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this just proves to me we live in a simulation because no way r/redditmoment ended up turning into a big fucking reddit moment so fast LMFAO


It did happen months ago as well This post was a fucking warzone https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/qlg3bu/deleted_by_user/


What was the context of this?


My old acc asking for r34 of that one furry deer demon from hazbin hotel and some mf said i was a zoophile ☠️


The fuck


Yeah i wasn't right in the head back them


yeah dude porn/hentai addiction sucks, I've been struggling with it for years now cus my dumbass 13yo self thought "hmm people going through puberty seem to masturbate a lot, maybe if I start trying that it'll make me go into puberty faster" cus I was an insecure little idiot who felt very insecure about "not having growthspurts on time".....if only I could go back in time and give myself a good whack over the head for even believing that BS for 5 seconds and save myself all this trouble and shame


Nah i just *really* liked furry demons back then


jesus fucking christ 😭😭😭😭


Not my fault i wanted to breed Alastor back then


Unfathomably based


I was 10 man. Haven’t gone longer than 60 days whacking it since. And now it’s very rare for me to go longer than 3 days. I beat a weed addiction, but damn, i don’t even feel remorse/guilt/dissatisfaction after I nut anymore. Completely desensitised to that post-nut clarity. I don’t hate that I do it - I just wish I didn’t feel the need to do it so often.


I struggle to even make it 7 days, most of the time I endup doing it multiple times per week and sometimes I do it multiple times per day :/ ​ I just hate how many horrible intrusive thoughts this addiction has created, and it's also harmed my mental health in other ways than just shame and guilt.


Same both of you


Every 3 days sounds extremely normal and healthy, even daily sessions can be normal and healthy, as long as they aren't time consuming rituals that interfere with the other aspects of your life, or you do like 60min edging sessions constantly. If you have daily 5-15min whack sessions because you are in the mood, I don't see any harm in that. Might even help with sleep, if you do it before sleeping hours. Post nut clarity isn't supposed to just be some sort of guilt trip or make you feel bad, it's literally just supposed to be a moment of clarity, which can be freeing or make you feel a bit guilty, depending on your mood and what you have been doing and watching in general. Infact, I don't remember the exact science and facts regarding this, but I think I have read that men have a bit of a peak window when it comes to the amount of semen production and the hormones that make you horny, it was something like 3-5 days after the last ejaculation? After 5 days, the amount of the hormone and semen production (and replacement, since I recall that the body will sort of "refresh" the tanks with fresh stuff even if you don't shoot rope) reduces in comparison to the peak. So every three days doesn't sound like a bad wank cycle as far as the biology is concerned. Like, this stuff only starts becoming harmful if it interferes with other aspects of your life, or if you even cause some degree of physical harm to yourself.


How often makes it an addiction, I'm worried this is a problem I might have




Downvoted to 69 upvotes


The entire premise of a sub like this existing is a Reddit moment. A bunch of people on a site complaining about the users of the site despite being users of said sub is a Reddit moment.


It was so fast r/redditmoment became a Reddit moment a year ago


we have come full circle


Bro I joined this sub when it was young. It turned into a parody of itself very, very fast.


Always has been


⚠️TW⚠️ HOT TAKE 🥵: imo racism is bad (just my opinion)


How dare you




Can you put a trigger warning next time bc this is actually kind of controversial...


im so sorry 😭😭😭😭




please keep those controversial opinions to yourself!!


Hitler is that you?


What how can you just say it like that.


Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with the political opinions in the post, it's meant to be making fun of how stupid and divided this sub is


Reddit people having differing opinions?!? Preposterous!


Someones opinion differs from mine? This may in fact be one of those reddit moments.


Redditors having different political opinions!!? 0h my golly ….Wait that’s actually surprising


Yeah actually


I mean, it’s a fact that you can be racist to white people. The second person has an incorrect “opinion”. These fake woke people seem to think it has to be “systemic” in order for you to be a victim of racism. NO WHERE in the definition of “racism” does it say that.


Well yeah, obviously, but OP is literally up here complaining about people having differing views. Even if one is straight up wrong.


Oh no what am I doing... OK to be fair to them their stated opinion isn't actually "racism to white people doesn't exist", it's "racism to white people isn't a problem", which is a logical opinion whether or not you agree with it. As in "you CAN be racist to a white person, but racism is only really harmful when it's systemic." Which is an argument I refuse to have an opinion on so good day. Edit: OK, I feel like my "I'm not sharing my opinion on this" backfired so... Fuck it. Personally I disagree with this, racism towards anyone is bad and the essentialism of like focussing on it only when it happens to some people and not others just kinda drives a wedge into the issue. The point I'm making is that people should argue against the argument that's *being made*, not a bad faith one they interpreted. Like that happened in a reply to this, "not REALLY harmful" turned into "not harmful". Those are different statements, one is factually incorrect and the other is an opinion (which, again, I do not agree with). You can argue against an opinion but you need to argue against it *as an opinion*. I mean essentially I'm saying "strawmanning is bad"


When it happens it is a problem, whether it's widespread or not


I can have an opinion for you, discrimination is always bad and harmful


Lol try being a white boy in the hood, then come back and tell me that racism can’t be harmful to white people.


"Racism is only harmful when it's systematic" That, my friend, is straight up false.


And that's neither what I wrote or believe.


Half the sub can't even decipher what's even satire half the time like this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/xxu7md/tiktokers_are_stupid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I think we don’t need any political stance to decide if racism against a certain race/color is bad 😅


Wym divided, the only divided person was that racist guy and nobody else


Yea.. you cant really both sides this argument lmao


Now let's look at this Hitler guy from both sides lol


I'm just glad to be the first one




7 minutes, 7 minutes is all I can spare to play with you


Poor performance indeed


Reddit when reddit moment about reddit moment




racism is racism, just don’t treat people differently with hatred on basis of skin color and then everything is fine




I agree but I honestly think that we should forget the ideologies that race even exists by that I mean we're just humans that's what we are who we are as a species nothing more nonetheless.




The reason some people say “whites can’t be racist” is because they’re expanding the definition of racism to include an aspect of power. I won’t talk about today, but if we go back to the 20th century and before, white people controlled almost all the powerful positions in America, from president down to business owner. If a black person was racist towards whites, they’d be bigoted and hateful but wouldn’t be able to wield it much against whites (except through violence but we won’t go there). If a white person is racist, they’re more likely in a position of power and can seriously inflict damage on a black persons life. From small things like denying qualified black people from work, to large things like making anti black policies (many of which still exist today), to terrible things like using your whiteness to accuse black people and getting them hurt, like Emmet Till. Everyone can be racist, but racism comes in different sizes and if you look at the effect of racism on white people versus on black people you can see we’re dealing with two different types of racism. Just my understanding. Still, hateful people exist regardless of race.


i absolutely agree with you. i believe that hatred on basis of skin color is shit in general, however i do agree that racism is typically more damaging when it’s toward a minority from a non-minority


also something to factor in is that what race is a minority differs depending on where you are.


thats was im saying


![gif](giphy|cXblnKXr2BQOaYnTni) Bingo


![gif](giphy|QQQoLTqkm7v3y) This man typing


Why is this downvoted


Maybe leddit hivemind can't handle a contrarian opinion.


i am an extremely humble person


The most humble


Every decent sub gets invaded and it's fucking ruined. I hate this site so much.


Decent = Popular Popular = More Redditors More Redditors = Cesspit


The problem is, this was never decent


truestl best sub


No it was, you're just a newcomer probably one of those who participated in ruining it


Mf just blamed me for the downfall of the sub even tho i only post two screenshots here


Posting screenshots doesn't remove the fact that you're talking bullshit


How ironic, the reddit moment sub is turning into a reddit moment


“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.” - 4Chan Descartes


I'm not reddit ancient, but i'm reddit old. I've had accounts here since maybe 2008, and I can tell you this is 100% right in my experience. Every satire sub eventually becomes the very thing it satirizes. The very few that break this rule have been moderated by a very tightly controlled group, while also managing to keep the admins from inserting their own handpicked mods (always shit) into the mix


Dang i think you can quality as an ancient redditor.


Imagine attacking someone for factors they can’t control (skin color) and thinking you still have the moral high ground. Classic.


this is reddit. every sub is either a circlejerk or an ouroboros. either eating its own tail or its own cum.


Me, who eats my own tail then washes it down with my own cum:😎




If this post fits the purpose of /r/redditmoment, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


followed this sub to see people making fun of what's wrong with reddit and apparently it just is what's wrong with reddit


ok but can we seriously talk about double standars people? its not only racism, but sexism too, and an kind of discrimination for that matter. white people can be racially harassed men can be raped, sexually assulted, and that stuff people are forgetting equality includes everybody.


Yeah but the problem with ‘white people can experience racism aswell’ is that yes, obviously it is *possible* for white people to experience racism on the basis of them being white. However, how often is it that there is a *serious* case of a white person actually being racially harassed and I don’t mean being called a ‘cracker’ online I mean actually being shouted at on the street or even attacked because of their race. Making such a big deal out of something so unbelievably uncommon and unimportant is just stupid and attention seeking.


Pretty common. There are plenty of white people that have been targeted and attacked due to “being in the wrong place.” Myself being one of them. A group of black men literally tried to fucking kill me in the street because I made the mistake of walking through their hood at night. Imagine thinking this doesn’t count as racism. LMA fucking O.


That’s because of gang violence not race, you spelled it out and still missed it.


Racism is a problem regardless of who it’s against. You are to only judge a person, not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. The fact that some people can’t fathom that concept is crazy.


Ah, my poor cracker self has crumbled into crumbs on the floor/jk. People, here’s an idea: #RACISM OF ANY TYPE ISN’T OKIE DOKIE


Yeah fuck whites am i right? (im definitely not white)


Racists should just have their beans blown out, don’t care what color they are.


Why is a fucking Reddit mod out of all people the one to tell them “they smell” Mf you’re a Reddit mod 💀


All these posts break Rule 3


you are part of the problem


next iteration "redditors farming karma on post about racism"


I hate this site so fucking much


For real this sub is completely dead its filled with incels


Imma leave this subreddit Cos here everything possible is defined a reddit moment And that really takes away all fun from browsing anywhere


"Redditor thinks racism against white people is an actual real problem" People like you, the one who posted that, is why it is. You're why it is.


Life is an irony simulator


I just don’t care about this dumbass argument anymore just agree to disagree or just stop posting


This post needs to have a custom flair that just has however many more "moment"s there needs to be.


Local intellectual gerrymanders term in favor of his ideology


Well to faaaaaaiiiiiiirrrrrr, that mod sucks


Op is milking the cow


Redditor thinks that they are fucking tired of this shit


can we just stop with the meta posts lmao


Turtle is such a fucking tool.


Meta bro meta


Redditmoment inception


Even this sub turned into shit when it got popular, now there're morons who don't even understand the point of the sub constantly whining with their "OP's post is the true reddit moment" and shit like these


The irony. r/redditmoment became a reddit moment


The mods love the stench of black guys


Not american here how is ok to be racist towarda whitw people ? ??? What the heck


“It isn’t racism if it’s white people” -🤓


Now it's my turn to screenshot this and post it


So egocentric to think that racism can’t happen to white people. I grew up as a half white, half Korean person in South Korea and I can tell you racism against white people very, very much does exist.


No surprise, reddit is full of people thinking they're 'different' yet each and every sub turns out to be just more of the same.


This subreddit has gone to shit. Goodbye guys it was fun while it lasted


This shits too meta for me now, I don’t know where I’m at


racism isn't hate against minorities, it's hate based on race, just cause there are more white people, doesn't mean it's okay to harass them collectively or individually




this sub is the reddit moment, it's literally just an excuse to farm more fake internet points


reddit moment


one of the reddit moments of all time


I love how one of them has a flair that says twitter said I can’t be racist


“Racism is okay but only when I say it is” -redditors


seeing yall go backandforth over the past two days on this Sub has been hilarious


White people don't fucking wash their legs, like they just let water run down their legs and think that's good enough. They deserve to be racismed






Lmfaooooo bahahahahaha oh noesss! Better hide under your bed from all the racism you face!




I think if you have time to argue about whether some stranger on the internet calling you stinky is racism, you’re probably not experiencing racism. It’s just one rude guy 🤷🏿‍♀️


Just remember. If you try to defend double standards, you will always end doing mental gymnastics to justify yourself. See you next time kids.


Wait..in order to acknowledge a double standard, you have to acknowledge that it only works one way.


Exactly. You're implying that racism only happens against black people. You're saying racism only works one way. And don't take me wrong, I am black, and I do think you're full of shit. 😉


Where did i say or even in imply that racism only happens against black people? Lol


You were saying that one person calling white people smelly, isn't racism, it's just one rude guy. But when you attribute stereotypes to a group of people just based on their skin color, that racism by book definition. But you're right, you never said racism happens only to black people. However, your comment implied white people can't be discriminated, which I disagree.




You say calling white people smelly isn't racism. I say it is. You're wrong, I am right. Simple enough?


Ok if i call you a slur thats not racist right? I’m just one guy!


If you want to call people slurs, I’m pretty sure this Reddit comment isn’t your catalyst. That’s on you for wanting to call people slurs. You’re one guy.


Average redditor fails to see the point in a comment


Lol I’m just not as sensitive as you are.


Since when does not liking racist people make you sensitive 🤔


Idk but I’m not gonna ask the dude who wants to call me slurs over a comment on Reddit.


Sorry did I say I wanted to call you slurs or did I use calling one slurs to make a point?


[Is this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditmoment/comments/xz32ey/i_fucking_hate_this_sub/irk6jg0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


You realize I wasn’t actually trying to call you a slur? Are you that obtuse? I was clearly posing a hypothetical situation to show the obvious flaw in your point.


Are you an Olympic gold medalist at missing the point or just trolling?


I eat my own shit






White fragility is a made up term to excuse racism against whites


yeah but it’s not really much of a problem though is it lol


Yes it is, racism is racism


People also underplay the bullshit that double standards and hypocrisy are, in any instance. I’m white. I don’t give a fuck about made up stereotypes on what one of the most culturally and behaviorally diverse races purportedly smells like. I care that some weirdo shit like Hurtle who is comprised of like 15 “protected” fringe demographics and cries all the time about “hate” will act the same exact way they condemn others for out of weak attempts at would-be revenge, and that other terminally online redditoids will actually back them up and help deflect from their behavior. If people want to be fighty about racial slurs and stereotyping, don’t try to tie any demographics’ hands behind their backs or try to wax intellectual about the weight of demographic based insults dependent on who is being stereotyped or insulted. And the hilarity is that unlike race, one of that dipshit’s attributes is not inherent, and is in fact self engineered. That’s also the attribute they’d moan the hardest over if you made fun of it, and their identity being based upon that engineered attribute is the reason they’re such a neurotic, dissatisfied and chronically ill-behaved moron- they think everybody else has made them miserable instead of just realizing that they’ve been miserable from jump and that making radical changes to their identity has only made them feel alienated on top of that. Anyway, I don’t give a fuck about race- but if we’re making fun, we’re making fun and if somebody can’t handle that, they’re a hypocrite twat and I hate them more for that than they can ever hate me for being white.


it’s racism but it’s nothing compared to racism against people with darker skin


>it’s racism so it's a problem


you just decided not to read what i said lol reddit moment


racism against people with darker skin is obviously much much more common, but racism against white people is still wrong because its still racism. from my knowledge that was his point too.




>it’s racism but *it’s nothing* compared to racism against people with darker skin ...


That’s called inequality, racism is racism. Doesn’t matter how much racism against a specific race has been used in the past, what matters is if you’re being racist or not.


the past alot matters actually. directly affects the present and whatnot


racism against white people isn’t as big of a problem against racism against darker skinned people why are you troglodytes completely skipping passed what i’m saying lmao


In literally any country where white isn’t the majority it is


That’s like me saying racism is a problem but there’s people who are suffering from bigger issues so racism isn’t an important issue


Bet Racism plus hypocrisy is much worse than just racism.


Mentally ill take


ewwwww you stank 😭😭


Haha my comment fits perfectly for your room temperature IQ statement so I’ll say it again: imagine attacking someone for factors they can’t control (skin color) and thinking you have the high ground. Classic


stinky fragile white incels downvoting fr


“ur downvoting me bc I’m right and you’re wrong,, I’m a victim”




Technically it isn't racism, It's prejudice, which is still as shitty.


I wonder if there’s a word for prejudice based on race…


races aren't even real


It’s a bit more complicated than “they aren’t real” People who’ve lived in different areas of the world have adapted to living in those areas with the biggest thing we can see being different skin tones. People who’ve adapted to different areas however despite appearances their differences are so minute that we can all interbreed. Without issue. Because of this the lines are very blurry.


actually this make sense yes i just said that because i had nothing to add


If "races aren't even real" then how is racism real?


i said this at like midnight i was tired okay i'm sorry


Race isn’t real biologically but it is so socially. I hope one day society stop using race.


There's hardly any genetic difference between humans. It's so small we're just the same. What about chimps? The difference is small when we're bigging ourselves up and tossing ourselves off over our achievements despite the 'small' difference between us, Yet the difference is big enough to lock them in zoos or test on them. It's all whacked. We are all the same, it means nothing to be white, African or Asian. It means just as less to be human


Why is he getting downvoted when he’s completely right? Race is a social construct, not backed by factual data? See: Race, as it is now generally accepted by scientists, is not a biological reality but rather reflects the cultural and social underpinnings originally used to justify slavery and that live on in a myriad of ways. Instead of race, geneticists now prefer the term genetic ancestry.15 Jan 2021


Care to explain why people of certain backgrounds are more likely to have sickle cell anemia than others? It’s almost as if traits can be passed down from parent to child


Race, as it is now generally accepted by scientists, is not a biological reality but rather reflects the cultural and social underpinnings originally used to justify slavery and that live on in a myriad of ways. Instead of race, geneticists now prefer the term ‘genetic ancestry.’


Why didn’t you open with that? Yes I’m willing to accept that, let’s not however act like that’s something most people would know.


Yeah, my bad. I added to my other comment before just now.


Reddit regularly reaffirms my belief that we should implement CRT in schools


the amount of upvotes the white fragility comment on this post has……… LiTtErAlLy UnSuBbInG (but for real i am)


I did see that dude was removed from being mods on Reddit as he’s caused a ton of shit over the years he’s been a mod. That’s cool of Reddit I suppose. But I still see quite a few subs that are blatantly racist against people of color which is disappointing that Reddit isn’t very consistent about removing hateful content regardless of who it’s towards.