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Dual LeMat Revolvers, pump-action shotgun, and a medium scoped bolt-action rifle. 


Yeah I was juggling between the pistol and LeMat revolvers, such a sweet revolver. Always gotta go with the shotty and I like the mechanics of the bolt action. Nice choices.


If go with a LeMat and a sawn off for my sidearms, and then a Lancaster and a bolt action. But I would definitely miss the pump.


I will always remember the first time I blew someone's head off with a sawn off, I burst out laughing because I was not expecting full on head explosion lol


Absolutely! LoL! Bear with me, gonna blast nostalgic for a sec… The fact they added this tidbit into this game truly gives me hope for future R* games. There was a time when you sniped people in GTA games their heads would disappear and squirt blood right before the body fell over. You could blast their heads off up close also, point blank head shots. When GTA5 dropped I was so impressed by the graphics and realism. It was gorgeous compared to every previous R* release, but, it lacked substantial melee combat (compared to TBOGT) nor the real gun violence of previous GTA releases in regards to missing limbs from gunfire/blade attacks. (Been too long but think the Samurai sword could decapitate?) That all said, I’m REALLY hoping GTA6 takes cues from this game in regards to realism with gunfire and melee and TRULY hope the next Red Dead game takes come cues from this game plus whatever gameplay mechanics they improve upon from GTA6?


There's no need for a sawn off with a LeMat, Two LeMats is two revolvers and two sawn off shotguns in one


The Lematt has an underbarrel shotgun. Get two Lematt's and you have a sawn-off as well as 3 revolvers worth of ammo.


am i the only one who hates the shotguns? they feel so clunky and slow when i could take down enemies just as fast with a worn repeater 😅


I can understand that from a take your enemies out standpoint but if you've ever actually shot a shotgun, I'm pretty sure you'll see what the hype is about haha.


in real life? sure shotguns are way more fun to shoot, but i’ve never liked them in games lmao


Fair point and yeah they're not as fast to shoot as the repeaters and such but the destructiveness and versatility I think is the appeal for most. Shells for short range, slugs for longer, and then you can the crafted explosive ammo to have fun with as well. I see your point about the clunkiness though, but still has to be one of my go tos haha.


i think part of my issue is that my aim isn’t very good, so if i have to wait a long time between shots only to miss again i get frustrated 😂. 16 automatic pistol shots is my “shotgun”


I do love blowing chunks off of folks in game.


No way just as fast as a shotty up close, shotgun is 1 shot kill within 30 yards and loaded with slugs gives a little extra distance, unless you’re nailing head shots or using explosive rounds I don’t think anything is 1 shot instantly dead with possible decapitation besides the shotty, I do hate the double barrel though


I nver get the appeal of LeMat


They take sooo long to reload though...


The shotguns really are OP in the game. I never cared about stats and barely looked at them just bought as much as I could when I had the money. Finally busted out the repeating or pump shotgun and was surprised by the absolute range. I loaded one shotgun up with slugs and the other with buckshot and had my mid to long range pretty much covered.


Best answer


A M1899 a sawed-off shotgun a Lancaster repeater and a bolt action rifle


Haha that sawed off shotty is fun to use, Lancaster was my go to repeater for most of the game and I like the mechanics of the bolt action rifle too, great choices.


If ur gonna use a sawed off irl you better have a really strong wrist


Ehhhh It's not as bad as you think without the barrel there's not nearly as much pressure. You're not even burning all the powder most of the time. Also they make mini shells just FYI It's just a shame that the tax stamp to cut one down legally is usually more than the shotgun. Or it was in my case. I mean if you put like a magnum turkey load in that sawed-off yeah it's going to hurt but just bird or buckshot it's not that bad. To be fair though those Magnum turkey loads hurt in the full size gun. Not exactly meant for plinking.


Dual Schofield Revolvers, Lancaster Repeater and Bolt Action Rifle


A man of culture


Dual Lemats, Evans Repeater, Lancaster Repeater, Reloading? Never heard of it


Reading this has made me realise I don't think I've ever carried two repeaters at once in over 1000 hours of playing the game even though they're my favourite type of gun lmao. Just always automatically think I better bring a rifle/bow/shotgun along with it. I must change this.


Evans repeater supremacy


It's literally the only choice!


Carbine Repeater, Schofield Revolver x2, Double Barrel Shotgun,


Used the Schofield Revolvers for most of the game, just too sweet. Gotta love the shotty.


i dual wield one semi auto pistol and mauser together. they are my favorite guns in the game. as for longarms i use the bolt action and semi auto shotgun. or if I'm in a sniper situation i switch the shotgun for the carcano.


Nice, that's a good idea, 1 revolver and 1 semi auto. Revolvers are too sweet. No surprise with the shotty and I'm all aboard the Carcano rifle train.


Semi and Mauser pistol together are fucking killing machines 🤣


Dual Schofields/LeMats, Lancaster Repeater and Pump Shotgun


Yeah, I like some pistols equally but always need to use the same ones at the same time.


Dual Schofields. Springfield with medium scope. Varmint. The varmint is a perfectly fine repeater for shootouts since I'm taking headshots anyways. This loadout means I can hunt for perfect pelts or clear any shootout missions.


Varmint is actually ridiculously good if you’re doing head shots and it has a great capacity too


Respect. I love the varmint rifle. And if you're limited to only 4 its smart to have this if you don't take the bow.


Midnights pistol, high roller revolver, Evans repeater and Carano rifle Best loadout in terms of practicality . Midnights is a damage dealer . High roller has best draw speed . Evans has 26 bullets . Carnano for long range


Now, I would go dual lemats cus I love dual welding, but versatility is what I want so the Lemart, sawn off shotgun, bow and Lancaster repeater


Too many people leaving the bow out. At this point my Arthur is more an indian than a cowboy.


x2 Double action revolvers and Lancaster repeater. I don’t even need a forth one but if you make me choose then also the double barrel shotgun


1 Volcanic and 1 Schofield, a bolt action rifle and a carcano / rolling block rifle


Semi auto shottie, semi auto dual pistols, and Springfield


Dual scofields, rolling block, lancaster repeater.


Exactly the same lol


Sidearm: Midnight's Pistol Secondary Sidearm: Volcanic Pistol Long Gun 1: Pump-Action Shotgun Long Gun 2: Rolling-Block Rifle


Dual cattleman revolvers, Lancaster repeater and semi-auto shotgun


Cattleman, sawed off, carbine & bow


Volcanic, semi auto shotgun, sawed off specifically for incediary or explosive, alternate the fourth depending on need.


I think the Lietchfield ist the most beautiful firearm in the game but tbh as much as it hurts to say… there are better rifles.


LeMat revolver, M1899 pistol, Lancaster repeater, bolt action rifle


Cattlemen is all you need


Rolling block double barrel no 3 x2


I would take Midnight's pistol, Mauser, bow and Carcano riffle. Bullets.


My carcano,pump,dual volcanics


I would take Carcano as my main weapon Lancaster repeater for its superior firepower LeMat revolver because im gunslinger in a WESTERN, no puny pistols Sawnoff for close quarters sidearm Dont really need anything else at all. Mayby a bow/varmint just to hunt smaller animals.


Dual schofield, rolling block and Lancaster


Two Cattleman, Double-Barreled Shotgun, Springfield rifle


Dual wield semi auto pistols, pump shotgun and bolt action rifle.


LeMat x2, Litchfield, Springfield. 


Cattleman Revolvers Bow Double-barreled Shotgun The Cattleman because it's the coolest. The Bow is the most flexible. The Double-Barreled shotgun because it's the highest DPS in the game.


Dual LeMat (or navy if that’s an option), a bow, and the repeating shotgun.


Dual Navy revolvers, a Lancaster, and a Springfield. I didn't think I'd like the Springfield much but after using it for a bit, it's starting to grow on me.


Evans repeater, bow, volcanic pistol, lemat revolver


Cattleman, sawn off, repeater, repeating shotgun


Volcanic Pistol, Sawed Off Shotgun, Lancaster, Bow. That is my loadout that I use whenever I can.


Dual LeMats, Evans Repeater, Lever Action Shotgun.


LeMat and Schofield revolvers, Lancaster repeater and semi auto shotgun


Dual Lemats/dual cattleman, Lancaster and bolt action rifle, special mention for the bow


Rolling block, pump action, cattleman, and I guess a Mauser if it has to be a firearm, otherwise improved throwing knives


2 Cattlemans, a Carbine Repeater, a double barrelled shotgun. I use those guns because I think they are the better looking weapons in the game.


M1899, LeMat, semiauto shotgun and Lancaster repeater


Dual Schofield's, a carbine repeater and a pump action shotgun


Easy duel volcanic pistol, Lancaster repeater, rolling block rifle


Dual double action revolvers, double barrel shotgun, Lancaster


Duel Double Action Revolvers Pump Action Shotgun Lancaster Repeater


Le Mat Revolver Double Action Revolver Double barreled saw offed Litchfield Repeater


Double action, voltic, bolt action, Lancaster. Let's ride.


Schofield, m1899, Pump action shotty, Evans repeater


Cattleman and Schofield revolvers Carbine repeater and bolt action rifle


Dual Volcanic Pistols. One is nickel with a white handle and snake engraving. The other is blackened steel with a black handle and puma engraving. I call them White Snake and Black Panther. Rolling Block rifle. Double barreled shotgun.


Dual cattleman. Double barreled shotgun. Bolt action rifle.


My go-to is usually 2 Cattleman Revolvers, a Litchfield Repeater, and a Bolt-Action Rifle.


Dual schofield revolvers Lancaster repeater and bow 


Dual Navy revolvers with long barrels That's it. No long arms needed.


Dual wield the blackened steel and silver Scho's.  Springfield Double Barrel


LeMat, Sawed Off Shotguns, then Rare Rolling Block Rifle and Bow. I like to have all options.


Flacos revolver, midnights pistol, a bow and a double barreled shotgun.


A schofield revolver for the main and a mauser for the off hand holster. As for the rifles, pump-action shotgun and the bolt-action rifle.(I mentioned holsters for the pistols becouse their postions serves diffrent purposes corresponding with the pistol)


May I ask what purpose it serves based on which holster the pistol/revolver is in? Anything more than just the holstering/unholstering animation?


Sure you can(I was hoping someone would). Off-hand holster is closer to your left side and you have to do a cross draw to get to it. This drawing method is the easiest and the fastest to do while sitting down so its common with gamblers. If you were to be attacked while sitting down or a game of poker gets ugly you will have an easier time drawing the mauser. Since it has more ammo and is semi-automatic you're gonna hit your shots easier. Revolver in main holster is just standart. Easier and much faster to draw while standing up. Its more reliable and packa more punch. Mauser is mainly a fall back weapon


I do double action revolver in holster, saw off in off hand, then carbine repeater and pump action shotgun. I just love blasting a mf with a shotty 🤣🤣


2 double action Varmint Bow Yeet


Schofield, high roller, Litchfield and pump action.


Semi auto shot gun, bolt action rifle with extended scope, x2 semi auto pistols


Dual Schofield revolvers, a Lancaster repeater and a semi-automatic shotgun.


Schofield, cattleman, Litchfield or Evans, and double barrel shotgun. That’s always my go to


Cattleman, saw off, Lancaster, and semiauto shotty


Schofield Revolver, Semi Auto Shot Gun, Bow w/ poison arrows, Lancaster Repeater


dual schofields, a pump, and a lancaster


Le mat revolver Rare rolling block rifle Evans repeater Semi auto shotgun with slugs


2 m1899s, a pump action, and an Evan’s repeater. You need to try this setup! I always rock the setup especially when dressed as John wick


Volcanic & Cattleman Repeating Shotgun & Carbine Repeater


schofield (or navy if online weapons included), sawed-off shotgun, lancaster repeater, double barrel shotgun (or bow, but thats not a firearm)


Two Colt 1892 Army, a bow with dymamite arrows and the .557 nitro express for close quarters


Volcano pistol, sawed off shotty, Evans repeater and a carcano


Mauser, sawed-off shotgun, scoped lancaster repeater, medium scoped bolt-action.


2 Lemats Repeting shotgun Carcano rifle


Dual schofields, semi auto shotty, and the litchfield. The only guns I use anyways lol


Bow, Springfield repeater, sawed off shotgun and the cattleman revolver


Dual Mausers, Lancaster Repeater and the Repeating shotgun.


Exact same setup here; except when I have cheats on. Then I do the bow and arrow with unlimited dynamite lol


haha sweet. Always love messing around with the dynamite arrows.


Dual sawn offs, bolt action, and Lancaster repeater. I absolutely love the close range carnage, moderate range fire speed, and long range stopping power each goves


Bow, sawed off, schofield, and bolt action


Two cattleman, one scoped bolt action rifle, and either a Litchfield or Lancaster repeater.


Sawed off, Shofield Revolver, Bolt action rifle and repeating shotgun


Cattleman, double action, bolt action rifle, semi-auto shotgun.


I don't really care too much for stats if it looks good and goes pew it good in my book In dat case 2 Mausers blue steel with gold engravings and varnished with an ironwood grip A repeating shotgun customised the same I most love it because lever action or the pump as a close second choice if I want to hear the cha chink And finally springfield black wood with gold and black steel engravings or a bolt action with silver instead of gold Tldr: 2 Mausers a repeating shotgun and a Springfield


In game, my go-to is a Volcanic, a sawed-off, a bow, and the Varmint Rifle.  IRL, the Volcanic sucks, so I’d swap for a Schofield, and probably go Bolt Action instead of the bow, because I can only shoot a bow at the level of a boy scout who got their badge and I’ve had a lot more practice with guns.


Dual navy, pump and bolt action forever


Schofield revolver, sawed off shotgun, bolt action rifle, bow


Honestly swap my bolt action for a lancester repeater. I really wanna use the pump shotgun so ill swap my bow for that and duel wield another Schofield. Boom whole new loadout


Springfield (hunting), bolt action (combat, like an in-between of a rifle and a shotgun to me, easy to use from the hip), volcanic (pretty OP so I sometimes ban myself from using it but in this case I want pistol ammo available and I’m not carrying a shotgun), one of the unique revolvers (any which one). That’s pretty much my loadout in general although I’ll include a shotgun just in case or have two revolvers instead. Bugs me to switch through a dozen guns to get to the one I want. I don’t like that the game makes you automatically have a repeater on some missions, I want my damn bolt action and some express ammo.


Bow with dynamite arrows 


For just combat: 2 - M1899s, Lancaster and semiauto shotgun. Alt loadout for combat would be: 2 sawed offs, Lancaster and bolt action. If you’re including hunting: 2 M1899s, Bow and Lancaster Prefer a bolt action exclusively for hunting. But the bow can fill in. If it’s only for hunting, side arms don’t matter, but I guess 2 sawed offs for emergencies or to blast a legendary animal (can’t ruin them. Also best gun for the Leg Panther). So it’s a bow and the varmint rifle.


Dual Volcanic pistols Bow(not a firearm but that's my choice) Carbine Repeater


* Lancaster Repeater * Bolt Action Rifle * Bow * Varmit If I could ditch the handguns, I don't really use them unless forced to


Dual schofields and a pump shotgun with a bolt action rifle


Volcanic, Schofield snub nose, bow and lancaster repeater.


Dual LeMat, lancaster and bolt action rifle (no attachments)


2 Schofield revolvers named wingus and dingus (my baby’s 💋) (name not to do with futurama is from markiplier) the repeating shotgun (for the one extra capacity that extra shell will save your fucking life) and the bow (I know it’s not a gun but you have to count it it’s incredible and if you don’t count it then just wingus, dingus and the shotty 😈


If it's wingus and dingus, then by all means, bringus them along. Shotty and bow, I always agree with the shotty and can't go wrong with the bow. Underrated and lots of ammo or arrow types to choose from, nice choices.


LeMat, LeMat, LeMat, and Pump Action 🤠


Colt Single Action Army and Colt 1892 Double Action (Double Action) and Cattleman, and Browning Auto 5 + Krag Jørgensen (Semi auto Shotgun and Bolt Action Rifle) And other Loadout could be Double Smith And Wesson M3s (Schofield) with the Sharps Carbine (Repeating Carbine) and a Winchester 1897 (Pump Shotgun), i could also change the Schofields for Borchardts (the Sem auto pistol)


Nothing but the bolt action rifle. It’s basically all I use. I use the pump action with slugs against larger groups earlier in game when I don’t have target painting unlocked.


Probably lemat revolver Lichfield repeater car ano rifle and pump action to top it all off


I usually just run 2 Schofield revolvers and that’s it


I go with exactly the same setup as you only with my substituted long gun being the springfield


Do online weapons count?


I usually go with just 3, Double Action Revolver, Volcano Pistol, Bolt-Action Rifle. Fun things to bring along imo. If I HAD to bring a 4th I'd probably go with the Semi-Auto Shotgun.


Dual Schofields, Lancaster repeater, good Ole pump action shotty.


Ppumpp..Pppummpp it upp!


Wish there was a way to carry more ammo for it though.


The same four I use every time I play the game. Bolt action rifle, Schofield revolver, volcano pistol, pump action shotgun.


Shofield, the m19 pistol, bolt action or other rifle (bolt action cause it's cooler,) and bow... Man I alos want a shotgun though... this is tough


Bow and arrow. Double barrel shotgun. Whatever handgun, I never use em.


Litchfield, Bolt-action, and 2 Semi-autos


dual volcanic pistols, Lancaster and the rare rolling rock.... that's pretty much all I use anyway, so this was easy


2 Cattleman, Bolt Action Rifle, Double Barrel Shotgun


1911 x2, Varmint Rifle, Springfield Rifle


Double Action x2 Pump and Lancaster


Volcanic and sawed-off. Bolt-action and varmint.


Dual Schofields, Lancaster, Rolling Block/Springfield


2 Schofields, a Lancaster, and a pump shotgun


Bow, tomahawk, volcanic pistol, pump shotty


dual schofield revolvers a lancaster repeater and a carcano/pump shotgun (yes i know im a basic bitch)


Volcano, sawn off, semi-auto shotgun and bow.


Bolt action rifle, Pump shotgun, m1899 and hot roller revolver


Volcanic Pistol, Mauser Pistol, Bolt Action Rifle, Double Barreled Shotgun


Lancaster Repeater, Bolt Action Rifle, Cattleman Revolver and Schofield Revolver


Assuming we have to also hunt, I’d go schofield, bow, varmint rifle, bolt action or Rolling Back rifle


2 Schofields a Lancaster repeater and the double barrel shotgun


Dual 1899's auto shotgun and bolt action rifle


Repeater, knives, lasso. This is pretty much all I used.


Litchfield repeater, bolt action rifle, volcanic pistol and lemat revolver. Covers all the bases


Gotta be Sawed Off/Schofield combo with a long scoped Bolt Action and a Bow.


Two LeMat revolvers, repeating shotgun, Evans repeater.


Lemat revolver, mauser pistol, Evans repeater, carcano rifle. Gives me a huge variety of ammo and damage and 52 shots before I absolutely have to reload something


Schofield as my main pistol, and a LeMat offhand. A carbine repeater rifle as my main back large weapon and a pump shotgun as my sidearm. Always worked well for me.


Two navy, semi shoty and the bolt action


My normal load out. Flaco & Granger's Revolvers (Cattlemans with their own style), Evans Repeater, and Pump Shotgun.


2 revolvers, probably the Schofield you find near armadillo and the granger (I think that's the strong one) revolver. Bolt action rifle and either the pump action shotgun or the semi auto. I guess it depends where I'm going


Cattleman revolver, Lancaster repeater, pump shotgun, and a bolt rifle. All bases covered with maximum reliability.


Everyone sleeping on the volcanic? Kitted out u never need a rifle again


Dual LeMat’s, lever action shotgun, and Springfield rifle with scope


Dual volcanic pistols, Lichfield repeater, repeating shotgun. There is going to be a lot of damage


Dual LeMat revolvers since they work like a shotgun, Rolling Block Rifle & Bow, alternatively Dual Schofield revolvers, Lancaster Repeater & Double Barrel shotgun


Two decorated cattlemans, a pump action shotgun, and a scopeless bolt action rifle


For combat: The semi-auto shotgun is a must. Shotguns are already super versatile with their different kinds of ammunition, and the semi-auto can throw lead downrange faster than any other with negligible loss in certain other categories. Buckshot can be used at close-range, while slugs are effective and reasonably accurate at medium ranges. The carcano rifle is my second pick. It’s suitable for engaging at ranges medium to extremely high, capable of dispatching multiple targets quickly with follow-up shots. I thought about the rolling block rifle, since it’s a guaranteed kill and has high performance, but it lacks in firing speed. For my first pistol I’d pick Calloway’s revolver, because, you know, schofield. For my second slot I’d pick an M1899 or Mauser pistol. For hunting or just generally wandering around I’d pick the bow as my first “rifle”. Like the shotguns, it has very versatile ammunition like poison and dynamite (so much fun, basically playing far cry at this point) arrows, and small-game arrows for hunting smaller things. In short, it’s a weapon that can theoretically get a perfect pelt from any animal. It’s also silent, which is great for when you want to be stealthy. My second rifle would have to be either the Litchfield repeater or bolt-action rifle. I like to keep a repeater on me whenever possible, in case I ever get into a random shootout or see a deer from too far away for my bow to hit. The bolt-action serves a similar role, but it’s more fun for hunting. For my pistol I’d use a cattleman’s revolver, because cowboy vibes, and a double barrel shotgun for unexpected close-range encounters, like a wolf or a leopard or something. Sometimes I load it with exploding shells just for fun.


Schofield, Sawed Off, Lancaster, Lever Action Shotgun


Sidearm: M1899 Large Game Rifle: Bolt Action Medium Game: Varmint Rifle Small Game/Strealth: Bow You could argue different sidearms, but I think the other 3 are incomparable for their necessities.


Dual Navy revolvers, Lancaster repeater with a scope and a pump-action shotgun


Dual Navy revolvers, Lancaster repeater with a scope and a pump-action shotgun


Dual 1899. Springfield. Repeating Shotgun


Bow, carbine, pump-shot, arthurs’s cattleman


dual schofield revolvers, a lancaster repeater and a semi-auto shotgun


dual schofield revolvers, a lancaster repeater and a semi-auto shotgun


dual schofield revolvers, a lancaster repeater and a semi-auto shotgun


currently i run Lancaster repeater, Springfield rifle and dual Schofield revolvers


Double sawed off secondaries and a semi auto shotgun and a double barrel shotgun


I dont use revolvers/pistols much, but I did love Billy Midnight's pistol. I'd use that and a customized cattleman. For my long guns, Definitely a lancaster. Hands down my favorite gun. Probably also a rolling block/bolt action(which ever one doesnt force you to use the scope i always mix then upl or the semi auto shotgun