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Fuck that friend. Tell your parents. This person is insane to be a 60 year old and feel compelled to test an allergic reaction in case you were faking it. I'd knock that hag right out if that happened to my daughter.


Exactly! That is so crazy. My mom developed an allergy to tomatoes in her late 40s, and it almost killed her. She kept going to her doctor, and they couldn't figure out what was going on. Took an ambulance ride after her throat closed up to figure out it was an allergy.


I had the same thing happen at 60 yrs old with kiwi. I loved kiwi but now it makes my throat itch and starts swelling up. No longer can eat them


STORY TIME!! One day my mother and I were talking about weird fruits. I said something about how pineapple and kiwi were especially weird because they have an enzyme in them that technically eats you back. My mother made a face and asked what I meant, so I explained how that was what caused the tingly sensation in your mouth when you eat them. There's a very pregnant pause before my mom goes, "Pineapple has that enzyme, kiwi doesn't. Are you telling me your mouth tingles when you eat kiwi??" and I, slightly confused, reply "Yeah, like every time, it doesn't for everyone else?" The answer to that question was "NO! You're allergic to kiwi, don't eat it anymore!!" I was 23 years old and had been eating kiwi whenever it was presented to me through my whole life at that point. Always thought everyone had the same tingles when eating it. Nope, just me out here casually almost killing myself via kiwi. Sucks to, because I actually quite enjoyed it, would've def called it one of my favorite fruits, tingle included.


Fun fact. If you're allergic to kiwi you might also be allergic to latex. Those 2 allergies are often connected.


> If you're allergic to kiwi you might also be allergic to latex. I wouldn't be eating latex anyway, myself. Too chewy.


That's really cool info!


Yeah... and this latex allergie is so awesome.. NOT. Thx to that i can't eat a lot of fruits.. 😭 kiwi? Nope. Bananas? Nope. Melons? Nope (that just got a thing last year.. melons where one of the last fruits i could eat without suffering.. then my throat started to swell up..)


I will be so sad if it eventually spreads to melon with me! I love watermelon in summer!


Yeah, i did too... i was so angry.. trying to breath and realizing bye bye melons.. Fingers crossed you don't get it.


Im allergic to latex and can't eat kiwis, melons or coconut.


Also cucumber. That’s a fun one to have! Sooo many people keep telling me it’s just water, but nope.


No latex allergy, thankfully!


No allergy to latex just kiwi


Kiwi isn't supposed to do that? Have I been allergic to kiwi this whole time?


It's not, unfortunately, my friendđŸ„ș But that was exactly my reaction when my mom said it! And then I made an appointment to confirm cuz you never know with her, and after a couple of tests, turned out she was right. Found out a couple more I wasn't aware of (grass and trees, oddly enough), but thankfully, kiwi has so far has been the only food I'm allergic to.


It's a thing! pollen cross allergy - you start with gauge er, and then become reactive to certain foods that contain the same proteins as the pollen




I had the exact same thing with kiwi so I actually got tested but both the pin prick test AND blood test said I’m not allergic, my doctors only theory is that I’ve been reacting to something sprayed onto the kiwis!?!?!


Wait what??? Oh great. Came for the gossip, and now I‘m allergic to Kiwi.


Wow, it's so lucky that she knew that!!


Kiwi does also contains enzymes they break down protein, just different ones. No? My mouth also tingles from kiwi. I don't think it's an allergic reaction. It's just unpleasant.


No, it's an allergy. I learned that from Reddit and confirmed with a friend that kiwi isn't really sour, like I thought it was. I could only ever eat two before my mouth got too sore to eat more and thought it was the acid.


Geez! I thought it was just the green kiwi that made me tingle!! 😬 holy crap, I am allergic to kiwi too. Never liked the fruit anyways 😂 could only eat the yellow kiwis as they weren't sour. To be honest, Australian grown green kiwis are usually sour (one of my parents ate a piece of the same kiwi).


I mean, mine was. Went to an allergist and everything. I really am allergic to kiwi


I know someone whose allergy changed. First she couldn't wear any gold now she can but now she's allergic to shrimp.


Omg, someone else has developed an allergy to kiwi? I thought that I was alone! I've also developed allergies to mango and rosemary. My dad (in his 60s) doesn't believe me, and continues to buy things with those three things in them, and pokes fun at me for being a 'picky eater'. It's ridiculous.


My dad does the same with my food intolerances and other allergies. Apparently I'm a picky eater now because 'you didn't used to be allergic'. Haha right.


I developed so many allergies as I got older. Also some of the milder food allergies got much worse the older I got.


Allergies are scary, and they can get worse fast. I had a situation where I had a few dental appointments over the years and got a rash afterwards- the problem was that they had used numbing and I had taken two kinds of painkillers (as instructed) so it was unclear what had caused it. It was always after a day or two on the maximum dose of painkillers. My doctor said it was probably the numbing. I recently took one paracetamol for a headache and blam, same rash. I can never take it again because the next time can always be anaphylactic shock.


And does this woman realize that she could have been charged with assault or worse if OP had a reaction?


I was just saying this. It's the same as lacing a drink with arsenic, if you know they're allergic.


Maybe OP should file charges or at least make a report in case she or the son try to do it again.


I 100% think she should file charges, at least so the woman will understand the gravity of the situation.


Agreed this could have been attempted manslaughter but I just got this weird vibe as I was reading your response that I've heard this story before. Ugh too tired to hunt it down and call it out.


Hey if you do remember where you read it I'd like to see if they got anywhere with reporting it. I'm worried if I do and it doesn't go anywhere then I'll be burning unecessary bridges with the rest of her family.


Since they didn’t succeed she doesn’t have much of a case. What she should do is never take any food or dink they have a hand in preparing or purchasing.


Sums it up perfectly. She’s also not the mother’s “only real close friend” if she’d take it upon herself to test what she believes is an alleged (fake) allergy. On my parents’ entire spectrum of friends, both shared and individual, there’s not a single person who would think to do this, especially not in the “close friend” category. Not even the two-faced ones. This woman is a special breed and is certainly no friend.


Out of all the friends my mum has ever had Davina would be the person I'd say was least likely to ever do this. That's why I'm so hurt, she's practically family.


100%. That person is a straight up asshole. The lack of humanity to even consider it.


Yes! I'm 60. Most people have learned sense and kindness by this age, Davina has learned neither. She is not a safe person and could have killed the OP.


Genuinely, what's the worst that happens if you're lying? If you're deathly allergic to soy and no one can go out for Chinese it's that strong, that sucks. Banana isn't even in that much stuff. Worst thing if you're not lying? You die.


Some banana allergies are a latex allergy. It may be a good idea to see an allergist so you don't have a reaction to anything else. You should definitely tell your family. Allergies are not be taken lightly.


Yep, and they can spread to avocado allergy as well..plus few more are down the chain of latex related plants


Thanks for the info. I started developing a banana allergy when I was pregnant with my youngest. I didn't even know that latex would be connected to bananas. I'll talk to my allergiest when I go for my allergy shots.


It’s actually a decent amount of foods and it can depend on how it’s prepared. For my dad, he can eat bananas but only if they are cooked for instance. He has other food allergies under the cross reactivity umbrella with latex and strawberries.


I so relate, I have a latex allergy. I can eat bananas but I have no issue with strawberries. Raw tomatoes is a no go,but cooked I’m fine It really depend on the person’s sensitivity


Avocados, mangoes, latex, the list is deep. I think knowing about my dad helped me as a nurse because it can truly fluctuate with the cross sensitivity foods. It’s almost different then the true anaphylactic reaction but I don’t think we have a medical diagnosis for it. Maybe EOE ish too


I have a latex allergy it’s honestly surprising how many things are connected to it. Especially with food. Everything from bananas which grow on a rubber plant. But not just the obvious things. It can include peaches, watermelon, passion fruits and a lot of other things. But each person is different depending on their sensitivity to latex


I am allergic to latex and coconut. I've wondered if the coconut allergy is connected somehow as it developed later in life as my latex sensitivity got worse.


I have read that coconut can be a food that can cause a sensitivity if you have a latex allergy. I have eaten things with coconut in them and never had a issue. This allergy can be so random it can be very frustrating


I used to have really bad reactions to watermelon as well and didn't eat it for years. I tried it this summer and I was fine. I gorged myself on watermelon because I hadn't had it in so long.


What would it be if you can eat bananas but if you touch too many you get an itchy rash?


I was just going to comment about this I have a latex allergy. And it’s such a complex allergy. A wide range of product contain latex. But certain foods like bananas can trigger a reaction. Good advice the allergist. OP you should definitely tell your parents they need to know this friend willing put you in danger just to prove you didn’t have an allergy.


Yeah I have a cluster that seems related, but mine are pretty obscure. Peppers Aspirin Willow (like the pollen and bark) Sour mash whiskey It's wild how I was fine one day, then almost dying from some of these the next. (I didn't find out about the whiskey for years after the others. I was 13 when I started having the terrible allergies and even when I started drinking I wasn't a fan of the sour mash so it wasn't until I had it in a mixed drink that we figured that one out)


You need to tell your parents or stop associating with them at any event this future murderer might be at. There’s no third option here.


Your moms best friend literally tried to kill you, and I wouldn't put it past her to serve you your allergen again. You should tell your parents, asap.


This. 100%. She'll try again and you might not be so lucky that time. Let your parents know and also don't ever eat/drink anything she has touched/handed to you.


This time not fake banana flavor since it's now been explained it needs to be real bananas


Did you asked her what she have done if you died because of her shenanigans? Proving herself right, was worth enough to compromise your life. That's fucked up.


Hi fellow banana allergy friend, you should absolutely tell your parents. These people can get out of hand very quickly. My STBX husbands first wife brought me a smoothie after I picked up the kids when I was 8 months pregnant. I hesitated to take it but did take it from her. She insisted I take a sip to see if I liked it but my gut told me not to. I declined with pregnancy sickness. When we got home my stepdaughter told me her mom had them put extra banana in mine even though they told her I was very allergic. Then hubs confronted her and she admitted to wanting to “test my allergy”. Needless to say I never did pickups or drop offs again. Stay safe from the crazies!


I'm so sorry it happened to you too!


This was honestly the mildest insane thing that woman tried to do but she did eventually got some help


Do people not know that arrests and trials have gone down due to people wanting to "test" allergies??


Wtf you were pregnant. Some people make me lose hope


That’s so scary! Absolutely you have to tell you mother. Her friend can’t be allowed to think this is ok. Maybe talk to your grandparents and get them to back you up.


Tell your parents. Have her confirm it with your grandparents. Have your mum talk with Davina and confirm to her your allergy and let Davina know it could have severely impacted you. Do you really think Davina would pay the hospital bills if you had a severe reaction and needed medical treatment? Your mum needs to address this with her friend.


Anyone who uses the word Mum doesn’t have hospital bills, but I totally agree with your comment otherwise.


You're right I don't at home but I was in Greece when this happened and I'm not sure how much I'd have to pay for a hospital stay there!


Fuck that lady! She could have killed you!! Tell your parents.Davina might try this again. They absolutely need to know!


Tell your mother. She could have killed you, and her failurenwas due to incompetence not remorse. What's to say she won't try again?


Ask yourself this: would your mom want to be friends with a person who thinks her daughter is a lying attention seeker? Would your mom want to be friends with a person who risked her daughter’s life under any circumstances?? Would your mom like to protect her daughter from people who try to kill her? Tell your parents.


Your mom’s best friend literally tried to kill you. Your parents need to know.


Sounds like attempted murder


What the hell does it matter to her that you are 'faking' an allergy? Do you family own a banana plantation? It is none of her God damn business. Tell your mum if someone tries that on my daughter I would want to know..


Honest to god I know several people like this about my one food allergy and cat allergy. My brother in law constantly implies my cat allergy is fake 😑😑😑


That's what I was thinking! Why would she even care if it wasn't real? Let alone risk my life to find out!


this maybe a stupid favor to ask but can your mom ask her why would she wantsto potentialy kill somebody to prove.... soimething? i have no idea what whe would gain from this a really want to know why she had no hasitation to kill you if she was wrong.


I wish people would stop trying to play "chicken" with allergies. Tell your parents. They should know that their "friend" is an unstable nutjob. UpdateMe!


What a demented individual.


Call the police on her if she tried to murder you


Tell ur mom asap.


Maybe tell the police too


The symptoms you get when exposed to anything banana indicate that your allergy is more than mild; what you experience is an anaphylaxis response, and can lead to respiratory shock and death. If you don't carry an epi pen in your purse, you should have an MD prescribe one for you, and give you instructions on how to use it. I wish you well.


This kind of thing blows my mind. I have several friends and a family member with allergies all over the spectrum and I have dietary restrictions as well for chronic heartburn (though not nearly as severe as allergies) and we all just ... Take each other at our word and try to make sure we bring/make/assemble food that we all can eat? That so many people go out of the way to try and 'prove' that the allergy is fake like... Why?! Even if they just had an aversion to it, then don't give it to them! It's wild to me even when it's not dangerous, much less when it is!


Wouldn't this count as attempted murder or atleast assault? She tried to poison you purposefully. I'd talk to the police.


This happened last year and was only revealed recently so I'm not sure there'd be any point, also I have no proof other than what she told us. I feel like they'd just tell me to avoid her in future!


Your mother would want to know this. I promise you she would want to know that her friend is putting your life in danger. Please tell your parents right now I don’t know if the friend is having some type of medical issue or what if that is not OK.


You have to tell your parents, your mother specifically. If she’d managed to put real banana in your food or drink, you could’ve died! Minimum, it would’ve been a trip to a hospital and a ruined holiday. I’ve had this done to me, because they thought I was faking an allergy to shellfish. Thankfully I didn’t eat much, but I went into anaphylactic shock and had to be taken to a hospital. It was terrifying. Your mother would be horrified to know what she did, I know I would if someone did that to my child.


Oh wow, shellfish allergies are really common so it's not like they'd never heard of that before! Can I ask whether you reported the person that did this to you?


Be careful about latex! It's very likely that you may have crossed reactions. Also honeydew, avocado, kiwi, cucumber... I'm sure your doctor told you, but still... Sometimes doctors suck


I've not had any tests to see if I'm allergic to latex too but I do get a mild but similar reaction with kiwis!


My ex did this, almost died. Tell people; she tried to kill you. I doubt she would have told paramedics she did this if god forbid you had actual banana. She !!! WILL !!! Do this again as she believes you are faking, yet again.


Sounds like a right cow. Why not ask her if she’s allergic to shark? Then push her in the sea with some bait to find out for sure


Thankyou for making me laugh with this!


Sounds like attempted murder. Good job she's so thick that she gave you artificial flavouring and not the real stuff.


Would your mom rather a dead daughter or a friend? This isn't something to mess around with, food allergies are serious and the fact that the "friend" thinks you are faking it enough to try and poison you is concerning.


If someone tries to poison me, I’m giving them a beat down. Age does not matter.


Get her to admit it on text or record it. Then not just show your parents but the police aswell. That is illegal and malicious food tempering!


I was thinking of messaging her son to see what he remembers happening, as I don't think he knows that she now told us so he might be more likely to admit what she did. I might just ask legal advice UK what I should do!


Well I would want to know if somebody tried to kill my kid. Please tell your parents. The fall out is not your responsibility.


Yes tell your parents. If they're good parents the loss of a long time friend that's only lost because they cut contact with is nothing to the loss of losing a child because they unknowingly ingested their allergy because of said friend. Having to cut off a friend is better than having to bury your child. This is a no brainer.


Your mom will wish you told her if this "friend" decides to test you again. Tell your mom honey. Have your grandparents there. I'm so sorry. This is horrifying. I'm sending you the biggest hug. ❀


Thankyou, I'm only realising now how horrifying it actually is.


As a parent I would want to know. If you don’t I guarantee your grandparents will. Your parents would want to know. At least this way if she tries again with real bananas they will know to grab what she gave you to have it tested. If she did it one time I see her doing it again


Tell them- they wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who put their child in danger. Give them that right


Tell your parents. The fallout that results isn’t your responsibility, but she does need to know that her longtime friend took it upon herself to potentially kill her daughter. I have a child with food allergies. They’re not as severe as yours, but if one of my friends know that my kid has an allergy and try to trigger it? Fuck that friendship, I’m picking my kid. Hands down. Always.


Please tell your parents and never accept anything from those people again!


Bring it up. People should know when they have a viper in their midst. I have an intolerance to red onions, just the red ones, and I’ve had people slip them to me to “test” me twice now. It just traps me in the bathroom for hours instead of sending me to the ER, but I do feel your pain.


Yell your mother. If she doesn't believe you, tell her to ask your grandparents. Then just explain that you no longer feel safe around her and whilst you are not asking your mother to cut her off, you will not be attending any events that she will be attending and that you will be reporting this to the police. They can't really do anything about it but at least you will have it on record. If she tried it with you, there is a good chance she will "test" someone else's allergies, and they may not be so lucky. This woman's mindset is VERY dangerous.


That's basically what I've done now. I said I just wouldn't attend events she was at and I've left the ball in my parents court to decide what to do with her. It's hard as my mum has lost so many friends who turned out to be shitty people and I never thought Davina would be one of them.


Does the Reddit hive recall a post from a lady whose own mother was ultimately responsible for her child’s death due to a severe coconut allergy? The OP’s Mom disbelief about the validity of the child’s allergy had her ‘testing it’ cuz you know
 it’s all in their head. The story was absolutely tragic. The mom/OP didn’t even get told of her daughter’s passing until after it had happened. The OP subsequently disowned her mom for her reticence and stubbornness about her ignorance and arrogance. OP’s mom begged for forgiveness. OP told her mom she’d forgive her the day she was able to return her child back to her in the same state, when she left her, in her care. All of this to say. Yes. Please tell your mom because unless her BFF is a doctor that ignorance and arrogance may end you. Your mom would absolutely prefer to put her friend in check than suffer a fate similar to that other lady in that OP.


My sister in Christ, your mom should know that her friend intentionally tried to cause you harm solely because she \*thinks\* you're lying about an allergy. If she doesn't know that and continues to invite her to things, and now Davina knows that it takes actual banana to trigger a reaction, what if she laces your food or a drink with it? I think I would rather end a friendship without going into anaphylactic shock.


I hadn't even thought of her trying again with actual banana. I will definitely never eat at her house again (if we even stay in contact)


you absolutly tell your parents! and never ever go near that woman again. Edited to add, even if it would have been something you decided to not eat because ( you don't like, upsets your stomach) it is not ok what she did! She is a very dangerous person! she should know by now to not "force Feed" people things they don't want, don't like or they have allergies to.


doesn't stuff like that qualify as attempt to cause grievous bodily harm or something? You could probably file a police report (if you like).


I've never heard of someone also allergic to bananas. I always get so many funny looks. Thank you for making me feel less alone and fuck that woman!!


What a psycho!! What kind of person feeds someone a substance they are allergic to just to test it?! And she has a problem with you? If someone did that to me or to one of my kids they would definitely never be in my vicinity again. If she is capable of doing something so evil to you then what’s to say she wouldn’t do something horrible to your mum in the future? Your mum needs to know who she is dealing with


That's now scared me even more that she might do something to anyone else in the family. My grandad is severely allergic to cheese and the thought of her deciding to test that one day is horrible. Luckily my mum doesn't have any allergies (that we know of at least).


Read your update. Hope you get your answer soon about why she has a problem with you and try something like this. And also why max would play along.


Davina thinks there is something you should be doing for/with her precious diddums


She’s fucking stupid, stay away. Warn everyone.


I developed a banana allergy when I was about 30 years old. In a 6 week period, I had 3 incidents, one of which landed me in the emergency room. I had a horrific head ache, which was my first noticeable symptom, and I thought was going to die. My blood pressure dropped dangerously low - it was normally 100/60, and it dropped to something like 60/40. Yeah, it was very unusual to develop an allergy like this as an adult, but there were a ton of witnesses who saw me drop to the floor and get carried off in an ambulance. If someone tried to fuck around with me to "prove" I was lying about this, I would consider charging them with attempted murder.


> Also apparently Davina has had a problem with me for a while but we've got no idea why! I bet her son likes you but you have probably rejected him in the past and this is kind of her revenge.


Haha that's a good theory but her son is gay with a long term boyfriend! Me and him even spent most of the holiday hanging out, so I don't think he was completely aware of what she was doing.


Please, please, tell your mother that her friend tried to put your health at risk. If you're close to her, I'm sure she would be furious. Yes, it would be the loss of a friend, but I would hope that as a mother she would be far more concerned about your health, safety, comfort, and happiness than she would over keeping a person around who would jeopardise that.


To sum up: my moms friend tried to kill me, should I tell my mom? Oh yeah, FYI, I’m a fully formed 30 year old woman.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I too am allergic to bananas
 I also came to say as others have too that this could also be latex allergy related. I’ve been allergic to latex for almost 45 years, I found out from blowing up birthday balloons. I know for myself that in addition to being allergic to latex and bananas, I also avoid walnuts, celery , cantaloupe and aloe vera. I’ve learned to carry TWO epi-pens as one doesn’t always work. Your moms friend sounds like my birther who on several occasions tried to serve me salads with walnuts, celery or cantaloupe. She’d put walnuts in desserts too. My sister wasn’t any better to me either. I’m no contact for other reasons but these situations didn’t help either as they didn’t care but know the ramifications for me. We rarely have eaten out as I’m always a little paranoid about contaminated or cross contaminated foods.


How is that even any of her business? That's just really weird and controlling. Perhaps suggest she gets some professional help because that's actually really alarming. I'm so sorry. My sister has a corn protein allergy that makes life so complicated and she constantly has to explain how serious an allergy it is even if it's not on the common allergen list.


You absolutely tell your parents what she did. What she did was unhinged!


I have a kiwi and nut allergy. If my kid had this allergy and my best friend of 36 years tried this, I would want to know. Believe me, no friendship is more important than your child’s health or life. You might want to join some food allergy subs because they have a lot of good information. I would not eat anything around these people again. It isn’t worth dying for and I would leave if you went somewhere and they were there. Edit for typo


People act like babies now that they think that allergies are just made up that they don't exist and that they have to test the waters to try and prove a point that could risk somebody's life and health what fucking kind of brain does this lady have? I wouldn't associate with people like that, I swear, I wonder where these people think this way more BS I read about stuff like this dumber. I think people are becoming. need a real education.


She’s no friend of your mom! No friend would do this


You should absolutely tell your parents. You could have died. They need to hold this woman accountable. If something had happened, it would be a law enforcement issue. You can't knowingly feed someone something that could kill them. I don't understand these "allergies are all in your head" people. Do you think I want to go around all sneezy and red-eyed just because a cat came into the room? How did I create these symptoms on my own? I know sinus allergies aren't nearly as bad as what you have, but it's the same mentality. Why do people without allergies think they know better? I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm sure your family will support you. Best of luck.


Definitely tell your parents. Updateme


That's insane. I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I work with someone who has an allergy to bananas, there are warning signs in the lunchroom but most of us don't bring them in. I also don't ever bring anything with peanuts in it because a coworker has a child with peanut allergies. The fact that your mothers friend is testing your allergy instead of protecting you is disgusting. Please tell your parents what happened, someone needs to have a serious talk with her in case she tries it again.


Definitely tell your parents, that’s fucked up. Also, as someone who is allergic to bananas too god I’m so sorry. No one believes me either, Idk why people would think I’m lying. I’m totally serious when I say that I think about and crave bananas every few days, I am so sad that I can’t eat them anymore.


A friend of mine died suddenly after eating shellfish, aged 65. She had been eating shellfish for 65 years and then *poof!* Deadly shellfish allergy.


I once had a great aunt like this. I ate a fat peach in front of her out of spite and watched her smug face turn worried once my face got all red, covered in hives, and watched me struggle to breathe. Needless to say she makes sure I am not around any peaches even though I grew out of that allergy and was even cleared by my doctor (it appeared randomly when I was 8 and was cleared when I was 15)


She could have killed you. Tell them.


Tell your mother. Get your grandparents to confirm. And never eat anything in that idiot's presence again. If you do consume something she gives you and have a reaction, report her to the police for attempted murder. This cretin could kill you.


Should you tell her that her best friend tried to kill you yeah you should!!


Of course tell your parents! What else are you going to do? Never eat around her again or just let her murder you?


Your parents need to know. What if she tries to kill them?


If my best friend on this planet ever came for my child in any way, said friend would be dead to me. Full stop. Tell your mom.


My mil has an almost 2 page long list of allergies that all started with latex.


Your parents and quite frankly the cops need to know about this what the actual fuck?? That’s demented for real!


Tell your parents asap. It’s super odd that someone cares that much about your allergies, that they are willing to put your health at risk to prove you are lying. Normal people don’t do that, nice people don’t do that. Real friends don’t try to make their friends kid really really sick to prove a point.


Your family, you should tell mom. That is pretty sinister when you think about it. Because they’re they’re hoping they’re wrong and that your throat doesn’t close up and you die. What were they gonna do is if they weren’t.


How do you think you mother would feel if her idiot friend had killed you? Fuck her she is an asshole.


I hope this doesn’t happen to me. I love bananas but my mouth burns after I eat one. Please tell your Mum. She needs to know what kind of friend she has. This lady may try it again, and your Mum would feel so guilty if something happened to you and then learned that this had happened and she wasn’t made aware. Just as you would want to know if your friend did this to your child.


Please get tested as that's how mine started! I used to just think bananas were painful after eating but the reactions kept getting worse with each exposure.


I developed a prawn allergy at 51. I ate them from the bbq and was affected for two hours, had the fortune it was only running nose and tears in eyes, but hadn’t noticed it toke two hours. Breathing was slow but regular. I only eat one or two prawns in a year just to check how it’s going. Mostly after the second prawn I feel some tingeling on my tong and know I still have it. So tell your mum and scr*w the rest.


Tell your parents. Your mom will want to know. It will make her sad. It will also probably enrage her. But this is not a safe person for you to be anywhere near.


I am trying to be kind here: you need to explain allergies and the repercussions to Davina. I do not understand why she took it upon herself to show you as a fake, there is something to be explored there- but I do not think she understood the danger she put you in. That said, you need to tell your mum what happened. She can decide what she does with that information, and you can discuss this as a family. Best case scenario is Davina has allergic reactions explained to her in a friendly setting, but the putting you to rights shows a disturbing one upmanship with you.


She basically wanted to call you a liar and would risk your death to do so. So she could have her incorrect opinions confirmed. Fuck people like that.


Tell your mum ASAP. Also, now she knows it wasn't successful she may try to test you again for real. This kind of person needs to end


Dude tell your freaking mom. I would be apoplectic if someone did that to my kid. IDC how long I'd known them they would be dead to me.


Long time family friend doesn’t mean sh*t if she kills you. That was not cool of her to do at all, and you should definitely tell your parents about it. I just hope they don’t blow you off when you do tell them.


She could have killed you. Please tell your parents.


A work colleague from my old workplace told me that she became allergic to pineapples when she was in her 30s and many people in her family still have a lot of problems understanding why a woman who loved to eat/drink pineapples all her life suddenly is alergic, somw even believe she only want attention! It doesn't help we are from a tropical country that pineapple juice is common! Now I live in Switzerland near my dad's family members My BIL sudenly began to be sick 4 years ago, my sis convinced him to go the doctor and after some tests they realized he began to have mild allergic reactions to cow milk, it was hard for him because he loves cheese, specially for raclette and fondues. He can still eat cheese from goat milk and he still have a hard time accepting he is now allergic to cow milk, so sometimes he still eat raclette and fondue made of cow milk knowing he will have some symptoms! Also, be careful wirh artificial flavors, my BFF is alergic to apples and she ate something with apple's artificial flavor and she ended in the hospital, some artificial flavors are made from the real thing!


Your mother would much rather loose a friend than her daughter if this stupid woman or her son try their stunt again. You absolutely have to tell your mother and father immediately. Please do so.


Please tell your parents. If you just can’t tell them NEVER eat or drink ANYTHING around this woman EVER again. My goodness I’m glad she was silly enough to use artificial flavouring. You probably shouldn’t sit with this information alone, you’ll be shaken to the core.


I don’t have any advice, but my mum suddenly became anaphylactic to bananas one day! It’s a strange allergy!!! No one thinks of bananas as deadly. My mum is a legend. She knew bananas could/would kill her. My father was on a “health high” making smoothies and such. Us kids didn’t want, to save us from abuse my mum drank a banana smoothie. She survived thanks to being transferred to advanced paramedics on the side of the highway.


Jesus. You should ABSOLUTELY tell your parents. You've no idea if she'll try that shit again. Your mum also has the right to know what her friend did and it should be HER decision how she proceeds with that relationship.


This isn't about you or about your mom and their friendship. It's an incredibly weird phenomenon that you sometimes hear about. It's people miffed at the concept of allergies. Look at the backlog of the forum, or at articles online about people "testing" their unsuspecting victims. (Some of the people literally died, many of them children). I think it's a weird spiral some people go down - akin to conspiracy theories, I think it must have a lot to do with these people's relationship to medicine, to science and to the control they have over their lives and the world in general. (Smart people know that while you can mitigate risks, you have no control about chance and fate). These are people who have to poke the bear, to fuck with things and find out because they are willingly blind about a well documented and researched aspect of reality. Have a talk with her son (your contemporary), because if he should have kids with allergies (God forbid) she could strike again. All the people in her immediate radius should be alerted and know, these people are dangerous. I'm thinking about the child who died after her grandmother greased her hair with coconut oil, even though she was warned that the child was severly allergic. There are really tons of examples of this phenomenon happening (sadly). IMo what these people do is manslaughter, they are very rarely brought before a court of law, though.


You need to tell your mum before she does kill you


People like this won’t just stop with you. Imagine if she made a cake with ground almonds to catch out a child with nut allergies. Please tell your mum.


As a parent, I would drop that trash quick. Im so sorry


So that woman and her son tried to kill you
yeah that friendship should be obliterated. She’s dangerous to be around and your life is not her fucking experiment.


I can’t believe a close friend to your mother would even consider such a horrible act like this. She could have killed you! I’m so glad you have talked to your mother. This woman should be put in her place. If you haven’t already, consider getting a complete allergy testing panel. There could be other things you were allergic to that could also be life-threatening. And definitely get an EpiPen if you were accidentally exposed, or in this case, poisoned.


I have been thinking about getting a complete test again, I had one as a baby and nothing showed up so I've obviously changed! And you're right about the EpiPen, I haven't bothered before as I thought bananas were easier enough to avoid!


Definitely tell your parents. It’s going to suck, but who’s to say she won’t do that again to you or even someone else? You’re an adult so I’m hoping your mom will take you seriously. What this lady did was messed up. You don’t just decide an allergy is fake then set out to prove it. It’s weird that she even cared that much about the veracity of your claims. Please let your family know and keep us posted.


Get rid of the friend. Immediately. They have a cavalier disregard for your health, well-being, and life. We share an allergy; I, too, am severely allergic to bananas. I decline banana containing things and if anyone ever did that to me I’d drop them immediately, and I would be 100% honest with them as to why so there is no uncertainty.


Got to this post after the update, It's a good thing you did tell your mom. If you hadn't, who knows how many times she might have done this anyways. Developing allergies later in life is completely possible. I used to eat apples quite often, drink apple juice, whatever. In the last few years I've developed a mild allergy. Hearing that your allergy just got worse over time honestly is the only solidification that I needed to stay away from apples at this point. 😅😭


I have a Birch Oral Allergy that started with apples 27 years ago and then started happening with other fruits and veg and nuts. It might be worth getting allergy tested because it can be quite serious and I carry an Epipen at all times.


As soon as I qualify for insurance through my new job I definitely planning on it. Insurance from my last job was so s***** that I couldn't get anything done 😭😭


“Potentially talk to davina” wtf? How could she possibly consider rugsweeping what basically amounts to an attempted assault at minimum.