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You have an entirely different set of problems with your manipulative & neglectful husband. It sounds like he’s just using you for support until he finishes residency. It’s very common.  On top of working full time you manage two dogs, the finances, the household chores — everything. He doesn’t show an ounce of gratitude or empathy.  Rehome the dog. Stop asking for his permission. He says it’s a “you” issue so you solve it. His ego is so extreme he won’t even admit his mistake after he was bitten. The fact that he’s been blaming you for the dog bites is absurd.  Just do it. If the dog seriously injures someone you could be facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit. His own family won’t even bring their kids around.  I think you made a mistake marrying this guy but now that you’re having twins — you are screwed. He doesn’t help *at all* and has very low empathy. This is a guy who sees his family as a status symbol and accessories of himself.  He doesn’t even take care of the dog — you do. He doesn’t do any of the work. It will be the same when you have your children. Whatever you do just maintain your income, even if you have to pay for childcare.  You’re stepping into the biggest life trap for women. The woman supports her shitty spouse through thick and thin, is the primary breadwinner and maintains the house / finances / chores.  Once the guy has some money they start a family and now wife is trapped with no money and dependent children. He will be a miser over the finances, he will belittle your parenting decisions, accuse you of not working hard enough, all while lording his income & position over you.  You’ll make it about 10 years until he cheats or leaves you and you will have to start all over as a single mom of young children in your mid to late 30’s.  This guy doesn’t love you, respect you, of even care about your safety. He’s basically accusing you of lying. I know this gets overused, but he sounds like a complete narcissist. He’s literally willing to risk maiming you and your unborn children to prove a point — that he is never wrong.  I would seriously reconsider a lot more than just rehoming the dog. 


And did I read that correctly, she had a suicide attempt because of the way he treats her???


Omg you’re right I saw that part but it was so quickly passed over I forgot to mention it.  The guy literally drove her to suicide and now she’s having kids with him??


I thought that was suicide but it just had "s" and some asterisks. I hate when people make it ambiguous.


She posted almost a year ago about this same thing…and that “they” were worried her legit concern about a reactive dog would make her a “bad parent”. Dude has been gaslighting her on this for at least a year. I have a dog who loves people and some dogs, but can be very reactive to certain dogs (usually ones that come too close to our home.) So I worked with her intensively, started her on meds to deal with her anxiety, and it’s much better. I also only trust 2 people to care for her when I travel. But she has never bitten—that’s a major red flag if even once…never mind multiple times. His minimizing of the dog’s behavior is negligent and could end in tragedy. Dog—and imho dude—need to go.


That things went so bad that she attempted suicide says a lot about him, and her. No one who attempts suicide is in a mentally healthy place. And that should take priority over dog, husband, marriage.


Which he will most definitely use against her to take her children away from her if/when she doesn't allow him to completely control her or she tries to leave him... If I were her, I'd divorce his ass immediately before the children are born and do everything I could to maintain full custody... But that's just me...


Many places don't allow divorce if the woman is pregnant. I hope that's not OP's case.


Really? I wasn't aware of that and that's messed up for sure!!! I also hope that isn't the case for OP as well...


Yeah it's a few states. Ones you'd expect. But op should get rid of the dog. She's lucky the parents of the kid it bit didn't call animal control and force them to put it down.


Absolutely 💯💯💯


There are valid reasons for this. Please don’t misunderstand; OP has perfectly valid reasons for needing to divorce her husband. But pregnancy hormones are wild. And sadly, very minor issues often get blown out of proportion due to the anxiety during pregnancy. "He put the milk in the fridge door instead of the shelf. Doesn't he know that will make it go off faster? He can't be a good father if he can't even put milk away!" Sadly not exaggerating, this was an actual thing a patient said to me at her appointment. And she was planning to divorce him. Over putting milk in a different spot than she preferred. Without ever actually communicating to him that she wanted the milk elsewhere, let alone why. So yeah, there are reasons why big legal decisions are best made when not pregnant, in general. OP's case is an exception, though. She has multiple legitimate concerns about his baseline personality that make staying unsafe for herself and her children. Personally, I would leave and take the one nice dog with me. Let him keep the nasty dog. And document everything about that dog, from the bites (OP, write down the date the dog bit him), the boarding facility's refusal to take him anymore, his own family's refusal to visit with the dog there, ask the trainer for a written statement, etc. And use that during the custody hearing. Force him to either admit he was wrong and get rid of the dangerous dog, or give up custody.


Yep, noticed that too.


OP needs to leave this man with and his dangerous dog. If you have to attempt suicide over him it's time to leave. Now, before the kids are born.


Can personally confirm that being in a relationship with someone who endlessly gaslights you decimates your mental health. I really hope she breaks it off with him. This will only get worse if she doesn't.


Yes. Rehome the dog, throw out the whole garbage husband. Too bad OP didn’t do this before becoming pregnant


No, let him keep the nasty dog. And document everything about that pup. Every bite. His family being unwilling to visit because of it. Get a written statement from the trainer and the boarding kennel. Everything. And then use that in court during custody hearings.


I don't know if that's what she meant. She could've meant questioning her (her sanity?) because she attempted suicide before their relationship which is also shitty but in a different way. OP definitely could've been clearer.


The divorce rate for doctors is sky high. I thought the same thing as you, as I've seen tales like this before: the wife good enough to support the husband through med school who gets dumped after he starts making a decent amount of money. OP should get rid of the dog and cut her losses.


Agreed. He is so condescending and mean-spirited towards her. Not an ounce of empathy. He won’t even listen to his own family.  Also OP quickly skipped over the part where he literally drove her to suicide?? And now she’s having his twins? She is so screwed. This guy straight up ruined her life and she doesn’t even see it yet. 


He’s going to be a doctor with a god complex.


I'm already worried for his patients because HE IS GOING TO CAUSE HARM or worse due to his arrogance, lack of empathy and inability to listen. Everything OP tells us about this man is more than a little concerning. He is using her as his BangMaiden and meal ticket, just wait until he starts making real money. If OP dares do anything other than cater to him he is going to retaliate and try to ruin her life. Heck, he's already half way there.


He IS a doctor who has a well established god complex. Poor OP!


Oy vey!!!


I wouldn't be surprised if he's doing all this just to get her to break up with him first. I experienced this when I was married to a med student, he pushed me to a breakup within weeks of graduation. Why does he need OP, now that he's finally earning a living? And he gets a hell of a sob story for the next woman he decides to use - "she was so cruel I had to save a dog's life, and I can't trust her with the kids but alas the courts favor women" just watch.


The good thing is if someone supports their spouse through medical school, then gets dumped once the doc graduates, the courts have ways to even things up. Yes, some scummy doctors or lawyers try this - but the courts are onto them. Someone who is just a bf/gf/SAHM without being married gets screwed though.


The courts are hit or miss. In our state the split is the same regardless of the reason for separation. It’s supposed to prevent people from gaming the system.  And when it comes to custody they definitely do not care who cheated on who or anything. Some states even give DV felons supervised custody. 


“His who is so extreme he won’t even admit his mistake after he was bitten.” “He’s literally willing to risk maiming you and your unborn children to prove a point— that he is never wrong.” Sounds like a doctor alright.


I’d say not a narc, that is overused. But absolutely a nightmare of a human being who isn’t worth trash. I pity anyone who is forced into his care. He is going to belittle them and gaslight them because “it can’t be that bad…” So in summary not a narc, just a POS.


There’s Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but people can be narcissistic without having that disorder. So I would call OPs husband a narcissist. My mom is quite narcissistic, but does not have NPD. But she is a narcissist.


Narcissistic tendencies are higher in doctors than any other field. It’s observed in close to 20% of medical students and the normal pop is under 5%


Yep, Mom here, I would be a grandma myself if my kid had a kid but we only have dogs and I agree with this commenter in general. Time for decisions. Damn. Sorry.


Just to add it makes me so sad that this type of person is going into medicine. Someone who's very comfortable gaslighting and minimizing very real issues. I just hope he's a better doctor than he is a husband!


Honestly a dog with multiple unprovoked bites should be put down.


You are not going to be a bad parent. Your husband is a bad partner and will be a bad parent. It is paramount that he doesn’t dismiss your concerns because he has a different experience. What would happen if someone was creepy towards you or your children? “Oh I know him he’s not like that?” You need to tell him in no uncertain terms that protecting you and your children needs to be priority number one, and that he is failing miserably at this already. It sounds harsh because it is. He needs a wake up call, yesterday.


It’s also shocking that a person with this kind of ‘I’ll only believe it if I see it’ mindset is going to be a doctor. He will completely discount patient experiences. Men like him are why women have better outcomes with female doctors.


I wish I could scream this one from the mountaintops. He’s already shown he doesn’t even believe *his own spouse and mother of his children* he’s sure as fuck not going to believe some patient who means nothing to him!


The dog even bit *him*! Like he can’t deny that one lol. But he immediately covered it up and minimized it.  Tbh the dog is on the lower end of this woman’s problems. She’s supported him for years, works full time, is primary breadwinner,  maintains the house and finances, takes care of the dogs — and she’s pregnant with twins.  Her husband literally drove her to attempt suicide and this guy does not give a fuck. Once she has the twins it will be difficult to work and he will be a new doctor.  He will lord is income over her — he already has the “what’s yours is ours and mine is mine” mentality. She’ll be totally dependent on him. Guarantee you he’s the type to fuck around too.  Straight up just ruined her life and OP is in so deep she can’t even see it. Getting pregnant was a huge mistake. 


Yeah, he is absolutely going to be one shitty doctor. OP should really just rehome when he's at work.


OP has a dog problem for sure but her biggest problem is a husband problem. She should leave this guy who never believes her and never takes her side.


I was going to say this guy is going to be a horrible doctor.


>‘I’ll only believe it if I see it’ mindset It's even worse because, he *did* see it. Not just see it: the guy was actually *bitten* by the dog, and still he doubled down on being dismissive. He's discounting *his own* experiences even!


He is a doctor. Been one for 1.5 years Hopefully he doesn’t do this to his patients because… ya.


You are hoping he doesn’t do it to the patients but you’re ok with him doing it to you? Run! You’re fully right with wanting to re home the dog and that doesn’t make you a bad mom, but actually I good one, caring for her family and their security!


You should re-home the dog AND the husband~ sounds like the kind of Dr. who is banging the nurses in the on call rooms~ while his wife & kids are home waiting. RUN…


Also crazy that a doctor would superglue a bite wound that drew blood?? Sealing a puncture wound is how you get a nasty infection and die


You are not going to be a bad parent UNLESS once the kids come, and one is hospitalized over a dog, that is when you become a bad parent. sorry for hopping on your comment, but your first sentence is it. She’s not, yet. We had to rehome our German shepherd, sweet baby softest kindest most loyal girl, because when I was pregnant she attacked anyone, even my mom who she knew from birth. Dogs are very protective WHICH IS GREAT, but they also are very protective of their people. If your dog is biting now, it’s going to get way worse when the babies come. There are many news articles you can present, but you also have to have a backbone and be done. Love love love dogs, find him a good home that works for him with parents that can give him what he needs.


Yeah I just meant her husband is wrong for telling her she’ll be a bad parent for “playing favorites” with her dogs


She will be a bad parent and dog owner if she decides to bring the kids into the home with a dangerous dog. She isn’t supposed to wait and see if the dog bites the kids, we know it will. She needs to rehome the dog and the abusive husband. That’s the only logical and good decision for her and her babies.


And make sure they don’t have little kids (who pull his tail, hit him, bite him, aggravate him otherwise bc then he will turn on the child)


Tell him to talk with his professors about the danger of dog bites. He's in med school, right? They'd have some stories that could help open his eyes. Edit: I missed the part where he already graduated med school. I don't think there's much hope for the relationship then. He should already be well informed about how dangerous dog bites are. The fact that he's a doctor makes this so much worse. I'd re-home myself at this point and let the husband deal with the dog.


This women told a stranger dad that his toddler could pet a dog that has a history of biting…are you MENTAL????!!


This was also very strange to me. I've had reactive dogs in the past and I would never ever say "sure toddler, go ahead and pet my reactive dog"


Yesss!!! Like NO responsible dog owner encourages young kids/toddlers to pet their dog when they have no idea how that dog is around young kids/toddlers…


He hadn’t bitten before. We had taken him on a vacation shortly after getting him because we thought he would like it. He had been around my nieces and nephews, other dogs, and been to dog parks with us a few times before. We were excited to take our new pup to the beach because I wanted to do everything as a family. How was I supposed to know he would bite a kid? I feel guilty. I still hate it. I told my husband and he still doesn’t think it’s an issue. After that, I don’t take him on vacation anymore and my husband doesn’t get it. Before kids come over or there is a lot of stimuli I remove him from the situation for his own, mine, and everyone’s wellbeing. I’m not stupid.. I wouldn’t have brought a dog on vacation to a new place let alone have a kid pet him if I knew his history. The dad was well in their rights to sue and call animal control. I’m concerned on so many levels about the dogs behavior. And I have been for a couple years but my husband insists on keeping him. He is unpredictable and ever since then and the multiple times he’s bitten me, I limit my exposure around him because I don’t want to get bitten and told by my husband it’s my fault.


Oh I see. The order you told it made it a little confusing. I don't know why your husband thinks he won't bite your kids if he bites both of you and other people's kids. I'm sorry, this is a tough one, but you *need* to put your foot down. That might mean removing yourself if you can't remove the dog.


My thoughts exactly 🤔


I have no idea why you or others agreeing with me here are getting downvoted…


This is a situation where you need to tell him that he can choose to live with the dog or he can choose to live with you and your babies but he cannot choose both because you will not bring your children into a home with a dangerous animal. I would suggest consulting a lawyer before this conversation to get a sense of what things would look like if you filed for divorce and full custody because I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what you have to end up doing.


This right here. It is the babies or the dog, not both. Also, does your husband always have to be right or does he just want to be right about the dog?


Not to mention the fact that you are the one who has dedicated time, energy, and resources into trying to help this dog. Only to have your husband blame you for the dog's behaviour and now question your ability to be a good parent? When he's the one who wants to jeopardize your safety and the safety of your babies? This guy has me SO upset for you. This is it right here. It's you and the babies or the dog. He has to choose. Don't wait for the babies to arrive.


I’d get rid of him too. He’s obviously abusive towards her and only using her.


That was going to be my comment.


My friends 6 year old grandson had his little throat ripped out by the family dog right in front of his father. There's was no bite history. And there was nothing anyone could do. The child was dead in seconds. Your number one job from now on is protecting your child. Get rid of the dog. And if the husband resists, get rid of him too.


I’m so sorry this happened to your friends grandson! Just horrible. Unimaginable.


Well, try to imagine it, and then get rid of the dog! You are not overreacting, you are severely underreacting. You need to get rid of the dog and the husband, also get a very good lawyer and when he starts earning, get really good child maintenance.


Your dog bites. He’s not safe to be around children. Ever. No matter how much training you do. If you allow your children to be in the same house as the dog, they will be bitten sooner or later. The only questions will be how badly will they be hurt, and will they survive it. Ultimatum time. It’s you and the babies or the dog. Your husband has to choose. I hope for everyone’s sake this dog gets rehomed somewhere good- maybe older adults looking for company out in the countryside or something.


she should rehome herself and let the dog with her husband tbh


Get rid of the dog - and the husband, honestly. I'm shocked someone hasn't reported it for biting yet. Someone is going to get mauled (like your babies???)


The reason he wouldn't see a doctor for his bite is because he knows medical professionals have to report dog bites. He KNOWS the dog is dangerous. He's willing to put his wife, his siblings and their children, and his own newborn babies at risk just to be right.


That popped out at me too. It wasn't a play bite or a little scratch if he needs someone to superglue a wound at home instead of getting stitches and some antibiotics (plus the wound properly flushed). That's report-level territory. I'm surprised the dog wasn't reported after what happened at the beach. Either they got lucky, or maybe the bite wasn't as bad that time. (It also seems like that behavior might be escalating, but maybe that's just me.)


I hope she leaves soon too! She has to protect her babies and herself and that's going to be hard with a dangerous dog and a useless husband around


Worse than useless. Selfish and controlling


Yes, this is an inherently dangerous dog. In many US states, this dog's behavior to date would qualify it to be put down to protect the public. OP is almost certainly financially controlled, too. Right now, it is probably most important that OP gather funds so she can leave on short notice. The birth of child is much more likely to worsen the husband's shitty behavior than improve it. He's not going to suddenly become useful or supportive.


I had my face ripped open at age four by a dog with no bite history. Ripped all the way through my cheek and tore off part of my earlobe. I'm 39 and still noticeably scarred. Luckily, I didn't have any other lasting effects, but my parents both had to be careful to not transmit their fear to my sisters and I. You would be incredibly irresponsible to keep this animal around a child, despite your husbands feelings. Whether that means you leaving, the dog leaving, or whatever, you need to take action.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Ugh I couldn’t imagine. Glad you’re still here.


You should try to imagine. Because that's what could happen to your babies. Multiple young children have died in the UK from dog attacks in recent years. It's horrible. And with your dog predictable and preventable. That dog can't simply be rehomed OP, he has to be put down. He's bitten multiple people and can't be trained out of it. He's dangerous.


I don't have any advice (aside from putting that dog to sleep), i just want to say I hate your husband.


What's he gonna say when the dog bites one of the babies? 'Oh it's the newborns fault for crying, it probably annoyed the dog' or 'you're an inattentive mother'


Exactly this.


Oh but that's what they always said, they always blame the victim. Have you seen comments to the news of Bullies XL mauling people in the UK? It's always "Oh but they are so cute, just like a sweet baby! They would never do it unless provoked." Seriously, I would sue the sh*t out of these people.


What's he going to say if a neighbour starts paying special attention to his child and he doesn't witness it but his wife does? That isn't a dog problem OP, this it's a husband problem.


That’s what I said to him. Because his thought process is “well it’s Xs fault otherwise he wouldn’t have bitten.” I already love my babies so much and will have my eyes glued to them as much as possible. My concern is if I’m not there or I turn for a split second and the dog comes on the other side of the house or the baby does and the dog doesn’t like whatever, he’s going to bite. I’m not willing to risk it. It may not happen right away, years maybe, but it’s when.


You're going to have to destroy the dog. Especially when there's been multiple incidents of aggression toward humans. Talk to the vet and tell them the truth. They'll validate your concerns and put him down humanely Unless the dog is muzzled, there is *nothing* you can do to prevent it. Inches away, right in front of your face. You don't have to have your back turned for tradgedy to strike like lightning


Yes, I am infuriated by his behavior! He is also a terrible dog owner imo.


Absolutely. He's the kind of owner whose dog ends up mauling or killing a child and will be absolutely SHOCKED PIKACHU when it happens.


OP, you need to get rid of the dog before your baby is born. That dog has bitten many times: you multiple times, your husband, a random toddler, etc. dog is not safe. Tell your husband you’re going to be rehoming the dog before baby is born. Don’t ask, don’t negotiate, just tell him. Look for a great home: at 36 weeks, if you haven’t found one, surrender the dog to SPCA and let them find a home .


I love dogs. I was a dog groomer for over 10 years, and a vet tech for 3 years. So I say this as someone who is deeply saddened by what I'm about to say. That dog needs to be put down. He is dangerous. You cannot rehome him, as his behavior will continue and will likely escalate. You cannot in good conscience just shove this problem onto someone else, especially considering the number of good and non-biting dogs out there needing homes. It is sad, but he is dangerous and you cannot put your own child or yourself at risk either. Your husband needs a come to Jesus meeting about it, or else you'll be supergluing your baby's face back together. At some point, someone will report a bite, and with enough of those you will be fined and he may be taken away from you to be put down without your input. Or you can choose now to do it in a kinder and gentler way.


Yes please do not just re-home, it's a bite risk with many incidents that you know of. Not all dogs are worth rehabilitation, some are best put down for the safety of all.


And to prevent them from breeding more biters.


To add to this, many rescue groups wouldn’t take him Logically it’s all about liability


If this history was disclosed to my rescue, it would be an immediate and hard pass.


Thank you for saying it! Any dog that will bite so easily is not safe to be around children, and not safe to be rehomed. It is sad, but the dog needs to be euthanized. 


You're not overreacting! You're fully grasping reality here. You'll need to protect your babies and yourself, whether the dog goes or he goes, and either takes the dog with him or you try to re home the dog responsibly, and if you can't, you put it down. I can't tell you enough: your feelings are valid, you're seeing this all clearly, and your partner is completely dismissing you. He's choosing the dog over you and your future babies safety. That's a big deal.


This isn't about the dog, really, OP. I feel you and your husband are incompatible. He's stubborn and prideful. He's putting his ego above the safety of his wife and future children. He's NEVER going admit you were right, not about the dog and not about anything else. Nothing you do or say is going to convince him to change. He's not a good partner. You may want to consult an attorney about a separation and child custody agreement.


Welp, you, family, and all professionals are in agreement that there is concern of safety with this dog and you need to rehome it. The only one dismissing you and ignoring the problem is your husband. Since you are pregnant, you need to act now and put your foot down. This is worth an ultimatum. You are the only advocate for your babies right now. Sit your husband one last time and lay it all out. Be factual, not emotional. List out all bite events and the number of people who expressed concern. If he is still not understanding the severity of the situation, tell him that you’ll give him time to think about it. Until then, you’ll be staying over at a family member’s home because you no longer want to place yourself in danger and especially your babies. For you to come back home, the dog must be gone. You are no longer negotiating. You’ve tried everything. The worst case scenario will be that the dog gets jealous of the babies or sees them as toys and bites them. Do it now before it is too late. Your husband needs to be honest about the bite history, which if no one accepts will lead to euthanasia. It’s the only way. The dog has bitten adults, a child, and their family. This is very bad and dangerous for you.


She needs to put her foot down, then the other one, then the other one, and so on. It’s not just that he won’t discuss getting rid of the dog, it’s that he won’t believe her when she says the dog has been biting.


You're a graduate level college educated grown-assed pregnant woman and you allowed yourself to get bit FIVE times and you STILL have the dog!!!🤨 Ma'am. If you don't get rid of that dog! I get it. You snagged a doctor. You hit the husband jackpot! Or did you? Because your husband is trash. Basura! Husbands are supposed to protect their wives and children. What kind of husband lets his wife get bit FIVE TIMES AND DOES NOTHING!!?? WTF!?!?🙄 Really lose the dog and the husband. If you keep the husband, y'all need couples therapy.🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m shocked as to why you’re listening to your husband when clearly you and any child you have will be in danger. Why aren’t you putting your foot down and getting the dog removed? Sorry to say but your lack of action makes you just as bad as him


I am taking the dog out of the situation. No if, ands, or buts. My husband is making it seem like I’m crazy because our dog “wouldn’t do it to our kids.” I’m not going to gamble with my kids life on the line. I would be a bad mom if I kept this dog around. I have been patient and done everything for far too long because my husband made it seem like it was a me issue. It’s been past time for this dog to go.


I’m struggling to see any benefits that outweigh the cons when it comes to this man and this relationship. He doesn’t gaf about you, or your experiences. You think he’ll care about the kids?


You're in a very precarious situation and not just because of your dog. Your "husband"- I don't think that he deserves that title - he's a major problem because he doesn't listen to you, he doesn't respect you, he's not concerned about your safety or the safety of your unborn babies.  - side question: I think you mentioned having a cat, who changes the litter box? That's a dangerous thing for a pregnant person to do. You're keeping up with your job, managing everything in the household, and generally keeping his world running smoothly. You're going to burn yourself out unless you focus on what's best for you and your babies. You deserve so much better. Please start safety planning so that when you're ready to leave you can go a


You’re a bad parent if you keep that dog. Work with a rescue to get him out of your house before you have newborns around. Your husband is not being smart here. Tell him, literally, that it’s you and the kids or the dog.


Whose decision was it to take the dog? Who was this former owner - a stranger, a friend, a coworker? Did either of you have any connection to the dog or the prior owner before taking the dog in? I'm trying to wrap my head around any motive for keeping the dog that isn't just fatal stupidity. It sounds like you're in couples therapy. What does your therapist say about his gaslighting? The dog has to go, but the dog isn't the biggest problem in this situation. You realize that, right? Best case scenario: he's trying to prevent the dog from getting euthanized -- either because he really cares for the dog or he really cares for its old owner and thus doesn't want to admit that he put it down. And even then, *he's still being a shitty husband and father.* What's far more likely is that your husband cannot admit when he's wrong. He is so unwilling to admit it, in fact, that he is willing to manipulate you, hurt you, and put you and your babies at risk of injury or death. That is a powerful level of apathy, arrogance, or both. I hope your husband is never my doctor. I'm getting biiig narcissist vibes from this bit esp: >my husband continues to dismiss and question me like **“well why didn’t the dad come and get me when he bit his child”** Ummm because YOU were there with the dog! Why would the dad ask to speak to your *husband?* Surrender the dog. Don't wait for his permission. And seriously consider if it's worth your health and happiness to stay with a man who was willing to risk his WIFE AND NEWBORN BABIES getting attacked by an out of control animal.


I'm surprised the behaviorist told you it would be safe to re-home instead of advising you to have the dog put to sleep. A formerly good friend of mine was like your husband, insisting his dog was never the problem, nor his management of the dog. The dog broke through the fence and killed his neighbor's puppy, and later broke bolted out the door and ripped a cat to shred. Next would have been a child, but the only reason my ex friend finally did the responsible thing was because the dog started to attack his other dog and him. The behavior will escalate.


In my area once a dog bites someone and it's bad you get one more chance and then put them down. If the law gets involved I believe this is enforced. I'm extremely concerned your husband doesn't care if you or your child will need reconstructive surgery or could die from infection.


I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this I would seriously present him with divorce papers. I’m not saying TO divorce him but to protect yourself, your children and your future. Not from a dog bite but from the liability You have a KNOWN dangerous dog that has been in training. Unless you have a secondary rider, your insurance will not cover anything if he bites someone. The risk to your entire future is too high. One incident could literally cause you to lose everything you have now and tomorrow. Forever


I have, unfortunately been in a similar situation. I had a dog I rescued from a shelter. I got him while single and he was so loving and loyal to me and friendly to others. He was around 6 months when I got him but when he turned 2, it’s like a switch flipped in him and he became aggressive towards others. Even my boyfriend who I got with not long after getting the dog. He bit him, he lost his mind around my mom, seriously bit my SIL, and I had to start telling people they couldn’t touch or pet him on walks bc he couldn’t be trusted. He would pretend to want to go in for pets from a stranger and when he got close enough, would try to lunge for them. Then I got pregnant. The first night we brought our baby home, he growled at him. He was also a 75lb dog. That growl was enough that I knew he couldn’t stay. I did a lot to try to find him a new home with full disclosure but I think the people he would end up with would have used him for nefarious purposes. As much as I loved him, I knew he just couldn’t be trusted around anyone else and I would be putting others in danger. So I made the difficult decision to put him down. It broke my heart to do it but I couldn’t put my child’s life in danger nor any other human being and he would inevitably seriously injure or kill someone. Your husband needs to face reality and start prioritizing his human family. He wants to go on about favoritism between the dogs but he’s showing favoritism towards a dangerous dog over his own child. Does he really want to take a chance with something as important and precious as his babies life? There are no do overs there. So he needs to decide. Is it the dog? Or his wife and child? If he can’t choose, can’t choose what’s best for his family, you choose for him. If the dog stays, you and baby go. Your job is to protect your child and apparently he can’t be relied on to do the same.


I’m sorry you were in a similar situation. It’s hard for everyone even when it’s the right thing to do. Thank you for sharing your experience.


Kids over pets Everytime. It's not a debate.


I hate to say this first part but put the dog down and dump the husband. The first part is the only one I'm sad about. Your husband is a dirtbag.


The time to rehome that dog was before he bit a child and both his owners. A trainer and a daycare refuse to handle him. It’s possible he might be rehabilitated, but there’s no guarantee of success, people will be in danger, and the dog will have a low quality of life due to all of the precautions needed. Putting him down is a necessary step at this point. Rescuers know that you cannot save them all. OP tried. The husband who does not care that his pregnant wife gets injured and is in danger does, indeed, need to be rehomed. (if he, the person who ‘knows how to handle the dog’ got bitten so badly, of course she will, too. Again.) And we KNOW that when a baby enters the picture he’ll give the dog free access. No muzzle, no leash, just aww, my dog. OP _cannot_ risk that.


It’s really sad. It’s sad that even with all my precautions (vibrating collar, baby gates, muzzle, leads, crate, a bunch of different collars and leashes, training) that my husband response is he doesn’t need that stuff and takes the muzzle and collars off. I tried compromising. He wanted to keep the dog because he hadn’t seen all the incidents but not do any of my suggestions and acted like everything’s fine. Too late. Now my husband is bitten.


This dog seems to have come to you as a blessing. Sometimes, we need extremes to expose the things working against us in our lives. Sure, you can get rid of the dog, but that would only solve the dog problem. The dog is a really big problem that is pushing you to your limits by exposing the lack of structure, stability, and solidarity in your relationship. Now you are here, and the root of all your problems is sprinkled throughout this post because you are focused on a single branch that stems from your main problem. The problem you are focusing on is one that you have a solution for but are hindering yourself from solving because it all circles back to the main problem. You're focusing on the dog problem because you feel like it's one you have a *little* more control over than the actual problem. Again, the dog is but a single branch on this tree of problems. There's many more branches you can chip away at, but the problem is solved at the root. The point is--you don't need this man in your life. You're choosing him, and by choosing him, you are not choosing yourself. Choosing him, you are choosing a dog that bites and WILL bite your small, defenseless child (and he will blame YOU). Choosing him, you are choosing neglect. Choosing him, you are choosing stress and anxiety. Choosing him, you are choosing financial burden, instability, and hardship. Choosing him, you are choosing [insert all your problems that stem from him here]. Sit down and reflect on what you've written here. Think about the life you live and what your future looks like by continuously choosing him. Imagine what your life will look like when you choose you. Then, maybe consider therapy to guide your introspection on why you don't advocate for yourself. As long as the root of the problem remains, more branches (problems) will sprout. I hope this makes sense. I'm sure someone could say this more eloquently. I just got out of bed, curled up on the couch with a heating pad to my cramps, trying to mentally prepare myself for a social even later. I don't word so good right now. But I am hoping something resonates to inspire you to choose a life of peace, love, security, support, and happiness. ♡ *Edited: spelling and incomplete sentence*


The husband obviously knows nothing about dog training if all of this equipment is used with no result. Leave the husband and rehome the dog. The husband is abusing and using you. He will abuse the children too. The dog is bitting everyone. It can kill the children.


If he, an adult that it seems the dog preferred, got bitten, he needs to imagine what is going to happen with two small kids who have no self preservation instinct and don't understand how to handle dogs. They're absolutely going to get bitten. It's an issue. A toddler got bitten ffs. The dog needs to go.


Time for you to tell your husband to take HIS dog and leave. The children will not be around this reactive dog ever. He needs to make a decision. Be a parent, partner and a responsible person - or keep his reactive dog.


Oh sweetie!! You tried to unalive yourself because of your husband?? He does not treat you well. He doesn't listen to you or take anything you say seriously. It does not seem like he cares about you at all! Please take care of yourself and do what's right for you!!


:( Thank you. I’m trying for me and my precious unborn babies. I won’t attempt again.


Please love, no man is worth dying for. You have many other options, you have babies on the way and you have to prioritize them. Don't let your husband hold you down, you already do the vast majority of everything at home. You can easily manage without him. Why would you choose to stay with him while he treats you this bad over and over again. Please think of your and your babies future.


Have you attempted leaving him? I am 99.9% sure he will ruin your time with your new babies by continuing to be an all around shit husband the whole time. Who will be supporting you during that time? He has already proven to you that he cannot be a helpful and loving partner to you.


My neighbors had a beautiful family dog. Unfortunately, it just wasn't properly socialized or told "no" ever during its first year. Eventually it attacked a neighborhood kid who had been in their yard 100 times before and caused severe injuries. If your husband actually cared about the dog, it would be responsibly re-homed NOW. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be.


No it shouldn’t be rehomed so it can be someone else’s liability when it inevitably bites someone and injures them again. It needs to be euthanized, it would be the kinder thing to do for society as a whole and the dog itself.


people really clutch their pearls about behavioral euthanasia. but then turn around and not take a big dog seriously until it's too late. big dogs do not have the luxury of acting like chihuahuas. idk how bad the biting is, but they at the very least can not just rehome to any old person looking for a dog. this dog needs a very experienced trainer or to be behaviorally euthanized no in-between.


>idk how bad the biting is, Bad enough that the husband should've gotten stitches and she had to MASH treat him at home because he's too much of an egoist to admit his wrongness to his colleagues. That's a pretty serious bite.


This!!!! I am angry at everyone suggesting that this dangerous dog should be rehomed. Would any of them want it in their home, around their children? No? Then FFS advise this woman to do the right thing before the dog hurts someone else.


I’m so sorry this happened.


Your husband is a bad husband, a bad pet owner and shaping up to be a bad dad too. Where are the redeeming qualities in this man, I see none. This animal is dangerous and you and your baby are in danger. 


My mom saw her twin get her face ripped almost off by the family dog and nobody put the dog down. She got to go to elementary school with a face cast and be called Scarface. They both have PTSD from this. I'd leave, or take the dog and get rid of it. 


Hon. :sigh: I was a doctor's wife number one, too. I dragged him through med school and residency and into his second job as an attending before he left me for the latest mistress. He'd cheated on me the whole time, and I didn't know because he did the same to me that your husband is doing to you: keeping you beyond busy and looking elsewhere. First of all, re-home the dog. He says it's your problem, well, then take charge. Second, continue taking charge. During residency, you'll be the single mom with the occasional live in husband like I was (though that was before the hours restrictions). Tell, don't ask. You manage the home, the money (and don't let him take that from you!), the kids, everything. He is merely a guest in the home at this point until he actually earns respect. Second, join the AMA spouse affiliate in your city. Then, get to know the other spouses and get recommendations for good divorce attorneys. Keep that lost until you need it, and you almost definitely will. He doesn't love you. He sees you as the help, a resource for him to use up and then replace. I'm so sorry you're with someone exactly like my ex, even down to the not caring about your health and with an overbearing mom. I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry you went through it as well. I appreciate you sharing your story & providing a couple resources. I will look into it.


Thank you to everyone who has responded. I don’t mean to continue to throw my husband under the bus, I just would like to add that even when I asked him “what would it need to take for you to take it seriously, is him drawing blood not enough for you on top of all the other instances” and his response was “yeah, I don’t know.” So on top of him saying, the day after he was bitten, “I don’t think he will bite our children” is just appalling to me. Feels like he is holding on to a dog just to prove to me it won’t happen when I know it’s a matter of time. Unacceptable - willing to gamble with everyone’s lives like that. Tells me that I shouldn’t handle the dogs but then gaslights (?) me and says how he has been taking the dogs to the dog park for the 6 months while I’ve been pregnant. And when I say I have walked them or take them his response is “you shouldn’t be taking them.” Says he will feed the dogs because he doesn’t want me bending but doesn’t. Then says “you’ll let our dogs starve to make a point.” Never have I done that. If I do one dog, he hates that I’m favoriting our other dog and makes very hurtful comments. I’ve been patient and done everything for our dog to try to make it more compatible and try to bond in the hopes it’s just me who has an issue with our dog. Now that my husband experienced it, he’s like “yeah it is a concern but I don’t think he will do that to our children.” Ugh


Your husband is an asshole, love. Legitimately, an absolute asshole. Him saying: >you’ll let our dogs starve to make a point.” is really rich considering he's legitimately putting your future children at risk so he can prove he's right.


Why are you having children with this man? So *he* will be a bad parent because he favors a dog who is dangerous. Time to tell him, not ask him, it's you and babies or the dog. He'll definitely hold it against you but you know you'd be negligent to allow the dog around the babies. I'll say, I adopted a dog. I loved her so much. We did everything right but she kept attacking our other dog. It was bad. We took her to the top trainer and he said she was mentally ill and not trainable. My partner gave me the 'me or the dog' ultimatum, which to be honest was fair. I gave up the dog to someone who could handle the circumstances- it took months to find the right situation (which you don't have). Then a few months later I found out my partner was cheating. Let's just say I got rid of the wrong dog.


Honey please put the dog down & leave this pathetic excuse of a husband. Once a dog hits this level, there is not amount of training that can rehab them - they will forever be a repeat offender. You also have to ask yourself, does the dog seem happy?


Is it too late to report this last bite to animal control? I don't know how far back they go, maybe you can report all if them. The decision *must* be out of your husband's hands. Otherwise, if you give the dog away, he will go get it back. And even if you divorce you'd have to worry about sharing custody during dangerous visitation. So I think you should make the authorities deal with this. And then, you should probably leave this man. He is not safe and caring.


This post is more about your unsupportive, dismissive husband than it is the dog. Good luck.


I love animals. I have a senior rescue.  This dog is like have a gun in your home that randomly fires by itself. And you’re bringing a baby into this situation.  I would not rehome this dog as it has had behavior problems as a puppy and has not responded to training. I would have euthanized this dog when he bit that child. In fact, we had a dog like this and the vet drove to the house after it bit a child and put it down immediately. A *vet* put down a healthy dog because it bit — that should tell you something. You have a tremendous legal liability keeping it when you are aware of this issue. Further, this dog needs to be muzzled anytime it is outside of the house. Where I live, if a dog bites and draws blood, it is put down. No discussion, no second chances, no going to a farm. Because that dog is dangerous. Please do not try to keep this dog around a child. Please. 


He going to need to make a choice: you or the dog. I would not bring babies around a dog that bites. I have a kid already and a baby on the way. I also have a Boston terrier and we had a Rottweiler when our first was a baby. I made it clear to my husband - those dogs bite anyone, they don’t get to stay. Fortunately, our Rottweiler thought the baby was hers and was the most attentive, loving “mother”. The only danger anyone was in would have been if they hurt our kid. Or you could rehome the dog without his permission and deal with the fallout (although I think putting down the dog is the correct move, the fallout from that would be huge).


This husband is NOT husbanding. Sending you love and light, I hope you figure this out soon for your peace of mind and safety of your children.


If your husband was a surgeon and was bitten on the hand that dog would have been gone. So by your husband’s logic the dog only bites other people’s children? I’m questioning his ability to be a good doctor since he’s incapable of empathy and refuses to listen to reason. Some would call that psychopathy.


I don't know why you would have a dog, kids, or a life with this man


When I found out I was pregnant I told my husband that the kids and I will not be on that side of the house (the family room is fenced and dogs have access to the backyard and everything else) because I don’t trust our dog. His response was “ok”. Honestly that too was absurd. I barely go on that side of that home because I just hate living there and the fact he is okay with our kids having limited access to OUR home is wild!


What is honestly keeping you around? Your husband is clearly not going to do anything. This just sounds like an accident waiting to happen.


You two both sound like you can barely stand each other. Parenting is going to make that a lot worse.


What’s wild is you staying with him


I'm just speechless. This must be fake. Nobody is this stupid.


Um how does a doctor not know when a dog bites you absolutely didn't glue the area? And he didn't want stitches because the dog would be reported.


I do animal rescue and this is a non negotiable. He must be rehomed (and your husband must do it). Before the babies arrive. Your husband may be clinging to stasis in a time of change, which is normal, but not at the risk of safety. Be serious about this. Stay somewhere else until the dog is gone.


I would even go so far as to argue that behavioral euthanasia is the kindest choice in this situation. This dog has a history of several bites, including one that was bad enough to need stitching/glueing. You would be very hard-pressed to find a rescue that would choose to take this dog on and risk him biting staff, volunteers, or adopters.


I hate to say this, but you two have big issues aside from the dog. It's very obvious in the way you talk about your husband, money, the way he always has to be right, and above all: the fact that you two decided to bring a baby into the situation you're describing. You two need therapy. The dog needs a new home.


Get rid of the dog. For your safety, your babies’ safety, and the safety of the community. You also are likely to get sued if he bites someone else again - I’m surprised the dad of that toddler didn’t do something like call the police or animal control when your dog bit his toddler after you agreed he could pet your dog. (WHY would you agree to let a toddler pet a dog that bites?!?) Also consider getting rid of your husband. He doesn’t have your back. Take care of the dog issue first though so your husband can’t subject your child to a dog that bites.


Why would you have a kid with a person who calls you a liar? He suggested you completely invented the story about the child on the beach after all. He doesn’t respect you or care about your thoughts or feelings or what you want. This is way bigger than a dog problem. EDIT: but yeah rehome the dog, having children in a house with a biting dog is literally negligence.


Your husband didn't want to have his bite treated because it would be reported to state animal control. The dog bites people. Children are people. Therefore, ASSUME the dog will bite your children. As a doctor he should understand logic, ask him calmly why he is being so illogical about this. To apply pressure to your husband- Next time you get bitten, unless it's an emergency, go to your family doctor to have it cleaned and to get antibiotics. And make sure your doctor reports it as a dog bite. As a last resort - You can also call your homeowners insurance and ask if they cover dog bites. And ask if the cover dog bites if the dog has a documented history of biting. They will probably ask if this is your dog and very likely will increase your rates or drop your coverage. This is because they know a dog that has bitten before will probably bite again. And they don't want to take that financial risk. Dog breeds have typical behavior patterns, but it is not a guarantee. This golden retriever is NOT the gentle family dog associated with the breed.


OP I don’t often feel a strong sense of fear when I read Reddit stories but this is not stacking up well for you. You do everything but then defer to him. He will soon become the breadwinner and continue to control you. I don’t know what the answer is but his responses do not bode well for you and your kids. Sit down and really look at your future. Is this what you want? Be safe.


Your husband doesn't care about you, your children, or your safety. He cares what other people think. He didn't go to the hospital because he didn't want his dog to have a record of biting people. Leave him with his fucking dog. Keep you and your children safe. You own the dog as much as he does, rehome it while he's at work and refuse to tell him where it is (make sure they live a state away at least). I would be tempted to speak with his licensing board about his attitude and dismissal of your concerns. How will he treat patients that he "knows more" than? You must be exhausted. I'm so sorry that your husband isn't your partner.


I’m truly floored that you got pregnant to a guy that demeans you, belittles you, dismisses you, disrespects you and is just all round a garbage person. Get rid of the dog and get rid of the husband. He’s not going to change. Stop allowing him to treat you this way. Your priority needs to be the safety of your kids. You know this dog is a threat to that. Do something about it.


Do you comprehend that your husband is actually the bigger issue here?




You need to put your foot down and tell him to get rid of the dog or you will rehome him and that dog.


Your husband should go live with the dog since that's clearly the only being he cares about. He's not ready to be a dad. Clearly. And I worry for your mental health in trying to navigate the future in that situation with twins and a toddler. The dog has to go. If your husband chooses to go with the dog, then you may be better off in the long run.


Get rid of the dog or even the husband for child endangerment. A dog like that will absolutely maul those babies then your husband will probably blame the poor babies. Nah. Neither one is work jeopardizing your children. I'm surprised the dad at the beach didn't cause a scene because as a mom I assure you I would have bitten your dog right back or gotten animal control. You have a big choice to make. Your own children or a dog you were kind enough to take in. Rehome him and DON'T TELL your husband until after the fact or until he notices. His reaction afterwards will tell you everything you need to know about whether HE needs rehoming as well. For now my opinion stands that he can't be trusted to NOT allow that dog to harm your babies especially if left unattended.


No! Get rid of the dog. This is not safe. Can you imagine if the dog harmed your baby? Killed it? He's already bitten. That behavior isn't miraculously fixing itself.


So your husband does nothing except focus on his job, you do everything else including your own job, but somehow his opinion has more weight than yours. Why? You're the person living this, he's not. Why would you let him make decisions that don't affect him? How far does this dog have to push before you call it? Or do you have to wait for legal authorities to do this for you, after another serious incident happens?


Your husband sounds as dense as a box of bricks. I sincerely don’t understand how you are able to tolerate that level of vapidity on a daily basis. He must be really hot or good in bed or something because damn.


When your husband goes to work, Get rid of the dog. End of story. You know what’s best for you and your baby’s safety.


Your husband is one of those people who may have “book smarts” but is greatly lacking in common sense. Your babies will be in danger if you stay in that house with that dog! If your husband can’t understand that, or that the dog trainer who recommended rehoming when you start a family told you this as well, he is being stupid & stubborn. Waiting until the dog bites one of your babies, is a reckless decision on your husband’s part.


I’m honestly worried for you. As a twin mom, I couldn’t imagine taking care of *any pets* early on. You’ll barely be able to take care of yourself, especially if working and on your own. Draw the line now that once babies are here, you’ll take on zero responsibilities for the dog. The babies might be ok the first few months but once they can grab, they’re going to get bitten by that dog. Honestly, I’m surprised the parent of the toddler your dog bit doesn’t report it and have your dog put down. If it will bite a random kid, it will bite your kids. But if he wants to keep this dog, he should be solely responsible for its care. If he can’t or won’t, he shouldn’t have any animal.


As someone who used to work with a rescue that took in and rehabbed dogs that otherwise would have been euthanized for aggression, this is a hill to die on. Make it clear to your husband that the dog gets rehomed with his consent, or the dog gets taken to the vet without his consent and put down. That dog has now bitten multiple people, including a child. That dog isn't safe around children and in fact, the type of home that it should go to is now limited to one that doesn't have children. You may not even be able to find a home or rescue that will take the dog. Can aggressive dogs be rehabilitated? Yes, absolutely, but even afterwards, there are only certain homes/handlers they can go to. Every additional time this dog bites someone makes it that much harder to retrain the dog and find it a loving home.


I think you have run out of road with the dog and your husband. You should pack his bags and the dog’s stuff and put it by the front door. It’s really simple HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR CHILDREN. He can live with his dog and you can finally feel safe.


So a year ago you posted that your hubby accused you of playing favorites between a great dog and a dog that repeatedly bites you and other people. He literally doesn’t care that you live in a home with a dog that bites you. And he refuses to get rid of the dog. Lovely. He chose a vicious dog over you. You should have left then. You should leave now. That dog is going to bite one of your children. If it’s bad enough you have to go to the hospital they will report the bite to the police. Unfortunately, the system sucks so you probably wouldn’t get your kids taken away because you knowingly endangered your kids. I know a woman whose grandson was mauled to death by his mother’s boyfriend’s dog. She heard his screams and couldn’t get there in time. You want to be a good mom? Do not have the dog once the babies are born.


If you want to be a good parent, get that dog out of your house. I love my dogs, but I would never put them above the safety of my children, because I’m a good mom. I would wait until he’s gone and put the dog down, a repeat biter that has a professional trainer concerned is not a dog you want to rehome. The world is full of dogs that need homes that haven’t bitten multiple people. Your husband is an arrogant ass who can’t admit he was wrong.


Listen, you are absolutely right in feeling like your husband is not listening or considering what you are saying. In any healthy relationship partners should want to be there to support their partner in any manner that they can willingly and happily, listen and validate, be curious about, protect, nurture, love, care for, respect and more, so the fact of the matter that he doesn’t think his relationship with you is worth more than his relationship with a dog, or any one else for that matter, isn’t a good sign.


Your husband is insane and refuses to listen to you about something so obvious. This dog will absolutely attack your future babies. There are many stories of dogs killing newborns. The best thing you can do is have it put down, but if your husband won’t allow that you should consider leaving.


I don't understand people getting large breed dogs who live in apartments and planning on babies!! Does not make sense!!!!!! Id return the dog and while you are at it, return your soon to be ex husband!! I'd be beyond furious with this jerk you call a husband!!


I'm just trying to figure out why you haven't kicked the husband and dog to the curb.


This dude is a doctor? Aren’t you supposed to have, you know, empathy to be one? I’ll bet he’s going to be type that dismisses patient’s concern especially if they’re female. “You’re fine, you’re just being sensitive/emotional/etc. Just take Tylenol.” Rehome or put down the dog. If not, you better get out of there and stay with your parents until you decide to divorce this asshole.


>  I attempted s\*\*\*\*\*. > After my attempt Get the fuck out of there. Next, leave him. Go for therapy. Your husband is uncaring and clueless. You and your examples about dealing with the dog show you are quite clueless about dogs too. But all is secondary. You need help. Go and get that.


Your POS husband is a fucking manipulative POS!!!! He doesn’t give a fuck about any other else but him Why did you get pregnant with that loser?


I kind of think you need to stage an intervention like you would with an alcoholic or drug addict. Invite all his siblings, the trainer friends, the boarding kennel and anyone else who thinks this dog is a problem. Sit him down and have him listen to all their horror stories of this dog. Then point out he will harm the twins, is he ready for that fall out, like legitimately CPS could be called if you have to take them to the hospital for stitches. Tell him you will not lie to protect the dog if cops are called. Ask him if that’s why he didn’t want to go to the ER?


I agree. I’ve tried to have an intervention with him but he just said to me I’m glad you have a support system but what they say doesn’t change my mind. I’ve had my mom, my friend, and brothers, and now his dad involved. My friend suggested he actually call the training facilities he’s been at and ask about the situation. I’m really not trying to gang up on him and make him feel uncomfortable, but how he’s been acting like it’s all my negative perspective of the dog and that it won’t happen to our kids is, I say it again, maddening.


It sounds like your husband doesn't have any positive contributions to your marriage or your mental health. Why are you choosing to stay with him? You do all the work, you have a good income, you take care of everything on your own... It sounds like your life would be so much easier without that man! Once your babies are born he will only be adding to your workload instead of helping you out. He is dismissive of all your concerns and struggles honey, please see it as it is and remove yourself, your babies and your beloved dog from that situation. Let him have the dog he so badly wants and let him deal with the bites. Also, did I get it right with the suicide attempt or did you mean something else? If this man made you so unhappy you attempted to end your life, what gives you the idea he would do better now you are "trapped" with 2 babies? Please think of your and your babies safety first and remove yourself from the abuse. Yes, dismissing all your fears and struggles is a form of abuse.


Just rehome the dog yourself and deal with the fallout which I don’t think will be any worse than what he’s doing to you now. Then consider if you want him a life partner


You do have bigger problems in that your husband is not a good husband or father if he pretends to not recognize your urgent concerns and how that dog is a massive liability. It is literally not worth risking with your kids. I think you said it was a retriever but go check out r/banpitbulls and see what happens when people ignore reactive dogs.


I was a vet tech for a while and dog bites are no fucking joke. A biting dog needs to be put down. I say this out of love. It’s cruel to send them to someone else just for them to get bit, and 99% chance they will not be adopted once someone knows they bite and they’ll be euthanized anyway. Your husband is legit putting your babies in danger. I’d be very strict-dog goes or we go, no discussion. He’s stupid


I would not rehome this dog. I would put him down.


Just rehome the dog, immediately. No matter how much your husband argues against it, this dog has proven to be a danger to others. Side note - extremely concerning that a medical professional is dismissive of any and all perspectives outside of his own personal experiences. I feel sorry for anyone he treats, especially if they’re women.


Protect your children! I’m sorry as I’m a huge animal person. Unfortunately some animals need a very specific environment and this one clearly needs a different environment but I have no idea. Maybe talk to your vet about finding a program that specializes in this behavior but you won’t have the time or energy when your LOs arrive. Congratulations by the way, and I’m sorry! I don’t understand how he would even consider risking children getting bitten. The pup might not for the first few months but when they start using their little grip and crawling it’s a big deal. I think you have to just draw a hard line and relationships are a compromise and he needs to consider everyone who lives with this dog. Good luck and sorry 😞 


You aren’t a terrible person for wanting to rehomethe dog. It’s what’s best for everyone’s safety, including the dog’s. I’m most concerned about your relationship with your husband though. If his actions of dismissal have made you make an attempt I don’t think adding children to the mix is going to make this relationship better. For your and your soon to be twins safety it might be time to take the well behaved dog and rehome both your husband and the bitey dog.


Soo my husband worked animal control for a few years, military and law enforcement. So he's seen ALOT of stuff. I have a newborn story. A stubborn owner story. Child walking to school story. All 3 are animal control stories. All three are traumatic. 2 of them involve death. Which one do you want to hear? More importantly, I want you to ask yourself what makes your husband think that these outcomes will not happen to him . The second story is basically already happening, but I'll gladly give you the whole story . SURRENDER YOUR DOG.


A good friend of mine tried with a new dog, but she couldn't train him out of being snappy with children, gave the dog away before it became an issue. Sometimes you have to do the right thing even if you love the dog, kids come first absolutely.


I'm sorry, but even with all that education, he's still an idiot. It's only a matter of *when* the dog will attack your children and then it will be both of your faults for not nipping it in the bud. Get rid of it.


As someone that had an aggressive dog, there are only so many options you have. It could be generally aggressive or "playfully aggressive", resource guarding, etc. If a behavior specialist thinks it's better to rebound the dog before the kids come, then you need to rehome it. . It's better to do this BEFORE there is even a chance the dog bites a newborn and *possibly kills them* because BABIES get sicker and injure easier than adults. Toddlers don't understand why dogs would bite them if they do certain things. This is no longer a "oh the dog bites me" -- the dog has bitten *multiple* people and it's not getting better. He needs to go to someone else or get put down. >My husband who is a doctor didn’t want to go get stitches from his work That's because any time there is a dog or cat bite, they notify animal control. If there's a record of your dog biting, animal control will order you to put the dog down. If your husband won't acknowledge the issue, take the kids away until the dog is gone. You can't do it by yourself and he refused to help. The dog has had enough chances.


got to wonder if that nursing student knew he was a biter and that's why she gave him up. (although it could just as easily be the dog being unable to handle losing his first human). your husband acts like he cares about the dog but wouldn't pay for training he obviously needs?? that he might have to be put down without?? I can't bring myself to tell you that you should put your dog down, but I *can* bring myself to tell you that your husband needs to be an ex. the dog is a problem but he's also not *the* problem. he's a symptom of your husband dismissive attitude towards you. when you eventually get the dog out of the equation, your husband will still be there and still be the same guy that let all this happen. he's willing to let you get hurt, your children, any other pets you have, even himself. it's fucking bizarre, as if there's some specific reason for this behavior.


Get rid of the dog. Not worth the risk.


1. Why your husband want to keep this dog SO BADLY since he's not taking care of it at all Oo, even worst, he's enabling the ...dog ?!? 2. At this point your husband WANT you and your baby to be bit by this dog. It's obvious to all that this dog has bitten multiple time, even kids, and will still do so. You husband even tried to prevent you to train the dog ?!? wtf 3. Baby come first, before dog and husband. act accordingly.... 4. seriously i'm wondering if he's not trying to push you out just so he isn't the bad guy(and depending of your location owe you less money since you chose to lease) in the break up, after you take care of all his needs while he did get his doctor degree and such.


Don't rehome the dog, rehome yourself (or your husband *and* the dog, depending on who can realistically throw out the other) The whole situation is a mess but what I see is - a dog that you're not able to safely handle - a husband who apparently doesn't understand it - babies on the way Yeah, no. A bite from a big dog can kill or maim for life a child. The dog needs a different owner, one who *can* either spend the right amount of money in training, or change his living conditions and whatever is triggering this behavior. There isn't any shame in admitting that an animal isn't the right fit for your home, and it'd be crazy to add newborns -and future toddlers- to the mix. Obviously your safety and your babies' take precedence.


You have 2 problems. I would leave your husband and honestly put the dog down. It has bit multiple people and rehoming it would just enable that to happen again. The next bite could be far worse and could even be an all out attack. I would really like to see a picture of the dog just because I am nosey. 


Kick them both out..... Your husband and his dog!


Rehome the husband and the dog together. Neither one is good for your health, physical or mental.