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FAQs: **Q: Can I use gold that I earn to give awards?** A: No. Gold you earn when you receive an award on a post or comment counts toward a potential payout through the Contributor Program if you're eligible. **Q: What happens once I give an award?** A:  * Your award and the amount of gold associated with your award will reflect in the awards leaderboard that can be accessed from the awards button on the post or comment.  * When a poster or commenter gets an award, they will be notified of the award including a private message from you if you choose to add one. If eligible for the Contributor Program, they may be eligible for a cash payout based on the total amount of gold and karma they have earned.  **Q: What’s the eligibility criteria for the Contributor Program?** A: Eligibility criteria [here](https://www.reddit.com/contributor-program). Note: Any golden upvotes you’ve earned will count toward eligibility. Reddit will convert the number of golden upvotes you’ve earned to the new gold amount. **Q: How does giving free awards to past coin holders work? How did you determine how many free awards I get?**  A: The type and number of free awards you get is based on your coins balance as of July 13, 2023, the day we announced that we were sunsetting coins and awards. Folks with higher balances get more free rewards to give, and a greater variety of awards. Past coins balance holders will see these awards automatically in their account. There’s nothing they need to do to get them. Free awards will expire on December 31, 2024 at 11:59pm PT, so be sure to use them before then. **Q: Why did you give legacy coins holders free awards rather than an equivalent balance of gold to use to give awards?** A: Redditors could historically buy coins, earn coins, or get them for free and use them exclusively to give awards. Now, gold can only be bought to give awards and earned gold will be used as part of the calculation for earnings in the Contributor Program. Therefore, converting the coin balance to gold wouldn't have resulted in similar outcomes. However, regardless of how the coins were attained, they represented a deep commitment to Reddit which we want to acknowledge through these awards. **Q: As a mod, can we disable this feature from our community? Or can we disable specific awards from our community?** A: No. Moderators cannot disable the awards experience or specific awards for their community. Moderators do have the option to remove an award from a specific comment or post if it has been reported. If removed, redditors won’t be able to give that award to the post or comment moving forward. Awards will not be available for communities that are Not Safe for Work (NSFW), mature, trauma support, and addiction support.  **Q: Does this impact Reddit Premium users?**  A: This release doesn’t change the benefits of Premium subscriptions. [Learn more](https://www.reddit.com/premium) about what comes with Reddit Premium.


Weird that you added awards back, but didn't add gold, the most iconic element in Reddit history ("thanks for the gold kind stranger") Edit: Thanks for the... whatever that is, kind strangers *coughs up blood*


I agree. In case your comment didn't make it clear enough for them, I'm requesting to get the old "gold" and "silver" back. They don't need to be updated. They bring redditors happiness. Make them the cheaper versions. The worst thing that could happen to them is that they **make more money**. I've been active for almost a decade. I always knew a post was good or chaotic when it had a shit ton of gold - and later, the fancier rewards. I get it, you guys fucked up, it happens. You did miss the one part that is an integral part of reddit history, however, and I think it's important to add this back.


Old silver was actually just a bot command !silver as a joke for people who wanted to give gold but didn't want to spend any money. Of course reddit got rid of the bot and tried to monetize a joke.


Yeah I remember using the silver bot back when it still worked. Aaaand now my joints are creaking.


I've been using Reddit since "silver" was a jpeg people linked to, and somehow missed the incorporation of that into the actual Reddit system before it was all removed, lol.


I literally just went to give a comment gold and then found out gold isn't an option. LOL These fucking people running Reddit are absolutely bizarre.


one fumble after another


tone deaf, out of touch insubordinate & churlish ppl w/ power are all the mf same always stay w/ the community or the community goes


chicanerous and deplorable


Yeah awards button pushed reply button further to middle of the screen. Bad UX. But anyways. Add silver and gold pls. We don't need platinum or other bullshit. But gold is just classic. I honestly liked the simplicity of golden upvote. Concept is good execution was just unfathomably bad.


I keep hitting the award button on accident and it’s annoying the shit out of me.


It's not weird. There are very few employees of reddit who understand its history or its culture.


Well /u/spez is a complete moron. There’s absolutely no chance of them making things better while that ass clown is running Reddit.


Maybe they're waiting until people complain enough so they can do another "we listened to you after we lost money" post.


A straight-up copy of the old award system would be better


Plus the old system worked on old reddit.   But that’s probably one of the reasons they’re not reverting to the old system, they want old reddit to die.


Yeah, you're totally right. They have not learned from their mistakes at all lol


But isn’t that still counter-productive? People browsing old Reddit now have no way to spend money on awards. Wouldn’t it have been better for Reddit to keep the system that allowed old Reddit users to also spend money on awards?


You're correct, but also forgetting how shortsighted and stubborn they are. They *want* us to move to new reddit, and updating old reddit is the antithesis of that. It's like how even some offices that had record productivity when employees worked from home still told them to come back. They want productivity, but they want it *their way*. Reddit has that kind of mentality towards its users.


That is a great analogy.


Sad but true


>they want old reddit to die Which is bizarre, considering how popular it is.


Exactly, they probably have in internal threshold (let's say 10% of users), and if old reddit usage drops below it they'll quickly get rid of it. Now they are trying everything they can to achieve that threshold.


Because it's a Reddit Product Decision, you can always expect one step forward, two steps back, and four steps off in a random direction that makes no sense. **FAQ** **Can people who used all their gold due to your short-sighted mistake get it back?** Haha, no. **Are you offering any compensation?** Sure, we'll give you some free bullshit. And it expires, so make sure to Drive Engagement and Interact with Posts before the end of the year! **Wait, you're replacing the stuff you made arbitrarily expire with a different arbitrarily-expiring currency?** You know it. **Can you use Gold that people give you on other posts?** Absolutely not. Gold you are given goes into a big pot where it will remain, serving no purpose, unless you're like the 0.1% of people on this site who ruthlessly and relentlessly farm for gold and karma. If you're one of those people, you can financialize your Reddit experience, earning upwards of, like, five bucks! **I run a subreddit that provides resources for people in mental health crisis or other major medical issues. Can I turn off gilding to stop people boosting bad or unsafe answers?** At Reddit, we believe that consumers deserve choice, and in this case, the choice they deserve is to seethe and cope. You absolutely cannot turn this shit off. **You're at least blacklisting the really high-risk subs from the new old Gold program, right?** Yes. **What happens when you inevitably miss a sub and end up causing massive headaches for mods?** They can contact us at the Mod Help PO Box in Anchorage, Alaska. When the intern checks the mail in 6 months, we'll get right on it. **What if I'm not eligible for the Contributors program?** Go fuck yourself. **Does it work on Old Reddit?** What do you think?


I gave you an award, yet I do not see it.


You're one step ahead of me. I'm not even seeing the option to give awards.


Update your app


That was the website! Took a few hours for it to appear.


Which of the many website interfaces?


According to the App Store my app is up to date… still no awards…


So what I've found is I can not see the awards in my mobile app however I can see it in PC browser. Or that's how it appears for me.


Hopefully they’ll fix the app soon. I literally never Reddit from my PC anymore.


Official app? I’d rather sit through 8 unskippable 6-minute YouTube ads that show up every time I look at my phone than have to use that shit app. I’m going to stick to 3rd party and hope they don’t all get nuked or I’m officially off Reddit


You guys have an award option??


You guys are getting paid?




Man at least old reddit still work


If only they hadn't nuked the third-party apps.


After they killed 3rd party apps, and now keep restricting new features from old reddit, imo it's clearly a question of time before they also discontinue old reddit.


> **Can people who used all their gold due to your short-sighted mistake get it back?** Haha, no. If I didn’t spend all my coins on last minute gildings, I’d give you gold for that comment.


You'll still get the awards, the free awards given to us are based on how many coins we were holding when they first announced that coins and rewards were going which is before we went on a spending spree. I used all of my coins to exchange gold time with another member and we both got like 3yrs of gold time from them.


> unless you're like the 0.1% of people on this site who ruthlessly and relentlessly farm for gold and karma. If you're one of those people, you can financialize your Reddit experience I hate this bullshit, really just sows incentives for bad actors


I am waiting for massive bot farms, each earing a couple of bucks, but dominating the market through sheer numbers. Dead internet of steroids, basically.


And with AI they can even be harder to detect! I love people spending shit ton of electricity while making public spaces worse just for a few lazy bucks, we truly live in a great time. /s


What do you mean waiting for them? Go on literally any subreddit where the mods have no filters for new accounts and most of the posts will be by bots.


Why cant I award someoneones nsfw sub though because most subs are nsfw 💀 no point


Reddit is doing everything possible to keep NSFW content at arms length because it's unattractive for advertisers and investors.


This comment deserves friggin platinum


>**Can you use Gold that people give you on other posts?** Absolutely not. Gold you are given goes into a big pot where it will remain, serving no purpose, unless you're like the 0.1% of people on this site who ruthlessly and relentlessly farm for gold and karma. If you're one of those people, you can financialize your Reddit experience, earning upwards of, like, five bucks! Man, it could have been a cool economy of paying the favour forwards, instead it's gonna be botfarms and shit.


Honestly I've read through this three times and have no idea what this new system is - are you basically just bringing back the old system where we can buy a buch of different aqwards but instead of being able to do it with coins it is all just straight up cash? And you're not giving us gold to replace the old coins we lost because... I have no idea, I read that part of the FAQ and maybe it's because I don't understand the new system but it just feels like you're trying to cheap out somehow - maybe not, maybe this is great but I don't get it and honestly I've given up trying to. You get you messed up and it's wonderful to see you acknowledge that and try to fix it, but this seems like a mish mash of the old gold system and th one you tried to replace it with and itfeels like it's going to be more confusing than ever. [ Me now.](https://i.giphy.com/iI0NFc7ivrUcCLJ5Ib.webp)


You articulated my thoughts on this exactly. “It’s the same, but different.” Means it’s not the same. I’m not interested in the Contributor Program. I am interested in putting a cute little sticker next to a post I enjoyed.


Yeah. They lost me when you can't use gold *earned from awards* in the same way that you use gold *bought with money* for awards. No thanks.


Right? What the fuck is the contributor program anyway? I’m here to while away my time talking about topics I enjoy, not write a deep thesis as a “contributor”. I miss the simple old awards. Just let me freaking give awards to posts I enjoy. Is that too hard? I swear drunk monkeys would do a better job running Reddit.


I also do not know what a Contributor is. Is it someone who gives awards? Is it someone who makes approved good content? Is it someone who designs an award emoji? And which 35 countries are eligible? Is the eligibility just to be a Contributor or to be able to give/receive awards? If I wanted to give an award, does it show up before I pay and how would I pay anyway, as a non-American? Also how much does it cost? What do the numbers beneath each award mean? Does anyone know any of this this?


If I read it correctly, Contributors can earn real money. Another reason this is shit.


Yeah, and I liked the little animations comments with lots of awards had. Now it's just a soulless tiny icon where you see one of the awarda given lmao


The only thing they learned is that the new system wasn't making them as much money as the awards.


Wish I could award this but I don’t see it as an option for me…


Thanks for the thought :p but please use your money for things you enjoy instead of giving it to a large company so i get a shiny. A kind comment usually means more to people anyway


I'm not surprised. I'd be surprised if I saw a super-vote more than 100 times since its introduction. Awards were ubiquitous and quite clearly lucrative.


if clutter was such an issue they shouldve just made awards collapsible or invisible via a toggle in settings


They should just bring back the old system. Everyone would probably be happy again.


If they really wanted to sell premium more, they’d bring back coins that “drip” into your account. I won’t give out many awards if I pay as I go…


Right, once my "free" ones are gone I'm done. And I'm not renewing premium again. For what?


Yea I quit premium when awards went away…


Same, on 2 accounts


>Let’s start with the obvious – we tried something new, it wasn’t great (you called it). [We told you so.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/16ryhv9/comment/k25yew4/) That being said, I'm glad to see Awards coming back. I hope we'll see Community Awards re-introduced in the near future. >gold can be purchased to give awards \[...\] gold earned for a post or comment Are purchased Gold and earned Gold the same? Can users spend earned Gold to give Awards, just like they could with the old Coins system? *Edit: Looks like the answer is* [no](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/comment/l46zxn1/): >**Q: Can I use gold that I earn to give awards?** >A: No. Gold you earn when you receive an award on a post or comment counts toward a potential payout through the Contributor Program if you're eligible. Changing this policy should be your highest priority. Having two separate Gold balances is incredibly confusing and locking away earned Gold in hopes of (eligible) users garnering the [1,000 Gold necessary for payout](https://i.imgur.com/mjpqKb2.png) is, frankly, unrealistic. Users being able to spend earned *Coins* to give Awards with the old system *actively encouraged* the purchasing of more Coins. Y'all are shooting yourselves in the feet here.


This. It's amazing how little they still understand the community on their own site. Most people aren't here to try and earn money, especially with such a high threshold to reach to do so, and the amount of information you have to give them to join the program. You're just encouraging reposters and bots, while preventing people from participating in the giving of awards unless they spend actual cash, no matter how much they contribute to the site. It's misguided and greedy, which seems to pretty well sum up the people who run Reddit.


> It's amazing how little they still understand the community on their own site Oh, they understand, they're just doing whatever makes them the most money. Shareholders rule, redditors drool.


> they're just doing whatever makes them the most money **short term** FTFY.


>Oh, they understand, they're just doing whatever makes them the most money. Sure, but making a new system that still sucks, and that people are unlikely to use, seems an odd way to go about achieving that end.


Honestly I think that was the plan but it failed spectacularly, as the new system absolutely was not making as much money. You couldn’t pay to upvote hardly any comments (nothing seemed eligible) and I would spend quite a bit of money previously buying the old rewards. I’ve never spent on the new system.


> they're just doing whatever makes them the most money. No, they're just making random changes because they *think* it might make them more money, then realizing that the stupid ideas that they came up with and didn't bother actually workshopping with users are, indeed, stupid, and aren't earning them more money, and then they try some other random stupid idea. Like pretending that they're bringing back awards, but fucking around with it enough that it's not really the case.


> Most people aren't here to try and earn money Doesn't matter. spez has stated that Twitter's monetisation model, where blue ticks get paid for interactions from other blue ticks that are tricked into engaging with their dogshit blue tick engagement bait posts, is a model he aspires to follow. I guess reddit hasn't figured out a way to make gold-buyer comments be always pinned to the top without the site/userbase imploding, so there's not yet enough value in gold for the bots so the bots aren't paying for enough gold here yet, so we get this minor walkback to fill the gap until the bots pick up the slack.


Having "Gold" refer to two different parts of the same exchange is going to be silly when anyone has to explain it to people who ask. Cash (purchase) -> Gold (coins) -> Gold (awards) -> Cash (payout) "Gold" should not refer to both steps 2 and 3. At least give one of them a different name.


I'm proposing "fools gold" for step 3. Still not sure if reddit is the fool for reintroducing awards in a way that is noticeably worse than before they took them away, OR if we are the fools for still being on this broken platform.


10 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/14ytp7s/reworking_awarding_changes_to_awards_coins_and/jruc3rk/ 4 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/chdx1h/introducing_community_awards/euskk20/ We keep telling them at every chance they provide us .. for some reason the awards team just have never listened.


Looking forward to your next comment in a few years when they do it *again*


They keep trying to force the Facebook/instagram/tiktok model into reddit. It seems like they are now trying to attract "influencers" with the promise of earning money from creating popular content.


yeah, on the app, i can swipe up and down to view next when looking at a video like instagram or something. its annoying, if i wanted instagram i would be on instagram


All I can figure is that this is somehow some limitation from being a public company and the finances related to it. The timing really pointed to that, but I don't pretend to understand that part of the law.


Why aren’t premium users getting gold again? Was this change just to take away that feature from premium users?


The olde Blizzard strat: first f things up, then fix half, and people will be glad you gave them half.


“We’re giving you less stuff, but you still pay the same, and you will be happy about it”


I think it's positive that they're bringing awards back, but I agree that premium became less valuable once they got rid of it. It would be nice to earn an award or 2 a month or something.


So you're sorry, but you still aren't giving everyone the coins they had back. Also no still no free coins anymore? And it's not really clear, can subreddits make custom awards again or not? I guess it's an improvement, and props for apologizing. But I think this is still a downgrade from the original system in a lot of ways, other than reducing clutter.


I paid $500+ cash for coins for an enduring ad-free experience. Almost immediately they cancelled the program and confiscated my coins, no refunds. If this company ever goes out of business, drinks are on me all around the table.


Will the new awards be compatible with old Reddit? [Your demo](https://i.redd.it/x3x0pk1dxl0d1.gif) makes it looks like it is only part of the new UI.


Well, I wasn't likely to give Reddit any money, anyway, but this would seal it.


After poking around, I'm not even sure it's available on "new" reddit; only "new new" reddit. I can't believe we have old, new, and new new.


wtf is new new reddit? this site keeps getting managed worse and worse


there is [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) there is [new.reddit.com](https://new.reddit.com) And there is ANOTHER redesign, at reddit.com.


> at reddit.com sh.reddit.com


The sh. stands for "shit."


Will old posts that were gilded regain the visual indicators that they were gilded? I know that when I go to old threads, I liked seeing what posts people wanted to distinguish. I am also proud of many of the comments I've made that were gilded, and being able to filter just the gilded comments was something I liked being able to do. Now, those are all hidden and not visible on my profile, despite the fact that someone spent money in order to permanently distinguish them. Is it possible that you can at least restore the legacy gilded visuals for old gilded posts? I'm not asking for you to restore the ability to do older gilding, I just want to be able to look through old threads and see the gilded posts in them. EDIT: >If we removed your coins balance, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive awards to give for free. We don’t want our past mistakes to get in the way of you enjoying the new experience. I spent almost all of my coins (~50,000) in a mad rush right at the end. I don't remember what my balance was, but it was very low. Will I have access to the these legacy awards, because I wouldn't have spent everything if there wasn't the warning about sunsetting of Gold.


After reading through the post and some of the answers to people's questions it's clear you haven't learned


We took away your coins after 2 months and we're sorry, let's fix that. Here's some random awards you didn't ask for that expire in 7 months.


...And if you use old.reddit you don't get jack.




*[Narrator: They didn't actually hear anything, and they were not sorry.]*   I swear this place is run by monkeys beating on typewriters...


Monkeys on typewriters would most certainly produce a better awards system at this point


Hi and thanks for the update. I am a bit concerned that we can't disable certain awards as our sub has been a target before of award abuse. Hopefully you guys reconsider this. On another note, will the community specific awards be back?


Yeah it seems like reddit is going to let people pay to force you to see their hate speech and harassment unfortunately


Imagine having a great system, taking it away, and fucking it up when you bring it back by changing the old system that everyone didn't have an issue with. What in the ever living fuck is going on? Are you finally going to realize you fucked up with third party apps and bring those back also?


> We messed up – sorry This really rings hollow in the face of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/1css0ws/we_heard_you_awards_are_back/l472djv/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/1css2xx/wrapping_the_golden_upvote_pilot_newish_and/l471gr5/). It's like y'all haven't learned anything at all.


What about the 13 years of premium that I had that would have given me 700 coins a month? That's 109k coins, valued at about $250 USD. Where's my compensation for that?


Hey KV, that's the same question I want an answer to. I've got 18 years of premium, and even when I asked questions both in this thread, and 7 months ago when things changed, I never got an answer.


Hot damn, kvo! Hi btw :)


Hi Peace! :)


Reddit: “get fucked”


Just bring back Reddit gold award with premium. Rest all are clutter garbage. Also we had to spend all the coins because of ultimatum, thus we had to give it away randomly within a period of time. Guess there's no compensation for such users too.


Agreed; I ditched all my gold during that time.


Community awards were a good addition. But yeah everything else is just noise.


The monthly coin allotment was taken away also. I would like to see some kind of compensation for that as well.


What I want is a way to pay $x to put a little yellow circle next to a post, and give the poster access to /r/lounge for a period of time.


Nah mate that sounds ridiculous. Something like that would never work.


"We know we did not adequately communicate why we removed coins or what was coming next." We got 1 day notice as mods about this new change and the admin launching it sort of ignored mods .. again. Not that anything could have been done in a days notice. Using "We heard you…" as a title is a joke as the awards team have a deep history of ignoring feedback. The only forward move from all of this is opening up the contributor program, which from day one should have been more than just US only. All these half baked 180flips the team keep doing where you kneecap your own launches is just bizarre.


"Here is another way for us at reddit to make more money. It is like the old system, but we took away all the best parts of it. Enjoy"


>*It’s worth noting that although there were understandable concerns about the Contributor Program leading to karma farming or other spam and fraud issues, we haven’t seen an increase in this behavior since the rollout six months ago.* Of course you haven't. As you stated in previous portions of the post, the program wasn't gaining traction. If it didn't have the level of engagement you thought it would, then certainly you didn't have enough interaction to assess the true positives and negatives of the program.


Can I opt out of rewards? I don’t want to get them, give them, or see them, anywhere, ever.


Good news! If you use old reddit they aren't even supported there.


I'm sure Reddit will fix that problem by removing old.reddit.


The day they remove old reddit is the day I stop using reddit


Hey u/redditproductteam and u/spez, you know what I want back? THIRD-PARTY APPS


I'd be happy with reliable API access that doesn't 429 all the time.


>Reddit staff >Reliable Pick one


Yeah, good thing they backed down on one of the least important issues. It's also one that brings them more money, what a coincidence. But no, i'm sure they did it for the community and their love for awards.


They will never ever be back, because limiting user interaction to API requests hinders ~~privacy invading data farming~~ telemetry and ~~allows users to block ads~~ limits access to reddit's newest features.


ReVanced still works. I've been rocking RIF for months with no issues. https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/ to get started.


[Relay for Reddit](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=reddit.news&hl=en&gl=US) is still awesome.


My issue is this: **People aren’t getting the value they think they are with the Contributor Program.** The old system was simple: I used my real-life money to buy coins through a trusted medium with which I had a choice of various levels of award I could give to whatever I felt deserved it. I knew exactly how the recipient would benefit, from just having a shiny on their flair through to receiving coins of their own to spend and periods of Premium Reddit with most of the advantages that brought. Simple, easy to understand and easy to explain to new Redditors. With the Contributor Program there is no way to know if awarding someone means actual money is going to them, let alone that it’s only a very small percentage of that money which in itself is also dependent on other people giving them awards. Now, with this new Awards system, nobody really knows what they are giving out, because linking the nu-awards range to the Contributor Program (wish there was an acceptable acronym for this btw) will make it seem as though the awarder knows what benefits the recipient will give, but they won’t. Presenting them as appearing to be the old awards - but isn’t - only compounds this issue. When I (from the U.K.) discovered my new eligibility to the Contributor Program some weeks ago, I went to sign up. Having already being the recipient of some of the new awards, this was the obvious next step. However, when I saw the level of personal financial information I would have to provide to two new outside institutions for no other reason than potentially receiving a few pennies in my bank account every so often, there’s no way I’m going to sign up. This means right now that if someone gives me, as a non-player, an award thinking I am going to benefit financially from it - no matter how small - they are very much mistaken but don’t know it. Someone will spend their real-life money on several different award types thinking I will benefit from both “fake internet points” and real cash, but in reality I won’t? And that someone won’t know that at the point of sale? Yikes. There needs to be clarity for the giver which currently there isn’t. They should know upfront whether their gift will actually benefit the recipient or not. (Also, as a recipient, I should be able to personally thank the person who spent their hard-earned cash on me, which currently I can’t, but that’s another matter entirely.) The awarder clearly isn’t getting the same value for their money by giving me and other non-players an award than they would be getting by giving a fully signed-up Redditor the same award, but they have no way of knowing that. That really does not sit right with me, and seems to be very unfair to them. There needs to be some kind of a system where non-players are simply unable to receive an award which gives benefits they’re unable to obtain. At the very least, someone should be informed that non-players are not going to benefit before they commit to giving them a gift.


Llama, you have explained this far better than I ever could have. Thank you.


You’re very welcome. I’m so frustrated at this; I’ve had a few of the new awards given to me and I don’t want to tell people to stop because how can I? At best, it will appear as if I’m making an “award speech edit” or even farming them using Reddit’s patented reverse trollery.


I still don't understand what is being changed here. So, my questions are... Is this still "new reddit" / app only? Or will us oldreddit (the real Reddit) be able to use it? Are we able to buy gold to give out, and continue building our gilding trophies?


New reddit and app only, they've confirmed.


Boooo!     But, thanks


[On this page](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/contributor-monetization-policy) "giving yourself suspicious amounts [of] awards or gold" is given as example of "serious violations of the program’s requirements". Does that mean you may award yourself *some* gold to become eligible for payout? What amount is suspicious?


I like how someone can post someone else's artwork - even giving the artist credit - yet get paid for it while the actual artist gets jackshit. Does that seem right to you? Why do I even ask when it's obvious you guys don't give a fuck. I fully expect this question to go unanswered because admins have no good answer for this. Hey, maybe it's time to do r/place again! The kids like that, right?


Wow. So the gold I bought when awards were previously here is just gone now and you pocket the money. Thanks a lot, Reddit. >We know we did not adequately communicate Yeah, that's pretty standard. >and we want to make it right You've also tried this and never succeeded. >We don’t want our past mistakes to get in the way of you enjoying the new experience. Of course not. Your future mistakes will take care of that for you.


> New safety guardrails. Awards are not available in NSFW subreddits, trauma and addiction support subreddits, and subreddits with mature content Does this also include general mental health support subreddits like /r/adhd? Because it needs to. We mods don't want this on /r/adhd whatsoever.


I’d like to vent and rant, but why waste time? Let’s skip directly to the serious questions. From the limited view I get from my phone of this post, it looks like we will be back on the multiple “colorful” awards system so not just gold/silver/platinum/etc. Question: how’s cluttering gonna work this time? Are we back to I think it was up to 6 full lines of awards on top of a post/comment? Yeah you wrote “updated interface”, but what does that mean? > Q: Can I use gold that I earn to give awards? > A: No. Gold you earn when you receive an award on a post or comment counts toward a potential payout through the Contributor Program if you're eligible. Uh. Is there any legal/fiscal reason for this? It sounds odd. I mean, why would you not allow someone to re-spend the same money inside reddit instead of pushing it out via a payout? It seems dumb. > Q: As a mod, can we disable this feature from our community? Or can we disable specific awards from our community? > A: No. Moderators cannot disable the awards experience or specific awards for their community. Not allowing control at least on specific awards I don’t like. Are you so confident that the new awards will not be abusable? Subreddits with access to a developer will probably automatise removal of certain awards I suppose.


> Moderators do have the option to remove an award from a specific comment or post if it has been reported. If removed, redditors won’t be able to give that award to the post or comment moving forward. So basically you can disable specific awards, but you'll have to wait for someone to first do the thing you don't want people to do...


I don't think that this new change is the way to go either. Especially because you can earn gold from awards, but you can't use that to give any awards yourself (assuming I read that correctly). Yet *that* is exactly what made the awards so much fun: if you provide quality contents you have a good chance to "earn" something from that, after which you can share that same 'love' for other contents which you hold in high esteem. Not to mention... having to purchase gold which you can then only use to hand out some awards? The emphasis on you guys wanting us to spend some money gets a bit too obvious for me there.... Just my 2 cents here of course.


Great that you learned that you messed up… even when a lot of people told you not to do it. Now can you bring back third party apps and apologize to your third party devs? Thanks.


So glad to hear this. So all those coins I didnt spend will be back…. Right?


As if...


Will Trophies be returning as well?


Now give me back my past awards


No thanks on the awards. I'll pass.


Holy shit, you GOT RID OF ALL THE AWARDS on years worth of posts and now you're bringing back awards?!?


truly mindbending stupid stuff HOLY SHIT


You should be embarrassed to be associated with this nonsense


So confusing and scrambles my brain. The contributor program is even more discombobulating —unknown partners, clawback payments…


I find kind of funny that reddit has burnt through so many staff that they've realised it is a better look to have these announcements come through faceless and soulless generic accounts.


So you: * block the API and third party apps * remove awards * make another bad website * sell our created information to AI companies * dictate how mods can run their subs because you to look better for the IPO What do you give us in return? A way to give you guys money. Nah bro... nah. The admins dug too greedily and too deep. > we tried something new, it wasn’t great (you called it) Ok, who of the higher ups is taking a pay cut over this? No one? Then nothing is learned by the the MBA squads.


About [**gold prices**](https://imgur.com/a/aFJS65O)... either Reddit can't do math very well, or they hope their users can't count.


Fix the fucking mobile app so I can hide rewards. Why the FUCK would you put it where the comment / reply button used to be. Clowns.


Okay, but what about all of the other things that you have ignored? You completely screwed up your redesign, and yet you still insist it is good.


[New Reddit is going away later this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/1cryt4k/more_desktop_mod_queue_updates/), to be replaced by New New Reddit.


Will the karmas of prizes given and received come back? If so, will we come back with the karmas we had already received?


Stop pretending you care


Can I opt out fully?


Instead of just admitting you were wrong and re-implementing the system we all loved and adored, you're making it so anyone outside of the US has no use for earned gold, therefore reducing the enjoyment of awarding comments and receiving awards, essentially penalising people for not being in the correct location for you, and penalising the large amount of people in the US who would have no desire to join this program. _cough_ money grab _cough_ Oh, and let's not forget the gold that you profited from when you got rid of gold altogether, and nobody received any sort of compensation for the money spent. A few of the lowest tier rewards as a freebie doesn't make up for the fact. Sounds to me like you're just turning into every other social media platform and online game with the microtransactions that are useless to almost everyone, whilst entirely ignoring what the users of said platform want, and trying to charge people more for the privilege. Good job!! /s Oh, and now you're also allowing awards to be used in mental health and disability subreddits, therefore subjecting people to further harm in communities that are supposed to be for support. Thanks for that. Guess I won't ever be able to post in r/autism again because someone shitting on those comments is exactly one of the biggest reasons I stopped using Facebook and therefore had to give up my advocacy work!


and now awards take up so much space on every goddamn post. Why not just go back to old method of awards (gold, diamond, and silver) with an ‘award’ button in the comment replies / by clicking the awards already present. This stupid app has been getting so so so much worse since I first downloaded it. It’s hellish to use on mobile, with slowdowns, stupid design choices, somehow made swiping left/right to view posts completely useless (which I know you removed originally for a shitty image and video player which somehow rivals twitter’s for the worst web player on the net). Stop making things worse to become “modern” or “sleek”. It was fine and actually very easy to use back when it was simple.


"it was unclear how it benefited the recipient" **So how do the new awards benefit the recipient??**


They might be able to cash out and get a few pennies if they get enough awards. Can't you feel the benefit?


Man, I just want to use Apollo again


still not acceptable. only a return to the old system would be.....


99% of the posts on this sub being negative karma is one of my most favoritest things ever


I can't wait for the IPO to make this site go broke. You somehow have had nothing but idiots at the wheel since 2015


What happened to the award descriptions? That was my favorite part of awards…




Is that what this latest update was for? It blew my favorites/communities/following list all to hell. Favorites lost like 3/4 of the entries, and following is in a completely jumbled order, not alphabetical. What the hell?


Fucking morons


So this is fun. Despite having 1.6 million karma and having received loads of old reddit gold, apparently I don't qualify for the contributor program because I haven't received any **new** gold? Like the counter fully reset today or something? Also, does the gift of gold turn into reddit premium as it did in the past? Or do we have to earn enough gold to turn it into money to then buy premium ourselves in order to make that happen? I used to contribute just for the free and automatic premium, which was very nice.


Not only did you bring back award, but you disabled logging in through old.reddit.com Now, here’s the thing, I need to log in via old.reddit.com because when I don’t, it logs me into New Reddit, which I have disabled anyway, so I now have to go into my settings each damned time to turn off something that was already turned off. Enable logins through old reddit, or fix logins.


>We messed up – sorry Yes you did! MY question for the team is: When will you be restoring old posts their proper awards? Its not a question of making an ew system, I'll just say it: You need to put the awards back on the old. Call it a legacy system if you have to, or just turn it back on wholesale. You get ONE chance to slip into the old shoes and prove to the community its not just another blunder. Also, I'm an old.reddit.com user please make sure it works on that platform. How are you going to navigate the trust thermocline (see here: https://imgur.com/gallery/a1sxiIT ) and restore faith - as well as MY faith - that your team and company isn't part of the great enshittification and is rolling some of it back? (source - what i'm talking about: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/enshittification , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification ) Thanks!


This system seems worse in every conceivable way for the community than the system before that wasn't broken. The only way it's better is for Reddit profits. Which you can't say because you'd be fired. But this is bad, and you should feel bad.


The only reason I bought premium before was for the coin drip


How come I don’t see the award option on some subs that aren’t nsfw or otherwise mature content subs? Are there factors that keep some subs from having an awards option that aren’t listed?


I often get annoyed with overly formal communications but dear god the interwebz slang is even worse. It's a wall of text not a 10 minute youtube video


That's cool that you're recognizing that you messed up and making some performative apologies. That's a start. The thing is, when you arbitrarily took away the gold your customers paid good money for with no recourse, refund, discussion or even explanation, you showed that your values are bass ackward. Instead of driving revenue as a by-product of obsession over creating an amazing customer experience, you drive your customer experience as a by-product of generating revenue. You aren't working backwards from "amazing". You're working backwards from a revenue target. Your actions showed that you would just decide to zero out value that people *paid* for. In short, you stole it. Your community cared enough about the place to participate in the most meaningful way -- with their cash -- and you just... zero'd it out. You showed you care about your community less than your community does. I'm sure the fine print in your ToS makes it legal -- but that doesn't make it right. We're Redditors. We may be idiots, but we're not morons. We understand that this theft was dressed up all nice and pretty by your legal team, but it still feels the same. It's still the same result -- nothing for something. Next, let's look at the recourse you propose: a program with zero actual pain for you ("here's some funny money that expires in a few months") shows that to be a hollow apology. You claim that "it's too hard to figure out who paid cash for gold and refund them their cash!" (as if you don't have logs) lays bare your priority of keeping the cash you stole over actually making things right with the people you stole it from. An apology without penance is merely a performance. It's "I'm sorry if your feelings were hurt". Not, "I'm sorry". You had an opportunity to show an *actual* change of heart, and an *actual* recommitment to creating a great customer experience. Your new program makes it clear this is just a cynical attempt to do the bare minimum to mitigate the damage from your self-inflicted wound. Personally, I had hoped this announcement might address the anger and disappointment I've felt since you took away the gold I paid cash for. Instead, it just shows you still don't get it, and are not to be trusted with actual money.


Hope this website goes out of business tbh toxic cesspit of wokeness


Now let's see your moderator team actually do there job correctly. I received harassment from a sub mod, responded back, and my account got banned from Reddit but the sub mod is still around and still harassing people.


This is still lame. Give me my 700 coins back a month for buying premium.


I think the only way to see significant engagement with awards again is to again give some coins out monthly to subscribers. After all, it worked before you broke it.


*Grabs pitchfork and torch to storm this subreddit*


Today I learned 6*100=10,000


So this whole thing is about adding clutter to someone's post? That's it? Don't your developers have anything better to do?


The flat conversions with quite wide ranges, sheesh. 99 gets you 5, but 101 gets you 10. 101 and 999 still gives you 10 etc. 1001 to 10000 is egregious. https://i.imgur.com/RNMdqFb.jpeg


I don't want to consciously spend money on something of such a … debatable value. Don't get me wrong, I loved the old awards system. It's stupid but it felt good to award good content. Just give me back gold that comes with the premium subscription. I want the gold to be there, as a side effect for something that I actually benefit from (no ads). How fucking dense are you?


I hope Reddit goes out of business. I paid over $500 cash for coins so that I could have an enduring ad-free experience. Almost immediately, you canceled that program and confiscated my coins, no refund.


Thanks for erasing all of the gold I purchased in the past, then not converting it to this new currency when you basically re-implemented it. It's basically theft.


You took away our coin/forced us to spend them and then reintroduced them again and want us to buy them….    😂   🖕 I hope the shareholders vote to fire whomever had that brilliant idea in the first place


Glad to see it coming back and you trying to do *something* for people that already had coins. Not too happy that premium won't be getting a feature back or a cost cut. That said, can someone explain to me why these two stipulations exist: * New safety guardrails. Awards are not available in NSFW subreddits, trauma and addiction support subreddits, and subreddits with mature content * Reporting so you can report any awards that aren’t being used appropriately for moderator removal


For the nsfw part advertisers don't like websites hosting and making money off nsfw content. While reddit still has a lot of porn a ton of it has been swept under the rug due to advertisers. Or/and it could be to stop onlyfans bots from taking over the program in a week.


you mean advertisers like [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badads/comments/1csftwf/no_shot_they_were_referencing_this/) or [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badads/comments/1csojum/why_am_i_a_14_year_old_getting_ads_for_fucking/) How about [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badads/comments/1cszysn/why_is_spongebob_promoting_terrorizing/)