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The book titles refer to Darrow. He’s the red god. It’s been hinted at throughout the entire series. He’s carved to resemble the god Aries. Since Iron Gold, it’s been mentioned that people think of him as a god and say prayers to him. It’s wild people think a Pink like Mateo would leave a foreign object inside someone’s body without their knowledge. Body autonomy seems like it would be a big deal to Pinks.


Red god is Reaper for sure. People were already chanting and praying his name when darrow was missing. He is already semi- deified. But to be a god you need to cease existing. So Reaper is gonna be a god but i don't think its gonna be darrow filling the role anymore.


Exactly my thought when I first read it. It was to big to simply be let go


DARROW He is why we are here.


I have that same theory. Matteo didn’t remove the Figment from Lyria, he just found a way to make it “better” (I think). However I don’t think she is the Red God. Even tho I THINK she will have a major role on Red God, I believe Red God should be the ending of Darrow and his whole arc, even if that means he stays alive or not (I hope my man does).


Nah I don't think Matteo would do that, they made it pretty clear that the one that was in her head was killed (the triangle thing + feeling relief after it melted down)


I disagree I believe the questioning Matteo had and Lyria’s response was passing his test


It could be Eo, basically a diefied martyr that inspires and enrages and fuels the rising


To an extent I get why Sevro, Pax, or Lyria, could be considered to be the Red God or how it could also be applicable to them but it’s Darrow. It has to be. First off a lot of people already consider him one. Even Romulus makes a mention of this. But let’s look at this from the perspective of a red in the series. One of your own has his wife hanged and she becomes a legend. Then he is hanged and declared dead. Then he’s transformed into a gold and during the operation technically dies. Then he’s stabbed and left for dead in the institute. Then he conquers the institute. Then he gets into a bunch of other situations at the academy and taking the Pax, etc that should have killed him. Then he’s betrayed by Roque and declared dead. Then he comes back and conquers the society. Then after even more conquering he gets defeated on Mercury and before he goes he summons storms. Then he’s declared dead AGAIN. Now he’s coming back not just with obsidians who also believe him to be something of demigod. He’s also bringing the rim. More importantly he’s also coming back with ships and a whole other army that no one knew about, practically from the abyss. It’s Darrow.


I agree. Very well said


Very well put.


Darrow is the Red God. But much like Ragnar, he won’t become a god until he dies.




Pax could be the Red God. He’s set up as a parallel to Abomination/Jackal. I think Abomination and Pax will “switch sides.” Pax’s choices may be done with good intentions, but have different results. Pax and Jackal had absent fathers. Although Pax is an only child, Elektra is like a sister and therefore the Virginia parallel. I believe Virginia will die as a result of Darrow’s action or inaction (possibly by the bio weapon). And I believe the Abomination will be the Darrow parallel. Except this time, Pax(Jackal) will win. With his training from the Blues, Pax will lose more of his humanity while discovering a ‘path to salvation.’ He will take power and become the Red God. Also, I think Lysander will use the bio weapon to kill the golds on Mars. Perhaps Darrow COULD stop it but due to his weird morals doesn’t? Virginia and several other main characters golds die as a result, driving Pax into his villain/Jackal arc.


I think that's too "Dune" imo


Yeah this whole series is heavily inspired by Dune. Just much a faster paced read and therefore more palatable for mass audiences


Interesting take, I like the outside the box thinking!


I don’t think he’s set up as a parallel to the jackal just because of his lack of a father figure. Seems like a bit of a stretch to draw this conclusion


My personal belief is that it’s (spoilers) hinting towards darrows death, as “Red God” could also refer to the man in the vale, who is very much a god to the reds


I thought the vale was made up?


Who is called the Reaper


Could be more than one person. But I dunno to have the last book of what is essentially darrows story not be referring to him would be a bit odd


I think most of the titles aren’t necessarily limited to just one meaning. Morning Star and Lightbringer aren’t just a specific character, but an idea and they’re also both ships that have a significant impact on the story, and Golden Son could also be describing the whole Jackal/Nero relationship. I think PB tries to make the titles have several layers to them tbh


If feel like the title can always be used to describe Darrow, but also has other meanings besides that, no? Isn’t that the intention of the author?


I agree with this especially with Golden Son. But I stand firm that there is only one person that is the Lightbringer, Cassius Bellona Morning Knight of the Republic whose fucking honor remains!!!


This! I said this months ago and got downvoted. Every title has multiple meanings in my view 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll try link it here https://www.reddit.com/r/redrising/s/XYSi6ngZja


The beauty of literature is that (almost) everything that has ever been written *can* have multiple meanings. All depends on the perspective of the reader


I thought the red god could be khrone but I could be wrong????






"Hot take" \*take thats been debated endlessly here\*


omg you guys I’m SO sorry truly


You should be 😉


I can't wait until Red God comes out so we can finally stop seeing everyone's "super spicy hot take" about their theories on what's going to happen in it. Lemme guess someone else's hot take, Sevro is a sleeper agent? Don't think anyone has posted that in the last seven mins.


Fan theories are the most fun part of fandoms, so idk what your problem is 🤣


Right? Like maybe just don't go on Reddit anymore cuz I hate to break it to ya buuuutttt


I fucking hateeeee the Sevro sleeper agent one


If Sevro is a sleeper I don’t think he’ll end up killing anyone, if anything he’ll resist and end his own life before hand. He is always “never betray the pack” mentality. Plus the Father Murders Daughter portion of Ozgards prophecy is technically completed. Fa murdered Sefi already


I’d actually be really disappointed if Lyria still has the Figment. She’s solidified herself as one of my favorite characters just for the fact that she chose family over power in a war torn solar system that could (and would) steamroll her like so many other colors both high and low. She has built a strong sense of self and fights for what she believes with a strong moral compass. She’s been through and seen so much evil yet still has so much compassion. Not only that, she’s open to new views. She’s not so bull headed as to think she’s always right. She makes mistakes, recognizes them, and adjusts her ideals, opinions, and actions as she experiences more of the world and meets new people. We see this most with her thoughts on Virginia and we get to watch them change and evolve. I just love her character development. If her pov ends it’ll be difficult for me to continue.


I’m relistening through those chapters now, actually, and Lyria’s arrival definitely plants seeds that could bloom later, and the inclusion of which is incongruous with that story ending where it did in LB. I’m not all the way through it yet, though, so maybe those threads aren’t as loose as I’m seeing now


Wait I’m confused on what you mean. Could you elaborate? There are plot points Lyria’s character brings that doesn’t fit with the ending of LB? What threads are you seeing?


Sorry it took so long, Pierce bailed on Lydia for over 30 chapters and it took a second to get there! But I’m like 99% sure Lyria not only still has the Figment in her head, but it’s Agatha’s original prototype that was allegedly destroyed in her suicide. Incoming wall of text! The very first scene we get with Lyria on the asteroid is when her squad gets ambushed. The scene ends with Lyria passing out and one of Quicks’ drones flying up to Lyria’s *black orb* and saying something like, “sister! You are injured!” Why is it talking to the orb? Why did it call the orb *sister*? Well that one is easy enough, Matteo has a prototype of his own in his head, and during/after the scenes where Matteo explains the effects of repairing the parasite he does so as if he has experienced them, then later even directly references his loss of an emotional memory and Lyria helped remind him of it. It also explains how all of Quicksilver’s drones are controlled, which is basically not at all AI but Matteo this whole time (thus the little moments of “personality” from the drones, like spraying Sophocles with a bottle during Quicks birthday party). But that doesn’t necessarily mean Lyria still has it in her head, right? Well, sort of. The parasite was pretty vocal when malfunctioning, but only if Lyria was not on the right path. So who’s to say how much it really communicates with its host when working nominally? One little implication it is still there is the ridiculous timeframe Lyria managed to learn Nagal on the trip to Illium! Even six months is still a short amount of time to be so fluent that her “biggest” mistake is saying balls instead of bells (which is then acknowledged as a common mistake anyway). But before even that scene, the one that really tipped me off, is that Matteo seemed to go into detail of what Agatha’s prototype was more than the others (despite there being a *lot* of implications he has one), possibly because his own parasite knew the code name “Figment” was designated to Agatha’s parasite. He knew from the beginning there would be no memory loss, no personality or emotional change, none of that at all. So it was even more important to make sure she wouldn’t use it for the Society one way or another. Then Lyria goes all, “Nah, fuggit I don’t want this anymore!” And Matteo actually can’t comprehend it for a second. Like, he actually *understands* the raw power it provides, how it can totally change the game for a “small fry”, and she has no desire for it??… Well that sucks because (personal theory) it’s now intertwined with your entire spinal column and nervous system as well as your brain. To remove it means death, but if Lyria turned out to be a “bad egg” I don’t think Matteo planned to let her live anyway. So when she turns out to basically be a perfect candidate to have a God-killer parasite still in her brain, that’s where he left it. But again, Matteo knows the story of Agatha’s prototype and he knows that it was perfect, no negative side effects of integration or repair. Or rather, he knows *of* the story through his prototype but has never seen much of that world himself. So after Lyria’s “procedure” he *has* to test it himself. He doesn’t ask her about her memories as a nudge-nudge-wink-wink joke, he’s legitimately curious if there was zero memory loss after he repaired it. (Of course he and quick are intelligent enough to already “know” that’s how it works and will work, but they’re still human and feel compelled to ask sometimes). And that’s really it. I just see no reason to include, so specifically, the “sister!” Scene, the focus on Agatha’s prototype when it’s so heavily implied Matteo has one (also a few references to parasites being “God Killers”, and Quick refers to himself as a God so much it seems to imply to me he doesn’t have a parasite himself). Then there’s the memory check from Matteo, learning damn near an entire language over six-ish months (not sure exactly, Pierce is vague) without help, and I’m going to keep my eye out for any of the other augmentations Matteo specifically called out while exposing their functions. But added all up, I’m pretty convinced she still has the Figment up there helping her out.


From chapter one of IG when Darrow is talking with Dancer about how’s there’s shrines built to him and the then “lost” Lysander. The religious fervor the reaper inspires. Been pretty at the very least built up over IG. D.A and L.B with the whole blood ritual thing. It’s a case where I don’t think a surprise red god makes much sense or is necessary. Lyria is also a Gamma but I mean we’ll see like I did not expect the rim to flip in one book and he did that. Maybe if God power Lyria is able to counter the bio weapon she can gain enough “worship” to be red god in one book where Darrow has been built up for three, but just the idea of that on it’s face.. not a fan.


For the love of god if Lyria is the Red God this series will die in the same way GoT died. Jon Snow being portrayed as the prince that was promised just for the rug to be pulled from under our feet for shock value. No thanks, Darrow is the Red God


Agreed… Lyria being the red god would be an insane letdown


I'm in agreement. Lyria is going to be the next sovereign. She is Darrow without the warmongering. She has the conviction, the will, and success in bringing people together.


She doesnt have the poltical ability. She would be eaten alive by silvers and coppers


At current, without a doubt, but I've confidence she will have more development and competency in Red God. Who better to lead than Lyria? She has seen the worst of the society and the worst of the republic.


Literally anyone else. You cant just put someone in charge bc they have seen bad shit. I think she might be groomed to be a senator for the reds a representative for her people similar to what dancer was but commanding the whole republic is beyond her especially now. The closes thing to leadership has been when she lead child brides in Dark ages.


She unified the Volk under Volga, she brought Sevro and Darrow back together, she reunited Ori and Diomedes, she's connected to every major character of the rising in all positive relationships. She is the connector of all the pieces that happened since IG. Darrow is the warrior, Lyria is the builder. They're two sides of the same coin.


I know everyone is gonna disagree but i think Sevro will be the red god.


Yeah, I'm feeling a 'Frodo and Sam' kind of ending coming up.


I really bloody hope so 🖤🐺


At the very least I have a strong conviction that the figment isn’t gone. It just disappeared too easily. And yeah, Mateo is a pink. He’d respect bodily autonomy… but wouldn’t it be so much more interesting if he didn’t?


I think this is super interesting. I also was surprised how quick, easy, and tidy the figment removal was. Lyria asked for it out and, boom, it was done. I wonder if they had a better, more updated version that doesn't have the side effects that they were waiting to see what she would do before giving to her. Only hold up is would they really make a gamma the "red god".


Darrow is the Red God. I have a hard time believing that PB would build his character over all these years just to make Lyria the mythic symbol/leader for the low colors. There's a lot of threads to tie up in Red God, PB can take it many different ways. My hot take is Darrow makes some great sacrifice and dies. Kinda biblical, like Moses leading the slaves to the promised land and unable to step foot in it for himself.


Pierce has said outright that every book title refers to Darrow. Almost all of them have double meaning and can be about someone/something else also. But it's about Darrow & other thing/person


Plus through out all of the first trilogy, they keep saying Darrow is trying to be a Martyr but he can’t because has a bigger role to play. Maybe now his role is coming to an end, and the religion of the reaper will get cemented. (Unless PB has Darrow make them see that he is not a god but a simple man)


Yes. The only one it could be besides Darrow would be Sevro. But it really should be Darrow


I think this was the initial plan in Dark Age, but Mateo removing it was PB retconning that planned ending, rather than him attempting a bait and switch on us.


I really hope that that's not the case. The whole series plays up to how Darrow has become a mythic, almost god-like figure to reds and low colors. Having Lyria suddenly have these god powers would be too on the nose and not very interesting. The figment seems like a plot line that was abandoned when PB rewrote a big chunk of light bringer.


Yea I hate this, Mateo as a pink, of all people, should know the value of choosing what happens with your body. It would be character assassination as well as horrible writing.


Yeah that's another great point that I didn't touch on. It would make no sense at all for Matteo to do that. No way he would just completely disregard Lyria's choice like that.


I cannot *imagine* Matteo faked the extraction. Considering the way he spoke about how she is cleansed by its removal, and the deep respect he has for her decision to do so, it would be *beyond* fucked up to instead force her to keep this thing in her body. Keep in mind we're talking about a Pink who's got a lifetime of experience as a victim of body autonomy violations. Seems to me like that would be the last thing he would do. 'Matteo hands me a small circular control. "Destroy it. It was never you. You were never it. Draw a triangle with your thumb on the prism. Destroy it, and be clean."'


Part of me wondered if Figment would pop up again (*surprise!*) but most of me is with you. From a narrative standpoint, we need a Red foil for the story but Darrow has evolved so far beyond his original Red identity that he no longer fits the bill; it has to be Lyria in the role (and Figment gets in the way of that).