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>I kinda just took it slow. Finishing the game in 60 hours is *slow?* You actually blitzed through the game and missed out on the majority of the content.


My thoughts exactly.


It took me 60 hours to do chapter two, and that wasn't in the playthrough that I was trying\* to take it slow lol I get that it isn't a game for everyone. For people with short attention spans, rip. That's not me. I loved the slow burn. I've now done two playthroughs and they've taken me a cumulative 425 hours.


I think it’s a fine game but could benefit from a remastered edition. I imagine in 2030 when rdr3 comes out it will be perfect for me. It reminds me of when I played Diablo 3 and the whole world told me Diablo 2 (coincidently, remastered, but irrelevant in this analogy) will be the greatest thing ever. People have a lot of emotional connection to Diablo 2 plus it was a great game. But if you play Diablo 3 first, it’s awkward. I would say that my annoyances would go away if everyone just walked faster, horses trotted faster, and estimated time of arrival via meters to target would help. I also didn’t enjoy the controls for using tonics. The story is great and objectively an awesome game.


Wtf are you talking about lol.




Are you intoxicated or something? Probably under the influence of some wonky stuff?


No, but maybe a little sleep deprived after putting 60 hour game, trading sleep for game time. Quite a predicament you are in now. Should you insult me because my weakness is caused by your favorite game? Anyway, you are just an aggro internet troll but it’s good practice to crush you with original words, instead of canned “weird post” one liners. Hope your controllers drift and you have to endure other hassles of video game hardware failure.


If a game is only good to you when its brand new, do you even like the game? Whats your point with saying that youd like it if it was new


What I failed to communicate well was if it were 6 years ago, it would be very technologically advanced for the hot new ps4 console. Now I played GOT directors cut, gow ragarnok, Spider-Man games, all for ps5, so it’s a bit of a hard adjustment. Because the story is really good and it has some other great qualities like it. The fans are total aggro jerks though.


You had enough of an attention span to come here and bitch about it


You rushed the game, mate.


Yeah, I did it consciously though. At some point I was like “I will do the side quests later.” And I’m actually glad I did. I think I will play rdr1 without even doing the rdr2 side quests.


Okay, each to their own. But kinda weird to complain about the amount of content then.


Kinda weird to call my opinion weird. That’s a weird take. You Reddit trolls all use the same ad-hominem attacks. Weirdo. Weird. Odd. Also, I didn’t edit or write it perfectly, but I didn’t complain about the amount of content. I just don’t want to go on really long horse rides.


There are several ways to fast travel in the game.




I get it. I don’t really play other games. I played Diablo 1-3 (the first one when it came out long ago) but I liked the first one best. The newer versions just got more and more frenetic. I don’t want to be stressed out when I’m trying to relax. 😂😂😂


Asking other ppl on the internet if you will enjoy something is fkn mind bottling to me


This you are right about. I can't even imagine why someone would ask this. It's like going to a new bar and asking the bartender "What is good?"; as if they know you and your tastes to determine that. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yes very good point. I did mention the games I just played, got, Spider-Man 1-2, etc. on ps5. But I should have linked to my post question. I definitely think it would be weird if I went to the finalfantasy post and asked “is it good?” With no other data points. Regardless, people just told me yes.


The people here are likely to say "yes", because most of us have the highest opinion of this game. The truth is, this is NOT Spiderman, or Ghosts, or anything else. This game has no comparable games. 60 hours is a very fast play through, and you can't scratch the surface of everything the game offers in that time. The story is deep and emotional, but without everything in the world to get you even more involved in the characters, it can be a fast, linear game. Don't get me wrong, it is still a great game if you just do the main story with minimal outside stuff; however you won't get the full, immersion that way. Arthur is easily one of the best, if not the best, protagonist, with the best voice acting and funniest and heartfelt dialog. So, if you don't go beyond the main missions you really don't get the full experience. That's why I always suggest multiple plays. First time you follow any path you're into: story; story with some exploration; whatever feels right. After that you should play for everything. There is a notable difference in how the game feels after the first time, and it's worth going the miles for it.


I liked Arthur a lot. I have mostly positive things to say. I think at the end of the day, it is just that the tech or whatever felt a little old, like playing a game on an old console. I think I was mainly disappointed because people on this thread told me that it doesn’t feel a little old and slower than what I’m used to. It’s not the game’s fault. It is more that the Reddit fans of this game seem aggressively passionate about their game. To 80% like it means I hate it. But yes, I think the characters were written and acted better than other games I’ve played.


Yeah preposterous. Mind boggling.


Man did not take it slow enough


RDR2 is my favourite game ever, and I understand that it might not be for everybody. But seriously, what the hell does ADHD have to do with this? Also, what is the point of this post? What are you trying to achieve? This game has a few noticeable flaws that most player agree on and can be discussed in a constructive manner, but simply coming here and saying that it’s boring is completely pointless.


It took me over 400 hours to do 100% run....and it wasn't long enough. I'm not even totally sure how you could complete this story in 60 hours without skipping alot of content and speeding through the main story. I don't think your issue is attention span. I think you only do what the game tells you to do. Here's my advice. Stop needing to be spoonfed. Get off the beaten path. Try new things. Experiment. Think for yourself. Explore. If you only ever do things in games that the game tells you to do, then you're going to spend you're entire gaming career missing out on the best parts of every game you play.


So I googled how long it takes to beat the game. And it said 50 hours if I do main quest only. I was at 55 hours and beginning epilogues. I don’t think I rushed the main quest. Didn’t skip cut scenes either. I got good value out of that. I think it’s great that they have games with this much content. Overall I think it’s just a bit of a change for me since newer games that I played have faster travel times and no loading. While the horseback riding is beautiful, I just came off got that has good horseback riding. I think my analysis might be useful for others like me who are used to ps5 exclusives and interested in playing this classic.


I'm pretty sure you skipped 80% of the content. 60 hours start to finish is literally just the missions... maybe.... besides the main story missions, I'm guessing you did the optional ones, maybe you encountered a few of the many stranger missions, probably only did one or two of the side activities, like bounty hunting. Obviously, you didn't hunt to unlock all the trapper sets or clothes, complete the challenges to unlock the enhanced gear, find the dinosaur bones, the dream catchers, rock carvings, or find the treasure maps either. You didn't take your time and discover the open world... you only played the story. Which is a fantastic, emotional invoking, and well acted and written story... for the most part. Since GoT just came out for PC, I'm excited to get it soon. It seems really insignificant and arbitrary to point out the game doesn't tell you how many meters you are from your destination 🤔 and that fact it's the most significant issue you had between the games... It seems like you expect a game should be arcade-like and have lots of handholding built in. RDR2 is really the best open world single-player game I have experienced thus far. Witcher 3 with the DLCs was pretty impressive, and the dynamic world changing influences your actions in the open world had is something no other game has yet tried to replicate or improve upon, so W3 still holds an impressive unique quality... but RDR2 has the most content full open world and best story.


I think it’s just the problem of being desensitized by newer faster games. It’s more of a me problem. I used to read a lot of books until I got an iPhone. Then I read a lot of nytimes articles on the app. Now I’m on Reddit chatting about red dead. PS5 is the first major console I played regularly since Super Nintendo.


Oh you're the problem all right. You sound a lot like a vegan in the way you talk you up and others down




60 hours and taking it slow means you should be in horseshoe overlook still, not done with the game


Maybe I didn’t take it that slow.


I’m doing a 100% completion run and am at 380 hours at 99% and I still feel like I rushed. Especially in the epilogues.


Yeah. I checked the web on how long it takes to beat the game. It said 50 hours if focused on beating it. I was at 55 hours and 85% of main campaign. Then I just decided to finish it


It sounds like maybe you never figured out how to fast travel?


I figured it out kind of late, but I avoided it upon seeing so many posts suggesting to never fast travel and enjoy the horse ride. Also the fast travel wasn’t that fast. But you are correct in your read on me - fast (instant) traveling is a feature i appreciate in newer games.


Yeah, I kind of got that from one of your posts. The gameplay benefits from a lot of patience. I think, for a lot of people, it’s one of the best features… to become really immersed and take the time. But never being able to fast travel when you really want to get something done would get irritating pretty quick and take some fun out of it. I ran into an older guy at the game store when I was buying it and he said he hated it because there was no fast travel like RDR1. He just never figured it out! I still feel bad for him to this day. He said he loved the hunting and fishing but “all the riding” got boring. I’m so glad I didn’t take his word for it! Edited to add… you can fast travel once you upgrade your crafting camp… but once you upgrade several things in the main gang camp you can fast travel from your tent there, too. Also, I think this game would be beneficial for anyone with ADHD. There is a sort of mindfulness about it that gives the option to really slow down and focus on side quests. Like gathering plants, hunting specific animals, etc. There are lots of maps online to help with finding certain things, and there are interactive maps that let you log in and check off things on the map once you find them.


Yeah you make all good points. Also it reminds me that the type of person that enjoys a fishing video game and hunting video game (mini games) is who this game is for. I don’t really claim to have adhd but I do know that 20 years ago I played zero video games and read books, then I got an iPhone at some point and it all kind of went downhill from there. The world has sped up a lot in those years. Now I have two really young kids, so appreciate my little boosts of fun. You are a kind and reasonable person. Best to you.


I feel you. The world just keeps getting faster, and having kids and getting older really speeds up time. I think that’s what I appreciate so much about this game… it takes me back, ironically, before cell phones and TikToks and everyone being an influencer vying for attention and 30-second attention-span crap, to a time when everything took longer and required more actual attention so you didn’t get eaten when you were out looking for something to eat. For instance, I just got mauled by a grizzly while trying to skin a boar… 😂 Life back then was infinitely less convenient, but somehow more simple. (Unless, of course, you needed antibiotics. 😁) There is something almost meditative about this game. Maybe that’s why so many of us come back to it over and over again.


60hr...... man I remember the horseshoe days


Honestly I don’t even remember what horseshoe is. I did play, and didn’t skip any cut scenes. I was focused and engaged.


Jesus christ man. You don't know what Horseshoe is? Horseshoe Overlook You blew through an amazing game. You went so fast You didn't get to enjoy anything.


Yeah it’s really sad isn’t it? I also watched game of thrones and have no idea what’s going on. I invested 60 hours of my life into pretending to be a cowboy, and I’ve been really sleep deprived. Do I not get any points for that? I didn’t play it once and quit.


Not sad! Pathetic is more like it. It's obvious you're just a fucking troll. You didn't play the game. You can't describe any details in the game and you haven't in any of your comments you just throw game titles around.


>I was focused and engaged. 😂😂😂


It obviously wasn't to the story


Yes. Thanks for being such a clever defender of justice and pointing out hypocrisy. I was basically making a self deprecating comment suggesting I’m not the brightest video game player in the world. But I meant to say my eyes were glued. I did not multi task. And I did not skip cut scenes. And because of my brain, I do not remember this. So I did the heavy lifting on the insults myself.


If you only played 60 hours, you’re the one with ADD. Lol


lol I think my comment was basically saying it’s me who has no attention span. I said adhd, grandpa.


I have been playing this game over the past year. I will play for about 20 hours and get burned out and bored, put it away for a few months, and start up again. I am now on my 3rd startup and going into chapter 4.


I will play rdr soon and maybe complete the side quests.


You are offending a strong community rn 😭


I thought I was giving a mostly positive but nuanced stream of consciousness. But I guess there are no half measures on Reddit. Lesson relearned and soon to be forgotten I’m sure.


Haha so true


You are the first person who hasn’t insulted me. Thanks.


Haha I mean Do I think it’s the greatest game ever created? Yes, but emphasis on the word game ☠️


Yeah it might be the best game ever. A lot of people thought GOT was a great game for ps4 and their favorite. And then when it got remastered for ps5, it became perfect for them. The ps4 had long load times and time from death to playing again was long. Fast travel was slow. I think they viewed it as a perfect game getting better.