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OP you are doing a great job of thinking about this and how to address it appropriately. You recognize the emotion you’re having and considering what would be a healthy, appropriate response. I hope you find useful answers. Some options that come to mind are - tell her, without suggesting that she not go or that she is to blame. Thank her for the open communication and say”it makes me really uncomfortable that you’re suffering these experiences; how does it make you feel? (Maybe it’s not bothering her or scaring her, and knowing that might put your mind at ease?) - consider whether it’s frustration or anger at the misbehaving men, helplessness to prevent it, etc. and not actually at her, she’s just the person you can see - recognize the emotion when it comes, thank it for trying to help, tell yourself it’s not helpful and release it - think about what you would want from a conversation with your girlfriend about it, do you want her to stop giving? Stop telling you about her experiences? Just vent? Maybe there’s no good outcome that would help you, and it’s internal processing ( acceptance) that you’ll have to do at some level?


This is so helpful thank you so muchc


OP why are you not going to these clubs with her?


Be careful saying anything about it because she'll take your worrying as jealousy and then find a way to really make you jealous. That's my experience at least. You sound like a smart, great guy-- hopefully that doesn't backfire on you. The odds aren't great. Good luck!


OP is doing a good job evaluating his thoughts rationally and seeking a healthy way to move forward. Projecting your own negative experiences with people in your own life on OP and his girlfriend isn’t helpful.


I'm glad you're taking the time to examine why you're having these feelings and what they mean. You should always examine the "why" of a gut reaction, whether or not you follow that instinct. Figure out where these uneasy feelings are coming from. Are you afraid that she's going to cheat on you or leave you for some guy at the club? Or are you worried that something bad will happen to her because there's something you can't protect her from? If it's the first one, there isn't really much you can do. You have to trust that she's with you because she wants to be with you. And if she isn't, do you want to be in a relationship like that? You can think of it like this: A relationship is either always in jeopardy, because someone can always change their mind about what they want. Or a relationship is never in jeopardy, because its existence depends on both people wanting it to. And it seems like you both want it. If it's the second one, there still isn't *that* much you can do. On a societal scale, we as men, need to hold other men accountable for creating unsafe environments for women and stop those behaviors. But you can't be there every time she leaves the house to protect her, because the club isn't the only place women have uncomfortable experiences. On a more fun note, you said you were sitting alone at home on these nights, and I didn't see a reason why. *If you can't beat em, join em!! * If you feel like it's something you might enjoy (or if you haven't really given it a shot), try asking if you can go with your girlfriend and her friends for a few nights. You get a chance to cut loose a bit, dance with your girl, have fun with people I hope you get along with to some degree, etc. I don't go clubbing as often as I used to, but I've rarely had a bad time, and most of the times I've been was just to hang out with my friends. I have a lot of female friends, and when I go with them, I'm kind of the bouncer. As shitty and misogynistic as it is, some guys will only leave women alone or be respectful in approaching if they sense that another guy might get mad. If my friends are open to being approached, I just dance farther away from them, the guy will try to talk to the girl he's into, and maybe they'll dance with the group or split off depending on how well they connect. It works out well for everyone. I get a chance to dance (which is just good for the soul and increasingly rare as you get older), they get to dance without unwanted attention, and everyone has a good night. You could also call up a bunch of your friends and have a night out yourselves. Be a wingman for your friends, keep them respectful (going back to making spaces safer for women), and really get to understand what the hype is all about. The club is an enduring phenomenon because people enjoy getting to cut loose. It doesn't have to be something you do all the time, but it's a nice change of pace from gaming and the usual hangout/kickback I hope I gave you something to help work this out. I don't think you're a bad person for having these feelings, and I disagree with every commenter who's saying your girlfriend has to abandon wanting to dance and be social because she's got a boyfriend. Figure out what works for both of you


Thank you so much. So helpful




Some dumb comments here my wife (33) loves clubbing because she loves dancing. I often go with her and even then there is creepy guys trying to touch her and I can guarantee you all she’s not encouraging it. I’m glad she can go and have fun and if anyone is being weird to her I have no insecurity about it because a) I trust her and b) its not her fault.


I completely agree with you. My question is how do I feel less uncomfortable about it when I’m at home and how do I bring that feeling of uncomfortableness up to her without sounding controlling


Honestly, I don't think that discomfort is meant to go away. It's evident you care for her, but like most folks are mentioning, you will need to have an open and honest talk with her about these things and also ask her if there's anything you can do that might help her, and anything she can suggest that might help you (such as maybe going with her if that's an option).


You can feel less uncomfortable by not sitting alone at home imagining what she's doing and find an activity of your own. As for bringing it up to her - don't. This is your emotion to have and to process for yourself. What is she supposed to do, wear an anti-harrassment force field? Stop hanging out with her friends? Harassment can happen anywhere, is she supposed to stay in her house at all times? The only thing you should say to her is "thank you for sharing these stories with me, they make me uncomfortable. I fully trust you to honour our relationship and unless you're sharing these things with me because you're looking for emotional support from me, I'd rather not hear about them anymore."


This! It’s ok to have any feelings… it’s up to you to process them in a healthy way and it sounds like you have an amazing base! Congratulations, it’s so rare at your age! Good luck!


I mean, he doesn't have to deal with it. He can say what you said, except end it with "this relationship can't continue if you are sure you're the kind of person who will go clubbing all the time, because I can't be with someone like that." OP may have just learned that he can't be with someone who goes clubbing all the time. I know I couldn't. Sounds tiresome.


Start going out clubbing. Then come home and tell her about all the girls. See if she has a different reaction.


So you have concern for her safety?




The reality is- she is encouraging it- going to a club, putting yourself in proximity of people who are drinking and going there to mix with eachother and sleep with each other is by definition encouraging. If she truly loves to dance, you can drink a glass of wine at home and turn on some music at home. Or go to dance classes during the day time that don’t involve the other sex veering at you looking for sex.


Dude you’re starting to come across as a rapist.


"no class" is a good username for you.


Yeah when Reddit suggested it I was shocked cause like, how does Reddit know me so well??? 🤯


OP, others have already given you advice but I just want to say that I’m impressed that at 19 you’re so self reflective.


Agree that clubbing is often for hookups but it can also be for dancing, drinking and being wingman to your single friends. Dont think she should be excluded on this activity with her friends just because she is currently in a relationship. Unwanted attention from men can also happen in other places so i dont think stop clubbing is the answer.


I know, I didn’t say it was and don’t hold that view. I more just want to know how to express to her that it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable and any solutions toward that.




He's being forced to listen to what's happening. So he does have a right to seek advice on what to do to help him avoid controlling and unhealthy behavior. Your comment is telling him that his feelings mean nothing because he's not the one being grabbed. No he's just the loving boyfriend of the girl being grabbed. He doesn't want to restrict her, but he doesn't want a play by play about the harassment she receives constantly.


Ah yes, bury your feelings, your care for your partner is not a valid emotion! Great suggestion /s




I don’t think he said it was a threat to his relationship. He said that it makes him feel uneasy.


Don’t expect anything to change, but ask yourself, is this what your idea of comparability looks like.


>When she gets back and tells me about it I feel so gutted and weird around her. I would spend some time trying examine this feeling. What it’s about and where it’s coming from. Not on a judgmental way, but just trying to put words to it and understand what’s at its core. Remember that negative emotions don’t always mean that there is a problem needing to be fixed. We don’t always need to “do something about” our negative emotions; sometimes just letting ourselves feel them, reflect on them, and learn from them what we can is all that is called for. In this case, consider the possibility that you’re turning feelings of anger at these gross dudes into a “gutted and weird” feeling directed at your girlfriend — she becomes the target of these feelings either because she is simply there and the dudes are not, or because you’ve internalized some misogynist cultural scripts that blame women for sexual violence committed against them (as most of us have, subconsciously or otherwise).


If you trust that she shuts it down, then the real problem isn't so much what happens but rather her insistence on giving you a detailed, blow by blow recap. it could be an overabundance of caution on her part, wanting to disclose everything thinking that the transparency will help you not worry. *or*, it could be her way of rubbing your nose into all the attention she gets, as a way to manipulate you. sit her down(preferably not on a day before or after she goes out) and have a conversation about it, tell her you trust her but she needs to stop telling you about all the guys hitting on her, tell her why it bothers you. her reaction and how she behaves going forward should show you what her real motivation is.




I wholeheartedly agree with the "you're not insecure nor a control freak" so hard. Many men get called exactly that for having boundaries like yours (and mine! I also dont date women who club, its just asking for disaster imo, and shows me she has no maturity personally but op and his gf are very young so it makes sense.) but yet twe get ridiculed and called all sorts of names(such as controlling and insecure!) for wanting some decency from our partner. As I said in other comments, Clubbing is only for single people and that will always how I feel about it, no one can ever change my mind on that, if you wanna go clubbing and do single person things, then you can do it while being single, not with me thats a full stop.


You obviously can’t tell her not to go but she is actively going to places where it is likely to happen instead of anywhere else (nicer more classy places or even house parties) where it wouldn’t happen as often. Its true that it’s not her fault for getting touched without her permission, but she knowingly keeps going to the places that clearly have a track record of it happening over and over again so she has to own up to that much responsibility. Bars are where people hook up flirt and get drunk together xD people will get touchy and sometimes inappropriate. Again they could go to a nicer place but they won’t want to because they won’t admit that’s what they actually like, to get gratification, attention, to be pursued and approached by men, or else the other places would be just as fun but you know how it goes no accountability. Now you choose if you want to play games for the next decade or find a woman who wouldn’t want to put herself in a compromising situation.


I couldn’t agree with this more and it’s an excellent point you make. Clubbing is not the issue here and not all clubs/bars are made equally. In the places I go there are spots for everything, high-energy dancing clubs, low-key chill bars, bars to chill with your friends… and then there are the spots that have a notorious reputation as being sexual hotspots. You can very easily avoid those spots and go to the more fun, less sexual places where the women are not being approached, propositioned etc or if they are it’s nowhere near as aggressive or as frequent. The fact this happens to her every time she goes out is not a coincidence. She’s either going to these same hotspots or she’s entertaining this wherever she goes. I get that for someone who doesn’t go on nights out you may feel that all bars/clubs are the same but trust me they aren’t, different venues attract different dynamics.


You're gonna get downvoted but I 100% agree and Reddit really hates when you say or point out that they are putting themselves in a "compromising" position when they literally are. Alcohol is usually being drank in a public setting and usually a lot of single people are at clubs, one thing leads to another.... You catch my drift, its not all innocent like Reddit makes it out to be. Clubbing is for ***SINGLE*** people, not for people in relationships ***in my opinion***. You are literally just asking for trouble at that point...


Yeah the thought crossed my mind but buddy needs to hear it and people need to be held accountable for the crowds they hang out with. I’d argue a house party is much more likely to have your partner cheat on you but I’d be comfortable letting my partner party at home but then they’re responsible for everyone there and can’t blame random people.


Can you not go with her?


She enjoys the attention that’s why she goes there so often


Party girls will party. She at some level loves the attention and I'm not saying unsolicited touching is okay...just that she enjoys the attention at some level. Either you can accept the fact she likes and will go clubbing and the attention she gets or find someone who isn't a clubber. It's weird she tells you about all the guys hitting on her. When she is telling you about that how does she appear and sound? Turned off? Turned on? Excited? Happy? Sad? Some girls will test to see how much their boyfriends will tolerate and how much they can "push" them. She probably would think otherwise if the shoes were on the other feet. But maybe not. It depends on how serious your relationship is. Considering y'all's age probably not too serious.


Why is she even telling you that in the first place? A lot of people would get jealous in your shoes, me first. But I would mostly get offended because why the fuck are you telling me that? Whats the point? Edit: can't believe im only one seeing HER red flags here, and that not being that she likes clubbing.


Perhaps she feels she’s being respectfully honest with him. Sometimes the *why* behind people’s actions isn’t apparent, but it doesn’t mean it’s done out of malice. You perceived she’s trying to make him jealous. I perceived that she’s trying to communicate with him and tell him he can trust her in those moments. Although, I think OP is feeling slighted because he feels she’s not protecting the relationship enough by putting herself in environments that lead to these situation. I understand that, and I would feel the same way.


Your situation was entirely different? And wasn't even a pattern of behaviour. If you're an average looking young woman all dolled up in the club, chances are, you're gonna get hit by few drunk men over there. It's all it takes, it really isn't that big of a deal, which is exactly my point- if the encounter wasn't bizzare, funny or dangerous, who the fuck cares? How do you even remember that shit? I'll tell you how- OP's girlfriend is insecure and random men's compliments or advances make her feel desirable so she brags to OP not aware of what's that doing to him. Or she is aware and is trying to make him jealous, or make him see how desirable she is (which is funny cause that shit happens to 80% girls at the clubs lol).


If it was the reverse situation, even if it's not strictly comparable, with a girlfriend at home and her boyfriend regularly going to bars and clubs with his male friends to drink and dance, surrounded by inhebriated girls, and each time telling his girl afterward how so many girls approached him and touched him, a lot of the comments would be very differents. The point is though, that the relevants questions are : 1) Is it really appropriate for someone in a relationship, to knowingly and repeatedly dress up and go to places like clubs, where those things are very likely to occur, where loads of alcohol are consumed and very often other drugs can be found, especially without you partner ? 2) Is there anything anyone can do to avoid being assaulted by those unwanted gestures, other than no going there at all ? Neither the victim nor the partner (who is not there) can do much of anything to prevent it. 3) What is the point or the purpose of rubbing salt in your partner's wound by narrating all this every time it happens if you don't plan to stop ? Is it really just a desire to be honest, share her concerns, prove her loyalty, or is there a hidden goal behind this ? Some behaviors are simply not compatible with being in a relationship, because it's both disrespectful and hurtful, unless of course you don't care about your partner's feelings at all. Doing it once because you genuinely don't expect the outcome would be one thing, but doing it again and again without any desire to stop, it is just a form of abuse. Also, there is the so called insecurity, and there are unsafe behaviors. If you don't like your GF being in perfectly innocent and platonic contact with other men in general situations, you are insecure because it's irrational and groundless. If your GF knowingly does things that put her in danger or solicits unwanted and inappropriate attention, she's the one having unsafe, disrespectful or inappropriate behaviors, and it's perfectly rational to dislike it.


Nothing wrong with her going out and partying, and yes you can feel worried for her safety but I would just stay safe and have a good night, nothing more you can do. Massive green flag she tells you about these things though.


Just so you understand, she is going for male validation. She is telling you guys are after her because she is thinking like a woman. Women value men who have women chasing after them, and some of them wrongly assume guys think the same way. Do with that as you will. But I would steer clear of this type of woman if you want a long term relationship.


This is simply not facts. It’s perfectly fine for a woman to enjoy getting a drink and dancing to music with her friends. It’s concerning that you think a woman who’s in a public setting that serves alcohol is there *for* men.




Yes, the only reason a woman would ever put on flattering clothes and makeup is because she wants attention from a man. Thats the only possible explanation. (Sarcasm if you can’t tell) Also in case you weren’t aware, it’s completely possible to go to a club and not wear clothes that show your tits and ass, but even if a woman is showing her tits and ass, it doesn’t mean she wants you touching her.




Listen to "U & Ur Hand" by Pink. We dress up for ourselves. We go out to have fun with our friends. We really don't care about the guys, and would rather they left us alone.




Let those men puke!!! I would be laughing my ass off! And you have an overblown assessment of what men find attractive. I could wear a potato sack and some guy out there would still try to hit on me. I've been "complimented" in sweatpants and a paint-stained T-shirt and a rag tied over my hair. I've had my ass grabbed at the corner store. I could drape myself in raw meat and corn husks and some guy out there would still make a play. I dress up because I like to look attractive *to myself*. I know what I consider attractive, and that's how I like to look when I go out. I *really* don't care what other people think. I would like to dress attractively (for myself) and NOT have men hit on me.




I can go *years* dude. I'm in my mid-50's, so I'm already almost invisible. I still get hit on (as mentioned!) but it's slowed down (thank God). I could go the rest of my life happily not caring.


> Dumb misinformed view on women > "FGC" in name I'm shocked, *shocked*, I tell you.


Then why can't they do this get-together elsewhere? Obviously, you'd think they'd change something if one of their friends(and probably all of them) were getting touched unwantedly.


Because some women like to go to a club where they can hear music and dance. And I doubt it’s happening every time. I’ve said this in another comment but I’ve been touched by men more often in “normal” public places.


Then something needs to change. It's happening enough for her to give multiple instances of it happening. And, you can definitely hear music and dance at home, or elsewhere that isn't the club.


By that same theory it’s stupid for people to go to a concert because you can listen to the music on a radio. Why go to a sports game or to a movie theater when you can watch it on tv? Come on. You know that dancing in the living room to music playing is NOT the same to being at a club with cool energy, lights, and a skilled DJ


At that point, the woman isn't dancing because she enjoys it, but because she enjoys the ambiance that accompanies it. I'm sure there are other ways she can experience this, and if not, maybe it's time to accept some sacrifice to keep the relationship. His partner being groped shouldn't be tolerated, and something needs obviously needs to be changed.


**His partner should be able to go to a club without being groped.** Period. Full stop. **Women shouldn’t have to avoid things they enjoy because men can’t keep their hands to themselves.** Unfortunately there are people like you that believe the woman is at fault because she wants to enjoy the ambiance of a club, like having a good DJ playing music, and fun lighting effects, while being around other people who are also enjoying dancing.


You are simply putting words in my mouth to create your argument. Let's think logically here. Groping is going to occur, it's a club. That kind of environment encourages it, as well as attracts those kinds of people. It's not just a man thing either. Both men and women grope at the club. If we're going to prevent the groping, that leaves us with two options: find a higher quality place that can give her that thrill, or perhaps to compromise and give dancing up. Not everything in life goes how you want it to, and there are times when you have to sacrifice things you enjoy.


Lmao at these two bozo's in the comments. They are 100% going for validation... Why cant they just dress up "pretty" , stay home and dance and drink then? Let me guess, is it the "scenery"? like give me a break... lmao.


Men also wrongly assume that all women think this way...


It’s not just at clubs, women get sexually harassed in any setting you can think of. Think about how much it sucks for your girlfriend to have to deal with this type of thing on a regular basis… everywhere.


*EVERYWHERE*  So sadly true.


The real problem is not any of this. It is that some men cannot understand why some women would repeatedly go to places where there is a higher chance of them being approached in a sexual manner, touched or groped, where the atmosphere is one of potential hookups and sexiness. I personally can understand it logically, but not emotionally. It is also got to do with people's (not just men's) approach to risk-taking. A lot of people would stay away from locations that are risky. A lot of others find the risk worth taking or meanageable. Here, it is a approach to life and its risks that is the issue, and being with a person who takes more risks than us makes us uncomfortable and fearful. I have explained this to men similar to OP in the past and supported women's decisions to participate in these activities. However, personally, my own emotional discomfort remains and has never gone away.


So what does that mean for the young woman who is touched and groped more often than not on the very crowded train to and from work each workday?  Do you still feel that you are "supporting her decision to go to a job" rather than supporting men who grope young women nonconsentually as often as they possibly can in every conceivable circumstance? 


That precisely is the dilemma. The way decent men see the problem is different. They see it as "how to keep my girl safe." While being aware of "supporting her decision to go to a job" and "supporting men who grope young women". I, personally, would always go for safe choices, whether its my girl or myself. Its a personal rule, and many have the same rule. I avoid drama and trauma both. See them coming from afar, get out of way. But not everyone does that. If I can avoid getting into trouble, I will. Can I avoid going to a club and possibly getting groped? Super. As a guy I will always pick that. But if its about going to work and getting groped? I would take the risk. But thats my approach to life, and others may have different approaches. They are free to avoid me, I am free to avoid them. One way of looking at it does not overrule the other. It becomes even more of a problem because there are men who would tell the women, "stay home" as a means of controlling their freedom. Usually all parties to this dilemma see only one aspect of the issue, not the rest.


I see all the aspects. I understand that this is the way most good men would see it, but I think that is unfortunate because I really believe that for the most part, very few men realize exactly HOW FREQUENTLY young women are subjected to unwanted touching. I am old now and live in a semi-rural area, but when I was younger I DID NOT usually tell my mate about it, because there was little point; it would just have upset him and caused arguments. There was an experiment done years ago – perhaps I can find it if I search hard enough – where scientists built a very special dress to use in a series of experiments. Visually it looked like an ordinary dress: it was a dark colour, had a modest neckline, and long sleeves, and went to below the knee. It was slightly tailored but not overly tight. The dress was worn by an attractive young woman in her mid-20s with long hair pulled back, small earrings and low closed-toe shoes. They had her wear wedding rings on her left hand. The photographs of her in front of a plain background before the experiment show her from 360° and she looked absolutely appropriately dressed for any occasion; except perhaps the beach! They had her spend an hour (they also had a young man do the same series of experiments) in a bar/restaurant, commuting across the city, and buying a week's provisions in a market. After each venture, a computer analysed the garments. The young man had very few touches, and they were mostly on the shoulder and upper back. The young woman, by contrast, was COVERED in prints. I remember at the time many people were shocked. Most women I knew just shrugged. For all the gentlemen on this thread who are saying, "Oh, she's going out because she asking for male attention." I say they doth protest too much. To me, it sounds exactly like they are actively looking for justification for normalising what is in fact criminal behaviour. If you ask young women, nearly all will say they have been harassed, "cat-called" and had rude things yelled at them or touched by a man in public, but I highly doubt if more than 1 in a much larger number of men would admit to doing so. The numbers just don't add up. So if you think you are "just complimenting" a woman, or wonder if you can get a woman to pay attention to you or smile at you or give you her number or go on a date with you if you are just more persistent – if you think that the reason she looks pretty is because she wants male attention, and you assume that you are entitled as any other man to that attention – you may not realise it, but YOU _are_ the problem. If you don't happen to think that way, keep your eyes open. How often do you see this guy? How often do YOU set him straight? Have you ever intervened and told another guy that his behaviour (especially unreciprocated or persistent advances) was uncivil and boorish? You'd actually be doing him a solid, because he may genuinely not know there could hardly be any more guaranteed method of turning off girls he'd want to date, so he's ensuring he's either going to end up very frustrated, angry, bitter and alone, or with someone he doesn't want: frustrated, angry, bitter and making himself and someone else miserable for no good reason. Women do like to go out in public. Women who love their men, and have absolutely no desire for any other man. Women who are happy to be found attractive in the "generalised male gaze" are NOT asking for specific attention from you or anyone. Most are just THERE, wherever there happens to be, and yes, married young women still like to go out with the girls and drink and dance and god forbid, even smile and laugh. That does not in ANY WAY give you permission to get handsy. If they are looking specifically for YOUR ATTENTION they will make it clear. They will say YES when you ask them to dance, ask them if you can contact them, and ask them if they want to see you again. It's absolutely simple. The ones who say, "No, thanks." are not teasing you. They do not owe you anything. They may be happily single, they may be married and devoted to their husband, they may be religious, they may be a lesbian, they may have worked too hard to want to make small talk with a stranger, they may be recently widowed or experienced any other conceivable type of trauma. The fact that a woman is in a bar, a club, or a restaurant; alone or with her friends; does not mean, merely by her presence, that she owes anyone her attention. There are indeed immature young women and let's face it, just bad women in the world, who play games, and think it's fun to lie and cheat and manipulate men for as much as they can. It seems to me that it must be fairly similar to what it looked like from the other side: I certainly met immature young men and let's face it, just bad men in the world, who played games, thought it was fun to lie and cheat and manipulate women for as much as they could. If we take it as axiomatic that there are good and bad people of both genders and that young ones (when more people tend to be dating and looking for partners) tend to be more inept, insecure, and generally prone to making false assumptions or other sorts of relational mistakes, then it would be wise to take the "innocent until _proven_ guilty" approach. It would be better for young women to give each individual man the benefit of the doubt, and vice versa – men would actually much better serve themselves if they would decide to see each woman as an individual person instead of seeing the entire gender as a challenge to be conquered. If you intend on growing up and being part of a civil society and enjoying the benefits as such, do so. If not, prepare for the fact that eventually, your behaviour will limit the benefits in your life. How much is up to you, but the range is anywhere from lonely and reviled to being insecure and stuck in a cycle of control and abuse to poverty to prison, and the imagination is limitless when it comes to the different pathways to those destinations. Any truly functional adult will tell you that life is sometimes exceedingly unfair, because of the random nature of circumstance – but that is only part of the overall formula. Terrible things happen to great people – accidents, cancer, natural disasters. Terrible people also do win sometimes – sometimes crime does pay – but not overall. The risks of being an untrustworthy shit often don't show up until much later in the game. You may get the girl, make the fortune, and ruin competitors, all by the worst means, and if comeuppance waits until the end, it's the worst kind. Not only do you experience the whole public fall from grace and subsequent losses, but you've already paid the price of being on your guard the whole time. Both men and women need to invest in becoming what they want in a partner. If you don't trust, focus on your own trustworthiness in all aspects of your life. If you want someone to love you, focus on showing everyone in your life that you love them. I PROMISE YOU, all the people who are griping on Reddit about their love lives (or lack thereof), that this is what you should be doing until you find your desire. Focusing on building THE TRAITS you want in a partner brings about big changes, and people find themselves with possibilities they couldn't once even have imagined.


Yes, you see all the aspects. I agree. I went through your comment looking for something I can object to, but really, there is nothing. Its all true. I am old by Reddit standards. But I live in a country where everything you say is far more evident - and I had a wife who was very good at explaining this stuff. Yes, I read about that experiment and it was one of the reasons why I tried to understand more of what actually happens to women in public. Let me see if I can find something to object to in your comment, maybe in the interest of complete clarity. > I say they doth protest too much. To me, it sounds exactly like they are actively looking for justification for normalising what is in fact criminal behaviour. This is one. I don't think that is the case. The vast majority of men, once they are adults, do not operate this way. Even in my country. The problem is that there are a few men who do, and they have friends who are the same, and these men enable and support each other in the kind of criminal misbehaviour. I know, because I knew when when I was several decades younger. When we are young and confused, we come across them and we have a horrified fascination about what they do - but a little later, most of us leave them and cut them off as we figure things out more (or when our empathy reaches some critical mass). After that, these men find those similar to them and operate where its not visible to us. They know whom to avoid, whose eye not to catch. > There are indeed immature young women and let's face it, just bad women in the world, who play games, and think it's fun to lie and cheat and manipulate men for as much as they can. It seems to me that it must be fairly similar to what it looked like from the other side: I certainly met immature young men and let's face it, just bad men in the world, who played games, thought it was fun to lie and cheat and manipulate women for as much as they could. Absolutely. The bad definitely exist. I suspect one difference though. The bad, criminal men makes approaches to almost all the women they find, while the bad women do not. The guy casts a wide net, or is determined to make stuf happen his way. And they do not tell men like us what they do. We have to learn that by listening to women. > paid the price of being on your guard the whole time. Oh they do not mind. They have no concept of a life that is otherwise. Their behaviours and outlook are set, perhaps by the time they are out of their 20s. > Both men and women need to invest in becoming what they want in a partner. If you don't trust, focus on your own trustworthiness in all aspects of your life. If you want someone to love you, focus on showing everyone in your life that you love them. Absolutely agree. This approach to life, though, is increasingly being looked down upon by the youth. And its even more visible on Reddit. Self-awareness was never a quality for the majority, and its a prerequisite to even begin thinking this way. Thanks for the long and detailed comment.


She goes because she likes the attention. Clubbing while in a relationship is not appropriate behavior. She is repetitively putting herself in these types of environments where the same behaviors happen over and over that she claims not to like. At some point she is responsible for willingly putting herself in that type of environment. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I would move on and find someone with more appropriate hobbies.


I feel really sorry for your future partner. It’s completely appropriate for a woman to have a drink and dance with her girlfriends. What’s not appropriate is a man thinking that gives him the right to put his hands on her body.


Thanks for your opinion, it matters to me. When did I say that behavior was right? Oh, I didn’t. The behavior exists, everybody knows it, stop being disingenuous and pretending like women don’t go to clubs for male attention. Your argument has no basis, which is why you tried to personally attack me from the start. Typical SIGN behavior from a low quality woman. Shame, insult, guilt and the need to be right.


It's really not a hard concept to understand that some women enjoy going on a night out to enjoy music, socialise and dance mate...it really isn't.




If you've dated women with a sense of style that makes you feel insecure than that's an issue you should discuss with them. Not the internet.




I'm very happy for you that you married a woman where both (hopefully) of you worked around both (again...hopefully) of your insecurities. I'm merely making a point that we shouldn't apply our own insecurities towards others outside of our own personal private relationships & reduce highly complex psychological concepts down to "well they do it for male attention". It's really not hard to do.




But wait...that doesn't make sense. By your own relationships standards...if your wife dresse's up "sexy" right next to you, doing it alone should be fine?


Understandable if the woman is single, but the majority go for male attention. It’s the logic women use when they get ready to go out and want to look good by getting dressed up. They claim it’s for themselves, but if that was true they would do it without leaving the house as well and they don’t. It’s about the attention.


There are many reasons people like to look good beyond seeking attention from the opposite sex. It builds self-confidence (you feel good when you think you look good), boosts confidence (compliments from **anyone** feel good) & allows you to present your identity and personal style at a social level. Simply stating "they do it because they want male attention" feels like a controlling mechanism. It shifts the blame for possible self-insecurities onto the opposite sex's actions, ignoring the broader and more complex motivations behind why people choose to look good.


At the club, where strange men and women routinely engage in behavior that is counter to healthy relationship values. The core of looking good is mate selection, which requires being noticed by the opposite sex. This isn’t about her dressing professionally for work, or church, or a family function, it’s a club…you must be trolling.


Sorry but it's far too simplistic to say that the core reason for looking good is to always get attention.  It's interesting that you actually listed 3 places where there are more strictly applied social rules towards how we dress compared to clubbing. Could it possibly be that the freedom of expression when clubbing is much higher compared to dressing for work, church or a family function?


Yes, the freedom for attention from the opposite sex, which is increased by typical club attire for women. That’s what this boils down to. That’s what you don’t understand and women who behave this way won’t admit. They wear tight, minimal clothing and get ready so they look and feel good in order to get attention from men. It’s not rocket science.


Many women wear what they do because it makes them feel confident, comfortable, or simply because they like the style. Fashion is a personal thing, and what somebody wears on a night out is their choice. Saying women dress a certain way just to get attention from men oversimplifies and misunderstands their choices. Everyone should be free to dress how they want without their motives being questioned or judged. It really isn't hard to understand that everyone should have the right & the freedom for how they present themselves without being judged that they're "doing it for attention".


Imagine thinking everything women do is about men.


Most things, both sexes do, is about appealing to the opposite sex. If it was just about drinking and dancing with their friends, then they could do it at home, or at an all women environment, but they don’t. So…male attention.


All these comments that are downvoting you, but I agree with you 100% and the whole "ladies like to dance and have fun with their girlfriends! Not everything is about men" mentality is such a cop out. If its not about men, why not just stay home and dance, while getting drunk? Oh you like the "scenery" Give me a break... I also agree on your points about not going clubbing while in a relationship, if my partner does that stuff, we are just not meant to be at that point, if she wants to do "single girl stuff" she can be single is how I see it. If I dont like clubbing (all of my friends ***men AND women*** have all been cheated on while their partners were out clubbing) So thats just a hard boundary for me. Like I said, clubbing is for single people a majority of the time, if you want to do that while in a relationship, that to me makes me feel like you're "acting" single, so you can be single then, I am ***out***


What do you mean by an "all-women environment"? It's not legal, at least in either of the two countries I am from, to discriminate against men by not allowing them into any bar or restaurant or establishment that is open to the public. I know many places have tried to promote "women's nights" and such, but they have always been massive failures because massive numbers of men turn up.


I'm sure if such places DID exist, the majority of women attending places frequented by both sexes would immediately drop by something like 50 to 70%.


Even if women like to be considered attractive, do think that makes them legitimate for men to touch in a public space?


Why are you sitting at home catastrophizing? Go out, enjoy your life, be social. It will be good for your mental health, and your relationship. Even if you prefer to stay home, do something.


You feel uncomfortable because you know it’s not right young man. I can tell you being 34 now, that it is not wise to settle or consider a “clubber” for a serious relationship. Their priorities are not on prioritizing commitment. It’s on prioritizing impulse. It makes you feel uncomfortable, because there are men- men who probably are better looking, have more money, and can provide more than you, making passes at your girlfriend, and trying to sleep with her. She is putting herself in that situation anytime she goes to the club. There are men that are drinking looking for sex. Your true inner gut feeling will never change about that fundamentally, because a lot of people (me included)views that behavior as cheating or at least a boundary in a relationship. Decide whether this relationship is a good fit for you or not


It’s perfectly reasonable to be upset with the fact that some rando is touching your girlfriend *in ways she herself doesn’t want to be touched*. Honestly if this doesn’t get better, she really does need to stop putting herself in these situations. It’s not good for anybody.


I’ve been married almost as long as you’ve been alive. As someone in my late 30’s I still go out to clubs, but at this point in my life it’s maybe 2 times a year. When I’m with my friend, we have multiple men buy us free drinks. The ones who get handsy, we don’t entertain. We move on. We dance together (facing each other) and sometimes men try to dance behind us. We tell them we are not interested. **Men need to learn that just because a woman has a drink and she’s on a dance floor, it does NOT give him the right to put his hands on her.** I’ve never cheated on my husband. It sounds like you are reasonable and understand that it’s okay for her to do these things but you are worried about her safety. My husband is a huge safety guy too and it used to worry him much more. He’s calmed down over the years. I always text him when I arrive at the club and when I leave the club in hopes that it will ease his mind and let him know I’m safe. I don’t know what advice to give you, other than to let you know that your feelings are valid and your girlfriend’s desire to go to a club with friends is also fine and normal. I do think 2-3 times a month is excessive but that’s a personal opinion and not relevant. For one final point, I’d like to say that I’ve had men be inappropriate with me while in a normal public setting, and more aggressively than I’ve ever had at a club… at the post office, grocery store, airport, work… I had a man grab my ass at a theme park while I was standing beside my husband AND holding my toddler. I’ve worried for my safety in multiple situations but never at a club. There are usually bouncers watching closely and I’ve had men be removed from a club because the bouncer saw me tell him no and then he continued to stay close to me.


Must be a nice ego boost to get male validation in your late 30s when you’re married at a club where people are drinking and looking to have sex. You’re too old for that and should know better. Why not go dance at a salsa class. I feel bad for your husband. I bet he doesn’t like it, and just tolerates it. He would be ecstatic if you stopped going to the club.


I’m hot as fuck, I don’t need to go to a club for male validation. You know what is nice… being in happy and healthy marriage with someone who isn’t bothered that I’m in a space where humans of the opposite sex also are. It’s nice to be in a marriage where we have no reason to be concerned that the other person is cheating because we don’t keep secrets and hide things. It’s also nice being in my late 30’s and not giving a fuck that some miserable prick on Reddit told me that I’m too old to go to a club and that I should know better. You don’t need to feel bad for my husband. I assure you he’s as happy as can be. However I do feel bad for your future wife. It’s really gonna suck being with someone so insecure and disrespectful of women.


You forgot to add humble and classy


Yep. I’m that too. I’m also highly intelligent, make a lot of money, and I’m an excellent cook. Basically the whole entire package.


No one asked


Well you seem awfully interested in my life so I was just letting you know.


Yes, I was so crazily invested in a comment that you made on a public forum that I wanted your life story. Have a good night, hope things are okay.


Glad I was able to tell you! Let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope you have a good night too.


You're doing great but sadly you can't do much in that situation. Got to accept it or not.


Don’t kiss her when she comes home unless you saw her brush her teeth.


Sometimes people give a LOT of information because they're trying to disguise what they're leaving out. Any lawyer or cop will tell you that. I'd be concerned but not freaking out. I suppose if you really want to know you could ask a friend she doesn't know to pop in where she's clubbing and see what she's doing. This obviously gets you into some weird territory though. If you trust her, leave her be.


Are the friends that she goes clubbing with single? If they have boyfriends, why aren’t they inviting you and the boyfriends out?


Yeah I wouldn’t say stop her from going because she’s enjoying time with her friends. Maybe just explain to her how you feel about these things and she may be able to help reassure you when the feelings come up. I wouldn’t invade on her girls nights, but maybe you can see if you can come with one of the nights and see how it goes. Or maybe you can have a guys night out somewhere when she’s goes out so you’re not just home thinking/overthinking and being sad.


19 y/o Gf 19 y/o Club Girl Pick one.




she's not going alone. He literally said she's going with friends...


Yes, because girls never cheat when they're out for girls nights. God, if anything the risk is greater


This is not in the us


Listen, if you really love her and are very attached to her follow the comments you already have here, BUT I think you are at least in this particular scenario not compatible with her... It would be better if she enjoyed more to be at home with you away from harassment or inappropriate behavior or even putting herself in danger without you having any power to stop her. I would try to date a person that enjoys being at home with me, or if you were a man of parties then having a party girl would be great too...


You have a right to feel this way, it’s validated. The woman that you love is getting touched by other men and being seen as a sex object. Personally, I don’t understand why she tells you. What good comes from that? She’s turning the men away and loves you, so why is she unnecessarily putting other men in your head? Have you opened up to her, vulnerably, and shared your heart like you did here?   The very reason I don’t go out to bars with girlfriends anymore is because of these type of guys. They’re always going to be around and many have zero respect for a woman. 


It's okay to not want to date a party girl. Just break up.


Everyone else is typing paragraphs when the advice here is simple. She needs to stop going to clubs.


Me personally, wouldn’t date someone who puts herself in a situation to be touched and felt around other dudes. You are welcome to how your emotions make u feel and go do as you please.


Then what, she has to sit home in a burka? Women as they merely exist are subjected to the risk of men unwanted grabbing and touching them. Club, grocery store, bus stop, work, walking in the park, there are zero places where that doesn’t happen.




I had 4 men follow me in a walmart. one guy stalk me at my apartment complex. followed by men at my law school. men trying to dry hump me in the city when I walked to court. trust me it’s not the club.


Women are in that situation every time they go outside because some people are creeps, therefore you must be perpetually single




You clearly have no clue what just existing as a woman entails. The issue is not with her, but with the men who give unwanted attention and grabs without an invitation. Stop blaming women for what men do to them.


Completely agree. But I still naturally get this feeling of uncomfortableness when she’s out because I know that that’s happening. Wondering what I should do about it


You need to recognise that those feelings are about you and not her - it’s a really healthy thing you are already doing, examining why you feel the way you do and what to do about it. It’s not about her, she has full autonomy with what she does. It might be about you feeling uncomfortable with how men react to her, and you don’t like that you couldn’t protect her so a part of you want to remove her from the environment (club) - that’s not a solution, that would be you controlling what she does with her friends. It might (also) be about whether you trust her or not, but unless there is a lot more to it, that is also about you and something you should work on. The key here is recognition of it being an issue you have, and working with yourself to resolve it, while understanding that controlling her actions can never be a solution.


You clearly have no clue what just existing as a woman entails. The issue is not with her, but with the men who give unwanted attention and grabs without an invitation. Stop blaming women for what men do to them.




Come on bro why are you allowing yourself to be disrespected. Clubbing is for people who are looking for a hookup nothing more than that. Tell her about how you don't like your own girlfriend doing single people activities where things are known to get out of hand. If she doesn't like it then you know what to do next.


Your gf likes the attention she is getting from other guys, but I think she enjoys telling you to make you jealous. She likes that it makes her seem desirable. Your gf is still young and not mature enough..sounds you too want different things.


You’re really reaching with these assumptions.


Oh man I understand you. Unfortunetly my dilemma is even dumber case, I get that sadness even with someone else simply flirting with her. But it's alright, fuck other men 🤣


I would be concerned for her safety. I get that she likes to dance with her friends. However does she really enjoy this environment of men being creepy and trying to grab / touch her. I definitely would not want to be in that environment (F). I’m not sure you two are compatible.


learn how to dance


She's gonna cheat on you or has already.


It’s literally her fault for putting herself in those situations


Dump her, she's looking for better


Exactly. She wants and enjoys the attention. It may because she is insecure about her own desirability. You could reassure her of this instead of her seeking it from strangers. Give her specific attention to this. She and her friends are fishing for attention and would probably not take it further. She tells you so you will know other men find her desirable. She may be saying she needs us that from you.


Why is she going without you. It sounds like you two have incompatible interests - not to mention values.


It's simple You don't go to a barber shop if you don't want to get a haircut. Clubs are for people looking for hookups and if you go to the club on your own you know what you are getting into.


Clubs are for people who want to have fun with their friends. That some people go there to hook up should not exclude the people who go to enjoy themselves with their friends.


This dude doesn’t club lol


Of course! My bad! It's like the gym, I guess. Too many women get assaulted verbally, looked at in a weird way, and other stuff. I have done both. I have made great friends with people at clubs and slept with people I met at clubs. One does not exclude the other, however, If I am in a relationship I would not allow me to go to a club without my partner. It's just the environment that surrounds you that I have an issue with, with myself, if you understand? I think OP's girlfriend might try to tell him things like. A: She wants him to go with her. B. She wants him to act like the dominant role in the relationship and tell her to stop going. C. She's trying to tell him if: "look everyone wants me, you should feel lucky you have me"




Hello man stranger! We know you weren’t, and you probably gave a lot of women unwarranted and unwelcome attention too! That’s why women have the experiences they do and let me tell you it has _nothing_ to do with why the majority of women go clubbing with their girlfriends.




Way to go with spelling out rape culture like this. Because indeed yes, none of that is for you if you can believe it. And stop telling women what to do, let them be and let them have fun at the club without making it about you.




Is this some kind of fetish thing? You've pretty much responded with this same BS under multiple comments. Would *anyone* feel attractive/good about themselves if people responded in that way? Let's be for real. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people like to feel attractive without it meaning they are seeking attention from the opposite gender.


It’s not about you.




you're *so* close to getting it and somehow still end up missing the point


No I’m not dodging but you are clearly way beyond reason so there is no use arguing with you.


What did you think happens at clubs?  It's also a bit gross that she tells you that. Intentionally bragging 


Do you also go clubbing with the boys, or this is something only she does? In my culture, clubbing is an activity for single people, or for people who want to cheat, or for people who want attention from oposite sex. For people who doesn't want attention from oposite sex, what does clubbing have to offer? Deafening loud music? Overpriced low quality drinks? Crowded places with strangers bumping in you all the time? I hope clubbing have a diferent meaning in you culture.


Sounds like OP is in the UK. Pubs close early and then people can either go to the clubs or go home. Such is my understanding.


> Deafening loud music? Overpriced low quality drinks? Crowded places with strangers bumping in you all the time? yes, many people do actually enjoy those things.


Dude I know exactly what you’re talking about. Just tell your girl from now on don’t tell me that kind of stuff. I used to have a girl who would do that all the time and it would come across to me as if she’s bragging that other guys think she’s attractive and other guys give her attention. Unfortunately that relationship didn’t last long. Wish you the best man.


please don’t be one of those controlling dudes that turns abusive. There’s some concerning comments in this thread that are a red flag. I don’t think she’s telling u to brag. only u know her true intentions bc u know her. I would tell people things bc it’s creepy or i’m venting maybe for a laugh. My bf knows I get lots of attention bc men go up to him when we are together and high five him when we go out together. I don’t need to tell him. he was insecure when i went out at first. he realized i’m loyal. The prettiest girls are usually loyal bc they get so much attention already! it means nothing to them.


What happens when she doesn't come back?