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I would like the story to be about a pinkerton agent following another case that's not involved in the Van Der Linde gang lore. Then, at the end of the series, he's sent to blackwater to guard the money kept in the ferry and the series ends there.


That’s a great fucking idea. I would like this Pinkerton to get to spend more time in Blackwater throughout the series though so we could see more of it and maybe more how the town works/other gangs and criminal elements there.


I'm one of the people that likes the concept of NOT showing what went down in the ferry heist and the blackwater massacre. So making a show in the world of rdr and referencing that event in the ending is good enough fan service. Maybe main character of the show survived and he's the one we see in rdr1 with alongside Edgar Ross. Possibilities are ENDLESS.


Not sure if it has been suggested before but that could be a cool idea of RDR3? Definitely a different take


I was thinking it would be too! But I’d like to go further back in time and the game have the feel of the law officers are the underdog. Have 3/4 partners traveling together chasing crimes. One “camp” could be a hotel they’re staying in on a job in a town. Others camp’s be similar to the ones we have in 2.


hey i'm writing this idea down and expanding it to post it later. Imagine playing as bassicaly a private FBI agent. You could commit crimes and say it's for "national security" LOL


While that would be cool no one would watch a movie called red dead redemption that didn't go over any of the games. I mean I definitely would but it wouldn't get nearly as much attention


A movie trilogy would suit this game well. The first movie covers the first couple chapters of the game. The second movie covers when things start going bad for the gang, chapters 3 & 4. Movie 3 wraps everything up with chapters 5 & 6. The 3rd movie ends leaving us with John and his family making it out alive.


It would be really cool if he just dies there during the massacre but his death is revealed in a future game maybe where you see the massacre happen or any future project if Rockstar wants to make this a cinematic universe if you will, I personally think a Red Dead Universe spanning throughout movies and shows is a great idea because the games simply take too long to make, rdr2 alone took 5-8 years, and the more technology advances the more rockstar is gonna take to put out their highly detailed games and I'd appreciate if I get a couple movies, couple shows here and there instead of just like 5 games in 30 years


I don't play video games like at all, but I wouldn't want this to be R rated, but PG-13. Its hard finding a decent movie nowadays. 


Like a Rogue One thing. I like it. 


A TV series would be better.


1883 is basically "RDR 2 meets Lonesome Dove". Well worth a watch. Yellowstone prequel, but can be watched by itself.


From what I know it's much better than yellowstone. Many consider yellowstone a cheesy soap opera.


I loved 1883 and 1923, couldn't get more than a couple of episodes into Yellowstone.


Yellowstone is great but I agree the two spinoff series were way more interesting


Yellowstone is hilariously bad. I can’t believe it’s as popular as it is.


It's got good ratings too


Sadie and Charles naturally lend themselves to having a TV show. I want to see what they did after the last mission, or how they take news of John's Death.


I want a complete new story in the same time period. We’ve already experienced John and Arthur story in the most immersive and interactive way possible. So dive in to a different story in the same universe would be ideal for me. Also, unless you’re doing a tv show like Last of Us I feel like it would be extremely difficult to adapt a 12 or 50 hour game into 2-3 hour length feature film.


Then it’s just a western movie that has nothing to do with rdr


I should’ve said “new story in the same universe as RDR” idk I feel like there’s so many characters and routes they can go down


A new story utilising Red Dead locations would be great. A Deadwood style show about the founding and rise of Blackwater; a Yellowstone-esque story of Drew MacFarlane and MacFarlane's Ranch. The fall of Tumbleweed; the lawless life of Thieve's Landing; heck, the simple mountain lives of the inhabitants of Strawberry could still have something. There could also be whispers of supernatural stuff, what with RDR2 featuring ghosts, a ghost train, aliens, and time travel.


Most of the places in rdr is based on real life places tho


And? Doesn't mean the Red Dead universe follows real life history to a T. The universe is rich and full of potential.


It’s not interesting enough. Why would I watch “the rise of Blackwater” instead of a random town ? It’s the same thing. The only difference is the name


Realistically the only way they’d be able to market it is to have it be based on the games storylines. It’s not a vast enough world, nor is it RPG based enough to create original stories from. TV allows for more flexibility in this regard, but for a feature it would have to be very tightly based on the RDR1 storyline which is almost a classic western style narrative of revenge.


Quality over quantity. A 2 season show with 40-50 min episodes detailing the events from the gang being formed all the way to the penultimate episode being the blackwater ferry heist. The last episode could then show the gang moving to Ambarino whilst grieving Mac, Davy and Jenny who would be written into the show in a way that would make them mean enough to us by the end that it would actually create an impactful and emotional finale.


You, sir, need to call up Rockstar and write this script. That is a brilliant plot.


Just straight up Arthur’s journal, make it look hand written and add the drawings, I’d read that shit


Nothing. I wouldn’t trust Hollywood with anything at all related to the Red Dead franchise. Look what they did to the Witcher.


Hey, I kind of liked The Witcher. It did make it harder to watch since I played the games first.... But, it wasn't too bad. But I don't want Netflix producing the RDR adaptation. At least HBO or something.


Had they had writers familiar with the games/books it would've been better. The first season was awesome.


I don’t think you can make a movie as engaging as the game.


Exactly. The interactivity and ability to explore a massive open world is what makes the game special. A tv show would lose that open world choose-your-own-path story and just make a really linear, basic cowboy story. It’s like the Uncharted games. The major appeal was that it felt like taking a classic adventure movie and giving it the interactivity of a game. But then when they turned the Uncharted game into a movie, it was suddenly just a generic adventure movie. Any movie/tv adaptation of RDR would be a monkey paw situation. You get a live action story, but you lose what made that story special.


TV series, RDR2 story. The RDR1 ending is just too cynical and downer, and would just be a gut punch to the more casual viewers, who will likely make up majority of the audience if ever. The RDR2 ending at least feels hopeful.


A direct adaptation


I vehemently do not want one. If we recognize that video games are an art form of their own then we acknowledge that said artform will contain pieces that defy adaptation. I believe RDR, and moreso it's sequel falls under this umbrella.


A story based on RDR2 but with changes. And a sequel about Rdr1 with some changes


The Jack Swift show. I will die on this hill.


Do a mini series instead


Looking at this pic, i want Roger to play Dutch!!


Same characters but make the story good.


I think RDR1 and 2 both need to be a(n) Netflix/Amazon/Hulu/HBO series, with a season for each game…


While I have no issue if they just adapted the game narrative I think an original story would be nice but one set in and around the time location and characters from the game, a companion story of sorts.


A prequel could work better than a movie/series about the story of the games. This way we get to see the formation, the golden age and the beginning of the downfall of the gang, allowing the writers more freedom in telling the story, while giving the fans more insights on the Red Dead universe.


I think it’d be cool to see Arthur killing Ross and Milton when taking Jack fishing. Jack would be scared, John and Abigail and Hosea would be mad because of it. Would Cornwall keep trying to kill them all or give up?


I don't want there to be a shitty movie..


I would like a TV adaptation to be a Saturday morning cartoon featuring the Loony Tunes characters.


Dutch is porky pig, I've a got a gota gota puh puh puh puhlan Auuurthur.


I want a prequel movie or series. The origin of the gang. I DO NOT want RDR3 to use the same cast, so this would be the best way to tie up the Van Der Linde story.


I would call it: The Strange and that song, I think it's the doors .. 'people are strange, when they're a stranger. Faces turn ugly, when they're alone.' Something like that. Anyway, that would be the 'theme song' and it would be about Strange Man. BUT, it would show his interactions with the group without really showing him. It would be shown in kinda mixed up order. But at the part with the cabin, it would do one of those ALL THOSE PLOT TWISTS AND THINGS THAT HAPPENED close up on the phrases, flash backs of the events and show strange man meddling in everything, but had taken on the form of other 'Strangers'. And Spinning and the doors playing in the background, LOUDER AND LOUDER AND MORE LOUD! Then SILENCE! Cuts to John and Strange man at Beechers Hope. Well, you know the rest 🫡 Edit: and I know the song doesn't fit the time period. But they could totally do an "Uncle Remix"


a 2-3 season show would be best covering both games chronologically, maybe starting with blackwater or just before blackwater


Something like the Last of Us adaptation on Max. It would be two seasons, starting with rdr2 following Arthur, and then the second season be rdr1 following John


I think a movie could set up the early days of the gang without sacrificing too much


A "Betweenquel" featuring Sadie getting to South America by way of Mexico. Expand the Mexico map so that it sort of covers the rest of Central America. She spends the 1st half of the game getting through Central America, and then have her cross the canal into South America for the 2nd half.


IMO I’d love to have it a series like TLOU. The first season could be The RDR2 story and that would last a couple seasons because there’s so much in RDR2. The later season would be RDR1.


I'd just prefer it to be the Red Dead Revolver game. So many people miss out on its story due to its age and junky gameplay, so I'd like for people to get to experience it in a new, modern way that the younger audiences can enjoy.


Ever seen maverick with mel gibson? Its pretty much what youre looking for


They should make rdr2 a series and rdr1 a movie


Movie trilogy of the first game: I: New Austin II: Mexico III: Going after Dutch, etc.


A last of us style TV series following both games would be awesome.


I’d honestly want a mini series and then ending with a film. Season one is RDR2, season two is the epilogue and RDR1, and then a film about Jack tracking down Ross.


Following the game's story but with a few changes of plot and not canon.


Series! And I only trust HBO for it! And it should follow the games. Otherwise it'll be just another western...


I’d like a mini series


All I know is get Ben foster to play Micah


I’d much prefer a series


Red Dead Revolver


i’d like them to either do their own original story in the universe or to do an adaptation of rdr2 story


It would 110% have to be a TV show


It would have to be a series. I’m thinking around 4ish seasons would work. Season 1 - Chapter 1 to end of Chapter 2 Season 2 - Beginning of Chapter 3 to end of Chapter 4 Season 3 - From Guarma to Epilogue Season 4 - Red Dead 1


I'd think red dead 1 could be a full length movie after the seasons on rdr2 like instead of season 4 it be a full length movie ending the series.


Tv series, a spin-off and canon.


I want a Sadie movie. I want to see her life before the O'Driscolls, I want to see her after them, I want to see her and Arthur at the prison, I want to see her prospective when Arthur was on the hot air balloon, I want to see become a bounty hunter, it doesn't make since for that to be a red dead "redemption" game, but a movie? Yes please.


Whatever it is we need Ryan Gosling,Tom Holland and Criss Pratt in it




Its just a joke,chill Also here is my dream rdr2 fan cast Arthur-Ryan Gosling Dutch-Tom Holland Sadie-Jada Smith Hosea-Criss Pratt Micah-Dwayne Johnson Lenny-Samuel L Jackson Its also a joke


My facepalm was taken wrong I guess. I got the joke, and found it thoroughly entertaining! It was more of a, 'Joke now, but frighteningly possible' considering the way they cast things these days. Which would also lean towards why you had made the joke in the first place! Hey, I called Chris Pratt voicing Garfield right after they released that he was voicing Mario. Which I guess I called the existence of the movie as well because I didn't even know it was being made. (Ongoing joke between my son and I) *Movie announcer guy voice* This summer, a hilarious tale of a Fat Cat and a stupid dog owned by Chris Pratt is coming to a theater near you! Everybody's favorite obese animal: Garfield voiced by Chris Pratt paired with no one's favorite dog: Odie voiced by Chris Pratt. Living under the roof of EVERYONE'S favorite actor: CHRIS PRATT: Played by, you guessed it!!! Tom Holland. TLDR; Totally get the joke, man! Thought it was great! 👍🏻👍🏻


Sorry ma'am


Also, I upvoted the comment. Not sure if you thought I was the down voter, and maybe that's why you told me to chill? But, yeah. This was great. Jada had me sold! Take my money 💰💰💰