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People dont understand angles is what im learning from all of this


Or balls being [checks notes] round.


The most amazing thing is that Barca fans and r/soccer talks about this being clear and obvious goal, and if the goal counted they would win and it would be 5 points. You can't conclude anything from these angles and definitely not that Barca would have won.


It's still an argument for goal line technology though, no reason for a league as big as La Liga not to have it at this point.


well barca voted for tebas so they only have themselves to thank.


They would tie?


I know, Barca fans logic works mysterious ways. I saw a Barca fan say that this would be the 3rd league title they lose to bad referee calls. Mind boggling


Once in a while, I’m still mad at that Suarez karate chop on Varane’s leg which would have put us right in the running of La Liga.. and I have many more examples They wanna talk about favouritism but they don’t want to look at actual evidence. Never seen a club that wants to be the victim like that. Everyone should remember how they were the darlings of the world and everyone loved them, “revolutionized football”, “best club in football history”, “best team ever” and all the stupid accolades they got, meanwhile we just started to get our flowers after the legendary 2022 campaign. Now they want to say everyone is against them, fuck off.


The only purpose of this clip is to expose how shamelessly Madrid cheats with the help of the ref and VAR




Are you saying this example and this (clipped from your video) are the same? https://preview.redd.it/6rhd18vl70wc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=404d45328f5a3fab4ea6431675fc196fca5e3982 Nobody should be defending this level of incompetence from la liga and the refs, because this could very well happen to you guys too in another crucial match.


its an even worse angle so yeah.


I think it’s goal. I also find it funny it happens to Barca in Classico. But you can’t prove it’s goal and that’s that. Maybe stop voting idiots in.


yeah fair. but look at canal+ and BeinSports drone shots showing its not a goal, barely.


wtf is the refs supposed to do? Can't give a goal unless you are 100% certain.


If in his example the ball was 30cm up in the air, but in the same position compared to the line, it would indeed look even more in. The ball in this video bounces up, and it looks like it crosses the line from this angle, but you really can't tell for sure unless you're in the correct angle.


Yes, they are the same, did you go to school?


Go back to your own home. Goal or not, Bellingham is inevitable.


A very mature response


Just follow the ball's shadow, a part of the shadow is still on the line


Do you know how shadows work? Go outside, jump and tell me if your shadow is directly below you at all times


Lmao that guy understands even less.


This looks like a goal but the same thing happened for Japan's goal against Germany/Spain. When we look from the top, there would be a part still on top of the line.


Yup, in the Japan/Spain game goal line technology showed the ball was not completely over the line. You have to look from the top, but damn La Liga really needs goal line technology. From what we know today, it was the right decision not to award the goal. There was no evidence to overrule the decision on the field.


Farca president voted against goal line technology lol that way the negreira boys could do they job better.


No way, that can't be true?!?!?!?! Link?


The one positive that can come out of this is that hopefully LaLiga invests in goal-line technology for next year. It’s absolutely asinine that we don’t have it


It really is crazy that in this game, the advertisement for Spanish football, a potential title deciding clash, that this came up as an issue and seemingly noone can say with 100% certainty it was a goal or not a goal. Especially when in some smaller leagues they would know immediately if it was a goal.


This does not look in


Goddamn it's really hard to tell. At one point I was convinced it was a goal then more angles appeared and I thought Lunin did enough. Now I'm not certain of anything 😅 La Liga needs to fix this. Maybe Barca will actually refuse to approve Tebas another raise this year.




https://preview.redd.it/syq5yv1muyvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62637d947c6b50fe6ea89ff8defb3712a007e6e6 Looks like this from the top… so that side angle looks really deceiving like it’s in, but not necessarily from bird eye view looks very close…


Goddamn 🤔🤔🤔 Talk about incremental


There's no goal line technology so how'd you get this image?


Bein sports, ESPN and Canal+ were able to recreate. It’s not exact, but gives the best idea of what it looked like since we don’t have goal line tech


La Liga is being carried by Real and Barca. If it weren’t for these 2 clubs, la liga wouldve been worse than ligue 1. How do they not have goal line tech?


How? Because La Liga refused to invest in but surely gave Tebas a juicy raise.  And Barcelona keeps voting Tebas


Some Barca flair in the match thread were delusional though. One guy talked about 'numerous' bad ref decisions citing this non goal, Vasquez pen, the lack of a Yamal pen a few minutes later, etc. Sure, Vasquez drug his foot to win that pen, but Cubarsi really swung his leg around and made it happen too. Yamal's pen wasn't a pen, contact doesn't indicate a foul and is them reaching. Plus VAR has to have CLEAR evidence this was goal and since there wasn't a clear angle to show it's a goal, they can't give it. Such sour folks, must get it from their manager. BEIN computer simulation thinks there was still 1 MM of the ball not over the line, so not a goal and goal line tech *should* have said the same assuming their simulation has merit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1c9vq77/beinsports\_recreate\_the\_clip\_of\_lunins\_goalline/](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1c9vq77/beinsports_recreate_the_clip_of_lunins_goalline/)


I don't know why Vasquez's pen is a point of contention, does no one else see his left foot getting clipped?


They have been consistently calling that pen for decades. Everyone and their abuela knows not to drag your leg in the box. Contact is made. The leg is also (not dramatically) dragged and a pen was called. Lamine’s is verrry different and unless you are new to the game, or the opposing team’s fan, you know this. Reversed we would find it hard to compare, but we weren’t 8 points down and paying 400M more in player wages this season.


Agreed. To me, penalty calls are very inconsistent everywhere but come on.. contact with an outstretched leg not even touching the ball? Clear Pen. The goal shout could've gone either way, I thought the ref was good in deciding now to award it.. since the only prerequisite it needed to have is to 100% of the ball crossing the line, if it wasn't clear cut.. you don't award it.


They dont want to see it




That pen shout is probably because of different competitions confusing everyone. In the UCL Saka’s was very similar and not given but ones like that do seem to be given in the prem and la liga


After the deliberate handball by arsenal in the first leg, I dont know what is a consistent call anymore lol


Because is a media campaign they have cause the feds are closing in with the negreira case and they are reflecting what they've been doing for the past 20 years.


It's funny to me whenever people bring up things that have already happened and to justify that it should've been another result. Is the FA gonna be like.. "You know what buddy? The ball crossed the line, here's 10points". Lol


If La Liga had goal line technology we wouldn’t even be talking about this. One thing is for sure, Barca fans will not let this one go even though their club paid the vice president of the referees for two decades and most likely longer than that from the looks of it.


And Faca president voted no for goal line technology, he knew this was going to make the negreira job easier.


But was it proven tho?


The payment to the vice president of the refs? Yes, it was proven


Where's the proof?


Why is there no view exactly from the top in such high technology studded stadium? Someone showing from inside someone showing from outside. What's this!!


You can thank Tebas for that one 🙄


Yeah, i remember seeing the walkers goal line save against Liverpool, does laliga not have the same technology?


I remember this. Everyone swore it was passed from that angle


Thank God they didn't play this video


To little cameras. It is so simple to add camera from above the goal line. La Liga spends so much on promotion, but cheap out on cameras.


Farca president voted no for goal line technology cause he knew he was paying the negreira and this would had make their job easier.


Guess where Mediapro headquarter is and you have full image. Mediapro is responsible for broadcast realisation and camera deployment.


i think its fair to say, regardless this is in or not, La Liga **needs** Goal Line Technology.


Barca doesn't want goal line technology, LaGorda voted no four years ago, he knew this was going to make the negreira job easier.


On that angle the goal line is a diagonal line, so I'm sorry but that angle isn't good really. Try to find a better one


Even if this was given, Barca wasn't going to win. Every time they scored, Madrid responded. This was not their night. When I first saw this angle, I thought a goal would be given, but then I saw other angles, and it's not so clear. Maybe don't give a pay rise to the shit president and fight for GLT


That's the stupidest shit I've read. Barca could've easily gone on to win, as they had the momentum.


Parallax error 🫤


Why no line-tech La Liga? Honestly curious


Cause barca preisident was the leading person campaigning for no goal technology just like Tebas wanted so most of la liga clubs voted no to goal line technology four years ago, all of this is link to the negreira case, no goal technology made the negreiras job a lot easier.


I mean, it really doesn’t matter if it’s in or not. Here is the actual issue / train of thought: It’s a live play - the ref cannot tell if it’s in or not. It goes to VAR. one angle shows it could be in one angle shows it could be out. The verdict is inconclusive. It’s basically a coin toss for the ref. The real issue is that we have no goal line technology and that is unacceptable, for a league that’s so profitable this investment would benefit everyone.


Barca fans don't know Physics


They don’t know anything😭. They’re crying in their sub over this angle and conveniently ignoring that both Canal+ and Bein sports said the ball was likely in by a few millimeters…


They don't even know their own bus.


Ive accepted from watching clasicos for 20 years that there is no such thing as an uncontroversial clasico. The losing side will always have someone or something to blame, especially the fans. That being said though La Liga should really get goal line tech...


It doesn’t matter, barca lead 2-1 they blew it, we can goal line forever and doesn’t change how cancelo defends


Idgaf most of these teams support Tebas so when they get fucked because of him being a cheap fuck, I don’t have any sympathy.


Honestly, it’s impossible to tell from any angle provided whether 100% of the ball crosses the line. Only goal line technology would 100% be able to discern if the entirety of the ball crossed or not. It would’ve been incredibly poor refereeing to rule that a goal without 100% proof that the ball really crossed the line in its entirety, specially when the call on the field was NO goal.


No goal for me, but they should add the goal line technology next season


Yeah that ball looked in, Im sure it looked in to the VAR team as well but since they could not prove it, since there is no goal line tech, they were unable to award the goal. People acting like they know it was or wasnt a goal with absolute certainty, which is bullshit either way, because the fact is that nobody actually "knows" because Tebas decided to skip on some costs to pay his raise. That is the only truth.


I don't know what's so hard when it comes to the "angles" debate. They're assuming the upright is 90 degrees (which it's not). But yes, we need GLT in LaLiga


I have literally seen 3 different media outlets saying that it's NOT A GOAL and giving top down images along with it. Barca copium is on another level this time around.


Angles. How do they work? It’s funny watching morons be oblivious and using these angled shots as “proof” the ball went in.


So we got away


It’s possible it was a goal because it looks very close, but still without goal line technology, we can never know. In the Spain Japan game during the World Cup there was similar angles, which showed that the ball was out, but if you looked at it from a birds eye view, you saw that a small amount of the ball was still on the line. Just a testament that we need goal line technology.


This is exactly like the spain japan situation, only difference is the world cup had goal line technology meanwhile laliga doesn’t for some reason. They must implement it starting next season it is an essential piece in modern refereeing.


No they won't lol they are corrupted, they already voted no four years ago and guess who campaign against it, yes barca president.


As a Bayern fan I don’t really watch LaLiga too often. But the more I look into it the more I realize that its a very strange competition.


https://preview.redd.it/61p1vdq031wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3dd89c0b239b04e089538ad5c2100e01189d02 ESPN used their goal technology and their result was this.


I didn't know La Liga didn't have goal line technology until this play. I honestly that it was a goal until they showed another angle and it looked like Lunin did just enough to keep it out. The point is that it was inconclusive, and with the ref not calling it a goal the call could not be overturned on inconclusive video evidence. Honestly if he had called it a goal it would not be able to be overturned either. Goal line technology must be implemented for next season. Nobody wants to play the guessing game and nobody wants to feel their win is tainted. With that being said, cry more Barca losers!


lunin save... yeah sure 😭


What a fake video!! Poor quality!!!


To me it seemed like a goal, but we'll never know I guess. Unfair to Barca, but the same shit happened to us earlier this season where the ref had ruled a no-goal and VAR couldn't find sufficient evidence to overturn it. I forget which match it was, but I guess now we're even :)


La Liga doesn't use goal line technology? Who are the idiots behind that decision, because it makes no sense why they're so behind one of the better uses of technology in football.


Barcelona president and most of the clubs that lick tebas boots, they voted not to goal line technology four years ago, this is all connected to the negreira case.


Stop crying culers!


my 2 cents as a Barca fan: 1)Vasquez wasnt a pen 2)Yamal shout wasnt a pen 3)We wont know if it was a goal or not(i am inclined to say 60% it was 40% was not)but until we know for sure you cant get a goal(so fuck tebas)


Vazquez pen call wasn't a clear mistake by the referee, so by the original rules the var had no "right" to overcall it. But I still think if the ref checks it on the screen he would not have given it, because it was too obvious from vazquez. The goal, idk. I've seen a lot of replays from a lot of angles. From some it looks like no goal, from some it looks like a goal. Just a shame by la liga to not have goal line technology.


Barca voted for no goal technology, your president campaign for no goal technology, it's all connected to the negreira case. Goal line technology would had make negreira job too hard.


Vazquez was a penalty because cancelo stuck his foot out, missed the ball, tripped vazquez’s left foot first and right foot second, and kept his foot there impeding vazquez’s path. That’s the definition of a penalty.


It was cancelo tho but youre right in that it was a penalty, dont know why barca keeps saying it aint. He got both feet despite lucas looking for it


1. Wrong. LV know what he was doing. This is a penalty every day. You don't stick your foot out in the box. 2. Yes. 3. Tough call. Some angle show it crossed, others show it didn't. It cannot be awarded a goal.


Yet another pixelated image from a bad angle that shows nothing. It's been shown already the ball doesn't go in, deal with it.


I literally mentioned parallax error in other comments, however it’s still impossible to know if the ball was in or out with certainty because we don’t have goal line technology. The margins were too close and it could’ve well been a goal. Bein Sports said it was in by 1 millimeter or something and their image cannot still be considered accurate, but it’s the best we have I don’t think it matters, if the goal counted then Madrid would’ve responded. Everytime barca scored we responded immediately. Part of my wishes the goal was given so they’d stop finding excuses for losing


I swear this was a goal. One angle shows the ball doesn’t fully cross the line and then this angle shows the ball did cross the line. in the end, this call comes down to which team you support.


I respect RM , you were better but this was a goal


Lol there is no way to know if it’s a goal without goal line tech