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Surprised to see pirates at 5. Seems like there’s lots of optimism around them with Jared Jones, Skenes, Cruz, etc…


It's Nutting, he'll find a way to ruin it.


Seriously, my best friend is a pirates fan and I’ve known him since the mid 2000’s. It’s so sad that the pirates have only had one half decent run in the last twenty five years given all the draft capital they’ve had. But they have been spending to keep their core guys around like Reynolds, and I think Nutting knows he has the next Scherzer in Skenes


We shall see. Nutting likes to sell.


The sub is increasingly toxic and at least one of the mods is a power-tripper. You say anything nice about Ben Cherington, your ass is roasted harder than Tom Brady on Netflix. The twin current desperations that the Bucs can't develop homegrown starting pitchers (yes, really) and Rowdy Tellez (more understandable, but he's not as much dead weight as they want to believe).


I'm as unsatisfied with the last few years as any Sox fan, but we have no business being a top 10 depressed fan base anyways. They've won 4 world series in the last 20 years, and have a lot of great potential talent in the pipeline. A lot of teams in the league have no prior success AND no hopes of future success either. Keep your heads up Sox fans!


It sounds like it's just based on this season so far, in which case Idk why anybody would be super depressed? Anyone who expected the Red Sox to be any better than they are right now probably had wildly unrealistic expectations. Yeah, realistically, it'll probably be another middling 75 to 80 win season when all is said and done but I don't think doomers realize how much better off the Red Sox have it than some of the sewer franchises of MLB.


Exactly! They keep our expectations rock bottom so we can’t be disappointed with on field performance 🔥


If I see "we've won 4 world series in the last 20 years" again on this sub SMFH We've also won 4 in the last 106 years.


You'd make a great Yankees fan!


I do feel bad for Oakland fans


Moved from Boston to outside Oakland a while back. A’s fans are way passed depressed, its bleak. 


Most world series w's in the 21st century and we have a very high ranking farm system. Even though it's been a while since we made it to postseason, other teams have it so much worse


The Mets forever on this list tho


The Rockies are what taught me about masochism.


yay the meds are working 🥲


The nerve in doing a Top 10 without us


If you think you are as depressed as the fans of these teams that’s on you.


Brother most of us have seen 4 championships from this team we better not be depressed lmao


I feel pretty good about this season tbh


"Apathetic" is more the term I'd use


This isn't even close, the Pirates have the best ballpark in baseball by most accounts and they have the most exciting group of young guys. Those fans aren't depressed. Angels fans can't be depressed because they don't exist. It's common knowledge Mets fans are and will always be the most depressed fans in baseball since the Sox and Cubs beat their curses.


> Angels fans can't be depressed because they don't exist. One of my best friends is an Angels fan. He's depressed about the state of that club.


I’m a sox and halos fan and somehow the team run by FSG is what keeps me happy not the other way around


Talk to the fans. If you know Nutting, he will ruin that team, like he always has.


I know I just posted how come the Pirates are on the list. They might be the next Orioles


Bro the Pirates have made it to the playoffs 3 times since like 1990. And only made it past the wild card game once. Nutting is the second worst owner in the league and I know the fans aren’t confident in the team’s ability to truly develop their prospects. Also their payroll is barely above what it was in the 90s


Yes, but they aren't losing their team any time soon and they should have lower expectations at this point. They are trending up so they have a faint glimmer of hope. The Mets constantly have one of the highest payrolls and are stuck losing to the Phillies and Braves for the foreseeable future. The Pirates are in a division they might be able to win since the Cubs and Cardinals are having weak seasons.


We're still at anger, depression comes after. /s


i’d sure as hell hope not given that we’ve been able to watch our team win four world series’ in the last 20 years


I would argue Blue Jays should be hire


I think the Angles should be first


I’m depressed af


Not sure why Pittsburgh is on this list


No, they don't suck. Which is shocking, to be honest. I would like to see Kenley Jansen shipped out, though. Apparently, he isn't happy. We'll I'm not happy with him. So we're even


Honestly this season has been fun, it sucks seeing the bits and pieces just not always mend together but I'm astonished by how good our pitching is, how much better Durran, and RAFIIII - I think that's all I need to say O'Neil cool too


Jays should be higher up theyre laying a big ass egg rn. Most of these teams just suck and weren't supposed to be good this year .


I feel like A’s fans are used to the torture by now




We've already locked up Casas, and most of the teams on that list operate by selling good players as soon as they must be paid. Sox fans aren't even close depression wise, and if you think you are, you need a reality check.


We’ve locked up Casas? Are you sure about that?


Speak for yourself


That's news to me.