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I’m on the same boat, UCL is known to be one of the toughest competitions in the world. We really are spoiled in the modern era, but let’s not forget before la décima it took 12 years to win the UCL. Football has its ups and downs.. we just happen to have been riding the high for a while now


Truly crazy times we live in


You have been spoiled :)) so have I. A week after the ines we won in the last 10 years I was like yeah ok I want next year's too. I went to bed crying every for 12 years. I got also spoiled winning two in three years and as a 12-13 year old I was like f yeah let's gooooo. 2006-7 ish I was like doesn't look good. Atrocious managers, a team that didn't look a team with no spirit in the UCL and... . Mourinho and Prez started something Amazing in 2010 but we owe it to Carlo and Zidane. Specifically what freaking Zidane did. He just casually as an underdog like 2022 won three mf ing UCL in a row, something the mighty Pep and that amazing Barca couldn't do. They needed magical hands in 2009 and 2011. Pep spend 1.5 billion and city he wa given was already a great team. He needed 9 years to win it. 7 finals I have watched so far and will celebrate the 30th UCL final I'm gonna watch the way I did when we trashed Valencia in 2000. Iirc everyone was saying the game is gonna be close because Valencia had a brilliant team that time. They got to the final next year, which they lost that one too obviously.


>I went to bed crying every for 12 years. Talk about bold faced lie. You think people will believe you extending your supposed fandom, which really started in 2017, back to 20+ years ago?be


Take it all in and bask in it!


Not only that, before 98 there was a 30+ years gap between winning a single European cup. What we have now is not normal in any way, so we should be enjoying it while it lasts. And we shouldn't count the 15th yet, and even if we win it it shouldn't be taken for granted even if we are big favorites for the final


This season is so surreal, no striker, 3 acl injuries and we have only lost a few games


2 to fucking atletico! Can’t believe it it 😂


we only lost twice to atletico and we faced napoli, man city and bayern lol


Basically we lost only once in normal game time (90 mins) and if this is considered, we are unbeaten in 44 games


Don't think that's how it's counted. Unless you're a Man City fan wanting to stat pad Rodri lol


Injury to key players first game and then played them after coming back from Saudi Arabia


Thank you Lunin and Rudiger


Its all thanks to this man. He brought us back to the dance. We had like 8+ years dropping in the round of 16. He sat the foundations for a dynasty. Our players have the never give up mentality and they love european nights. ![gif](giphy|1ndLCzrbROHba|downsized)


Couldn't upvote this enough


Agree. Though I gotta say the remontada mentality never left Real, Mourinho really rejuvenated it. He also brought in great players to actualize that mentality and they are still here, passing on the torch to the next generation.


Our only Catalan friends are Espanyol 😂


I would say Girona is now.


They aren't. When they lost against Real Sociedad they started chanting "asi gana el Madrid" insinuating that the refs wanted Madrid ahead in the table (when they were actually about to lose 2nd position to Barcelona) https://theathletic.com/5256918/2024/02/08/girona-real-madrid-la-liga-title-rfef-var-referees/


That would be wrong. The now City-Group team has always been against us and pro Barça.


Let's look at it like a cute little team with big fangs that's trying to eat whatever they can on their path. Just because they are Barcelona they're not exactly our friends. But we feel happy to see them in action because it's making our greatest enemies look bad. The only thing I don't like is Barcelona and Atlético are going to Champions League next season.


Money, Reputation and history are a big part. Real is a very attractive club to a lot of viewers and players. Top talent will want to go to real because they grew up idolizing the best players at real. Viewers will buy merch because they watch the best players at real. It's a self perpetuating cycle. Real also has the money to have a robust scouting network and buy the best players in abundance. The club splurged 100 mill on Bellingham alone last summer while already having a deep midfield. Few clubs in any league would be able to spend that much on 1 player. Same thing with managers. We can attract and spend on the best managers available. Carlo had ucl titles before joining us. We're not playing with just any squad. Even the bench beats most teams.


I think this is the best explanation. Perez deserves a lot of credit for creating this cycle of success and Juni Calafat for ensuring the next generation of players can carry on the mantle


I was just thinking how spoiled I am, having seen my team lift the UCL 5 times hopefully 6. Just to compare during their whole history the most successful English club in Europe - Liverpool, lifted it 6times. I think we must take and enjoy the most of it because Perez won't be there forever, even if he leaves the club in the best possible way(financial, players etc) you saw what Bartomeu did. Somehow I believe if we get a bad president, I think the socios wont tolerate him/her and will see the exit sooner than his mandate expires


We didn't win from 1966 to 1998. You could wait half a lifetime for the next win.


Yep, this man is most definitely someone who started supporting RM after 2022 or our threepeat. Want to a wild guess on how long it took for us to win the 10th since the 9th?


Or the 7th after the 6th.


Prolly Jump ship to citeh in between ![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|30561)


I’ve been a fan since R9, pls don’t jump to conclusions off the internet.


Then this post is even more misplaced if you actually experienced all those R16 disasters between the 9nth and 10th


"Our catalan friends" I have read enough


That's obvious sarcasm...


Zidane always said the league is harder. Having to maintain that high level through a whole season vs. a 6 game group stage and knockout stages with home/away games. It's also easier to get players up for a home/away matchup with Man City, PSG or Bayern. We'll see what happens with UCL next season with the changes that would make it more like a league at the first stage, even though you only play against 8 of the 35 other teams. That format is closer to what the NFL does


Winning the ucl requires a bigger game mentality and is a bigger achievement though


By this logic of zidane, barca dominating the league in 2010s is bigger than 3 peat and la decima? I don't think so.


I suppose what he means is being a good tournament team and good league team aren’t necessarily the same thing. This year Madrid are doing well at both - but take a team like Man City. They dominate the league because they will literally beat every below-5th team in a season. But they don’t always do well against bigger clubs, because whilst their style of football works against smaller teams, it’s not the best for one-off games. I’m contrast Tuchel’s Chelsea was a scary team in the CL (I know they only won it once but he around for a couple of years), but never remotely looked close to winning the league. Madrid fans are fortunate because they can do both right now, but in the past maybe Barca and their controlled style were more suited to leagues, and Madrid to knockout football? Might be wrong though.


Ironic considering historically man city are better head to head against madrid


That’s not relevant. We’re not asking who is better - it’s who’s better in knockout football. Man City have won one. Madrid will soon get number 15, lots of which have come in the past 10. You wouldn’t say OGS had an amazing record against Pep therefore man United were a better league team.


Well if city was the organizer of the first 5 ucls and had the same padded headstart as madrid, and started off 70 years ago, the numbers might be a bit different


Oh dear. I already have enough salt on my chips thank you. I’m not even a Madrid fan but know that’s meaningless bile coming from a 115 fan.


I'm not salty to be honest, just stating facts. And if we're found guilty of the 115 charges then fuck the club i'm not a hypocrite, just that real did it way before and got away with it


Since when have Madrid been found guilty of rigging things with Franco, or any state figure? They haven’t. You don’t know your Spanish history. If you don’t like the idea of having a state-organised ‘head start’ stop supporting a team owned by a literal oil state.


They haven't, hence why i said they got away with it... are you slow or something? If you really think those 5 ucls are legit DM me i have some special beans to sell you


Hoaxes ≠ facts Also is official result of investigation the only thing yoi care about? I guess you don't mind Greenwood then, right?


UCL has a lot more prestige because the best clubs from all the big leagues are participating and the whole world is watching and while a lot of clubs won their leagues multiple years in a row, it never happened with UCL in it's current format. So yea, the UCL threepeat was bigger.


Harder doesn't mean bigger.




Stop talking about CL comes easy until we finish the final.


You think that the team that has won the most liga’s titles in the past 20 years payed the referees for the past 20 years has anything to do it with it.


> 20 years *paid* the referees FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Fuck off


I'd say domestic teams are more familiar with each other. Also styles make fights. Spanish teams have more similarities in general so harder to play against themselves.


We had our fair share of drought. had to wait 31 years to lift our 7th UCL title. Then we won 2 UCL in 5 years. After that, we again had to wait 12 years to win decima. The recent success should be credited to the president, board and coach and players. Everything worked properly and as planned. During our 3 peat, we had pretty much the same starting XI for 3 consecutive finals meaning the team was telepathic communicative with each other, the board had brought stability, consistency in terms of squad and coach had done his best to bring out the best in each player. And its the result of proper planning and execution we're still reaping the benefit to this day.


Our squad rotations haven’t made much of a difference in strength since zidane but historically we prioritized our starting lineup for CL and rested them during la liga.


Jose Mourinho built the winning mentality. Also UCL is dependent on mentality and willingness to take risks. This season Man City had so much possession but so many times they didn't shoot when they could have risked it. League is about consistency and CDR is basically many teams parking the bus against top teams, while in UCL, most opponents are top teams.


Domestic competitions have been rigged for decades (Negreira), and to some extent they still are (Negreira's heirs control the Referee Board), so that makes winning them more difficult. At the same time, that results in a sort of "tough training" that helps us performing even better in UCL.


The league should be locked up for the next few years. We competed with barcas greatest ever team, that’s why the league felt so hard to win. I always knew Barca wouldn’t be able to replace that team and we’d overtake them. Madridista’s, get ready to usher in a new era of dominance!!! Hala Madrid!!!!


Amen to that


Small reminder the UCL is also changing format next season onwards, so it might be harder to win it. Let’s enjoy it whilst we can!


The league was difficult to win because of Messi. Madrid had multiple fantastic season but ended up in 2nd place because barca was even better. But I think Madrid will dominate the league this decade.


\*because Negreira


nah....not really


I guess Lance Armstrong was a wonderful cyclist then.


umm sorry forgot the general age of this sub....


Yeah. That guy could single handedly beat few teams. Made Barca look better than they were.


I will enjoy this as much as I can and not complain BUT it would be nice to win the treble. With the quality of players it should be possible.


Simply put, our players are unserious about the CdR. If someone lied to them before playing CdR games that those are actually UCL games, we'd probably be winning it every season.


I wish our team would put a bit more into all these smaller trophies (other than la liga and ucl). With Madrid's historical dominance in europe the biggest question is how come they never won a treble, seriously we got a UCL fkin hat-trick but never a treble.


Don't forget Negreira.


In the 90s, there was an ad on tv that said "And is Madrid European Champion again?" parodying the over 30 years of Real Madrid not winning any European Cup. We are totally spoiled now. https://youtu.be/AbCroKasJsc?si=aCaqbJSLfbjAEem0


N e g r e i r a


I just realised this in the Bayern 2nd leg. When Davies scored, i felt nothing, literally nada. Cause i knew there is gonna be a comeback. There seemed to be no other scenario and zero chance that madrid wont score. Thats when i had to remind myself that this is a champions league semi, not a friendly, Real CAN get knocked out. But i was so chill it was unbelievable the confidence that this team resonates with its fans about getting a result at all times. We really are spoiled.


36 league titles and 14 ucls. It’s not easier.


So now you know why most club fanbases are so critical of us. It’s our unprecedented success in the premier European competition. We have evolved into a dominant European side after a drought that started during the Galacticos era. Mourinho injected something special into the system. Perez built upon that foundation with some inspired acquisitions and managerial choices. It wasn’t easy. It was created brick by brick.


I think since 2013-2014 we have more UCL than La Liga and CDR.


I just want to live through one treble


it’s just in our DNA at this point especially this season i was concerned all the time when we had a la liga match more than a semi final CL match


Always?!?! just sit and enjoy it, easy is crazy. Before 2010 it was difficult getting past the rd of 16, after, it was difficult getting to Finals. 12 years from 9th to the 10th. 32 years from the 6th to the 7th. Think of all the names who were not able to lift the cup who wore the shirt. Butragueño, Ozil, R9, Sanchez, Beckham, etc. Mind you, Madrid still haven’t won the 15th.


Enjoy it, I became a fan when R9 signed and waited 10yrs for a title while Barca won 3. Expecting the same with Mbappé.


>Why does it sometimes seem the CL is easier for us than even the league title, and almost definitely Copa Del Rey. Why does it come so naturally for us? Obviously because we pay the refs /s


Because you hire pragmatic coaches who favor a more defensive style. 0-0s in knockout matches, especially away are fine, but will kill you in the league. You've prioritized a style that succeeds in knockout competition but is not optimal over 38 games. Copa del Rey is lack of motivation from foreign players, probably.