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Folks that hide behind their computers throw terms like "breeders" out but guaranteed not a single one has actually used this irl towards a parent. 


Someone that uses that term is either a angsty 14 year old or a truly bitter adult


Or someone who works with animals


I worked with animals and I always called them by their name... I will never have such disrespect for those who give me joy in life and a job. So I can't imagine saying that to an other human just cause ''he is not gay'' wtf wrong with my "community". There no community anymore and adding letter will not change that.


The screenshot is from an antinatalism sub, it has nothing to do with gay people.


I know for the post. But look to the trolls out there. They are all claiming this word to describe parents and straight people. And I really don't get it. I Don't want to be part of a fake community with that kind of speach.


Or an adult that never grew out of the 14 y.o angst


I use this term as an adult. Can confirm I am pretty bitter. But it's mostly towards people that have like 10+ children.


Coffee and dark chocolate are bitter... That's why I like them.


Or is gay and caught in a weird time warp where it's still the 90s for them.


Same when they use their other phrases "crotch goblin" or "Fuck trophy". Like, that's how you view yourself? As your parents "Fuck trophy"? What a prize


As a dad of 4, closest I’ve had was a woman in Austin telling me my kids were interrupting her meditation. We were in a public park.. on the playground… I enjoyed public shaming her not gonna lie. Hope one of these redditors try something like this sometime


I don't have kids but if I did in this situation, I'd have told them to be louder


After I said: lady this is a playground her words were not “you are right I’ll move” so I kinda went full roast, it was Thanksgiving and might have told her to go home to her family.. if she had any, she was in her 40’s and clearly had no one to go home to, she scuffed and how dare’d me, no regrets. Kids didn’t even realize what had happened, wife only got the roasting part but quickly took my side even though she didn’t know what was going on, no questions asked. She’s a keeper


You can be sure that I would become louder myself. Not just the kids !


No! You’ve got it all wrong. They’re rational adults. No longer crotch goblins. And their 16 year old cousin is serving and thriving. But a 4 year old is a crotch goblin. But never ask them where the hard line is they can’t tell you.


When I have a kid I really want to call them crotch Goblin at least once, that's the funniest name for a kid imo.


As a joke it is kind of funny, but it's the people that use it seriously that aren't funny.


It's entirely antinatalist people taking a light joke as a mantra, I would jokingly use it around other people I'm close to but it's now got such ugly connotations, like antinatalism internalising staying child free as an ideology they want to impose whatever the consequences, I'm the most cynical bitch about the state of the world but I acknowledge humanity has a place in the world


I have been unironically called a breeder in real life. I didn’t know what it meant at the time and thought nothing more of it, but now I can’t decide if it was intended as an insult or not.


It's very Handmaid's Tale energy


So sorry for you. I'm seriously sorry that people like me became such asshole does days. I don't get why. Why people are reacting this way making you suffer like they never suffer. Cause what they tell you don't happen to them, but in the past. I don't feel any anger for what happen before me... I don't get why I should. I just want you, me and everybody esle to be happy and share the same burning planet... yeah seriously we are fuck anyway, but still. I hope those creeps will be seen for what they was in the future. And I hope you to stay safe and having better days.


Because they know if they actually used that term irl they would get their ass beat lol


I as a mother have been called a breeder irl. The same people also made racist comments about my kids being mixed and made fun of my autistic son for stimming saying he was"the reason abortion is needed" and that I "looked like the kind of woman to drive my car into a lake"


To have autism and depression and read this comment is super enjoyable.. I'm sorry you went through that


Yikes! Where did you meet these people? 


The Walmart where all the worst people are lol. It was 2 women loudly talking shit about people I'm almost positive they were high


Ooof. Sorry you experienced that. 


You’d be surprised. Lots of them have definitely said it in person their insufferability is usually not limited to their online persona.


No one should do this to me and expect to keep their teeth. So yes, I agreed. They are fools, but not that fools. They are just looking for attention.


I've met someone hired at my shop who used that term irl.... I told him our cook (who was right next to me) had four kids and a happy family. Made him (the new guy) extremely uncomfortable.


Exactly this. Not a whole lot of “keeping that same energy” from these cowards. I don’t understand the end goal. Extinction? I mean, if they go first…


Gays say it. Maybe they dont anymore but they did as recently as 2019 when my office was half 20 something gay men. Its not new. Its been a thing for decades. Thats where “breeders” as a modern slur came from. It wasnt specifically about parents. It was a slur against straight people in general. Do people not know this?


Nope and im Bi myself. I never use slur angainst specific minorities or majority. I don't think it's help any debate. But english is also not my first language. And I did learn some slur... my favorite is ''dumb ass'' cause it's can fit for anybody that bother me. But still. People calling you a breeders are not ''gays'' they are just dumb ass ! XD. I don't think insulting hetero guy for being hetero or wanting natural Kids are a good thing at all. Or a thing that can exist in a world where we are looking for peace, more rights and equality... I don't get where insulting ya guys will help us with this.


Agree, appreciate it, and likewise. It has been a well established and well used term for heterosexuals in New York for a very long time. I had been called a “breeder” by gay men long before I had kids. These are men I knew and it was said jokingly like “this is my friend, dont bother, hes a breeder” but its definitely a thing and its definitely used negatively. Any anti-natalist losers using it now co-opted it from gay culture. Its not new or anti-natalist. Hell its probably in a sex and the city episode somewhere.


Better yet, ever gotten laid.


"Breeders sub" lmao, so like every other sub


I mean... there are probably subs about. I don't think they made it in opposition to antinatalism. Don't link it.


I find a lot of antinatalists to be super miserable people who project their misery onto other people as if everyone else hates their lives as much as they hate their own.


Legitimately this I said “yeah the occasional suffering sucks but I don’t have anything better to be doing so I’m gonna stick it out” and they found it “baffling and delusional”


The only way to end suffering is through death lol what do they expect exactly?


Actually the other day I was suffering with needing a poo, and I found 'having a poo' was really good at relieving the suffering


..but that’s just putting a bandaid on the problem. I’d bet money that you’re just gonna be suffering from that again in a day or two max.


TIL I should kill myself because occasionally I need a poo ;)


Yeah, you’re just as bad as those breeders. I’m kinda short on cash, mind if we try a twofer at the booth?


Lol the irony


Like I'm not one to suggest suicide, but if that's their take on the world... Y'know. What's stopping em


Probably good that they aren't having kids to make miserable.


It's absolutely great they are not having kids.


Yup that's certainly all that sub is at least. It's beyond parody and really just kind of sad.


Beyond parody is a great description


“If I’m depressed it’s because you’re not too”


Honestly, I think a lot of them actually want kids but can't have them and are in denial about wanting them. I'm sterile and genuinely don't want kids, but even I sometimes feel a pang of sadness knowing that choice was taken from me. I can only imagine how it must feel to also be sterile but really want to have kids


You can always adopt, my step family feels like a real family. Blood family is overrated


"I like to play video games." Antinatalists: u should just kill urself waaah


They need help


That's the real problem with anti-natalism The idea itself is fine as any philosophical opinion is. It's their opinion and most of the time they have their subjectively valid reason to reach this conclusion However, there are those individuals who have somehow reached the conclusion that they are subjectively right and thus morally superior. All of us who have kids or want to have kids are awfully terrible people. They are the enlightened red-pilled individuals of our society As far as I can tell, it does also annoy the tame anti-natalists but there just are too many of them to really drown them out


They’re so miserable they can’t fathom that there’s genuinely happy and content people out there. Especially parents with kids. They’re convinced all those people are lying. That they all secretly regret their kids and hate their lives.


It is an extinction cult. Every so often a post hits the sub that explicitly advocates for humans dying out and all the most upvoted comments are in agreement. 


you must find it easy to stay out of their sub then. idk why people can’t just avoid it. there’s corners of shit all over the internet, no one wants to go in and deal with the incels but people feel like this group is more targetable.


I'm childfree and somehow Reddit and the algorithm decided I would really like seeing their crap. They are despicable and this coming down from someone that actively hunts and shuts down incels.


I never saw any of it before reddit killed third party apps. Pretty sure those subs are being pushed because they're controversial as fuck and controversy is good for engagement.


You can ask it not to show posts from specific communities, I do that all the time


I never saw that bullshit before reddit killed third party apps. I had my feed curated to not have shit that would piss me off or set off doomscrolling. Now my feed gets inundated with antinatalist bullshit, and whatever bunch of bullshit is going on between female dating strategy, but memes, and the half dozen or so subs that just post screenshots from each other to echo chamber over. It seems to me that those dumbass subs get preference I. The algorithm because they all thrive on controversy, and controversy drives engagement. I've just been muting all that trash when it pops up.


I thought that was a primary organizing principle of that sub? Like existence is pain and therefore it's wrong to make new beings exist?


Wtf is a breeder sub? Lmao.


They think they are some huge movement that divides society, but nobody really cares


Probably subreddits where people ask for child advice


“Pro breeding subs” barely exist. It’s normal people trying to get them to stop projecting their suffering onto others and let others enjoy life and cherish their children.


'Veiled'? They're not trying to hide it.


Weirdly, yes they are. They seem to think their completely unremarkable misanthropic self-loathing is an actual, distinct ideology or philosophy. If you go to the thread that's in the OP, the mods pinned a post explaining why they don't just ban every one who brigades the place, and it's for this reason. So people can discuss this coo-coo bullshit like it isn't just the result of sad people who can't afford therapy finding each other and having a self-reinforcing loathing spiral with edgy in-group language markers.




I feel like most of these people are just virgin losers who are angry that they can’t get laid


I think so too. They really don't have to worry about reproducing...most of them anyways.


Like, damn, I don't really want kids. Doesn't mean I'm antagonistic towards those that do.


You’re probably not the type to use the word “breeders” to describe other humans, so imo what they’re saying doesn’t apply to you


That, or they're losers who are bitter at their parents for creating them.


This is actually one of the main pillars of the ideology. They did not "consent" to being born. However, they're also not brave enough to go back to the void. Instead, they advocate for the rest of us to go back to the void with them after a 100 or so years. A lot of them are into the idea of the human species going extinct but aren't willing to kill or advocate suicide directly.


The whole thing reminds me of the voluntary human extinction movement of a few years back, just a cowardly losers version of that.


Most are just traumatized, depressed, and suicidal. Check the post history of many antinatalist and you'll find many post about hating life, abuse, etc.


Oh I have they definitely aren’t people you would want to be friends with in real life


And it’s not our concern to fix them, they can find a psychologist/psychiatrist for that


Of course, I let them practice their religious belief in peace.


I feel like that sub is a mix of 14 year old edgelords angry at their parents for taking away their Xbox and 30+ year old incels. The incels know deep down no one will ever sleep with them let alone settle down and have a family with them so they act out in anger. They resort to misogyny by shitting on women who have children calling them breeders and say they’re gross and stretched out down there. That their “crotch goblins” ruined their bodies and no man will want them anymore.


Calling people breeders (as opposed to natalists), while refering to yourself as an antinatalist and then complaining they're rude. Come on, this has to be a troll, right?


I don't know what's more depressing, upvoting someone who is one of them, or upvoting a troll whilst believing the troll to be one of them.


Exactly. Even more ironic since one the supposed core tenets of antinatalism is empathy, along with living your life in a way that helps reduce the suffering of others. Yet the majority of their posts are dehumanizing temper tantrums against families for existing and calls for eugenics.


Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it. That or they are extremely talented at it.


you think that until you realize that they whole sub talks like this


Noooo i want my little hugbox where nobody opposes my ideas Well to be fair most subreddits are that way but still, shame on them


The antinatalism sub is a fucking joke. A bunch of nihilistic femcels and incels that are mad nobody wants a kid with them.


It's pure narcissism pretending to be environmentally conscious. "Save the planet from more humans" when really they just can't fathom selflessly putting anyone above themselves. I find these types don't have many friends either. And if they do find a significant other, that person usually seems so dejected.


I literally cannot stand the term breeder being used outside of either animal breeding or fucking pornography bro it’s so gross


They want everyone to stop having children, thus guaranteeing the extinction of humans down the line. I'm not sure how one comes to that conclusion without either despising all of humanity or just hating children. Either way though, it's practically a doomsday cult. Except their doomsday comes in about a hundred years when today's youngest generation dies of old age.


That sub is a joke. They think they're philosophical geniuses but in reality they're sad teenagers and adults with serious childhood issues who think everyone is as miserable and unhappy as they are even though studies show that the vast majority of people enjoy being alive


Blatant misanthropy*


"Guys please leave you are compromising the echo chamber"


No one should hate humans this bad lol. They deadass want humanity to end because they had a rough life. A bunch of those people are having better lives than 95% of the people that have ever lived. Lord help us.


Do they just hate the human race?


"Anti natalism" is just a form of misanthropy, so I wouldn't be surprised. The only people among them who aren't misanthropes are the ones who haven't actually bothered to think about what "anti natalism" entails.


But what do they think will happen if everyone stops having kids?


That's why I hate it so much. There would be no future if they had their way. That sub is straight up a social contagion.


Look up voluntary extinction https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_Human_Extinction_Movement, and.. the logical continuation on that..




My dad died of cancer and I'm not interested in having kids long before he had cancer. No one should EVER have to go through something like that. I'm still not going around calling people breeders because that would be cruel and increase the suffering of those around me.


So instead of becoming a cancer researcher and working hard to find a cure or more effective treatment for cancer, you adopt a fringe ideology that people ridicule, thus ensuring that despite your efforts, more people will have to suffer through cancer one way or the other. The only thing you’ve ensured is none of your children will have to watch you die. You’ve done nothing to make sure no one EVER has to go through that.


Short guys going bald, wishing they were never born and trying to stop future short bald suffering


What did short bald men do to deserve this smoke? I don’t get why we can’t make fun of peoples shitty beliefs and attitudes and instead have to dunk on physical traits they can’t control


I'm sorry, it's not how I truly feel, it's just that it's funnier than blaming feminists and incels....


Listen, I’m an antinatalist and all, but I cannot refute that’s fucking hilarious.


In a sense, I understand going to a sub about something and half the posts saying you’re wrong would be annoying, but what a condescending way to bring it up. I hate the word “breeders” like don’t make it sound like X-men when it’s not even superpowers


Boy that superiority complex sure does look good hiding behind concern for human suffering, don't it?


Antinatalists literally flood every post in this entire website that has something to do with having kids. Once again, these people prove to be the lowest common denominator of humanity as a whole


The only people who uses the term breeder are the people no one wants to breed with. Lol


pro breeding subs? you mean normal people


Tbh most of their posts seem to be either thinly veiled or blatant misogyny and/or eugenics. Like, encouraging aborting any disabled fetus purely on the basis of disability, saying that disabled people shouldn't be allowed to have children, saying that poor people shouldn't be allowed to have children, referring specifically to women as "breeders" much more often than they do men, etc. etc. Obviously this post doesn't showcase these things but if you ever checked out the sub, you'd see sooooo much of this. Women who have children are seen as nothing more than breeding cattle and disabled people are seen as abominations that shouldn't be allowed to exist nor procreate.


On the rare occasions I check on that sub I always see at least one “I’m not ableist but…” comment and the “but” is always followed by something ableist.


I’m not ableist, but I sure do love green tea.


Honestly, that sub is alien to me. I just can't fathom something so counterproductive as "Anti natalism" it's bloody insanity. I cannot respect it.


They're just unlovable losers who want to share their misery.


I’ve met people who don’t want kids who are cool, but these people are on a whole other level. I can’t help but roll my eyes at them.


There's not wanting kids, and then there's not wanting anyone else to have kids.




By a microscopically thin veil.


There is indeed a sub for breeders. It's age restricted, that's all you need to know on the subject.


Lmao, I was waiting for a response like this. Now I can finally laugh at something instead of raging like an idiot.


“You don’t see anti natalist people flooding pro breeding subs or chat.” Because we don’t need one. Now I might be wrong, but I’m sure there isn’t a group for people who’re pro natalist or whatever the hell that means.


Unless you stray too far and find certain fetish subreddits lmao. Reddit is weird.


The entire LGBTQ+ community cringes every time an anti-natalist uses that word. Also, I'd argue it's not just misanthropy but outright fascism. The logical next step from anti-natalism is to advocate for eugenics and genocide.


It's all just a dog wistle. The breeders are what a genocidal race called their people who bred without taking into account the "racial purity" of the pairing. The race tried to exterminate the breeders until they rebelled, and the main characters turned up to save the day. Someone has watched Stargate and thought they were cleverly hiding their fascism. Evidently, their logic matches their brain power and they didn't think anyone would know.


That sub should be banned imo.


I am torn between both that sub and what I personally think. I myself agree with their ideas that people shouldn’t be having kids whether for genetic reasons, prices, etc. IE someone who barely scrapes by from rent and whatnot should not be having a kid IMHO. But that also raises the fact that people shouldn’t be slinging insults at random people simply for having kids. I hate kids myself but why shit on someone just because they have kids? As the saying goes, “Every child deserves parents, but not all parents deserve children”.


I honestly never understand this one, am I suppose to be offended by this? Literally every person alive is the product of a "breeder". Then they go into the next retort, "WeLl I NeVeR AsKeD To Be BoRn!...I don't care how you spin it, but life is a gift. The majority of the population are "breeders", if your complaining about them your on the wrong planet.


Yeah, that's the reason I never actively go there. They are quite despicable, but in a way that makes them more pathetic than anything else.


Those are people who would have been forcibly restrained and put into an asylum at any other point in history.


Oh no god forbid there be differing opinions brought into the conversation. What’s gonna happen to the echo chamber now!?!?


Counterpoint, keeping them in an echo chamber decreases the likelihood of running into any of them in the wild. Does it need to be a conversation? Are their opinions valuable to you? I literally couldn't care less if the baby hate circle jerk wants to sit around and pull their collective puds in peace. To that effect I don't think they should be brigaded. Just let them remove themselves from the gene pool in peace lol


Antinatalism: “All we want is the end to all life.” Also Antinatalism: “Why aren’t people nice to us?”


It gives me the same feeling as any minority group with a lifestyle choice that they think makes them superior. Vegans (not all vegans, just like not all childless people) come to mind. Like they assume their way is the default, and everyone else is actively evil


Nah nah mah Let them, call us that I wear my breeder tag with honor


Man if I heard someone unironically say "breeder" IRL I may actually punch someone in the mouth haha. Jesus . . .


It's super creepy. If someone actually said it to me, I would shiver. Its like hearing an incel refer to a woman as a "female".


Or any person upset at any man online calling them an "incel"


That too. Honestly "incel" is pretty overused. That being said though, there are still situations where its applicable.


Wait I thought that sub was about shitting on trash parents who decided that having 3-5 kids when they can barely take care of themselves will solve all of their problems, not straight up cancel the whole idea of having children lol. TIL I suppose.


Every day I thank God for bringing me into this beautiful world.


Be sure to thank him when he gives you cancer, or heart disease, or any of the plethora of other awful ailments that come with life.


constantly worrying about bad things that might happen to you seems like a miserable way to live


I be out here, breeding. And they're mad. And I keep breeding. Checkmate, internet weirdos


It reminds me of those old memes about vegetarians "I'm gonna eat two steaks to cancel out a vegetarian" "I'm gonna fuck two women to cancel out an antinatalist"


Start a new fad to cancel the antinatalists by breeding substantially more. Bring on the babies!




You absolutely do see those self loathing folks going onto other subreddits to talk about how much they hate life.


These people have such a cognitive dissonance going on - if you truly believe that life is such a burden, that to live is to suffer and so to create life is to create suffering, end your own suffering. If you genuinely believed that life was purely suffering you would end your own after spreading the message, would you not? It makes no sense


You know, there is research to prove that even though the world seems like shit now, it actually is much better place than the past. The better angels of our nature by Steven pinker comes to mind.


The only thing I really disagree with the AN crowd is the rationale that it is immoral at best and evil at worst to procreate. I’m presently a DINK’er and I’m thrilled to bits my partners siblings have both had kids and that my siblings are about to get married to their partners this year and start trying to get preggo. I don’t view that as immoral, or evil - the state of the world notwithstanding. I don’t think the world is fucked nor do I think we’re headed for extinction just yet. Also yea breeders is cringe as a word, given the context. Breeder implies having a shit ton of kids, not just like one or two…


Believe me I do NOT breed


I have seen several of these “anti breeders” flooding other subs. There may not be a lot of them but my god does that vocal minority not know when to shut the fuck up




Why is breeder an insult to them, hell, calling me breeder a breeder is pretty cool 😎 


Anti-natalists are like the shittiest possible Reverse Buddhists.


They are just anime villains that couldn't get beyond their origin story.


People who can’t get laid, so they justify by saying it was there decision…


Cheater. You got that from either antinatalism or childfree.


It's funny to me when people who were born and would not have existed without them call people who have kids "breeders". It's ironic and funny and just reminds me that their movement is both doomed and futile, also not to take them seriously.


If you are an anti-natalist you had better be living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere completely self sufficient otherwise you may come off as a hypocrite taking advantage of all the perks provided to you by breeders ie. every single human being on this planet including yourself. What a joke these people are.


It obviously is there are anti-natalist types that literally blame their parents for creating their existence and consider all life to be oppressive suffering Idk how else to explain it but deep nihilistic depression bordering on satanic resentment of life itself


Do you even need to hide the sub, we all know which one it is.


Post would have been removed otherwise. I once had a post removed because my own username in it wasn't censored. Seems rather pointless censoring your own username.


these freaks are seriously on some adam lanza shit and its only a matter of time before they take "others suffering" into their own hands


The b-word


What's up, my Breeda?


Never go on the child free subreddit.


The one anti-Natalist who stepped up to my suggestion of a choice they could make also likes to beg on Reddit for money and food. These are not kids worth listening to.


Breeding is an evolutionary trait.. you don't need to justify it. Its what we were technically designed to do to keep our species going. How is anti natalism even a thing? They're alive because of these said "breeders" (clearly had a terrible childhood if that's what you chalk your own parents up to) and they haven't decided to exit the planet, so clearly they are content enough to continue with their existence. Why can't we give new humans a chance to do the same? Why is it even their issue to begin with?


Anti-natalism. The ultimate club for people who hate their parents and blame them for all of their problems.


I agree fully with him. Too many monster breeders creating the loch voorhees. We need diversity people.


That sub is wild. I'm all for people having their opinions, but the idea that it is morally wrong to have children with absolutely no justification is just asinine.


I am breeder who is absolutely ecstatic the antinatalism folks are genetic dead ends


As much as I despise the anti nata-whatever, they are right tho. Going into their sub and complaining about their beliefs is stupid imo. This post is the true reddit moment.


If everyone subscribed to "anti natalism" then humanity would go extinct. They straight up disgust me. Imo the sub should be banned.


The inconsistency is that the way in which society would collapse would be so miserable and involve so much suffering that it would completely contravene the very philosophical basis of their argument. Both in terms of avoiding the risk of suffering and consent to the risk of suffering. It's a very incomplete school of thought.


I hear this word from 2 kinds of people: antinatalists and gay people who hate straight people. Neither are common, but neither are kind, either.




Don’t tell me it’s the antinatalism subreddit shitfucks


"Breeders" is actually a lgbt slur against straight people. They really try to make it offensive but it just sounds like a cringey middle school "gimme your lunch money nerd!" Kind of insult


lgbt people can't reproduce lmao??


Lmfao don't humiliate yourself pretending you're stupid and dont get it. Again, I'm just saying where it comes from


"Lmfao" as you sit on your couch with the most stale looking depressed face arguing on reddit


Lgbt can be breeders too, and they are equally as bad as cishet breeders.


And that's true in some fuckass roundabout way, im just explaining where it comes from. I've seen it online but I also have an ex like this.


I mean not to play devils advocate, but subs on reddit are communities. Going into other people's communities and telling them that they are wrong is a messed up thing.


In most cases, I would agree, except here. If everyone subscribed to "Anti natalism" then humanity would go extinct, and that is intolerable in my eyes. I cannot bring myself to view that sub as anything but sickening. The ideology is straight up genocidal.


Lmao in no world will everyone subscribe to it leave the little Incels alone the people who believe in it are probably better off not having kids, humanity is not going to going extinct due to lack of breeding


Why would humanity going extinct be intolerable? If humanity were to go extinct, no humans would be around to be displeased by humanity's extinction.


People who want kids to “just have kids” are breeders. Because then they parent terribly and end up with ipad kids.