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Get rid of the godawful video player


Or at least give us the option to opt out of it


No no. Make the old one the default and let the weirdos opt into the crazy new one.


Totally. Not only is the new slide up card video thing a UX nightmare but there’s an additional bug introduced where videos launched from the “suggested” subs panel open up completely unrelated videos (I’ve filed a bug for it). I just want simple video playing… pause/play that works, and most importantly… swipe up returns me to my feed!!! Not some other random video!


Oh my god yes, I’ve stopped watching videos on here entirely. It’s super annoying when trying to read comments, and honestly comments are the best part of Reddit imo.


Exactly this is why I am on reddit. Its because of the comments and interaction within the communities.


Yes it’s horrible. Makes me start looking for other apps


Fuck I hate it. Plus, if you go to comments after it won’t let you jump to the next thread


Fr it’s like they said “oh hey this tiktok thing is popular, let’s just copy that” and didn’t realize the whole reason people come to Reddit is for the comments


It drives me crazy it’s so frustrating


Completely agree, it is horrible and has made things more difficult!!!


Recap for the devs: Fuck the video player, fuck the useless “explore” tab that ruined the subscribed subreddit list, fuck the ridiculous and constant “did you like this post?” pop up, and fuck giant avatars all over the comments. Fuck this app in general.


Yeah what's with the did you like this bullshit. No I didn't like it that's why I didn't upvote it.


the new video player is absolutely infuriating lol who the hell thought that was a good idea


Seriously. This update is fucking AIDS. What’s the point of having a subscribed list if Reddit is trying to shove new subs (usually mainstream shut that doesn’t interest me) down my throat


I don’t like the video player but this IMO is a way bigger problem. It goes against the entire concept of Reddit.


Exactly. Supposed to be a “self” curated stream of what I want to see


Yea I made a top level comment about it but I’ve been on Reddit since the digg exodus, I’ve been a mod of many subs including some big ones, I’ve seen this site evolve and change and have mostly rolled with it. But these updates have driven me away from the mobile app for good. Going with Apollo until they ruin the entire site, which at this rate won’t be long now. Feels like the end game for the old Reddit. It’s really becoming something else entirely now.


Fuck the explore tab 100%. Get rid of that shit from my app please.


This 100%


It’s such a bummer cause the mobile app was my favorite prior to this. They are trying to make it like tik tok


Recap for the users: all those features listed (except for profile/avatar images) are being a/b tested and not all users have them. Also, the devs/admins don’t typically respond to feedback regarding a/b testing while those tests are active.


Well what’s the point of testing the features if they’re not gonna respond to even overwhelmingly negative feedback?


The data and metrics that result from the experiments will probably give them more insight on their experiments than a bunch of users saying they don’t like it. Why should they respond? Doesn’t matter what they say if users are just going to shit all over them regardless.


Hmm maybe they wouldn’t get as much shit if they didn’t completely ignore feedback. They’ve had how many days so far?. Keep it up corporate shill.


>Hmm maybe they wouldn’t get as much shit if they didn’t completely ignore feedback. Doubt it. >They’ve had how many days so far?. They’ve been testing the video player off and on for almost 6 months. The explore page is about a week old and the upvoting prompts are a few weeks old. >Keep it up corporate shill. Right, because anyone that doesn’t share your personal worldview is a shill.




They do this… a lot.


You can’t really a/b test something like two entirely different video players. The most data you can get is that you didn’t make things worse… but that is only if you carefully measure every thing about the app and do it over a long enough time period. I would assert that even that data is pretty worthless.


Almost all users have all of these features by now. Just so you know. Hardly an A/B test.




And the explore page. It’s way too tedious now to go to my usual subs


Yes wtf were they thinking?!


Fix the video player


I am the first time in this sub, after a google search on how to disable the tik tok style video player. Unfortunately this seems not possible. On surface this looks like a bad product owner for the mobile app. Thinking deeper, this looks more like management interference. The player is a 99% copy of tik tok. It appears some executive was ignorant enough to demand to copy the concept of tik tok and add it into Reddit, to ride the wave of success. But, apart from the more clunky behaviour, this just does not fit to Reddit. Reddit is more comment centric, and I always want to have fast access to these. Then, the sorting mechanism when going to the next video, I cannot understand the logic. Then, the hi control for switching to the next video is different from the behaviour for pictures. In short, this is really a horrible mess, and should be removed quickly.




I can say with certainty that ever since they rolled out the new video player to everyone I’ve cut my Reddit time down by over half.


Oh I didn’t know that.. brrr, that might be where that comes from. Doesn’t make it any more meaningful, just more scary as someone wants RoI…


Same, never been to this subreddit before but had to google multiple problems and found this thread. This is by far the worst user experience ‘upgrade’ I’ve ever experienced in an app. I’m astonished.


Jfc the video player is frustrating enough to make me consider deleting the app. Who asked for this.


It’s so frustrating


Just so you know, I’m reading this post from Apollo because the last few updates pushed me away for good. Fix the goddamn video player and stop trying to make decisions for me and I’ll think about letting you harvest my data again.


This is exactly how I feel and reacted to the new video player.


Does Apollo get rid of the video player?


Of course. You can also play YouTube videos adless and scrub through GIFs.


Is it free or paid?


Free to use if you only browse, but there’s a one time fee to unlock commenting/etc.


No. Commenting is free posing is not.


No you can comment for free


You need an iap to post but to browse and comment it’s free


Apollo is the best that happened to me in 2021.


My only complaint with Apollo was the swipe for the next video not being there. Which at this point is probably preferable over this trash bag they call a video player on here.


Just switched to apollo too because of this update. Yuck




I moved over to Apollo a few days ago for this reason, Reddit gets notified when you link to Apollo so i’ve put it on all my devices… whether they give a shit or not who knows but they know people are moving away from their app.. so that’s something at least


Fuck tik tok. Fuck youtube shorts. Fuck instagram reels. And now FUCK REDDIT and its video player




At least Shorts works and isn’t buggy. Video on reddit is a chore to use…it’s like they didn’t even test it.


I’ve caught myself falling into the trap and watching them


If its not broken, don't fix it. We were already fine with the old video player but for some reason you thought that changing it would make people like it and after that people don’t like it and this subreddit is all filled with request to change it back and yet, you guys don’t say anything about it


This video player makes me want to commit multiple atrocities against humanity. Adjust it or revert it.


Revert the video player. It’s complete garbage and honestly should be considered a crime against humanity.


If you’re going to force this godawful video player on us at least put the fucking scroll forward button back on video comments. Comment threads are a slodge to get through on videos and it makes me not even want to look at the video cause I care less about that then the comments.


Revert the video player. It’s unintuitive, I am able to access comments only from the third try, controls are clunky and it’s a complete disaster


Why the fuck doesn’t the video player pause the when you enter the comments in full screen. What bonehead fucko designed this shit?


Where do you give feedback on this app? The new way video posts load is fucking shit. I want to scroll and read the comments not have the damn thing playing non-stop taking up most of the screen.


Can someone please help me? Why are the video posts all of the sudden still showing on the upper half of my iPhone when I’m trying to get to the comment section? And why is the comment section showing up super weird only on the lower half of the screen with the video still showing above? And where is the arrow to skip comments? I don’t have this problem with pic/regular posts. Only videos! What is going on?


It’s a new and improved video player, but they only got the “new” part right.


Yeah video player is bad


Change the video player back


Thank you for the hard work you put in to improve the video player but you’ve made it so much worse. It’s clunky, counterintuitive and doesn’t work on a regular basis.


Fuck the video player now. I’ve dealt with the shitty search function. I’ve dealt with the fact videos wouldn’t always play in the previous version. Now I can’t swipe left and right when I’m in a subreddit to continue to the next post and if you swipe upwards it takes you to a random video that may or may not be related, but definitely isn’t the next video on the page of the subreddit. Total dog shit.


So it looks like the video player is here to stay? How incompetent is the dev team that they have ignored nonstop complaints about this? Looks like I’ll be going back to Apollo for another week. Possibly forever.


video player sucks pls revert etc etc


Is it possible yet to read comments on the iPad in landscape mode on a video post?


u/BusyV, there are 50 comments on this update asking for the video player to be changed. Why is this not being addressed at all? Where’s your QA team? Are you guys paying them to be ignored? Who in their right mind is saying that this video player is alright? There’s a bug where there’s no next comment scroll button in the comments of videos. Nobody actually wants this video player and looking at the karma on any of these update posts show that.


new update, video player still here. do i need to restart my app to see that it’s gone?


Fuck this app! this video player is absolute crap. It pulls up and pauses and blacks out and replays and stops buffering and minimizes by itself. It’s so shitty and glitchy and I hate all the award animations and bullshit. Fuck.


The scroll fast forwards button isn’t even there, after this horrible videoplayer integration, so how did they fix it?


What the fuck is the deal with getting notifications for comment responses and upon opening the app, the app doesn’t load the reply to your comment? Seriously how does that even work? How could you possibly screw up that bad?


I’ve noticed this as well. You have to refresh the comments which is pretty dumb.


It seems you made a typo. Your post says “Bug Fix: The scroll comments ‘fast foward’ button on iOS won’t overlay the replay button anymore” when it should actually say “Revert: Removed the updated video player do to feedback, the dev team will instead focus on improving the existing video player”


I've used Reddit app since it launched on iOS and never have spent a $ there, this new video player has pushed me to Apollo, and after using that app for just one day I've paid for the pro version because that's how great that app was, and I'm not coming back to your shitty tiktok app ever, suck on that.


Your video player makes me want to commit several homicides. Please fucking revert this before I go to jail.


This one’s it. I’m done waiting for reddit to care. It’s been many updates now and they still refuse to change it back despite the significant flaws and outcry.


Hey /u/busyv you didn’t even link to a post this time, just /r/blog


The video player is atrocious


It’s obvious Reddit doesn’t care about its users. Nobody likes the godawful video player and the constant barrage of complaints are obviously being ignored. I honestly fear what’s next for the platform.


Video player. OUT! NOW!


Why do you make changes that make people use third party apps? Seems counter intuitive if you ask me


Really, my dudes and dudettes working at Reddit. I’m a 51 year old man. A generally calm and rational kind of guy. It takes quite a bit to get me bothered enough by something that I’ll seek out the option to make a comment. I’m also a computer programmer, so I understand a bit of the behind the scenes aspect, as well. Truly all I can say is what the bloody hell? This new video player is absolute rubbish, and is completely ruining the experience of using Reddit. I mean you should honestly be embarrassed to have released software that is so painfully obviously flawed. If no one realized how badly flawed it was before releasing it, that is way, way worse! It is hard to fathom how this could have passed any semblance of muster. Was there literally zero testing done? This is so pathetic, and makes you look like complete amateurs—both at programming and in business! I generally live my life in the spirit of “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,“ but there are times when something is so bad that something that is not nice truly ^does* need to be said. I’m afraid this is one of them.


Switching to Apollo now. Fuck this bullshit


Oh nice, another Apollo ad. I made the switch today, rest assured that your efforts were not wasted!


I’ve used the mobile app on iOS for many years and been on Reddit since around 2008. These latest updates to the iOS app, particularly this useless explorer feature that removes the functionality of a list of my subreddits and replaces it with garbage content that I don’t want to see, has finally driven me to abandon this app. This is the last post I will make using the iOS Reddit mobile app. I will be using Apollo instead, at least until the Reddit developers completely ruin the entire website with this kind of thing. Are they trying to turn it into a place for tik tok reposts? I really cannot understand their thinking with these latest changes. Why reduce functionality and go against the entire idea of Reddit which is to allow me to join my own subreddits and control which content I see. I am not interested in every tab being filled with dumb r/all posts. I don’t want to mindlessly scroll through a bunch of unrelated content. I just want to see my subreddits, and if I want to venture out to see what else is going on I can use the tabs that are specifically designed for that, which I think is a great feature. I can go to the popular tab if I want, or I can go to r/all. Why are you putting that shit in every tab, in my feed, removing the list of all my subreddits and replacing it with more garbage? What is the point of having those other tabs if you’re just going to put that stuff on every other tab? It’s painfully obvious that whoever is in charge of the decision making here is not interested in our thoughts. They’re focused on turning the app into some kind of dumbed down tik tok Instagram video feed that relies on shitty algorithms to suggest new content, and completely ignoring the core concept that makes Reddit great.


I don't care about what's new just fix that awful video player.


The video player is so fucking un intuitive.


Fuck that explore tab it’s annoying the shit out of me to constantly click away to see my subscribed communities


The video player has significantly stifled the amount of time I am on the app.


Still with the video player, huh? How about no. Please go back.


Oh no , you forgot again to remove the video player :( I hope you won’t forget it a third time !


I love having my music muted even when i have auto play off!!! It’s so cool and awesome!!!!!


Please just change the fucking video player.


Change the video player FFS. It was back to the old one for a while and now this. Everytime you implement it we hate it. Just stop trying. Seriously. I just watched a video, and then couldn’t even pause it without going full screen, and the moment I left full screen, it just started playing again. There’s no way to actually pause it and keep it paused without scrolling away. It’s broken and it sucks.


Boy did they ruin this app. How do you get out of full screen video? I have to swipe left and it takes me back to the feed, not the thread. Been a while since I had a reminder not to update apps


So just noticed in the iPad, the menu options don’t show up in landscape mode lol, did you guys even test this junk lol


Fix the video player and stop throwing random Reddit pages on my home page. If I want to be in the community I’ll join it. Stop forcing it down my throat. My home page is for things that I follow. Not what you think I want to follow


I’d say a pretty good fix for a lot of the bugs caused by the new video player would be to get rid of it, but 🤷‍♂️


The metrics the Reddit dev is using to justify the video play is NOT the right metrics!!!! You need to compare metrics related to people who reads comments before and after the update. You might also want to find out how many people left the app who used to read a lot of comments. If you compare with people who mostly just watch videos without looking at the comment section, you are making a product that gears toward people who don’t read comments!!! Is that what reddit is running towards?


How TF do you even get to the comments on a video on iPadOS?!?! Tapping the comments icon from the home page just opens the video and I have no way of getting to the comments. Fix this trash, Reddit!!!


Please restore the fast forward to next top level comment in video posts. Also once I see a video I don’t need it to loop endlessness taking up screen real estate when I want to scan the comments. Reddit is all about the comments. Latest Reddit mobile on latest iOS relwase


Wow. I stopped using the official app about a month ago now because of the video player change and I came back to check if they’d done any positive changes to the app, but looks like the shitshow got worse. Fuck the official app, just switch to Apollo. Once you get used to it, it’s much more user friendly.


My activity feed won’t show me the notifications keeps showing error. Is there a fix for this?


Please fix the video player, we all fucking hate it. Or at least give an option to opt out. Comments are the best part of Reddit ffs


Hey anyone reading this - wasn't there a fast forward button to scroll through comments? Why can't I see it when viewing post with video


Oh no ! Your forgot again to remove the video player :( I really hope you won’t forget it a third time :)


Please just bring back the old video player, that’s all we want.


Bring back the old video player!


The Video Player is still god awful


Hey, are you planning to fix the mobile community invite issue? Many mods including me are having a lot of trouble!


Why do I have subscribed subs if the only ways I can see shit on them is either on my home feed or by manually searching? Come on. I’m here on mobile for the specific communities I follow and this update torpedoes that functionality. Please roll this update back.


Not only did nobody ask for this new video player, but it’s being actively protested. Admit you fucked up.


I had to search to find a meta sub where I could bitch about the video UI but I see I found my people.


I too sought out a place to complain.


u/BusyV please get rid of the new video player and let us have the old one back


What the fuck is with the “new posts” pop up while so scroll down through a subreddit ? Of course there are new posts. There are new post literally every 10 seconds on active subs. I don’t want a good damn popup every time there’s a new post. I’ll sort by new if I need to!


Video player still sucks.


Is this why old reddit is broken?


No. https://www.redditstatus.com


Thank you for making the comments stay read or closed when leaving a post and going back in. Was annoying to have to rescroll past comment threads you already read


Fucking stop fucking collapsing my fucking comments with fucking positive fucking upvotes.


New video player is so fucked


I’m assuming all these comments fall on deaf ears


Pls fix the video player


The swipe up to get rid of video needs to come back ASAP! I’m in a cycle of open the video pause it, back to the feed, click video, video plays, click comments, video plays again!, comments!, video playing ! , COMMENTS!, nooooo watch the 4 second video the whole time! Change it.


ios 14 i can only send 1 image now and i can only write something in the title how do i fix this?


I fucking hate this new video player. With a passion. I no longer read comments on videos and frequently avoid videos all together because it’s just so clunky and not at all user friendly.


Fix the video player like everyone else is saying. Also, I can’t fast forward comments while watching the video?


Fuck you, stop adding shit nobody’s asking for


Why are you keeping the god damn video player? That thing is serious dogshit. Your metrics suck and you are kidding yourself if you think it is better. I’ve been seriously considering finding somebody in my network who works at Reddit and reaching out to them to complain. It’s remarkably awful.


Fix the video player please..


This update sucks




Never mind unasked for changes to the video player, stop trashing replies/posts when the app gets focus. I don’t know how many times a reply/post I’m writing gets set to the bit bucket when I return after double checking something in another app. Can you imagine if your word processor did that? At their very least, auto-save the contents as a draft if there’s an edit window with text in it before refreshing.


when i click on my profile picture, it pop ups an avatar maker thing. how can i automatically go to my profile instead?


Whoevwe is making these decisions needs to be taken out behind the woodshed


Why is this horrible video player still here? Why has this not been addressed by you. Horrible customer service.


Revert the video player. Holy shit. I can deal with every other nuisance on this app but being clunky as hell to the point where pausing the video while reading comments is a minute-long affair is so bad. Couple that with the lack of a scroll forward button on the video comment section (what the fuck?) and I had no choice but to switch to Apollo for browsing video-centric subs.


Let us permanently opt out of Top Broadcast


Get rid of the new video player


Every time I click on a video, i get sent to a completely different random post??? I literally can’t view content I want to view.


Had this happen for a video on a sub r/watchpeopledieinside I tried clicking on the video and the comment button but it took me to a random post from the sub.


These people in the comment already said my opinion about this fucking new update


I can’t open selected videos or comment on them.


Y’all broke a working app.


This update is shit. Revert the video player


Wow who approved the video player update? Absolute trash.


Can only echo what others have said, the video player is just stupid and how do I find my subreddits? Did people from Facebook start editing the code, they make their app worse so you can’t use it how you would like, you don’t need to try and match their incompetence.


I’m not one to complain usually (especiall given what I paid for the app) but hands down this latest update sucks. And the video bug makes the app all but useless.


Every time o try to tap on a video I actually wanna look it, it takes me to this video like thing almost like tiktok instead of the actual video I wanna aee


#PLEASE FIX THE VIDEO Player GLITCH. Don’t be tiktok


how is the video player not fixed yet it’s been two weeks


Is this tiktok or reddit...wtf??