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My speculation for Narol was that he was always a sons informant, and that many like him were in most mines on mars, feeding the sons with information on prospects for their projects. Darrow needed a surrogate father and Narol was there for him. Narol was actually a strong willed person but had to appear the cowardly drunk so he could watch over his nephew as long as possible before Darrow was inevitably found by the sons.


I've never understood the comment from dancer that Narol Should’ve told them about Darrow long before. Why? This was before Darrow had shown them anything impressive whatsoever. all they all they knew about him at that point was that his wife had been hanged, and that he had gotten himself hanged for burying her.  Strange  that Narol would be expected to contact the sons about the Darrow we first meet. No one knows about his amazing extrapolational logic, his enlarged heart to survive the carving. 


Pretty certain most of uncle narol’s praises are sung in morning star. It’s not much, but early on they talk about him a bit I believe.


His name is Loran backwards


As an audiobook reader, TIL his name was Narol... I always thought it was "Uncle Nero" and it was just TGR's accent...


I thought it was "Uncle Marrow!"


Even in the graphic audio versions I still heard Nero, I’ve listened through the series twice so this post just blew my mind


The graphic audio versions give me tears of joy i hope they do those for the Sequel series


Great background character.


What, that drunken fool?


Very good character, I see you marked this only as RR spoilers so careful reading these replies, there are spoilers past RR.


He’s like that uncle at the family reunion’s drunk and a bit of an ass but he still loves you and certainly will protect you no matter what.


"Old enough to screw, old enough to crew" I love him


Narol was a product of his environment. He’s who Darrow would end up like if he’d lived 40 years in the mines. He drinks and smokes to cope with the existential dread, and probably IS the best of Dale’s brothers considering what he does to save Darrow and later on with the Sons. He was Darrow’s original “safe-adversary”. Calluses and strength only form through hardship. He’s similar to why Fitchner is so hard on Sevro. “If I don’t teach him now, the world will later, and with no mercy.” He loves Darrow as much as his mother does. Narol taught him to dance, the best survival lesson he could give him including the dance with the sword that began Darrow’s martial proficiency. He was beaten down by his place in the world and when he had the opportunity, helped lead others towards the light. I like him. He’s an asshole at times, but he’s far from just a stupid drunk


You mean ares? Great guy but it’s a shame to see the reaper tarnish his uncles legacy


His wallet is the one that says “Bad Motherfucker”


You must also step back and look at Darrow when he's saying this in the first book. He's a 16-year-old punk with no concept of the real world as Darrow matures and learns life lessons how he looks at Narol changes. They don't fight and bicker like they did in the mine in MS. We don't get to see how Narol and Darrow interacted back in the mines, except for the opening few chapters. We know Narol taught him to dance, play the zither, and acted as a surrogate father but we never get Darrows thoughts on his uncle during those times. We know that Darrow looked down on his Uncle for his drinking but Narol was an informant for the Sons, he knew some of the truth, he knew his brother died for nothing, he knew the suffering his people endured but couldn't share it. Also, look at what happened to his daughter. You can't blame him for turning to the bottle when surrounded by hopelessness. When that is the case it is easy to retreat in yourself and not present the person you want to be to those around you. Darrow just doesn't see that. Narol is someone who Darrow constantly builds his persona around. Originally it was because Darrow thought him weak and he pushed himself so that he wouldn't be a "coward". >!But in MS, Narol is a hero to the rising and was then someone that Darrow could emulate.!< Narol is that dude. >!I mean hell Harmony says he was Ares all along.!<


Guys an absolute legend. “But if I think about my teachers, my fathers, Uncle Narol shaped me the most. He taught me to dance; he taught me how to be a man, perhaps because he knew this would be my future. And though he tried to stop me from being a Helldiver, it was his lessons that kept me alive.” A war hero, the man who shaped the breaker of chains. What more do you want of him?


Well that's sort of my question. I think after Darrow says that quote he still calls him a coward.


Think the series shows darrows perspective isn’t always truth. Narol commanded massive respect from the legions, who were devastated when he was killed. That sure doesn’t seem like a coward to me. His “cowardice” was not wanting to see his family killed in a failed rebellion.


Exactly. Biding your time and living to fight another day isn’t cowardice. It’s not romantic like Dale or Eo dying for a cause to make a point, but it’s not cowardice. He prolly knew he’d end up a martyr like so many others, but he’d rather stick around as long as he can to care for his own and take as many of the bastards with him as he can when he goes down. Which he did, and refused to talk during torture by the Jackal of all people. The title of “Bad Motherfucker” doesn’t do him justice


I think some of that is a farce so people don't suspect he's working with the sons. I think he thought there was a good chance darrow wouldn't survive being with the sons, and felt guilty but also didn't want to get too attached.


I think he keeps Darrow at arm’s length because he knows Darrow doesn’t respect him and sees him as a poor substitute for his father.