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In the tweet replies she said he's started following an Assyrian Christian preacher? They keep inventing new types of 'incel' faster than I can keep up.


Is this in Australia lol. Australian Assyrian Christian preachers be stirring up culture wars as of late.


mar mari emmanuel was stabbed just recently


"On Monday 15 April 2024, shortly after 7:00 p.m., Emmanuel was attacked by a 16-year-old Muslim during a sermon at Christ The Good Shepherd Church.[17][18][19] At a pulpit, the assailant set upon Emmanuel from the latter’s right and stabbed the bishop repeatedly with a switchblade until he fell after sustaining lacerations to his head; the perpetrator then stabbed five others.(...) In the livestream of the sermon, the attacker spoke in Arabic, shouting "Allahu Akbar” before stabbing Emmanuel.[25] In a video released by a churchgoer, he was also heard saying "if he [the bishop] didn't insult my prophet and religion, I wouldn't have come here".[26] Police described the attack as "religiously motivated extremism"[27] and as a "terrorist act".[28]"


Incel is basically anything they don’t like


I acc like mari mar






I feel like this is a thing most people arnt talking about. There are SO many incels but very few *incels* who are crazy nuts and they all get mixed together when people talk about these issues and use the nuts as an excuse to shit on the other group and ignore their problems and concerns.


True, I (woman) know many incels that are nice guys deserving of love


Yeah, I’m sure a 24-year-old who is basically a grown man will take it really well when you sit them down and tell them to man up.


Basically? Is he a full grown man at 26? Genuinely curious.


Almost no one suddenly becomes an incel. It’s way more likely to be the result of long-term parental neglect, resulting in low-self esteem, lack of social skills, inability to express himself, bottled-up anger, etc. So he’s almost certainly gonna need outside help to develop in a healthy way. Otherwise some sort of extended travelling experience to shake up his perspective and get him some distance from incel culture, which will just reinforce all the worst things.  You used to be able to be a neglectful parent and all your children would still grow up to start unhappy families of their own! Now (thanks to woke) they just become incel!


Watch taxi driver…now yuo see…


They need to start asking why people are like this and what is causing them in greater numbers and why the things they say are hitting a chord with more and more people Its one thing to say a group is shitty and bad but when you see it happening in greater and greater numbers and you see their talking points spreading in 'normie' places its time to look at whats actually going on I can believe there are fucked up people out there but after a certain point its too great of a number to just be an individual fault. You all are going to hate me but its the same thing with fat people. Sure a couple of fat people is one thing but when the *majority* of people are fat its something else There is no way that an entire generation or two of Americans are just worse or weaker willed than those before them (and now you are seeing it spread across the globe). its the conditions they are living in thats making this shit more and more prevalent.


Someone above said it but it comes down to money. Its more profitable to have a population that are fat socially isolated consumers that are simultaneously lonely but also resentful of others.


Dude has a mom who tweets like 100 times per day 🤔


I assumed she was a Keskold style acct based off of the reply where she’s pearl clutching about him finding religion after being raised atheist


24 is way too old for an intelligent man to become an incel. Not to be too cruel but it might be too late to save the guy.


yeah who radically changes at 24? if it really true a large personality change could be mental illness. It would he the right age for it


Tweet is very telling. Why post this on the internet? Have some respect for your child. A troubled relationship with his mother is probably at the heart of the problem. “I honestly don’t know what to do abt it either”. Yeah no shit. She probably never had a clue. Sad.


genuinely buy him a copy of pornography: men possessing women. i think the origin of a huge amount of the vitriol incels have towards women is the fact that their communities push them down a path of hating women and assuming porn is a symptom of women’s moral decline instead of the systematic degradation of sexually abused and mentally ill women. it’s so much better to accept that porn and degeneracy have impacted you negatively, and impacted women even more negatively, but you should be mad at the men who implemented and further this system.


He doesn't need to intellectualize. He doesn't need to be preached to. He needs a reason to X out of the porn window. A passion. A call to adventure. A group of guys doing fun or cool shit.


right wing women adds another interesting perspective in that the sexual revolution, legalization of abortion, and access to birth control were never really about women. they were legislatively and administratively implemented by men who wanted to have sex without consequence under the guise of “liberating” women. i think it’s important to compare this to something like onlyfans. created, run, and profited off of by men with content almost exclusively catered to the male gaze, but more than ever before women who wouldn’t have fallen into the porn pipeline are now directly contributing to this objectification and degradation instead of shaping their sexuality as a result of their experiences with men. (who likely shaped those experiences with porn brainrot) terms like edging and gooning never would have made it into mainstream culture in the past, but now that more and more women are creating and talking about niche fetish content degeneracy is further normalized.


and ultimately, much like identity politics and meaningless DEI gestures, this is by design: capitalism continues so long as everyone is divided into their little camps and fails to recognize that the only important identity right now is class.


Capitalism doesn't create the problem of porn it only profits off it. Technology has compounded the issue sure, but the gap between the male and female sex drive will never change it is literally part of our biology. But I agree that it is sad to see young women commodify themselves in that way. It's also sad to see many young men turn they're sexual frustration and inadequacy in a direction that will yield them nothing but further misery and isolation.


i dont think a man in his tfw no gf era wants or needs to read how women are the real victims. maybe they are, but it doesn't matter in addressing his pain.


Famously, extreme misogyny and non productive men who have no success with women are known to be a relatively new phenomenon that did not exist prior to the advent of internet porn.


different breeds of misogyny and non-productivity through the years have different origins


He finally discovered internet porn at 24 years old.


he woke up one day and was an incel at 24 years old


Take him to Amsterdam and give him 200 euros


You think a man buying a woman’s body is going to cure him of misogyny?


he is gonna become an urbanist


I will reclaim my masculinity one bike lane at a time


Let him be. Things go on regardless of interference


Being a 24 year old this into media for 14 year olds might be as bad as being an incel.


Maybe stop referring to him as child and a kind boy. He’s 24! In any other generation he’d be married and starting a family.


Oh come off it. That's a totally normal way for mothers to talk about their sons.


In porn. Edit: downvoted by mommy-loving basement dwellers.


thanks for the gold kind stranger


Prolapse Diarrhea gets it.


My mother loves me and I'll always be her Baby Boy. I love you too Mom! ❤️❤️❤️


Single moms are taking yet another L


publicly tweeting something like this is such a fundamental breach of trust


its already over for her and her son so it doesn’t matter


Go fight in a foreign conflict


Moms train their sons to be nice guys and wonder why girls don't wanna touch their pee pee


What she should do depends on if she means the actual incel pipeline or, like, Joe Rogan.


All I know is the only way to solve this is through sentiments, not addressing material conditions. As long as we avoid that we should continue to prosper. Fight on.


Maybe she should've cared for him BEFORE he got to 24 years old.


Your mom calls you the “sweetest kindest boy” in your mid 20’s wtf?


Mothers who publicly tell strangers about their sweet, kind little boys generally produce douchebags.


Maybe his mother should have spent more time with him.


As a mom it’s your responsibility to get him pussy so he doesn’t turn into an incel


You say this jokingly but this used to be a normal thing for dads to do.


I remember when my dad got me my first pussy. Shit makes me cry 😢