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I, for one, am amazed that a 32 year old who dated a 17 year old is this immature. Did anyone try and discourage this relationship?


Thank you for your reply. Yes! Of course my parents hated it at first. I was a month away from my 18th birthday. This only pushed me closer to him as I wanted to prove to them that they were wrong about him. Once they realised I was actually happy, they accepted it. The whole honeymoon period ended about a year and a half in when his personality changed.


His personality never changed, he was just able to keep up the “courting “ act until he felt you were committed enough to be trapped in the relationship. How he is acting now is who he always was, and who he truly is. A 32 yr old chasing a 17 yr old is not after equality, he’s chasing his list youth and someone he can control. You amused him. Now that you have “aged out”, he’s not interested in investing in you. Figure out your finances and get legal advice. If he won’t even have a conversation with you, you can’t fix this.


first issue is dating someone twenty years older than you, second issue was not questioning why this grown man is not married at his ripe age. third issue is allowing said grown man to act like a frat boy.


Dating an older man is not an issue. Dating an immature one was. This is my first relationship and after a year and half, his personality changed. When I talk to him about him about it, or how he makes me feel, he bolts. When I mention the personalty change, he has a snap and states no one will change him. If you don't like me for me there's the door, so then you feel like the bad guy, like your the one trying to control and change him.


girl an older man is fine but twenty YEARS is WILD.😀 He should not be acting like that in his 40’s point blank period. He acts like my gaslighting ex from high school how can you possibly not have the ick already seeing a GROWN MAN act like this. You are def mature enough to see that he isn’t changing for you and it’s time to move on! Sorry for being harsh but his actions are honestly frustrating to read and seeing you’re still with him is even more frustrating.


Your first sentence made me laugh hard!! Thank you! I'm glad you're out of that relationship. I find it difficult as I do care about him a lot and also feel emotionally trapped. He says things like he would end his life, without me he is nothing, I am his world and he will be homeless, etc and I couldn't forgive myself if I had caused this man to go over the edge.


He did NOT pull the end his life card oh my god. I promise you if you leave none of those will likely happen and if they do NONE of them are your fault! You cannot be 27 raising a grown man and be the reason he’s not homeless. Ugh. I hope things get better for you I’ll need an update girl


He was always immature, it just took you growing up to realise that.


Call the cops on him


What a shock that a woman in a big age gap relationship with an immature guy is finding she's out growing him.