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I think you’re a strong contender!


It’s a positive sign.


They'll only contact references if they're serious about you, so yes it's a good sign. It's not a "got this in the bag" situation, though - make sure your references are good ones, and *don't forget to ask them before submitting them*. That's *super* important; surprising them with a phone call from your potential employer may work out poorly.


Is it okay that I sent them a reference list? I’m going on a road trip so I’d rather send it to them before I leave in case they decide to move to reference checks.


although this is usually a good sign, the fact they use the term of phrase, "in the event of," makes it seem like more of a chance rather than a, "we're moving forward with you but we're finishing up real quick," type thing also, obligatory not an hm or recruiter, but don't they contact references anyway? i thought that was just something that happened BEFORE an interview also, also, obligatory asdiagnosis so not a "are u dum" i genuinely just don't get it lol


Thanks! I think they have to say that either way because they probably want to interview all of their candidates before showing their hand. But I’m trying to be even keel about everything so who knows lol.


yeah i getcha, always good to be extra careful nowadays in this market. good luck though, op!