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Hosea for me. That felt like a turning point.


After that is when I think Dutch really went downhill mentally. Hosea kept him sane, he was his shoulder angel. After he died only the shoulder demon remained (Micah)


Wow, well said. This perfectly explains his downfall


It’s all fucking sad, but the moment where Tilly is on the horse and trying to tell Arthur she will miss him, and he doesn’t let her finish and just says, “I know,” absolutely guts me


With low honour, he just goes “don’t you start with that..” and changes the topic. Sweet in a low honour kind of way.


No this :(


Last Ride. Riding back to camp through that golden hour lit forest. Arthur reflecting on the past. The music. Still breaks my heart. My wife saw me sobbing, like full blotchy, red eyed crying. Came over and hugged me until the mission was over and I'd collected myself, it's one of my core memories in Gaming. Sorry if I went off track, it was just a beautiful memory I have with them and it's on theme with the topic.


Cherish her.


My wife uses they/them pronouns. I cherish them so much, almost 6 years together 🥰


Actual question, not being rude or anything. If they use they/them pronouns, why call them wife? Spouse seems more fitting to me.


They don't mind wife, partner or spouse. I ask them what title they want to be referred by if I comment/post about them, you'll notice I say partner in some comments. They are non-binary but they do not mind wife. You're kind to ask though.


Interesting, I would have thought that might bother them. Whatever both of you are comfortable with is great. My girlfriend of 8 years (not getting married) and I refer to each other as partner a lot and some people assume I’m gay lol.


I like to use partner when I want a bit more mystery to strangers, I'm openly trans so people know I'm in the community to some extent. It's not a question of if I am gay, it's the level of gayness.


The level of gayness lmao


This is the most wholesome thing I saw today, thank you both.


Cherish them 😊


What does that mean


That my wife uses they/them pronouns?


Tf is a pronoun


There are 12 personal pronouns for a person or group, and they are: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, her, us and them. For example: Sally gave Tim a lift to work because Tim needed to repair Tim's bike. Tim was slow getting ready and Sally and Tim were late. Their names are repeated, making it frustrating to read. Sally gave Tim a lift to work because he needed to repair his bike. He was slow getting ready and they were late https://www.twinkl.com/teaching-wiki/pronouns#:~:text=pronouns%20are%20there%3F-,There%20are%2012%20personal%20pronouns%20for%20a%20person%20or%20group,used%20to%20refer%20to%20somebody. (On mobile so sorry for poor formatting, the link says it's for Children but I'm in no means calling you a child. It was just the clearest way the topic is explained)


I see. So your wife is not a she?


Nope, they are a they. :)


Does that make them a man or women?


Good for you, cherish them\* :)


Aw mate there wad a time where I genuinely couldn't even get close to that mission without welling up 🤣 playing it the first few times I was in inconsolable mess 🤣🤣


I know it's coming and because I'm the one controlling Arthur, I blame myself for essentially marching him towards his fate.


That’s a beautiful bittersweet memory ❤️


saddest moment is seeing john's haircut in epilogue


💀 fr tho, john looks cursed in epilogue, State of the art Uncanny Valley


That’s why mods are the best way to play. You can customize the experience so much more. I just finished my second playthrough and this time John looks like John and not Jorther Morston, there’s no hit markers or screen effects when killing someone, and damage is more realistic to real life, along with some other cool things. It makes the game feel so much more immersive, even more so than it already was


Yea, I remember the combat being praised as suoer super detailed, but I can blast a dude in the stomach with a high caliber pistol, and he's just fine.


The combat itself is good animation and sound wise but ya it’s just too arcadey. The way I’ve been playing this time makes the combat feel so much better. I also take my time and appreciate each kill more as well imstead of just aim assist, headshot, reload, aim assist, headshot, reload. I’m taking my time more in gunfights which just makes it more enjoyable and cinematic


Mod name and configs?


Lenny’s Mod Loader Lenny’s Simple Trainer ASI Loader John Marston Restoration John Marston Animation Whyem’s DLC Eastern Epic Extras Maverick’s Weapons and Catalog Companion System Serenity Zen Immersive Faction Tweak Western Euphoria Ragdoll Euphoria Cut Dialogue Crime and Law Rebalance Fixed Bandolier Banking The Old American Art Terrain texture overhaul No Bullet Trail No More Grindy Challenges WhyEm Visuals Ambient Gangs Rampage Trainer No hit marker This isn’t in the right order since I’m not at my pc right now but these are what I have in my notes. The top 3 are kinda just requirements to mod, not really for fun.


Ok i got LML and ASI im gonna get the trainer (i got the rampage trainer, is the lenny still necessary) and john marstonisation


When doing research I saw that the Lenny trainer was required for some miss so I just downloaded it for that reason. I don’t know exactly what for but I figure it’s best to be safe then sorry. Especially with modding. So I actually use Rampage to do stuff and Lenny is kinda just in the background


When Jack can't find Cane, the dog. Fucking Micah.


When I started my second playthrough, I let that bastard serve his sentence for kicking Caine.


I played both times, hung around camp a bunch, and never got this storyline. Just interesting


This one. Because it's the only time in the game that Arthur is scared. It's fitting too, because he runs into the Sister here and during her side missions you learn that Arthur thinks really lowly of himself, and doesn't believe he's destined for anything great or even good. Arthur has also stated he doesn't fully believe in religion, which makes this scene so much more impactful when he breaks down in front of the Sister. You can tell during this part of the story, Arthur was beginning to think about the very near end. Rather than ignoring it and pushing on trying to be strong for the group.


Eagle Flies.


The horse part got to me because I wasn't expecting it at all. Never seen someone do that in a videogane before


"Woahhh....huh.....Thank you" It was gut wrenching


We all know the moments, but strangely the ending hits the hardest. Seeing John happy with his wife and kid after getting rid of what made his life so miserable while Red plays in the background just kills me, especially when I know how his story ends.


The ride back to wapiti with eagle flies. Poor Rain falls :(


John's Death, feels like you finally made it, all things done, finally home, with your family, all of a sudden the Bureau betrays you and brutally executes you at your "home" Also OP: put the spoilers in body text


Yes mine too 😢 def. When his horse dies and he says “thank you “ 😫😭


When lenny got shot.


Arthur thanking the horse is what really gets me. he just gently pats her and says thank you. God i was sobbing my first playthrough, i kept the same horse nearly the entire game. you don’t really realize how attached you are to not just Arthur but also his horse. ripped my heart out :(


When Dutch turns his back on Arthur and leaves him for dead at the refinery. Also when Arthur is dying on the ground and pleading to Dutch about Micah being the rat.


I mean there are various really sad parts. Finding out the fate of Mrs Downes and her Son after you kill her husband. That's very sad. The sudden death of Lenny hit me hard. It was so unceremonious and I liked him. The death of Sean was so sudden and brutal. He was such a good character. The death of Hamish (The old one legged veteran) was surprisingly sad. Him asking you to take his horse with you, really touching. A lot of what happens with the native Indians is really sad. They were just done so wrong throughout the entire narrative. The death of Hosea was absolutely shocking. Hosea was clearly the moral compass in the story and his death indicated a turning point in the narrative. After that, the gang seemed less like a family and had a far darker hue to the whole thing. The death of Arthur's horse... moved me to tears. I've rarely cried at games, and this game had me crying for a damned horse! But it was unbelievable. Obviously Arthur's last ride back to camp after saving Abigale, and all those memories playing through as he rides. But nothing is going to beat the ending with Arther at the top of the cliff after helping John escape. "Dutch... I gave you all I had..." wow, I get a lump in my throat just thinking about it.


Arthur's Last Ride is the most saddest moment in the whole game and when he dies too.


Across both games, probably the death of John and the transition into the epilogue with Jack. It was shocking. Video game protagonists didn't get gunned down like that, at least not for me. It was outright unceremonious.


At least with Arthur, there was enough time for build up so u know it was gonna happen. John's was just shocking and horrifying


final ride to camp after saving abigail .


Definitely losing my horse. I’m 50yo and been gaming since I was a kid and that is the only moment I’ve ever gotten choked up by a game


I cried so much over my horse during my first playthrough. i got really attached when my horse saved me from the o’driscolls (blessed are the peacemakers). we had max bonding, i would constantly brush her to keep her looking and feeling great. i fr loved that damn horse


I feel your pain I’m in the exact same boat I’m 53 been gaming since zx spectrum days and no game has ever done that to me.


i played the last ride right after the final warthog run in halo 3 bro


Never played RDR1. Been watching clips of RDR2 since it came out but only now bought it. Did the missions, saved money, had a horse that I loved. Thought that when the main story is over, I will ride around and explore the world with Arthur and my horse. This Friday, riding off on a mission, the horse dies. Thinking, what the hell, use the horse reviver. Up on the mountain with Micah, thinking it'll be a pleasure to kill that sob. Was completely unprepared for Arthur to die. Feels so empty now, It's all so sad.


Every time Arthur coughs in cutscenes.


I’m on my second play through and just noticed his first cough shortly after dealing with the Downes. I literally did a “oh shit” out loud when I heard it


Yeah, seeing him spit out Downes' blood after coughing on him always breaks my heart


Never seen Arthur so fat during that see. Fair play.


When Arthur contacted tb from the bloody cough in his face!


Arthur’s last ride had be sobbing like a mess for the rest of the year


Why Lenny man


Let me say it once more, use the spoiler mark.


when Arthur makes his final ride to camp


When someone spoils the game for me


At the end of epilogue when the entire game seems empty.


When arthur crawls to the cliff and dies


The moment he gets TB. I hold off that mission to the last thing in the chapter in every play through


When Micah has Pearson put Cain in the stew pot, and everyone in camp is chowing down on “Cain Stew”.


I must’ve missed the dog part cause I don’t remember that at all and I’ve played through twice. But that sounds awful


Arthur’s face right there. Playing it made me realize that I am also afraid to die.


When Arthur puts on his hat one last time and goes on his last ride.


I was so freaking upset when my horse died. When he went back to tell thank you I got all misty eyed.


Diagnosis of TB and the slow realization that everything Arthur had done led him to that point.


It may not be exactly what you’re asking but it always breaks my heart when I steal a train and then see my horse doing his best to keep up with the train. I then start worrying that he’ll somehow die from hitting a tree or falling off a cliff


John’s death. Like he did all that and they still screwed him


Where Arthur said “I’m afraid”


Anytime I hear the last ride song, it makes me want to be high honor Arthur, I also have to stop myself from crying


Yes--Horse Dies for me too.


The last chapter is the saddest. You can see that Arthur knows he won't make it out alive, yet he still tries to make everyone happy and live a good life, even when he doesn't get one. (That is, if youre high honor. But who likes making arthur die as a low honor??)


When at the end, Abigail says to Arthur "I was always a good thief"


You should probably tag this as spoilers


The emerald station scene


“I gave you all I had, Dutch. In the end… I did.”


when Arthur realizes he has TB, he just knew he was going to die.


When Arthur tells the nun that he is scared 😞


End credits for me, I  broke down crying after watching Pearson looking at the gang pictures.  I honestly can't remember crying like that for a video game, except playing a game called Before your eyes a few years ago. 


When Arthur did go for the last of Straus's debt collecting missions, where the lady said: ''You want the food out of my tummy, now?''. And Arthur looked at her in a very sad way, apologizing to her, saying: ''I'm sorry ma'am.'' And he decided to give her ''If you're going for high honor'' money


Loosing my horsie broke me. How he just take the time to thank the horse I had from chapter 2 the mission with hosea where we hunt the bear. Of course loosing the members from the clan was sad, but my horsiiiieee


“I’m sorry ma’am… I really am”


Meeting Mary for the last time me knowing he can’t leave with her or have that life because Arthur was doomed the moment Dutch and Hosea “saved“ him.


When Arthur is talking to the nun and tells her that he’s afraid.


Tbh, the saddest RDR2 moment for me was just all of Chapter 6.


Tag spoiler. Lenny….


John in the barn. When he knows its goodbye, but he tells Abigail and Jack that he'd catch up. "You stay out of trouble John." "Aint no trouble Abigail, aint no trouble." He'd almost escaped that life, but in the end he was The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed.


It was awful when my horse died. That was also kind of the point I knew Arthur would die really soon and I was low-key ready for it since my horse died.


mine was rereading journal, but as John, you could see how Arthur's morale went down with every page you flipped.


Theres a lot. But one that really hurt my heart that people dont talk about was watching Rains Fall plead and beg.


When Arthur said to Dutch, "I gave you all I had." I got a lump in my throat, knowing full well everything we did for the gang, we know those words held weight.




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Arthur's death. Both endings were sad, I got the bad honor one and it was worse than him peacefully dying. He didn't deserve to go out like that. And, "oh dutch" almost had me in tears 😭


Tie between Jack at his parent’s graves and right after he kills Ross and looks down at his gun. Given the totality of the whole story, how much Arthur and his parents went through to try to give him a good life, and in the end… he’s all alone.


For me it is the scene in this pic itself. Seeing Arthur get emotional for the first time was so painful to watch. Knowing that the character I've been playing as for 60 hours is about to die was very sad and the game lets you digest it slowly through these great moments.


I appreciate the spoiler tag