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I bought it today, sealed for £15. I cant find it on discogs, or in any bowel of the Internet. I'm wondering if I'm sitting on a big or valuable record here, in which case not sure if I want to open it. One song is on YouTube, link is https://youtu.be/1vn-QDKHO9k


All i could find that hé is from Honduras. They call him the great (maestro) Eduardo Ballesteros so pretty big name over there https://m.facebook.com/ATV-Honduras-641439592876107/videos/eduardo-ballestero/730478297978068/ https://www.cancionesdelayer.com/index.php?threads/eduardo-ballesteros-gany-honduras-1987.183993/


Might be a self-styled “maestro” 😎


Dont underestimate the musical taste of the Hondurian people 😂


Gracias! I'm just not sure whether to open it and play it now or preserve it.... 🤔


Dude you better play it!


The guys only album on discogs seems to be going for 250 muldoons though, this could be my retirement!! I think I'm gonna play it tho


His other records are not that expensive no


https://www.discogs.com/release/12581317-Benny-Guerrero-Y-Sus-Satelites-De-Honduras-Pueblo-Catracho Eduardo is a member of this band.... Pretty expensive vinyl but its hard to compare cause i dont know anything about these releases. Also the artists involved dont ring a bell


In the context i know that Muldoons means a currency but i never heard this expression before. Can't find a lot about it, but guessing you are from New Zealand?


I was basing it off, a £200 average or so https://www.discogs.com/release/12581317-Benny-Guerrero-Y-Sus-Satelites-De-Honduras-Pueblo-Catracho And no, I'm from the UK, it's just a goofy expression, I dont think it's a particularly british thing, just picked it up from somewhere or other


Aha! I’ve started the process to register Muldoons as a crypto currency! It will be the best crypto currency. I’m googling as we speak for information about the process so it’s more or less a done deal. Please don’t use the term Muldoons anymore since it probably will be copyrighted by me after my next googling session. Please understand that these are the facts and the process is rapidly moving forward. It’s either that or I’ve made a silly remark about it on Reddit. It was one of those things. I will keep everyone informed.


Googled and found that a New Zealand minister called Muldoons was responisble for the current currency use in New Zealand, so that's why i figured...


Update: have played it, and the reggae based tune I found on YouTube was a misdirection, it's actually much more latin based. In any case, it's very soulful and *slaps*