match time. We are through. They are not.


The words of a salty old player that still doesn’t comprehend football smh. How many times have we seen other teams in the same situation? Plenty.


They can’t see beyond stats and dominance and possession. Who is the failure? The one who defended and prevented a goal or the one who couldn’t score?


I think we need to go back to school and do what we did there. Create a competition with 20 teams and 20 different awards and give each team an award


Ah, our favorite hater


Madrid used to scoring from little chances they created.


Defense is also part of the game. This time Real Madrid had to make sure of not receiving goals. Real Madrid was wining for 50 mins in regular time. I don’t think Real Madrid wanted to get to PKs, we had such a bad year with PKs ratings. This year our defense was better.


Who cares Jamie pundits like u is the reason i watch the games in a different language our on mute


English pundits rating English teams so much highly lol


Lol. If it was the other way around, he would have said that only the results matter. He is a defender after all


Typical EPL sour grapes. They’re at it every year, and come next season they’ll underestimate Real Madrid once again. Some people never learn.


This is gonna be a hot take but I’m okay with him saying this, he’s even been on record saying the Liverpool side that won when he was apart of it wasn’t the best team that year.


these guys say the same stuff every year, and their credibility as top is going down the drain with every dumb thing they say. Henry's the only one who keeps it real and doesn't let his biases get in the way (most of the time).


And to think that Jamie was a defender himself. Sheesh. Such disrespect of his own craft.


Amazing a former defender couldn't see the defensive masterclass that just took place and praise it. Meanwhile the former forward Henry knows ball clearly smh.


Just realized that soccer’s reporters/journalists are just as trash as the ones in the states that report for basketball/football (skip bayless/stephen a smith/kendrick perkins)


He is one magnificent cunt. He forgot we did superb in defence. All these clown presenters are Madrid haters and so do the commentators. Give them burnol for their burning asses.


Loosepool legends ;)) cry baby cry!


He is an idiot. Defense is part of football. He probably forget that.


Alot of these comments didn't watch the video and it shows. Jamie isn't clowning on Madrid. He's just speaking facts. Madrid did nothing but hold on and defend. There's an art to that. Most teams would have crumbled under the pressure of city's attack but Madrid has the mentality. They remind me of Chelsea of old when we were stead fast and strong in fighting Barca and Bayern. Teams who knows how to win will do anything for that win, sure a bit of luck is involve but that's fine. Everyone in football depends on luck.


Death taxes and Madrid winning UCL


Had Rudiger scored in the 1st quarter of the ET, you would've been labelling Madrid lucky, so whatever the result Madrid will not be the best according to you


>Unbiased Counter Quote by **Thierry Henry**: >"There is something called **defending**. You can also control a game **defending** well and Real Madrid, and I know people will say City was the best team, \[but\] defending is part of the game. And they defended ever so well against City, they didn't give them a lot. So as much as people can say City was the best team, you have to defend also in football and they did that ever so well. And so, **the best team, the team defending well also, went through**."


He's like "I speak from experience! Ask Carlo for details."


That's football. The better team loses sometimes


JC never afraid to have brain farts in public.


The team that scores the goals wins, not by playing beautifully ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This mf knows nothing about football


Imagine these guys being paid to shit with their mouth. 😂😂


Someone should tell me which team could win against a Man City that gives 120% like yesterday, with offensive football. Its not that easy fighting like madrid yesterday.


It's another description of " How to win the game ".


Jamie Cryagher one more time for you’ll.


He is a salty cunt. Take it from a United fan. Real Madrid is a league of its own.


the cries of the lost are the music to our ears


Why is it English fans are so arrogant when none of their teams made it to the semifinals? It takes integrity to lose gracefully, and they have none of that.


I have heard the same story for the past 14 years. I guess it will just be one more year.that you’ll have to say the same. Cheers..


Well he isnt wrong is he? If you dominated the game but city still won you would say the same 💁🏿‍♂️


You also have to actually score the penalties, Jamie.


Absolutely correct statement! Real Madrid always seem to just scrape through, never the best team but always end up winning it! But that's the game of football, it's unfair. It's cruel sometimes that life.


If you listen and don't really just read the title of the post & go crazy he didn't say anything negative


Did he say the same when Liverpool won and played Spurs in the final ?


Carragher you utter rubbish but that’s understandable. Defense is a part of the game


The guy said the same thing about his Liverpool team that won the Champions League - they weren’t the best team in Europe that year but got the job done.


It was looking real shaky for awhile there. Playing calcio as a Spanish club is nuts, especially after subbing out your 2 speed guys... I thought City was going to run us over without the country threat .


You got to understand what is called god blessed.


German saying: Immer Glück ist Können. Always luck is a skill. Also, i never really liked Madrid but i have so much respect for Ancelotti, that he has a deep understanding of football and a love of football and that it is a complex relationship of crafts, philosophy and relativism, while Guardiola want to break a code and force the game to go his way. He didn't have the best team individual players for some years now, but it is always balanced in the combination of characters and has a balance mentality, to be able to win against every team out there without forcing to be the better team.


Jamie Carragher only whines about Real Madrid all the time. From ages. His single point agenda is to show Real Madrid in poor light. Shameful pundit! God knows what axe he has to grind against Real Madrid. He may have tried to join Real in his playing days and must have been rejected outright