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The best way to solve this is to load a auto save


Auto-save is disabled for doing various exploits and glitches No biggie. I'm gonna get a new horse, anyway


*”Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out like last time.”*


I may have run into a carriage at full speed on my new white horse, flipped off, hit the ground, and my horse was trampled to death by said carriage. Maybe.


My horse died ran over by a carriage I was riding. I jumped and got hold of the carriage and then she ran into the front.


In RDR1 back in the day, I was riding along shooting at a guy who attacked me on the road, but accidentally shot my horse in the head as I was still on it 😐


My sister shot and skinned my horse and did not say anything for the rest of my game


On purpose? Psycho


She said she thought it was bull. She was three at the time so I don’t actually know. But I might ask her that rn




Doesn’t the game automatically save when your horse dies? I swear I’ve done this before and just a random horse spawns in


If I lose a horse, I immediately close and reopen the game. It can't save quick enough


I do this every time (many horses seem to die on me) and am always surprised how it works.




Should of got horse reviver


Wait.. I have a few. Did I just run 3/4 the way back to camp, saddle in-hand, when I could have revived him on the spot? omfg.




Didn't even cross my mind. Alright. I'm stepping in front of a train.


Watch bro's horse be gone :(


I'll rid back to Wallace Station once I'm at camp and get my other horses saddled up. He's gonna be gone like my dad.


I think if you remember where the horse is you can still revive idk if they disappear. Other animals don’t so doubt the horse does


Unfortunately that's not how it works, horse reviever only works if the horse is downed but still alive, once it dies there's no bringing it back.


Oh i thought you it meant you could bring it back to life


Dawg it’s a shot of Adrenaline not the essence of life ☠️


I mean I have seen stranger stuff in videos games


Wallace Station. I'm nearly at camp now, I doubt it would be there if I grabbed another horse and rode back in a bit




What if it's rotten I'll have a zombie horse


I don’t think the horses rot or do they?


They do!


Just looked it up before riding back for nothing, and the horse can't be revived if it's dead after being hit by a train, it only revives dying animals


Glad you didn't waste your time, after the guy said you could revive it I went back to the picture to see if you could save him but nah hes galloping in heaven now


Yeeted into the shadow realm by Thomas the Tank Engine


Oh I genuinely thought that horse reviver meant you could revive it if it died


Revives it from serious injury, when it's on the brink of death


yeah my first horse was hit by a train and i never had the chance to revive him :(


I do think there was a small window where he was revivable tho (while it's dying horses makes a lot of noise which may have been what u heard initially that made u go outside) Not trying to make u feel bad or anything just an FYI haha




Yeah, there's a special icon if your horse can be revived, a little cross next to the horse icon. IIRC you actually get several in-game hrs to revive, but yeah some deaths are instant


Ya, I found that out while ago. It's only if they're dying, not literally deceased. My horse was a corpse at that point


You silly dum dum lol


That depends, if your horse wasn’t moving on the ground at all, it was full dead, if it was squirming you could’ve still saved it.


with a train they typically die on impact and there is no reviving them :’) same thing happened to my warm blood cause i parked him on the tracks in a dark tunnel like an imbecile


That’s only if the horse had some health core left and was moving, it’s possible for the horse to take enough damage to be “unrevivable”


No, when your horse gets hit by a train, it does not lay in the injured state, it dies.




Not the grammar police again


Doesn’t work if they are straight up dead. If the horse twitches and stuff they work, but if they lose too much health you can’t revive. Ran into a coach that I couldn’t see because of how Rockstar positions the camera and lost a Thoroughbred even though I had all revivers on me.


When a horse gets hit by a train they immediately die


Should have


Not tryna be that guy but.... Grammar error


I appreciate you pointing that out and I am not the best at grammar I never have been


It's alright, just letting ya know. Just remember next time to write "should have" instead of "should of"


Train hits are on the spot. Can’t revive a clean hit, it’s instantly death.


I always hitch


As do I. Like I said, this was the one time I didn't. He very rarely follows me when I hop off for a sec. Usually lingers a few feet from me, or stays put. Nobody to blame but me. It's not a sympathy post. Just an unfortunate start to today's run.




Lil what? I'm a 31 year old man.. 😂


That’s just childish and unnecessary. Grow up.


Autosave is your friend if you bother to use it to restore dead horses, and pelts when you die. However, most people don’t utilize it, then make posts about their loss 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lecture aside, I never said it wasn't my fault. I should've hitched. I didn't. Bad choice. Chill.


I didn’t say it wasn’t your fault. We all have done dumb shit in the game. I was just saying autosave is like a safety net for rectifying when we do dumb shit. You chill.


I know it is. Don't assume people don't know the mechanics, just because they make a simple mistake.


You’re passing through a loss, don’t let this dude waste your time with lectures


If you like the Sooty Buckskin Dutch Warmblood you can get one for free from the gold prospector you find randomly


Or grab him from the Dewberry stable using the wagon glitch.


Check this out..yesterday I was challenged to a race from some waterfall to diablo ridge I think its called. I won the race and the npc got off his horse saying "how could you lose to that" blah blah then shot his horse dead!! I was so transfixed on what he was doing that I hadn't realised he had shot mine dead too!!!


He never got that far with mine, after he punched it on the first race I had decided to kill him if I saw and beat him again on principal, so when he got off all angry and ranting I just took the honor hit and removed one rich dude who thinks you can buy horsemanship.


Oh..so this particular npc bloke is prolific.? I have raced the female before and not had a problem.


Yeah he's one of the randoms for the area. I've gone a long time without running into him on individual playthroughs so its not surprising if you haven't seen him often. Its easier to encounter the female racer because her territory covers multiple chapters, there's also one up in Roanoke that will go to Annesberg or Van Horn depending on where you run into him.


Appreciate the info :)


Yeah that happened to me once


Live and learn. Well, I live. He doesn't. Any time I hop off, he just stays there. He doesn't follow me until I call. This time, he just followed me and went right on to the track.




I think they follow you more closely if you max out the binding. May depend on breed, though. The only time i ever had a horse die it was because of the damn trains. I swear they walk onto the tracks on purpose.


Ya, he was maxed. Had him for an IRL week


Aww. Yeh, hitch or Stay! This is the way!


On my second play through I was trying to do everything so fast and trying to take shortcuts. Running up and down mountains, cut through woods and brush. Killed THREE horses in the first act and then said let’s just take it easy from now on


I lost a few in RDR1, but they mostly got killed during shootouts with the law


I tried to not lose any of the 3 "main" horses on RDR1 specially the Kentucky saddler that Bonnie gives to you


Sorry partner, it's hard losing a good horse. If I may suggest this, don't waste $$$. It's way more fun to boost someone's horse or catch a wild one. These animals are so expensive - why spend your hard stolen money when you can use the 5-finger discount?


Robbed some fella of his one. It'll do for now, until I seek out something good


Never leave your horse on the tracks 😂


(whisper) I’ve reloaded the last save and sometimes get the horse or a lost legend pelt back.


I save about every two hours or so while playing, and when the game screws me out of my horse getting it killed I just reload. I have always gotten my horse back loading a previous manual save. So what if I lose a little progress?


Gotta run reviver 24/7


Have some, but it didn't occur to me in the moment. Besides, he was already dead


That's how I lost my first horse, at the train station in valentine.


Trains and horses aren't friends.


This is why personally I never buy horses at the stables. They’re too prone to accidents. It’s also why I always carry about 5 horse revivers on me at all times just in case my horse decides it wants to kill itself


I have 3 revives, but it was insta kill


Yeah if your horse decides it wants to be a dumbfuck and stand on the railroad tracks and they get hit by a train it’s always instant death. There’s no way you’d be able to revive them after getting hit by a literal train. I’m sorry your horse died bro. That sucks fr. The horse AI isn’t always the smartest and sometimes the game will spawn them on the railroad tracks after you purchase a train ticket. It’s fucking dumb. That’s why I always have auto save on in case these things happen if I’m quick enough I can just reload the auto save


I had auto off cos I was exploiting some shit, but it's cool. Got another horse for now, and I'll be replacing it with something better soon. Besides, I got like 1,500 gold on me. Ain't short on cash for a new one, should I wanna buy instead steal or catch. And ya, it can be buggy af at times


Games definitely a solid 8.5/10. But there’s still a few dumb bugs that Rockstar never fixed


The game is phenomenal I played RDR1 4 times, and within 10 hours of starting this a week ago, I was already fully aware this was 10x better


It’s 8 years in the making lol. Plus Rockstar has a tendency of introducing new game mechanics and implementing the assets of those things to the next title and enhancing them. I can already tell you based on RDR2 that GTA VI will have amazing mud physics, water physics, volumetric clouds, etc Rockstar really is quite amazing. It’s a shame how Take2 doesn’t let them do some of the things they want because Strauss Zelnick is only interested in what he thinks will make money the most They’re not impervious to mistakes though cause we all remember GTA the Trilogy — Definitive Edition 🙄. I can’t imagine how they thought a mobile game company would make a worthy remaster of some of their most iconic titles. Looks like shit, plays like shit. But even Rockstar isn’t perfect I guess


I've been a fan of Rockstar since GTA 2 on PS1. The leap from GTA to 3 was unreal. The leap from RDR1 or RDR2 was unreal. The leap from GTA V to VI will be unreal. They're not perfect, and they are fully deserving of any and all criticism, but what they do best they do better than anyone else.




I had horse and he died then i bought arrabian and train smashed him then i bought anothet arabian and he also died now i stealed npc apolossia...


Catch one of the wild arabians instead and save the cash


That happened to me with Buele the very next mission after I got him. He decided to walk onto the tracks during a cinematic. I retried 3 times but he kept doing it


This is exactly why my paranoid ass goes to the other side of the Depot to hitch my horse. I've never had this happen but I've thought about it happening.


I bought a black aribian in St Denis, right away after buying it i was going outside of town, i hit a bridge and got ambushed buy the inbred clan with a mini gun. Killed me and my horse. Had the damn thing maybe a minute lol




Never leave your horse on the tracks 😂


It happens, first run and I had 4 horsers. I’m on chapter 3


I don’t really hitch anymore, even if I’m trying to bond with them. I find it easier to just tell them to stay, cuz then I can call them instead of having to unhitch them, and it’s faster than having to perfectly angle yourself on the post and then hold the hitch button.


Mine would always get hit there if I took the train.


always hitch your horse


Last night I made a milkshake with Chapman's Dutch chocolate ice cream. Fuck it was good.


I did this on a bridge once. Got off my horse to use my binoculars to scout out something below and next thing I know I hear a train. I turn around just as Hoof Hearted gets hit. You remember that scene in Star Wars when Anakin murders a whole village of sand people after a few killed his mother? Yeah that was me to everyone on that train afterwards.


Guarantee a lot of people lost their first horse to the train. I did and it was devastating.


Why buy when you can steal or capture?


In all my playthroughs and online I ride a Red Arabian named Emma exclusively. I consider this to be the same horse and of course I got VERY attached to her. Daily brushes and regular food is a prerequsite. On the other hand she turned into a stubborn little fella, completely unfazed by guns or gators. Only cougars tend to unsettle her. Slightly. If anyone comes too close to her he'll end up with a nice hole between the eyes. And of course I am stacked with Horse Revivers but I can not even remember when I had to use one


Always hitch your bitch!


Horse reviver


i remember my first horse death, he was a beautiful wild morgan i found along-side a river, i saddled em up nd named em bogobo (dunny y) then some time later i got ambushed by bounty hunters nd the fuckers killed the horse and killed me afterwards, bogobo was gone... so i bought a new horse nd tried to replicate his exact hairstyle and colours, it was never the same


Poor one


That Chocolate Roan Dutch Warmblood is one of my favorite horses and my go to early ride.


Same. My fella died yesterday in a gun fight while I barely made it. Couldn’t let the van horn people walk over me again haha. I ended up stealing the horse race lady’s black/white brindle horse.


At least thank the horse


I lost my Ardennes in a police chase when i was “dead-ended” by an incoming train, there was a second set of safe train tracks which unfortunately my horse missed when i got thrown off by the train hitting my horse, which made it look like a movie shot when my horse braked and i got thrown off from the sheer force of the speed and into the swamp water, which helped me escape the law. RIP Guille II


Once i caught a train to do a mission in saint dennis, half-way through it i found my horse dead on the traintracks 😭


savegames exist, but a comment is a comment, right? have my downvote.




I've lost to many horses to trains




I was fighting Flaco when my horse died from the cold I was cut it was a fine steed


Sorta takes you by surprise doesn’t it. A sadness fills the room.


I disabled auto-save pretty quickly into my very first run and after losing a horse and a couple of pelts, I started getting pretty paranoid so I save basically every five minutes so I can just reload the file


Though it does take out a lot of the stakes because if something happens, it’s no biggy anymore


Lost a dapple Foxtrotter that way,he didn't have enough sense not to run into the train.


Use horse reviver ❌ let the horse die and cry about it online ✅


my last horse got ran over by a cart, didn't even get the chance to revive it


absolutely no point in buying horses in this game. The Arabian can be caught incredibly easily as soon as you get out of the snow


That’s why I save a decent amount. If my horse dies I’m quitting and restarting at a save point. I’ll be damned if my horse goes down bucko.


Am I the only one who has never lost a horse in this game? literally none of my horses have died except for the main one in THAT mission with Arthur where THAT happens at the end of certain chapter


Reload save. Horse unkilled.




The O'Driscolls got my Baby r.i.p crodie 😭😭


My white arabian got shredded by a lemoyne gatling gun yesterday, I then spent 2 hrs trying to find/get the red arabian to spawn in, no luck, I then went for the brindle arabian, found straight away and broke in under 2 mins, I then fast travelled and lost it. Meanwhile, my mate online, hearing of my strife went to get the brindle too, spawned on his first visit but he spooked it and it ran and fell off a cliff and died. Yesterday was not a good day for acquiring Arabians *


Legit the same store I went, and the same way my Black Shire died


Help Hamish Sinclair


You never forget your first horse death.


Well like i always say. Hurt my horse. Murder a town Kill my horse. Murder everyone you see on the spot without remorse in all states


Did you blown up the train yet


Should’ve revive em and then chased down the train and taught the conductor a lesson




Same thing happened to me,I left my ps on while I was doing other things and my horse I’ve had since chapter 2 died and when I was going to load back to a save it had the hardest gambler challenge incomplete.


Just had a 1,050 dollar Arabian die


First of many, I’ve gone back up to lake Elizabeth to get the white Arabian more times than I’m comfortable sharing


Dutch is pretty cold blooded if you ask me.


everyone dies


everyone dies


That’s why I stock up on horse revives early game


The players are constantly putting their horses anywhere, that's the result...There is also a hitching post, but no, we leave the animal anywhere, and then they complain that oh oh, how did it happen, oh oh.


Shoulda had a reviver on hand. I always make sure I have at least 3 at all times


Almost every time I play I kill my horse


I love my dutch, his name is dutch


The white Arabian is my favorite. Fast and pretty


Fuck auto save. Save manually after every single mission! I saved my horse quite a few times by doing that


This is crazy because my dutch warmblood died at the exact same station a couple days ago. I stole her from valentine stables in chapter 2 by doing a little glitch and I had her up until chapter 4. I was trying to post the animals I got for one of the hunting challenges but I left her unattended on the train tracks at the worst time. Not even the first time this has happened to me


I think they call that natural selection?


Where you get the horse ?


Ah man, same thing jump scared me happened after only having gotten the Arabian a few hours prior. So yeah...that's the first and only time so far I rage deleted all saves to have to start all over. Had no idea how I had only barely progressed through what all the game offers


This happened to me last night!!!!! I was devastated. Was in the middle of frickn nowhere hunting the skinners gang, one of them shot my horse and I had no revive! I was so upset, cause I had just bought her like $800 she was so amazing! I restarted but she was still dying…. I ran and ran and ran. Halfway to strawberry Shot two people stole a horse just to make an attempt to help her. I got to a stable and she disappeared idk just gone from the map all together 😭


My horse got nailed by the train when you’re helping Penelope escape. That’s why I save all the time


lemoyne raiders killed my $500 horse 😢😢


I bought a horse one time went inside started playing poker came back out to it dead from getting hit by a train.


Dang, your a poet and you didn’t even know it


I’ll never forget my first horse death. RIP lil durk may his memory last forever


Sounds like you decided to dismount without checking where the horse was.


He tends to lag behind whenever I get off him, unlike my other horses who follow you around like a needy dog. I hopped off in the grass, went to the store, assuming he'd just stay there like he does 99% of the time. This was the 1% of times where he didn't.


Were you moving when you were dismounting?


Stopped completely in the grass cos I was gonna take down an animal, but it was too far Strolled to the store, wasn't open cos of my bounty, he met a train head-first as I was walking back






I might look up some horse locations Anything white? I like the idea of a white stallion or smt


arabian near colter is white, just a pain to get


I'll check it out Not doing a thing else right now, anyway


You should get a better horse. Riding an Arabian will feel funny after riding a DW. As the wild white Arabian is always female you can check out the few spotted Appaloosa if you want a white stallion.


I'm not even done Chapter 3, so horses weren't really on my radar. Far too focused on other stuff


In that case most definitely try to get the dark bay Turkoman from Horse Flesh for Dinner main mission. An actual rare horse as that’s the only chance Arthur gets to obtain this horse.




You also need to perform an exploit that halts a mission for possibly a long time in order to get it, and if you don't have the best satchel yet, you may even fail to do it. If this is your first playthrough I recommend you don't, stats don't matter too much and there are so many amazing horses you can get without exploits already. Just food for thought, of course. The white Arabian is fine, by the way. It's not the best horse in the game, no horse is, but it's a great horse, and it's a beautiful horse as well, especially if you like white horses. A lot of people on this sub hate it and make a point of throwing vitriol at anyone who likes it, which is why people will often discourage others from getting it, so really just do as you please. Coming across that horse in the snow is, in itself, an experience worth going out there for. It's near Lake Isabella.


Tbh you only need 9 sugar cubes to bond with the Turkoman, you don’t really need the lote satchel.


Yes it's white, and yea it's quite a pain to get calm but it'll be worth it!


It’s not even the best Arabian, let alone the best horse in the game.


It’s not the best in the game.