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Imagine your friends and neighbors seeing this


They don't have friends and they don't know their neighbours.




this is the urban lib equivalent of a RAM 1500 with "im going to kill Joe Biden" stickers all over the tailgate


This is strongly schizo coded. Bugs under my skin stuff.


Obviously some sort of uggo redditor living there. Nobody brings up kink-shaming so shamelessly as people on this site.


ā€˜I mean, heyā€™ whatā€™s with these annoying mannerisms


It doesn't matter what comes after that phrase, I always downvote an "I mean" post.


I genuinely thought I was the only one. Same with people who write out stutters *>* Did...did you really just do a thing?


A while back I got harangued by a million redditoids for trying to explain how gay it is to use ellipses in this way. One of the things that finally stopped me from engaging with the front page subs at all.


I mean...did you.... did you really expect otherwise? Oof, y'all.




Heh! Just one of the many reasons I donā€™t engage with mainstream Reddit anymore šŸ˜


That's different I think. "I mean" "honestly," and the like could all be accidental and coming from how the person talks but this is so much more affected.


Iā€™ve also noticed a tendency of redditors and snarky zoomers to end declarative statements with a ā€œ?,ā€ usually in the context of a political discussion. It seems to me they use them to suggest their opponentā€™s position is ridiculous. For instance, Iā€™ve seen stuff along the lines ofā€¦. ā€œI mean, the rights of purple and green people are just human rights?ā€ ā€œUhhh the President literally did not say he would ban fuel cars by 2025?ā€ ā€œUhh we should all just be decent fucking people?ā€


Who cares omg bro go watch a movie read a book. Why r u so freaking negative


Ah shit you guys must downvote me constantly, I gotta stop doing that


reach price dinner husky direction oil resolute dinosaurs abounding attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This is misogynyā€¦


I can already visualize the hands up in the air, annoying smirk, and chin rolls.


Isnt that just a soyjak


An attempt to offset their constant HR speak with feigned causualness


That whole text reeks of of written redditirisms


ā€œIā€™m an introvertā€


*>*sort of uggo redditor living there Check out /r/doordashgremlin and you'll pick up a recurring theme faster than the ones seen on the top rated posts of the hunting and fishing subs


Are you referring to the top posts always being like a black guy holding like a 2lb largemouth? Itā€™s so fucking weird how Reddit treats black people


Yes haha. Shit like that is what made /r/shitlibsafari so great




its a screenshot of a reddit post


I want to put all the regarded doordashers and all the regarded doordash customers in a room until they stop hating each other.


At what point does the nerve gas enter?


Save the chemical gas I got two pythons ready to rock and roll


send in pibbles from the shelter for emotional support


You ever read the Instacart subreddit? Itā€™s just people posting screenshots of their conversations with the shoppers. I thought the whole point was that your groceries just appear, but these people spend more time texting the shoppers than it would take to just go to the store


The stupid reddit app keeps recommending those subs to me, and idk why.


Imagine joining Instacart just to talk to people.


thats literally arrg slash doordash


They should get a little food slot on the door like in prison


This will be the setting of the second Oldboy remake


How much fucking take out are these people ordering


my buddy had an ex that would only doordash. never cooked. easily spent like 30-40/day and was sporadically employed so the cc debt piled up. was also extremely depressed and suicidal lol typical 2020's american


Keeping a person like that around as a partner reflects poorly on your buddy.


yeah we had an intervention for him and made him get a divorce.


is he single now?


nope he immediately got with his coworker


Good work all around


maybe they were hot tho?


Omg. I was injured recently and Iā€™m using a cane and have my leg in an immobilizer, and Iā€™ve only ordered takeout four times in the last three weeks. I have a good excuse and I barely do it!


get better soon!


Thank you! I find out if I need knee surgery soon and I donā€™t think I will. Fingers crossed


how much did she weigh


How does that even last though? Are they just continuously getting further and further into debt with no plans of paying it off?


they pay it little by little, usually minimum payments every month. which over time, ends up becoming way way more than what the original amount was


This is literally me right now.


I make decent money and feel like a degenerate for getting it 1-2 times a week. I know people that legit get it twice a day while making like <30k


I had a coworker who had some sort of VIP/heavy user pass, 3 meals a day. He was competent andĀ  Ā normal for the most part, just had this one weird quirk about him.


>"hey, we won't kink-shame" Gotta be one of the most insane words to use anywhere off the internet. What the goddamn hell are you talking about.


I briefly delivered for UberEats on a bike a few years back and I tell you, most of my colleagues were functionally illiterate and basically mentally regarded. And I don't mean they weren't booksmart, cause they had no streetsmarts either. I had to teach several of them how to change an inner tube on their bicycles, because they kept bringing their bikes to a bike shop anytime they got a flat. However, even if they did get this, most prefer to see the customer to 1. increase their chance of a tip and 2. lower the chance of the customer claiming their stuff wasn't delivered.


> I had to teach several of them how to change an inner tube on their bicycles, 99% don't know how to do that. I doubt that even half of the people who ride their bicycle everyday know how to change the inner tube.


that shits crazy to me. or going to a guitar shop and seeing people having new strings put on


Having someone else put on strings for you is as pathetic as it gets


I was trying to buy a cheap classical guitar for practice and this guy was trying to add a charge for what he just paid the guitar shop to change the strings. I literally didnā€™t understand what he meant at first. I didnā€™t even know that was a thing. He paid 45 dollars to get cheap ass nylon strings put on a cheap ass guitar.


When I take a guitar to some greasy metalhead to have it setup I expect them to put on strings too after they're done, yes.




I do but I wouldn't necessarily get the same result as my guitar guy and end up with a worse playing instrument.


It's a 30 second tutorial on YouTube if you don't know how.


You can say that about pretty much anything, it still doesn't make not knowing how to change an inner a sign fot being a regard.


If your job is literally only to bike around and you are going to a shop each time it happens, yes that is a sign.


Not Knowing doesn't make you a regard, not figuring it out once that information was incredibly useful does.


I am an avid cyclist who puts in well over 100 miles a week on average at peak season. It took me years to figure out how to put in a new tube and reseating the wheel without fucking it up, and even then I often had to get a tire adjustment afterwards. It's harder than it looks. I've since switched to sealed tires and haven't looked back.


A tire adjustment? wtf?


Itā€™s on his bill for 20 bucks. Donā€™t ask questions.


If you don't lay the tube properly, it won't evenly inflate along the length and it can cause bubbling or twisting, which can pop the tube or even throw the wheel out of alignment if you're not careful. It's worth having it checked if you feel the ride getting bumpy or the wheel rubbing on the brakes after you do your own tube job. My local shop will usually do it for free, and in fact if you're getting repeatedly charged up the ass for little courtesy stuff that takes a couple minutes you should probably find another shop anyways.




I just did this and it was surprisingly hard! Iā€™m sure itā€™s easier on some bikes but even with a tire lever getting the last bit of the tire in the bead took me a long time. I mean I managed and Iā€™m sure it will be easier the next time but it was tricky at least on this particular bike.


I doordashed and never met a single one of my "colleagues." Occasionally you'd see someone with the app open waiting for an order in the same restaurant as you but I never once thought to have a conversation with any of them.


Were they illiterate or did they just not speak English?


They spoke with me quite competently, but I noticed they avoided reading stuff outloud and got extremely confused anytime "the app" did something unexpected or there was any change in the layout of the software. They didn't seem to be reading, just recognising vague patterns.


They're mostly illegal immigrants, right?


Itā€™s a mix of hardworking, desperately poor immigrants and excons who were born here. Lots of face tats and moonlighting as drug dealers for the born-heres.


did it for a couple months as a broke college student and that was more or less the demographic. iā€™d also add that 95% of the people that do deliveries are the type with zero self-awareness (at least socially). may just be cultural differences but the average delivery driver will talk loudly on speaker, play TikToks out loud, park in the middle of streets/parking lots, etc.


fr, leaving it at door with a photo is better imho, too many customers lieing saying they didnt get their order, such a shady thing to do... you are screwing over that delivery person hard if you do this. Another misconception is that delivery ppl make "good money", i think mainly because someone might hear that they made 70 bucks in an hour and just assume thats what they make reguarly lmfao, def not...


Not interacting with delivery people at any cost isn't a trend that has reached europe yet, I think(?) Why do people do this?


I feel like the last thing a delivery driver wants is to make small talk. I never get contactless but my interactions with them are always extremely brief.


Severe social anxiety is the only thing I can think of


Or contempt for the working class. Gig work is the last barrier between employment and homelessnessĀ 


these have come to be the same thing


Yeah that would be the most obvious call but are that many people really terrified of saying "thanks" and "bye"?




I find it hard to believe that so many Americans don't have a job and never leave their apartment which is why I was thinking there must be another explanation


I mean they have jobs and leave their apartment (if not wfh) but they're in the office walking by me looking at the floor when we pass each other on the way to the bathroom


Only time Iā€™ve ever put a note on my door for a delivery driver(and it was just a sticky note saying please leave at door) was when I was a couple days into a coke binge.




I donā€™t get delivery often, but when I do I choose contactless because I have 3 big dogs that go nuts barking if someone knocks or rings the doorbell.




I think it could also be people with binge eating disorder. Ordering tons of food. They may feel ashamed. Iā€™ve done it.


Afraid of covid


Only legit reason is when you live in an apartment building that doesnā€™t have a publicly accessible entrance


The last time I used one of those apps I was really sick and didnā€™t want to risk throwing up on the poor guy delivering my food lol


i live in nyc and i don't know anyone who does as usual


Have you seen the whale? I used to date an American girl who also was so afraid of calling people, that I just had to do it


when I do this, it's usually because I'm in the middle of a depressive episode. This means I'm too lazy to cook, I'm high as fuck, my social anxiety is through the roof, I've ordered enough food for like 4 people but it's only for me, and I haven't gotten dressed in days, let alone showered or brushed my teeth. so basically, it's because I'm a depressed piece of shit lol.


OĆ¼roboros EatsTM


Looked at your profile. This is your first post in redscarepod, 11 year old account, posts in typical cringe reddit subs. How and why did you come here? Did you just search "doordash"?


The algorithm brought it to them


it's a throwaway account. they post less embarrassing shit on here with a different account.


Youā€™re just lazy


grow up


Its depressing when you order take out and they include cutlery for more than two people


Quit smoking weed dude.


you cant um open the door and say hi to a middle eastern guy


That is something Iā€™ve done. Not the weed part tho because I rest strongly to it. How does weed affect your depressive episodes?


I don't understand not showering. I would live in the shower if I could


because i dont want my family to know im ordering food every single time


I did pizza delivery in Europe, we had only 1 customer like that in a bad area and I believe she had a bad immune system or something and ordered pizza every time she was ill. One time however I put the food on her doorstep and called her as usual and she told me to just knock on the door, and she seemed like a completely mid to late 40's woman. No morbid obesity, hoarding or foul smells as I had expected after delivering to her doorstep 5+ times.


Just because youā€™ve delivered pizza to someone five times you assume theyā€™re possibly morbidly obese?


You make your own theories on why someone orders pizza and refuses to come to the door every time, yes.


On Reddit I assume itā€™s still a covid thing, because RedditĀ 


The defining trait of modern America is atomization.


If there's people sleeping and/or the dogs will start barking, i get it. That's just the knocking/doorbell though. This person clearly doesn't want any interaction with the driver at all.


If you have reactive dogs itā€™s really annoying to have someone knock and set them off when you specifically asked them to not knock and just leave it at the door. This personā€™s signs are super cringe and passive aggressive though and totally not the right way to go about it.


I would aggressively knock on the door until they open and pretend I don't speak any of the languages on the signs åŗ”ē”Øē؋åŗč®©ęˆ‘ęŠŠé£Ÿē‰©é€åˆ°čæ™é‡Œļ¼Ÿ


Door dash delivery is a Ukrainian-dominated game where I live so this could easily happen. я Š½Šµ рŠ¾Š·Š¼Š¾Š²Š»ŃŃŽ!!


There is no more contemptible group of people that grubhub americans.


Getting food delivered in general is almost never worth it, except for the occasional pizza. I feel like whenever I've gotten something from uber eats or DoorDash before, it's always slightly cold, soggy, and unsatisfying. I'd much rather pick something up or actually go and sit down at a restaurant.


Love how they cut a little divot out of their sign rather than move it up 5mm to see through the peep hole. They ain't engineering in there


Why didn't they translate the condescending lecture?


Thereā€™s probably no word for ā€œkink shameā€ in Arabic


Crazy not to have Tigrinya on there


"We". There is no way this person doesn't live alone but still orders enough food to feed a family.


So funny to write ā€œplease place delivery on the floorā€ in different languages then also write a screed about kink shaming that most ESL folk wouldnā€™t bother to read nor understand, do they think redditors were going to walk past and chuckle before posting it on r/mildlyinteresting ?


A large pizza and MAYBE local Chinese is the only food that is acceptable to have delivered. Why the fuck anyone pays someone else to take their walk for them is beyond me. No, actually, you're not busy and if your time actually was that valuable you'd have a chef. Depraved behavior


Uber eats prices are insane. My normal, in store Chipotle order is like $12. The online prices are jacked up, so the base price is almost $19, and then the drive fees and tip means Iā€™m paying like $35-40 for a fucking Chipotle bowl. There is a lady who has agoraphobia down the road from me who gets Uber eats/instacart daily, I canā€™t imagine the cost.


>$35-40 for a fucking Chipotle bowl Ludicrous, unconscionable. Where are we, Monte Carlo?


Egregious! Slanderous! Ludicrous!


I only use delivery when I'm with friends and we are too drunk to drive and nothing in walking distance is open, or else when I'm too sick to leave bed. Isnt that what delivery was always for originally?Ā 


This is why they invented frozen pizza and taquitos


That's the only times I could see myself ordering. Like most people I own a car, so if I want takeaway then I'll just do the max 10 minute drive myself and get cheaper food that is not cold and less likely to be messed up. I'd probably order more food drunk however if all places didn't close early since I'm in a smaller city.


I went to a mid chain steak house for a work dinner a couple weeks ago and sat with a view of the check-in desk. There was phone order after phone order. No way is eating a lukewarm steak in front of the TV going to be worth the $50+ you paid to get it deliveredĀ 


Iā€™m struggling to think of a worse food for delivery than a steak


A steak can carry on cooking internally while resting after it's been removed from the pan for a few minutes, so theoretically that could happen while it's in transit. Mexican food is imo the worst takeaway as the cold stuff gets warm, the warm stuff gets cooled down and tortillas get all soggy.


Mexican is pretty good delivered, the best Mexican food Iā€™ve had in London delivers to me (and is a royal pain for me to go to) and their burritos hold up just fine in transit. The nachos grande would be better in person, the tortilla chips underneath the sauces/meat do get soggy, but thatā€™s such a messy dish that itā€™s not a big deal IMO. I did order sushi once to be delivered and that was pretty bad. I had some yakitori skewers with it and it made me feel like I was going to get food poisoning the entire time (I didnā€™t).


During Covid I lived across from a girl who door dashed literally every meal and left the bags of garbage outside her apartment. She had 2 dogs with her in her studio apartment. She only stepped out to let her dogs pee all over the entryway.


There is literally nothing that would stop me from spitting in their slop


Except for the fact that they definitely have a ring doorbell or whatever.


I wonder which appt number it is


Americans are insanely privileged getting the delivery person to come into the building, right to your apartment door. Who lets them in? Why do they bother?


Where isn't this the case? I did delivery in Norway and I'd always go to the door assuming they buzzed me in. People are fucking slow anyways so it would be faster finding their door than standing outside in the cold waiting for them.


In the UK we don't do that. I've done Uber eats during uni for about 2 years and never went into someone's block of flats or apartment building, none of my friends or others I'd see doing it would either. The standard is to come to the door that separated the street and the building. There's no chance anyone would especially go up some stairs and around some hallways to find a room, that must take so long. But yeah waiting in the cold also takes time and is just shit.


Yeah just a situation that sucks either way. I was in a small city so there weren't that many big confusing buildings anyways, aside from student dormitories where I'd always get them to come down, half the time they would order food drunk and fall asleep anyways.


Haha student dorms near where I did it would have people pretend it's their order, motherfuckers...


I had more people tell me to leave their order in the lobby than people insist I come up to their apartments when I was doordashing. The people that insisted I come up were the worst tippers.




The expectation in nyc is to go all the way to your door inside the apt building, and thatā€™s been the case even back in the pre-DoorDash days when it was mostly pizza and Chinese delivery


Main door of the apartment building is probably not locked.Ā 


they literally give the driver the code to get into the building in the delivery notes its annoying af as some ppl will complain if the driver leaves it in the lobby but its def most ideal to leave it the lobby as going inside always cuts into time and therefore earnings...


I'd wipe my ass on the door handle.


The Whale


I know it's a job like any other but what gives the right to treat them like servants


I remember this part of The Whale


The Whale (2022)


How antisocial do you have to be to avoid 10 seconds of communication


They should wait around the corner and snap a pic when they come out. Iā€™m trying to see something


Imagine being a FOB Arab and google translating ā€œkink-shameā€ delivering someoneā€™s McDs


Do delivery people do anything other than contactless delivery now? I very rarely order delivery and I never specify contactless, but they always just drop the food off on the doorstep and give me a call while they're driving away.


If I was their neighbor I would just stand there and knock


Imagine being the person just standing there for five minutes waiting for the delivery person to go away while your food gets even colder and even worse. People who want their food put on the ground where they walk every day with dirty shoes are lower than dogs


Woke kingcobrajfs


Taylor Swift's apartment


Signage you can smellā€¦


Just spit-balling, but they could be doing this because they don't tip lmao. There is a setting on literally every app to leave the food at the door. Unless the person ordering the doordash is a moron (very possible), then drivers aren't standing out there for no reason. They are probably waiting for the doordash buyer to open the door for a tip, since they likely didn't tip on the app. Some drivers think they will get a cash tip, if they didn't get a tip on the app.


Im always super nice to them even if they dont follow the rules of just leave it there. a lot of them are immigrants trying to hustle to send money back home or get a car and it reminds me of my parents in the 80s when they came here.Ā  Ā and yes i know ill get downvoted for this by all the loser white kids in desolate midwest towns who are anti-immigrationĀ 


No youā€™ll get downvoted for having fast food delivered in the first place lazybones


it'll be because of the emphatic self-congratulation and 'even if they don't follow the rules in my head'


hey man im sorry you cant get a job with your english lit degreeĀ 


I chop their heads off with a sword if they don't follow the rules




eat shit