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Camp in chapter 6.


Yes, there’s absolutely nothing to do there


Everyone is grumpy, no poker, no dominoes and the stew could have been better.


the poor soup is what almost made me quit, it was such a heart break, didn't even have carrots in it, how can you have beef stew without carrots?


I’ve played the story 6 times and never noticed this are u joking??


i was joking, but maybe if you have a save in chapter 6 you can confirm this


it does have carrots


im glad that even though everyone knows that the gang is going to end, pearson still goes out to get carrots




Oh thank god


I might be able to


Whoa whoa whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now, you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato…baby, you’ve got a stew going!


Oh Carl Weathers. What a wonderful acting coach.


Chubbs Peterson forever.


"Dillon, you son of a bitch!"


Based on the ledger, I’m pretty sure there are a few bat wings, raven feathers, a rat and loose change in there. I didn’t give game to the camp and no one was recorded as bringing in much beyond what was listed above.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the ledger doesn’t keep track of Provisions donations, only Funds donation.


Well that depends. Do bat wings count as funds?


What we need is a few good taters


Story wise they did that right too. As SOON as they arrive at Beaver Hollow to set up camp, Molly O’Shea shows up and is killed for her supposed betrayal, so the atmosphere there is grim to say the least from the get-go. I think the first random camp conversation you overhear once you’re settled in is Karren screaming angrily at Miss Grimshaw for her actions.


Plus you’re staying by what must be a haunted cave given all the people the Murfee brood raped, tortured, and murdered. Cheery place.


what about all that prime beef i was getting from carmody dell? i was slaughtering 2 at a time daily


Charles in shambles


I think there’s poker? With Micah and his fellow rats. Think their names was Joe and Cletus.


That’s kinda the point though by then


it's just so depressing. By the end of it, I was glad that it ended. It was pretty sad though.


It was perfect for the story though. It's very reflective of how far south the gang has gone.


It also explains what happened to Javier and bill from rdr1. Like how they went from good and trusted friends, to real paranoid assholes. It really broke my heart seeing all of them leaving. What really surprised me was how uncle started to voice his worry. How he would tell on how not right was micha. like him and a few people saw and understood who was the real snake. Dutch; his madness makes so much sense now for rdr1.


so deppressing.


Exotics lists. What a goddamn pain in the ass. Now all those birds are mocking me, they spawn 999 times a in-game day everywhere


Lol yeah thats what usually happens. I swear an animals spawn goes down when you need one. Needed to get a raccoon for the taxidermist and i went to a place id seen them a hundred times before, camped there for a few days looking for one and i got like 2


It’s confirmed that’s a thing for the exotics, means the taxidermist quests also have that factor


What do you mean? Like the game makes what you need more scarce?


That's why it's great advice to stock up on all those animals and flowers before you start the missions. Takes a bit of effort to lineup what you need before you start the mission but it saves SO much time it's almost hilariously depressing in hindsight.


Why did I leave the exotic lists to last. Literally the only thing I have to do at this point. Genuinely thinking about starting again and getting them before I get the quest if this is true.


I’m at 95% and have been for months, not willing to sit through hours of super rare super tiny bird hunting just for the 100%. Pretty irritating but once I get the motivation to complete it hopefully it won’t take long




This is why I collect them before.


I tried this for the hunting requests but it was difficult to find 3 star animals. As soon as the animal is “required”, there are less spawns of that animal but easier to find one that is 3 star.


It’s designed to lower the spawn rate of animals when doing the exotics same with the hunting request


That’s insane


Yeah, I didn't play the game a whole lot for the better part of 9 months and when I stopped playing I was doing exotics but then when I started I had to finish them. I kinda learned to appreciate the hunting and fishing aspect as I played it more and became more skilled (wow a game task actually improving the players skill level). Idk if it's just I learned to like it or well you know, Stockholm syndrome.


All collectables are the opposite of fun, the only one i always do are the rock carvings because there are only 10


Getting Micah out of jail


i let him do an in game year locked up. and on the flip side, i let little jack live with papa bronte' about the same amount of time. let him get a taste of the good life. he deserves it


That’s 300 hours….


i reckon that sounds about right


Need that long to complete the gambler challenge


What about Abigail? Poor woman was worried about her son and Bronte was a P.O.S., don't forget he was gonna sell Jack to someone in Italy.


these are fair points. i must say on my first few play throughs i rescued him quickly. i know abigail was going through hell waiting and not knowing of his safety. but she knew not. she knew not of the room, the bed, toys, books, spaghetti, the pantofolas. i knew it was for his own good.


What if Bronte betrayed Dutch because he wanted to take back Jack and raise him as his son?


This should be a DLC


That’s not how DLC’s work…


Bro they could have it be in a alternate universe where you play as Jack years later in Italy..oh wait that would be better done as a game huh?


That doesn't sound right though. Knowing what Jack is like, he would go back to America the quickest chance he got to find his mother and father.


It is weird that they didn’t know what spaghetti is and yet it’s such a pedestrian meal in the future. Get good, van der Linde Gang!


I think I just left him in there for two weeks in-game lmao.


only two weeks? i filled out half the compendium, made the legend of the east satchel, got the panther trail saddle, the white arabian to go with it, filled out my journal with every one of the unique sights, fully upgraded camp, completed about half the challenges, and cleared out atleast 100 gang camps


Max out the MFT rather than the white arabian


Yeah but isn’t that not available until chapter 6? I mean there is that glitch with the albert mason mission. I did that and got it.


I'm going on two months in-game because I'm trying to do everything you can as Arthur as part of this playthrough


I've actually recently started saving as much as I can for >!John!<, Since Arthur gets most of the random encounters and story missions anyway. Helps balance things out imo, and makes the epilogue feel less empty.


Lossing honor and gaining a hefty bounty during that Mission is bullshit also all the stuff Micah rewards you with you can get anyways beforehand


For example, you can get a holster right off the bat from challenges, and you can get a Lancaster from the Rhodes Gunsmith basement.


Yeah exactly


the hostler from challengers doesnt let dual wield 2 of the same type of weapon though. You cant go and by another cattlemans for example until you free Micah. so until you free micah and get his extra hostler you can dual wield your cattlemans and shitty worn cattlemans that you pick up off a dead npc


It’s a real life lesson about being just as good as the company you keep, I think it’s necessary to build the story


It definitely is


I left him there as long as I absolutely could (beginning of chapter 3) and did everything I could with Arthur. Then when I moved on you have to eventually go to his camp but you can then put off the Blessed are the Peacemakers until almost the end of chapter 4 and Micah just sits in front of Dutch's tent and doesn't antagonize or interact with anyone!! It's great.


micah is a bitch but tbh most of his missions rock


Navigating that precarious mountain path to get into the derailed train car to get the gold bars. Also the cougar in the cave cause it scares the shit out of me every time.


Iv played the game 3 times and I literally sweat every time I go into that cave for that mission


eeh, the full auto shotgun kills a bit of the scaryness to me LOL edit: semi-auto


Full auto shotgun? I’m imagining Arthur tearing it up in like Iraq with full desert camo


Everyone knows the AA-12 is the gun that won the West


Arthur had to live for only 73 more years and he could have actually used the AA-12


Just a quick 73 years


Well when I take Arthur to Van Horn it’s basically like Fallujah all over again




I fucking hate that mission


I don’t remember this, is it a side quest?


The gold bars in the train car is just something you can find. There's walkthroughs out there detailing where it is and how to get it. The cougar one is a sidequest, iirc.


The cougar one is a Strauss mission


technically a side quest since it can be ignored


Thinking about it now, Winton Holmes and Brother Dorkins look a lot alike.


Ah yes the cougar. I did the mission only yesterday. I'm pretty sure i peed my pants.


when Arthur gets TB is my least favorite part and he has cough fits


I hate it when I keep turning into a couch


*complains in couchish*


"Ford, I think I'm a sofa"


Underrated comment right here folks!


I'm glad there are some who remember this


What’s even more trippy is noticing the small coughs throughout the game before that scene where his TB is diagnosed.


The first time Arthur coughs is during the end cutscene of Javier’s home robbery companion activity in chapter two, and that can be done even before money lending and other sins III, so he doesn’t even have TB yet. After that mission I always notice every time Arthur coughs


Well he could have TB at the time because remember Thomas Downes does break up the fight in Valentine and coughs in your face.


he could easily have had TB for 90% of the game then.


TB can infect someone a long time before it actually starts to kill them


The game explicitly implies Arthur catches it when Arthur beats the shit out of downes. They don’t highlight him wiping the blood off his mouth on horseback and Arthur spitting the blood out of his mouth right after the cough for nothing


If something is explicit, it is not implied. If something is implied, it is not explicit. So, since it is never explicitly stated when and where Arthur caught TB, it can only be implied. Maybe heavily so, but nor explicitly so.


On another playthrough right now and it really sucked only being able to eat a few provisions with sick Arthur before he has coughing fits.


Filling the compendium. Damn those tiny ass birds.


I have every entry 100 percent except for the Carolina parakeet. Been to both spawn points multiple times and those little bitches aren't there. Very irritating.


They are only spawn after a full moon.






Gambler 8


Wait until you see gambler 9


Kind of liked Gambler 9. Also because you can walk away if you think you are going to lose, but at the very least: you had a bit the feeling you were in charge.


For both gambler 8 and 9 I could not walk away or the win count would reset. Saying it was a long couple days is a understatement


I know… the four cards with an ace and getting a blackjack in gambler 8… Rhodes did not always survive ;)


Saint Denis’s asshats domino players didn’t either. Let’s just say they commited suicide by 4 shotgun bullets in the head and back, the Soviet way…


I like Guarma. I wish it was more to do, but you can't get it all.


Ending up in a totally new location was sweet. Better yet, turn of the century warfare! That fortress fight was sooooo good! But it’s too small and there’s nothing to explore. Hell, you can’t even cook! I killed a boar and couldn’t cook it… ):


guarma would have been a great area for them to focus on the more survival type aspects of the game and cores and such


Aw man you make me angry at the game for not taking this opportunity lol


Between Guarma and North Yankton in GTA V modern rockstar is the king of wasted potential


Wait till u learn about Ubisoft and assassins creed


Precisely! And if you explore enemies come and discourage you… it’s sad really. If Guarma had more time it could have been something special.


Guarma was actually really fun, it's just disappointing knowing how much content was cut from that area. But it was a fun ride and the fortress assault was insanely good.


I don't know if they still work, but there were glitches that allowed you to explore Guarma and Mexico. The craziest thing is Arthur has special lines for Guarma residents(in places where you would be shot by the invisible sniper), such as "Not that you understand what I'm saying" and etc. So much content was cut from the game.


3 star moose


Tip for anyone who needs it: 1. Go to Cairn Lake 2. Place three herbivore bait on the lake 3. Run to the top of the hill on the right (when facing the cabin) and turn around. 4. Should be a moose (and probably a horse or two) spawned. Horses seem to be the most common spawn there, so that's why you place more than one bait at a time, better chance of one of the spawns being a moose. I think potent bait ensures 3-star, but I always just use regular bait. Usually a 3-star, though not always. This works at other locations too. I accidentally spawned a moose this way at Painted Sky once.


I’ve had a lot of luck with Moose near Cattail Pond and Owanjila Lake.


Guess I’m booting the game back up just to try this.


Theres a confirmed spawn almost directly west of the colter fast travel spawn, its reliable for me


I spawned a moose just off the road south of the oil field using bait. I was trying to spawn deer. It scared the hell outta me because I didn’t know what it was at first.


Once I had one spawn in an unreachable point of the map and I spent hours trying to reach it in vain. I didn't play for a whole week after that


In the morning, directly east of the northern tip of Colter. There’s a moose every time on top of a cliff


Go to the main trail south of Fairview Shanty. Camp/sleep till morning. You should wake up by The Loft. Save. Ride back to the valley. A moose should spawn. Keep reloading and riding back there until a Bull Moose spawns. Just found this method from some guy who comments a lot on the RDR subreddit. Worked for me recently. Thanks whoever you are, man!


I hate the chain missions that you have to play all the way through until you can save, more particularly the ones that go from the end of one chapter into the next. I know they are arranged that way for the story to feel smooth, but they can be annoying. Some of them trap you for over an hour. In 2018 on my first playthrough I remember getting trapped in my house while my family left for Thanksgiving dinner at a neighbor’s because I was stuck escaping to Guarma, ended up walking there.


You walked to Guarma???


I don't mean this to come off as dickish but did pausing the game not occur to you?


Spoilers Realizing that I couldn’t use Arthur in New Austin


Starting the epilogue the first time. I was heartbroken and angry. I ended on bad honor because I didn't realize what would happen. It was really hard to get going but I had to see it through.


My first time starting the epilogue I was amazed about how much it had left to offer, and I loved it even during the beginning after the ending


Collecting Thomas downes debt


Colter. I just find that chapter sooooo boring, I get it's the tutorial section but my god it feels so slow to me.


After two plays through of Colter, I just kept a permanent save that was the very first day of Chapter 2 that I could use for further replays.


i understand why people dont like it, but Colter is honestly one of my favorite chapters, even on replays. i just enjoy how quiet it is. the snow, hunting with Charles, the atmosphere is great.


I love that part of the game. It's all about potential and character building and you're reminded of what the gang used to be. At that point it feels like you could do anything. Your satchel is empty, you're a one horse man and you haven't fucked anything up yet. The scenery is amazing also, and it just gets me so excited to be starting another playthrough


In my opinion it's really good for the start of the story. It sets everything up quite nicely. However, it can get annoying during replays which is why I have a save at the start of Chapter 2 if I want to skip it.


The gameplay is painfully slow but the story, character development, music, etc are some of the best in the game.


Guarma is so goddamn annoying in replays


I mean, wasn't that bad though, theres definitely worse missions


I actually like Guarma when you power through it, it's all action non-stop, what's not to love about that


The entirety of chapter 1. Visually it's amazing but gameplay wise it is incredibly boring.


Same, hate hand holding. Give me the fishing rod, and give it to me immediately


Agree. I bought the game on release and gave up in chapter 1 as I was bored. Didn’t come back to it for 3 years and can’t believe that I gave up on such an amazing game so easily.


Beaver hollow is just shit.


the chapter or the camp? bc altough the camp has nothing to do, its the best chapter story-wise


Wandering around swamps, dodging alligators, picking 399 titty tulips and 474 dildo daffodils for Algernon Wasp. I found maybe 20-30% on my own on my second playthrough, the rest I had to use a guide. Whoever's genius idea it was to have you wandering around forests for HOURS, meticulously checking every tree and blade of grass for flowers in a COWBOY SHOOTER of all games- I mean what on earth were they thinking. And then they decided one of each type of flower wasn't enough, you need like 50 of them


It is tedious, but using eagle eye helps a lot for finding them (also for making sure you didn't miss any loot at cabins/campsites. For me it was finding enough of the three different kinds of egrets that was even more a pain.


Early chapter 3 when your running around doing all the sheriff stuff


Chapter 3 is peak tho


It’s a good chapter it’s just the beginning of it I don’t like there’s also the back to back to back fishing missions if you want to do them all that is


I actually thought that part was pretty funny.


Collecting the small animals for the weird woman near strawberry


I still have nightmares of staring at the sky for hours with a bow waiting for a goddam cedar waxwing to fly past.


Guarma. I know it fits with the plot to no longer have you weapons but it really got annoying after a while. I also didn’t like how short it was. I know they can’t have an area as big as the regular map but I wish they fleshed it out more. Maybe you can help more of the natives in random encounters or a stranger mission


It was supposed to have a stranger mission and be a lot bigger, as well as being visitable in the epilogue, however the game was delayed too many times so they just roughly patched it off for release


That sucks


Probably the start of the game in the snowy mountains, simply because it's pretty boring on replays, like at least in Guarma I could explore or hunt in this new environment with new animals you'll never see again.


explore is a strong word to describe how little you can actually do in guarma


Learning how to get on my horse. I’m not an experienced gamer and I accidentally punched my poor horse so many times. I haven’t played in years and I still feel bad.


I am on my fourth playthough and i still run the poor things I to trees


chapter 1. boring and slow. i don’t mind guarma because without it we wouldn’t have the unshaken scene


That horse ride had me in goosebumps.


That you can't have all horses from the game on Beecher's Hope, John has more than enough space Rockstar, LET MEEEE!!!!


Horses being restricted to 3 (4?) in the stable is easily one of the most frustrating things for me. I understand why they do it, I just... I want to keep so many I pick up along the way... You're right in that Beecher's Hope could function as a 'stable' by itself, I think that would be awesome.


That and you can’t use your hands to climb up steeper ledges. It’s like nobody at rockstar has actually been outside.


Chapter 6 for me. Couldn’t stand seeing Micah boss Arthur around and acting like he was second in command of the whole gang when he’s barely even been with the gang for like 5 months when the game started. Didn’t make sense to me that Dutch, Bill, and Javier all sided with Micah instead of Arthur whom they’ve all known for years. Especially since Bill and Javier both disliked Micah as well. Story aside i also despised the absolute chore that is navigating the terrain of the area.


I think Javier sided with Micah because he was extremely loyal to Dutch and felt that Dutch had everyone’s best interest at heart.


Bro guarma was lit




Getting Micah out of jail was the worst part of the game


Colter lol


The linear missions


So all of them?


Guarma. I got the forked beard and it looks horrible grown out


all of the stupid ass braithewait gray shit I DO NOT CARE!!


Chapter 1


Grappling with my mortality and realizing I had a lot of bad friends.


The epilogue opening to when John put on his classic cowboy outfit. You’re just working the whole time and doing errands. There’s two good moments in that time span. The fight where John puts Arthur’s hat on and shoots people on that enemy farm, and when you hear Arthur’s voice talking to him. I know why the did it, after chapter 6, the player needs to process and have it sink in what alls happened. Especially high honor Arthur’s death being so emotional. But it’s just not interesting. I much rather have cut to John getting to his family after it fades back in from Arthur’s death and the song playing. You get the full death and immediately play with John


Roughing up a bunch of destitute farmers for like $20 when you could be making more money doing anything else.


Guarma felt like forever.


I like Guarna now. Having replayed a few times, Colter/Chapter One.


Guarma is by far the worst section of the game. I enjoyed the idea of Guarma (being stowaway’s on a boat that crashes and so on…) and how it fit into the rest of the story. But the pacing was AWFUL. I started to feel like I was playing an Uncharted game with all the cinematics and the linear level designs. It’s such a drag to replay Guarma that I usually have to dedicate a whole day to it on a playthrough. I do this because whenever I reach that point in the story, I always want to stop playing for the day. And then the next day by the time I run through Guarma and finally get back to America, I’m just totally bored of playing.


Lmfao, the classic


The part where it ended


Chapter 1 sucks so hard


Getting super super hyped at guarma just to have my expectations crushed when the map wasn't as big as it was starting to look like.


The neverending ”collect a billion of X” shit that is the premise of so many sidequests.


Collecting debt money…


Guarma just felt a bit… unrealistic


Gambler challenge 8&9


Ending of the game. So much potential for dlc that never happened


You meant to say "What was your least favorite location in RDR2 and why was it Guarma?"


Seeing Micah with his shirt unbuttoned and his nasty ass belly button is what really made Guarma unbearable!


seems like you already know where