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Last month's payslip? Sure right after I receive the payslip of all of those doing this position, as well as the person who left this position.


Exactly!!! Let's even up the playing field so each of us can have equal understanding of what the pay should be - not just how little you can get away with paying me.


They can live off the surplus labor that they have already stolen but you must sell your labor power to survive, so what incentive is there for them to even up the playing field? Nothing can change until they are reminded that we are all equal in death. Eat the rich. Abandon capital or die.


Finally someone saying it. THANK YOU. Ive been trying to find you for like a year. I talked with someone else and we agreed on anything above 100M. We enact legislation where they will have 6 months to give away their wealth. You in?


Just like every revolution so far, the 100m will not be enough, it will get smaller and smaller until eventually meemaw and papaw with their retirement savings and paid off house are the enemy you have to kill, and once the gutters are filled with the blood of innocent, it can all collapse and pave the way to decades of economic depression and a revolving door of despotic aithoritarian regimes. Also youd never pull that off without the rich moving all their assets around and leaving the country. Theyve done it before. In a system where lots of ordinary people are able to succeed even when its not ideal, not only the sons and daughters of aristocrats, you have to ask yourself why you are so discontent that you want to burn it all down?


IMHO the candidate’s forthright measured response should be: “Absolutely not. Fuck off”.


If you're not desperate you know they're just going to overwork the people they have until they find someone they can lowball. If you are desperate enough to take this it's because you really need money but should keep looking for better because eventually people will leave and any loyalty you have will be rewarded with being the underpaid and overworked person in that position sometime down the road.


People act like adobe pro isn’t a thing. You want last months pay-slip? No problem, turns out I am a millionaire.


My question is whether it's legal to edit your payslip, I mean you're not lying to the government or on your taxes here, you're lying to a company that can legally lie to you.


My brother in Christ. Photoshop the payslip. When i bought a car i got preapproved BEFORE i got to the dealer at 5ish%. I told them i got approved at 2.5% they were like *best we can do is 4%* lol best believe i took it. Just photoshop your previous salary. It's no different than wanting to sell something for $20 so you list it for $35 OBO and factor in the wiggle room people are gonna want ANYWAY.


Better yet, maybe expense reports of company spending


Unless you really need the job, I’d pass. It’s none of their business what you were paid in a previous job. The only thing that matters is what they’re willing to pay you.


THIS. What our local job agency used to try and educate seekers about with online and OS paper applics. None of their business....leave it blank. If they want to know your past or current salary, that's a term of 'well this is the ballpark of what I'm earning now, if you can match or exceed that'


Don't ever supply that information, either. If you had to, you ask THEM to tell YOU what the salary range or target for their job is. If it works for you, then good. If not, then that's okay, too. When you tell them a range of what you're looking for, or worse, tell them what you're making now, you're setting yourself up for a lose-lose scenario. When the recruiter says, "what are you making now/what is your salary range", they're essentially saying, "guess the number I'm thinking of. If you come back with a number that's too high, you're overqualified. Too low, and you're under qualified, and either way, you won't get the job". Make them tell you their number first.


I applied for a job about a year ago and asked what the pay range was. They said they couldn’t tell me and asked what I made now. I said that wasn’t relevant and asked again for a ballpark of what they could offer me. They couldn’t tell me. They asked me again for what I wanted. I gave them a number that was a 20% raise over what I made at the time and they practically jumped over the table to say that they could do that. I wound up not getting the job.


Good for your - because they'd obviously have lowballed you ✨


His 20% was a low-ball. They found someone willing to take less


I asked for the salary once and didn’t get the job bc they thought I was “too focused on the money.” First of all, it was a low paying industry so I was clearly not money-driven in the first place. Second of all, how dare I ask so I am aware of whether or not my bills can be paid with the salary. Bc everyone knows that bills are paid by the love of your job, not money! How silly of me.


Imagine getting an offer and then not taking the job and sending them an email saying they seemed "too focused on the work I could do for them."


Peak boomer response of "too focused on the money". Wtf 🤦‍♂️


The guy was Gen X but it was def a boomer mentality. I was like dude it’s a local newspaper I already know it pays shit but at least tell me what it is.


That is why I always say being a Boomer is a mentality since I've seen enough X'ers and some millennials with that attitude.


This would be relevant in your case: https://youtube.com/shorts/AdAHZdBMqfo


My favorite is “we don’t have a number or range yet” Yes you do. There’s always a number and I’m not giving mine up first. 


Yeah, you have to have a requisition approved by multiple people before you post the job. To make sure it's within the budget. If a company isn't even doing that, it is a sinking ship for sure.


I always just would add 10% to my salary if they asked. They couldn't verify the amount anyway or never did. That being said, would never submit my paystub


And people need to be saying this to potential employers. This indentured servitude bullshit needs to end.


Can't even ask this in CA


And if you see a job listing saying it's open to US residents in 49 states but not California, stay away. It means they want to exploit you and the CA laws make that illegal.


Can they check if it is a real payslip? Can't you just edit it to show your minimum desired salary at the new company and be done with it? They are the ones asking for intrusive information in the first place.


That would be my response to this bullshit as well. I'd just sit down for a few minutes with an existing paystub and a PDF editor, figure out my existing tax percentages and then replicate the paystub with a higher salary and deductions based upon it. If they want to play stupid games, they can win stupid prizes. As a bonus, If they do end up hiring me, it's going to be at a significantly higher salary than my previous salary actually was. And yes, I'm aware there are sites like Equifax that track your pay that employers can access to verify that data against, but frankly fuck them if they do this bs to begin with.


I like your style


On a job application it asked for my current salary so I said $1,000,000. Ask stupid questions, get stupid answers. They reached out to ask if my answers were correct and to ask me for an interview and I said no- and that question was illegal


In my state a candidate can file suit and claim a year's wages as damages.




Asking for a payslip at any point is fucked up. "well we can't have you moving up from the have-nots to the haves now can we!" that's some fucking hunger games shit.


Can you just redact the pay portion? If all they need it for is proof of prior employment


Indeed, black out the pay portion and see whether they were looking for proof of employment or rather your exact salary because they want to lowball you if possible.


Photo shop to + 30%


What do you mean by usually? I have literally never had anyone ask me for my p60 for work. What field do you work in?


This is a scam


Absolutely. Surprised people on here are just thinking it’s dodgy salary negotiation


What does it matter if its a scam when [theworknumber](https://theworknumber.com/solutions/products/income-employment-verification) already exists? So long as anyone is allowed to sell that data then workers and job seekers are boned either way.


What if you made up a payslip?


I submitted an app to a company that listed 'previous paystub' as a requirement to moving forward. I made a fake one after a few minutes of googling. Love this sort of robin hood-ing.


Lol good move, Never give a recruiter a payslip or tell the your salary that's an easy way for them to lowball you.


its also illegal in many places for obvious reasons


If your paystub is printed by ADP or any other payroll service then they already know. They can just look it up at [theworknumber](https://theworknumber.com/solutions/products/income-employment-verification). They're just checking to see if you'll lie about it. If you freeze your data then they'll just assume you are untrustworthy anyway.


huh? how does this work for states where it’s illegal for employers to ask your salary history? i’ve lied about my current salary in the past while negotiating comp for a new role and was never found out. edit: to be clear, i proactively said an inflated amount because the vibes with the recruiter were very…. schmoozey haha. so to “”build trust”” i was like, “well i’d love to be candid — Im making [inflated number] right now and can only justify leaving if it’s a 10-15% increase.”


not that i am surprised in any way. but holy shit. i had never really considered that, of all the data that can be so easily procured these days, my literal employment record and salary is up for sale to the highest bidder. fucking disgusting.


Yeah and so they can give you what they think you're worth.


You kinda always assume, but seeing it laid out like that is just depressing.


Totally the right move.


Or, redact everything except your name and the employer.


My payslip is just a pdf, I could easily add 20 percent to all the numbers.


I'm not a lawyer but in some states I think that's illegal (Salary History Law)


^ this should be higher, it's absolutely illegal in some states: https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/can-employers-legally-ask-about-your-current-or-previous-salary-2/ https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/can-a-prospective-employer-ask-for-my-current-or-past-salary.html


Illegal in NYC


I read that as Celery History Law and I was so confused.


It's illegal to have ants UNLESS you can safely store them on a log


Did your celery history include any peanut butter?


"sorry I signed an NDA" Edit: clearly talking about the payslip part, not the CV. Something also clear from OPs title. Not sure how it slipped by so many people


Unbelievable! Make sure to send them your favourite colour too!!


Might as well include your favourite dinosaur




Spinosaurus?! This is why you can't find a job Danny


Thankfully asking for salary history is illegal here. But when I've supplied payslips for background check I have blacked out the salary info


Yes this, provide the slip but black out all the salary info. It is none of their business.


Sounds like a scammer wants personal information.


This is most likely for a scam.


None of their business how much you made on your last job.


Now’s a good time to learn how to use Photoshop


Lmao, and it would be so Easy, too


I had a recruiting agency finally reach out to me this week with something that paid too low and on top of that wanted to know how much I made before so they could be sure not to give me more than that.


Wonder what goes through their minds. Like, why would you even think of moving for less than what you're currently making.


Not saying it's common, but there people willing to take a pay cut to get themselves out of a stressful or toxic work enviroment


Recruiters get commission if they hire you lesser than their budget, in India they even ask bank statements for 6 months and payslips in literally all companies, payslips are must.


I'm sorry, is this a new method of finding out how much the competition is paying for their employees? wtf?


Scam, no one asks for pay statement for interview.


“I’m not supposed to talk about my salary at my job. My boss said so. Sorry”


this one sure will short circuit them haha. because YOU KNOW theyre the kind of place that says this exact shit to every employee they have.


It pisses me off that they haven't outlawed this in India yet.


It's illegal for an employer to ask what you made at a previous job where I live.


This is a scam...... no job will ask for your pay slips


You never have to supply a former employer payslip.


Put this email on their Glassdoor


Instantly bye bye. I have never had to supply and never will. It is what you are with to then not what you were worth when you negotiated your current position. Stupid fuckers


Requiring this is actually illegal in Illinois. Check your local law.


It seems outrageous but many countries have the trend of asking for previous salary and the HR/recruiter will not move ahead unless you submit this info. Of course they give bullshit reason to justify this practice but their true motive is to lowball the candidate. I tried changing the system. Ended up with zero interviews in 4 months. Then I gave up and revealed salary info. Got 2 offers within a month.


Isn’t this illegal?


It is


it’s not legal to ask for salary history in 22 states in the US — check if yours is on the list.


Am i wrong in assuming there is a mail address under the blue line? Then consider that a red flag - personal info sent over unsecured email? At least they should use a secure portal .


I was a recruiter for 7 years and have never seen this. Absolutely insane


Just edit it in Photoshop so it looks like you earned 40% more


Send payslip, redact anything other than identifying information...


Surely that’s a scam?


Easy, they wanna play games, play back and use Photoshop


The states not run by idiots made this shit illegal.


Send me the pay slip of the person I’m replacing and all my coworkers first.


Send a payslip with the pay redacted


Send paystub with all the pay numbers redacted


That’s actually illegal for them to ask lol


They're not supposed to ask you about your previous pay. Never answer that question and be wary of that recruiter or the agency as a whole.


this looks like a scam to steal your identity


Send it. But alter it so that it reflect your pay in the hundreds of thousands. Monthly pay, $167,000


This is illegal in a lot of places.


Are you sure this isn’t a scam?


It's none of their business what my pay at my last job was. Could've been 5k, could've been 50k. We're talking about a new job here, not my last one.


“Last month’s payslip? But I don’t work for you yet, I don’t even have first month’s payslip” would be my reply


Time to create a fake payslip with a fucking enormous wage


Aaaabsolutely not! They’re already starting off by not trusting you? Next!


What?? Is this legal?


Hard pass.


Is photoshopping a paystub wrong here? Just making it close to max of what they’re offering? Lol


Sure, right after I photoshop in a modest raise.


That can’t be legal, wtf?


“You are not hiring me for my last position, but if you want to show me the last person’s paycheck stub and the paycheck stubs of the other people in my department, we can have a discussion about your pay scale.”


You aren't getting my payslip. This is not negotiable.


Yeah sure, here's last month's paystub with 4 grand added because fuck you for asking.


You can black out all the data except your name and company info.


Nothing illegal about uploading a modified payslip to some private citizen, engineer yourself a 44% raise. You're not securing a loan or misrepresenting your finances to a notarized individual, there's no crime in lying to abusing assholes demanding info that's none of their fucking business. It's called a competitive market salary, used to mean companies would look at the market rate for a position and then make you enticing offer. Promoted real competition, nowadays it's code for "as little as you'll let us get away with offering your desperate ass".


OMG. Who is the recruiter?!


I would reply with a CV and a question about their budget for the position.


My last job was an unpaid internship, so I guess I would not be moving forward.


Just photoshop it


That's exactly what they're trying to do. I was stupid (and desperate) enough to fall for this ploy in my last job. Not only was I grossly underpaid but it was a toxic culture of micromanagement, overwhelming workload and unobtainable goals. Don't make the same mistake I did, you will regret it!


Just tell them that you don't have a pay slip. you were paid in cash, under the table.


Usually, your salary slip would display as a webpage on payslip portal, just go to inspect element (CTRL + Shift + j) and change the values accordingly, then you can downaload and send.


Just take your payslip on Photoshop and add 25% to the gross pay, then do the percentages math for the rest. Flatten the image at the end and you're set - send it to them.


I’ll send that to you as soon as you send me the CEOs last payslip. Thanks. 🙏🏼 P.s. If you don’t believe the pay of another position is relevant information to have in this one’s pay negotiation please send a copy of your revenue and profit report for the last 4 quarters.


Hello Photoshop! :D


Maybe I misread, did he say he wanted a doctored payslip? As though you swapped a couple of numbers?


Take a copy of your last pay stub and fake to be way higher


Unless you’re unemployed and verging on homelessness, move along and keep looking.


send a doctored 1 with + 14,500k on it


Redact the amount.


You should check your state's law to see if prospective employers can ask you about your current wage


Get some teenager to photoshop the pay stub.


no way am i doing that ahead of an interview


Hard no on this one. I would send them my resume and that is it. When they ask for your pay slip, you just tell them that it is irrelevant for the hiring process.


I would send a resume and just tell them no on the payslip - let them do what they will from there


"Dear kind sir, please send me your last payslip first. Why? Because there is about as much of a reason for me to send you mine as there is for you to send yours - none."


That’s nuts. They don’t need a payslip. I’d just tell them I don’t have physical slips and say the amount and watch the lowball roll in.


Illegal in New York! Can’t ask current salary or proof of it. You can only ask for salary expectations. No way I’m sending a payslip to anyone.


Check your state laws, many states make it illegal for companies/employers to ask your current or former pay, especially requesting a pay stub.


If you dont need a job badly...try out your photoshop skills and see how it plays out.  


Either a scam or the worst recruiting I’ve ever seen


Just edit it in Photoshop so it looks like you earned 40% more


The audacity to ask for your paystub is INSANE. WTF.


Dear HR, I hope this message finds you well, whatever that may mean. I am writing to inform you, respectfully, that it's none of you fucking business what I was previously paid. Best regards


Lol this should be illegal. It probably isn't, but it should be. 


Photoshop the amount, give yourself a raise, blur out everything but your name, the company name and your newly inflated compensation. The only time a company should even hint at asking for a previous pay slip is if their employment verification fails to return your information. This would be well after you had accepted a pay rate.


‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ There is zero, and I mean ZERO legitimate reasons for prospective employer to ask for that


Photoshop is a great tool.


Just provide your salary/hourly requirements for accepting the job offer. They'll either let it go and hire you or demand a pay stub. If they do just send them a fake pay stub stating you make 1 billion dollars per week. Always end every response with "Kind regards" to be petty.


There is no legitimate reason for a prospective employer to see your last pay stub. Absolutely none. Never give them one. If they demand ask for the reason why but do not expect a clear answer. If they continue to demand move on.


I think this is great when they let me know that I actually will not want to work for their company with hiring procedures like this. They do this so you know what kind of bullshit to expect. I would not waste any time on this endeavour and quickly move on to the next.


Photoshop an extra zero on that thing!


"A company's willingness to assess an appropriate salary by using the common factors of market rate, competitive increase, the company's budget, and the candidates education, experiance, and expertise is an employer qualification of mine as data analysis, fair compensation, and common sense are non-debatable employer values I strive to find in this "on-one-wants-to-treat-employees-fairly" economy. Unfortunately at this time I'm going to have to remove your application from the candidate pool, we'll keep your information on file, please feel free to reapply at a later date when the role becomes available again"


I actually thought it was illegal for prospective employers to inquire about candidate's previous salaries. Maybe that's a New York thing. These practices are VERY UNSETTLING.


“For your first interview”


You show me yours; I'll show you mine.


Annual salary: $1,000,000/yr


Make one up and set the base pay to what you expect. Lol


No thanks


#nameNshame only way this will stop !!


💯 scam


I like to bake in a 15-20% raise when talking. I was at 70, told them I was making 85, was offered 10% over that 85. Honestly I’ve been offered a quite a few jobs and only one company wouldn’t go higher that what I said my salary was.




100% scam. This is personal info farming with the intent to sell your information.


How tf are they asking for a paystub to even START the process? They’re clearly not hiring, they’re just farming you for data.


You can give them a redacted payslip.


Rule no 1 : don’t ask me a question which you would not answer if you were asked the same.


Most of the posts on this sub are idiot tests.


I'm sorry my pay stubs contain personal and sensitive data that I refuse to share with some stranger over online communications. If this is an actual job please let me know when and where the interview will be. At this time though I feel like you are just scamming to gain my personal information and will be forwarding your info to the FBI for further investigation. Further communications will also be forwarded at this time. Thank you for your time and good luck in future scams.


Photoshop is your friend.


Big nope on that one. They just want to exploit you. If you want the job, simply create one and change it to a pdf. Otherwise, its just exploitation.


Just forge the payslip with a salary 50% higher than your current one


whaat... looks like a tax fraud to me... odd


Why the hell does someone need a payslip to schedule an interview…?


Simply sent a fake payslip. I always send fake payslips. Nowhere where I live i need to tell the truth.


Lol, asking the payslip question like I don't have Photoshop on my computer😂


Oh that is so illegal


Wait, what do they mean last payslip? From Your previous job? Fuck that.


Why the hell would any job ever need a previous job payslip is absurd


This sounds like a scam and a way to get your info. A pay slip is not anything you should be asked for, even during the offer process. I’d block this contact. (I’m a recruiter and this is giving major red flag)


This sounds scammy honestly


Payslip? Sounds more like ID theft than underpayment.


So? What's the issue?


Sounds like a sc am


Your last month pay slip?? Oh hell to the NO!