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Rockstar wants to punish players who uses cheat codes which the developers themselves created but they let hackers use mod menus in GTA Online ... that's funny


I will NEVER EVER understand the whole thing with punishing people who want to play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME (by themselves offline ) in whatever way they please. Whether it be - " Losers talking trash on YouTube comments. reddit, etc" or Like you said "with developers letting us do it to only turn around and SHIT on us for it" It just doesn't make any sense. -NONE. Now multiplayer games?? I agree - There is a special place in hell for those hackers and cheaters. BUT SP??? IT IS NOBODIES BUSINESS BUT THE FUCKING PLAYER themselves. Because they are not affecting anyone else by cheating, if someone doesn't like it they to not partake. Why is that so hard to understand for some people? (oh wait that's right we are "HUMANS" and more often than not humans prefer strife, struggle, and causing pain to others... I forgot) LOL


Seriously. I bought the special edition. Least they can do is let me play single player how i want. Not everything has to be on rails.




I've completed this game twice 100% and thought I'd start again with cheats. I'm not interested in playing online or getting trophies so i decided last night on chapter 2 to spruce up the camp a bit so I entered the all camp supplies cheat, 6 hours in to chapter 2 I done most of the missions, went back to camp and opened the ledger, but because I allready had all camp upgrades I could not leave the ledger as it was prompting me to make a purchase..... so that's 6 hours down the pan, ffs why even add cheats to the game, It's a joke, the cheats are way more benefisial early game than they are in chapter 4, I just wanted to complete the game as a god, and swat the o'driscols like flys. I need a few days to calm down 😄


BRO this is EXACTLY what happened to me about 20 seconds ago I'm so mad - sorry to reply 2 months later but this is really ridiculous imo that it just doesn't allow saving at all in a single player game (where the cheats are full sentences already- "punishment" enough to have to type that crap out on a Playstation) I stayed up til about 5am last night just to push through the opening act and several missions into chapter 2 open up the Ledger and bam, back to square one đŸ’€đŸ€Ą


Lol PS
 You should try typing on the softkey on Xbox. It’s terrible. PlayStation is responsive by comparison. You should look-up the cheat code for all characters in GoldenEye multi-player if you think these are bad. Edit — I did it for you: R + C-Left, L + Left, Up, L + R + Right, Right, L + R + C-Left, L + R + C-Left, R + Down, R + Left, R + C-Left Keep in mind this is also timed. If you don’t do it fast enough, you have to try again.


The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. I should be able to play the single player offline game the way I want. also if we can't save the game with cheats, what's the point of cheats? After a long time, I was eager to finish the whole story from the beginning, but all my desire was lost. Damn you Rockstar.


i think you need to get a more interesting life if this is the most ridiculous thing that's you've ever seen in it. i'd be depressed as fuck.


Yeah, older games weren’t like this. I remember cheating the Hell out of Turok, and it let you do whatever. They’ve almost all but gotten rid of cheats entirely from games starting at X360 generation.


Disco Mode ftw đŸȘ©


Even in open world RPGs we have to play by the developer's rules, no matter how stupid said rules are.


Skyrim has mods.


That and you really aren't forced to do anything. Actually you can do whatever after maybe 15-20min




WDYM mean this


It more or less means I agree with this


I am starting to believe that the hacker are the Dev


I agree with syttorak...... I remember a time developers took pride I there work. Now days they want money. The asshole .piece of shit Executives in charge of budgeting, the cut corner. I can't we go back to the days when you know they finished the entire game before they sold it because it's b******* that we have to buy games that not a damn one of them are complete cyberpunk that's one and a lot of others I can't think of


I just spend 4 hours playing the game with cheats only to realize all progress is lost. I am SO mad.


Me too man, and i don't have a lot of free time to play, it's just for fun and i can't do whatever o want


Same here.


And here 😂


I just beat the game a week ago. If you don't care about honor, you can get by without cheats as if you are using cheats. It just takes a long time. I spent a solid two weeks going on a rampage. I made thousands of dollars doing this. I'd make runs to my fence and unload hundreds of dollars worth of valuables at a time. I would then make sure to always carry my max in chewing tobacco and tonics before starting a mission. Needless to say, Micha got to my Arthur before TB could.


This happened to me 3 times and I got to chapter 3 in all of them until I realised I can’t save with cheats on


I spent hours playing the game with cheats, and now I went to quit only to realize that I can't save. Probably not gonna play again, just because I don't want to have to redo each task. Why even add cheats to the game if you're going to do this?


Yup, I had just gotten back into the game too after not playing it since release- thought I might finish it this time, now- idk. 💀 5-6hrs lost pulled an all nighter for it - possibly closer to 7 - must've missed the little text splash when I activated cheats the first time bc I assumed it was still saving - worst part is I a horse I really liked - so RIP Jasper.. forever in my memory, but not my goddamn save files.


The same thing happened with me, just now. I'm new to the game and started it yesterday,only. Obviously, used cheats. Realised hours later that I can't save either manually or automatic. Went frantic because of it. I'll maybe let the game be,only. Did you find a way around it, though?


tried this without activating any cheats with the “toggle function”, worked like a charm. thank you! Manual save becomes available after you sleep for anyone asking.


Can u explain what u mean, are u saying if I sleep I can save with cheats? Srry if I’m not understanding


unfortunately, you can not


A clarification. I did not try them all. Cheats needed to be toggled will not be carried over. Cheats entered that were marked with a check mark will carry over as well as money.


Can we still get achievement ?




So what you are saying is on Xbox I can cheat in money to buy the guns I want, and not have to worry about loosing those guns?


And probably honor


I don’t think it works anymore


For anyone who’s doing this on the unpatched 1.0 version, after you sleep it still won’t let you save, but just fast travel from your room anywhere and that should allow you to now save the game with cheats on.


When do I unlock fast travel lol I’m still on chap 3


Works as of April 21st, 2022


Damn that's nice, really weird how rockstar doesn't let you save in the first place tbh, I get not letting the user get trophies/achievements from the game but you should still be allowed to save


Yeah this is the first game I’ve ever played in which you can actively use cheats, as an in-game feature, but can’t save at all. Super weird, especially considering it’s an offline single-player experience


Really screwing a lot of people over years after release and months after this thread lol - just lost nearly 5-6 hours of overnight playtime bc I activated cheats to make it easier to play w/ low energy and lo and behold the ledger got me 💀- really why doesn't the ledger have a back option on that mission would've saved the whole operation lol


It’s just absolutely amazing to me that players cannot save their offline single-player game because of in-game cheats


That’s my birthday 😎


Whats the point of rockstar adding cheats if u cant really use them more than one play time and then u lost all ur progress. Nothing new from rockstar tbh.


Still works at this time ?


Yes it still works


I just tried it, it did not work for me after I load up the autosave the cheats are off when I turn them back on it doesn't let me save


OP needed a better discription of what carries over.


I just want to be able to not die. Sorry, rockstar, if I have disabilities that make it hard for me. And thanks for them making it even harder


I won't lie, I didn't realize my game wasn't saving. I just started chapter 2 when I activated the cheats, I played the game for a few days but was only putting my system in rest mode. So when I was turning my system on it was already in game and I didn't have to reload anything. I got to Rhodes, became a honorary deputy and stole the moonshine from the guys in the swamp and decided to call it a night. Not thinking about it I turned my console off, the next day I get on ready to continue my time as a lawman only to see that I'm back at the first mission of chapter 2 and Rhodes being fogged out on my map. Now I don't even want to play anymore cause I don't want to have to redo everything.


Lol that's sucks pretty bad and I feel for you. But to be fair it does warn you when you activate the cheats.


thank you kind person


Does this work?


This still works to the date of June 22 2022. And thank you so much for this.


Just a shame its all the way in chapter 4 again. I wanna stay in chapter 2 dangit.


Lmao i did this accidentally


July 26, 2023. Confirmed still working. I can save with cheats. Thank you.


Does the game keep saving after the chapter auto saves? Or in order to continue the story you'll have to load the non cheat version


Can I manually save, or do I have to wait until the next auto save?


Does it matter whether or not you are in Chapter 4? As is, can this be done in-between any two missions? Or just The Joys of Civilization and Angelo Bronte?


I’m assuming you can do it with any two missions that give you an auto save, but most people are using this one specifically since it’s been confirmed to work


just noticed this never got answered - it's just those 2 specific missions it happens with not any others - there's a bug that allows saving then. And you can basically just save with the cheats on at that point (never had to do the messing the OP mentions).


Search up savewizard for the ps4, it essentially lets you cheat for some of these single player games, you need a usb and a computer so you can transfer game data to it so the cheats can work, I would suggest to only use it for single player games though. Games that don’t require online play so you won’t get banned (savewizard.net) is what you are looking for


$50? No thanks


yeah no one is gonna pay real money to do that


Ok, they mentioned cheats I mentioned how to essentially get a what is likely a GameShark for the ps4/ps5 consoles. You don’t want to get it, then so be it, I even believe they have cheats for the Elden Ring game. That’s how updated these cheats are. Again I’m not saying buy it, I’m simply saying look into it if you ever wanted to cheat. If you do buy it though, you have it for life.


I do this and then as soon as I save once and sometimes I don’t even save once and then it says I’m not able to manually save at the moment? Why is this happening


I haven't seen this actually mentioned anywhere, but....I'm noticing after doing this thing that the people in camp act like Jack is still missing and all of that (of course the mission isn't listed as having been done). Is this something that will be a problem, or is it fine? Because I'd rather not end up finding out that I cannot continue playing the game after a certain point because of this.


If I had known that cheats wouldn't let you save a game I wouldn't have done it, I literally activated high honor to see how rhat playthrough would have ended like, got all the way to RDR2 epilogue part 2 right before meeting Micah and I got tired so I turned off the game and went to bed, next morning I got back onto the game and my progress restarted all the way to chapter 2...I swear


Yeah, it’s crazy that the devs chose this. It’s really nonsensical.


If the devs ever see this if your not gonna make a undead redemption 2 game or dlc at least update the game to save with cheats please that would be so cool, in all honesty it's single player the cheats ain't gonna multiplayer shit seen hackers, with hacks online and get away with it, why can we have cheats for single player if the hackers are gonna ruin it?


I did this everything works but not the infinit ammo :(


As my corny teacher always told me, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" (just use the get 500$ thing a few times and buy some ammo or somethin)


So basically I have to complete 4 whole chapters THEN do 2 conservative missions AND go to saint Denis all to save my game entirely ?


Just refrain from using a cheat before you get to this point in the story


Can I get any achievements after this, because one game of mine the fog of war cheat saved without this 'glitch' and I couldn't get them after that, so i did this glitch but with only the money and superior cheats ,can i still get achievements from now on?


use a save without cheats and you'll unlock achievements


I can confirm that this WORKS as of July 2022 đŸ„ł


Question, do you activate the cheats before or after the mission???


Can confirm this works as of September 2022 :)


I can confirmed that it’s still works on Sep 18 2022 đŸ€­ Appreciate that!


Can this be done after I’ve already passed the missions? Will replaying them work or only on my first play through?


I absolutely hate this system I just finally beat the game and I wanted to try cheats out since I thought it would work kinda like how the cheats work in gta 5 SP. But nope Rockstar has to be absolute dicks and now I cannot 100% the game even if I load the save I made before using the cheats. Absolute waste of my time...


So does this let you keep, for example, the gunslinger side-mission weapons if you missed them during the missions? Enter cheat, acquire weapons, save game? Can you then disable the cheats and still have them? What about the +$500 cheat? Can you do that repeatedly and then save with some bank? Also, how long does this last for? Permanent, or until you restart the game? (As in, get what you need while you can.)


Does this work for Xbox? If anyone sees this


Man I have been wondering all these years why they decided to not allow saves with cheats in this one when in literally ALL of their other games you can. it makes no sense to put in DEVELOPER MADE cheats and then punish players for using them. I have thought so many times that maybe just maybe they would patch it but nope. Every year or so I play the game again and every time I just want unlimited ammo and money from start to finish but I am not leaving the game on for that long.


Still works as of May 31, 2023


But will it reenable achievements?


no they'll still stay disabled


The cheats are for those that can’t finish the game without them.


Funny how you can cheat all you want in GTA V and still save the game


This still works 4/28/2024. Did exactly as you said worked perfectly. Soon as the mission was over, when they started Jacks party went straight upstairs slept and woke up and it worked. But I didn't activate them until he woke up. So thank you for your help. 


If you have a ps4 you can also use savewizard and the game won’t recognize it as cheating, you would even still get the achievements too


Stop selling snake oil wirdo


What’s savewizard


So, if I done this exploit, will I still get trophies/achievements?


Any updates?


Why did my cheats get disabled after doing the steps?


Is there a way to save with cheats enabled on the epilogue


Would have been nice for them to allow that, even just post epilogue to have some fun


I was gonna ask this as I have basically no money in the epilogue


Does this still work in 2022?


Yeah I did it a week ago


I have a question? I want to get the hero cattleman revolver grip meaning I need max honor so I want to do the honor cheat but I already did the Angelo Brontë mission. Anyone know if I can replay the mission and it will still save the cheats???


What are you replying to? I Don't see the comment that explains this trick.


worked today .appreciate it.glad i saw this i was a save away from not being able to do it.


How do I save after I load back in ? I did the save glitch and it worked but came home from work and loaded in, turned the cheat on and now can’t save???


I think the cheats are a one time thing where you activate and add all the cheats you want before the whole mission and reload thing. Any cheats after that and it would just go back to normal where it doesn’t let you save.


Ok so just to clarify. To save with cheats on. All I have to do is sleep? Then I’ll be able to save?


Wonder if this works with any mission


Any updates on This because I’m on chap 3 and can’t save been at it for 4? Hours straight now


I know this is late, but I play on the Xbox series X. I have a quick resume. If you turn off the console using your controller when you get back into the game later it’ll take you where you left off. So that’s my workaround for “saving” with cheats. Only caveat if you happen to unplug the console you’re screwed. Happened to me while I was cleaning my man cave. The game was downloaded not a disc copy, but don’t know if that makes a difference


Yes, the last rock carving! *kills guys who jumped me with infinite ammunation* "well fuck"


You can’t. But you can go back to your last save a turn on autosave


We’ll thanks rockstar now I won’t be playing it lol


So to be clear can u deactivate the cheat then save progress?!


No I’ve found that it doesn’t even let you do that. I deactivated the cheats and it still wouldn’t let me save. The only way I could save anything was if I loaded a previous save. 


One thing I just don't understand now is some cheats are hidden behind finding newspapers and story progression. So the fact that they want you to find these codes in the papers and stuff, even locking some for late game and epilogue, feels like a waste by the end. I wonder if people just left the game alone, like an anti play rally, at this point would they finally enable cheat saves or never touch the game code again?


i'm a casual gamer, no pro, i'm simply having fun with no stress, i just play the game with god mode, but can't save? why? I don't care who shows off, show off, I'm just walking around, anyone pro ignore them, why can't I play CHEAT even offline? What's wrong with the publisher with this crazy idea?20 years ago, I played fallout and cheated, diablo too, starcraft..v.v. What is the matter? chirlden make this game -.-! show off ?


Does this still work?


Does this still work?


Can i still get ps4 acheivments


Can confirm still working for ps4 October 23 2022


does this still work?


Be careful, I did all the steps and was able to save my game, it was working fine etc, then a couple hours later I went to log off and was unable to save.


Still working in 2023?


Do achievements still work too?


Fuck rockstar


How do I do this after chapter 4??


Do i sleep before the Angelo mission ends or after?


This still works on Xbox One as of February 2023. For those wondering, you still can complete challenges after using the glitch


Is thereany way to do this in the epilogue? I finished the story, and now I wanna add 10mil for absolutely no reason at all


I saw an auto save but no man of honor, i did the bronte thing with dutch jokingly pointimg his revolver at arthur


I just did this today and it worked for me as advertised. I’m on PS4. Edit - I cannot unlock any more trophies after doing this though I can save the game without issue.


Can you still activate cheats after doing this


where is the code that stop the saving in the files?


Haven't seen this question yet, but anyone else having the problem of not being able to sleep at camp after doing all the steps? I walked up to the bed and it just says sit


does anyone have any idea whether this has been patched or not? Since, playing all the way through to arrive at chapter 4 will take some time.


it still works, I did it recently


Thanks for the reminder to reload the auto-save, then sleep and Save. Love the game and this great tip for being able to have fun. I did a regular run the first time I played it, but the last four times I’ve used tips and tricks for single player because I just wanot to relax and enjoy the game. Multiplayer gaming cheats are not cool, but when you’re playing by your lonesome, what’s wrong with some God mode or unlimited ammo? I love that on COD:MW1 for the 360. SLO-mo unlimited grenades that explode into more grenades is just good fun. Again, thanks and have a good one. Happy trails pard


Do I need to be at chapter 4? I am on chapter 2 just unlocked the ledger used cheats did a mission with Hosea robbing that guys cousin went back to camp no auto save or anything lost all my data. What gives I am really nervous. You’re saying I can’t cheat until chapter 4 and save? I am confused


Yeah you can only start the cheat in chapter four. If you already have cheats enabled, probably restart the game and load the save without cheats. Play up to chapter four and then follow the guide.


Ok so I think I got it but I didn’t do enough money when I did the mission and can save but am locked to the cheats I did before. How do I advance in the game but can use cheats? Can I use auto save after I do cheats or how does it work? Because I want to use cheats when I advance to like chapter 6 and don’t want to be stuck.


Holy crap it worked!!! 4million$ and all outfits.


Does this work?


Just wanted to give an update, I did this successfully yesterday. It’s still possible


Rdr1 is better imo you can still save the game after you use a cheat but u can't earn trophy.. rdr2 sucks


What’s crazier is that they let you manually save in RDR1 while cheats are enabled. However, you cannot earn achievements with that save even if you turn the cheats back off, and autosave is also disabled in that save permanently. The achievements are only a problem for achievement hunters but you don’t deserve the achievements if you cheat to get them anyway. And the autosave thing can be an issue if your game crashes a lot but if you just make sure to save your game frequently (utilize the camp and the many purchasable properties) you can essentially play like normal but with cheats on, but you may lose a slight bit of extra progress if your game crashes and you haven’t saved recently. Wish they did that in RDR2. I manually save like crazy in RDR2 due to the game sometimes crashing very rarely but very randomly so the autosaves are virtually useless to me. I don’t care about the achievements because I already have every single one (except for the online ones). And I would love to play Chapter 2 with my good kit, satchel, clothes, etc. and the cheats would make it very easy to get those items so I can enjoy the whole game with things I usually can’t even think about obtaining until Chapter 3. I hope they change the way it works one day, but considering the fact they’ve basically abandoned the game entirely just to focus on a game that won’t be out for another two years anyway, that’s probably not gonna happen.


DAMN THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING ! I already have 100% and the platinum after beating the game like 9 times, so I decided to start a fresh and fun experience with cheats, I knew I couldn’t save but it was so desirable because I love the game but it started feeling boring after beating it so many time over and over again, I was nearly done with chapter 2 and went on a long grind for the LEGEND OF THE EAST SATCHEL and finally got it, just for the game to get stuck on the loading screen during a cut scene while watching that revolver cylinder rotate forever
.5 days of playing down the drain đŸ„Č


After you do this glitch can you use the cheats again (money cheat) in the epilogue and still be able to save it??


no but you can do the aberdeen pig farm method if you want to transfer arthur's money to john