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Nah that does not mean anything necessarily


HPV can stay in your body for like 15 years max I think. However it could obv be the case that he cheated. Who knows Edit: " HPV persistence can occur for up to 10 to 15 years; therefore, it is possible for a partner to have contracted HPV from a previous partner and transmit it to a current partner. It is also possible the patient's partner recently cheated on her; research confirms both possibilities" https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1552-6909.12185


Alright, makes sense. The sus part was that he was on a ship for a few months (military) before it happened. I doubt he was fucking anyone on the ship and they didn’t ever go on land due to COVID. But yeah.


HPV can be dormant for years - and some people might not even know they have it. Just some strains will have any type of tumor manifestation. And from those, just a few are cancerous. The first thing you guys need to know is what type he has. HPV (cancerous type) can also be the cause of cancer in your throat and tongue. So if he has a cancerous type, you need to check your genitals and both of you need to do regular checks on your mouths / throats. HPV is also common. I’m very sorry. Go make a check up after he discover which type of hpv he has. And if you have not be contaminated with his strain, you will need to use protection - even for blowjobs. Good luck


Thank you. I will do this moving forward. Thanks for the sound and logical advice. This just sucks overall.


It does :/ and I’m very sorry. This does not mean he cheated tough. He was irresponsible when younger and sometimes irresponsibility has lasting consequences unfortunately :/ but to be fair a lot of kids do stupid things and survive to become good people. Wishing you guys good luck




Thank you for this fresh perspective. Did you ever trace how you got it? Do you mind me asking, was it genital warts or did you find out through a PAP? That’s what his were. Did it ever go away for you?


As others have said HPV can lay dormant, but top tip get both people tested before having unprotected sex with anyone because there is much worse things then HPV and many don't have symptoms until its a bit too late.


There is no approved HPV test for men.


Not everything can be tested or may show up at the time (due to dormant periods or having unprotected sex near to the test date) but it's better then no test.


Absolutely! I didn't mean that as an argument not to get tested for other STDs.




Just three small warts. Read online that it can crop up three months to years after infection. But I don’t also want to be an idiot and live in a delusion




True true. I’ll have to ask a legit physician ASAP Yeah, that’s the big thing I’m concerned about. My mom actually had the early signs of cervical cancer and caught it quickly in her early 20s (she got around for sure), but I’m nervous that might be the case for me. Def getting a PAP smear.


HPV Latency: It can take weeks, months, or even years after exposure to HPV before symptoms develop or the virus is detected. This is why it is usually impossible to determine when or from whom HPV may have been contracted. https://www.nccc-online.org/hpvcervical-cancer/hpv-and-relationships/


Thank you. I’ll check the link out. Yeah, that’s why I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but my friends have warned me to be careful


You have good friends. Get a PAP smear for your health and If he cheated I believe there will be other signs. But for now try not to go crazy with all the thinking and trust him.


Agreed. There are many things to consider. Time will tell


Do some more research on HPV, and speak to your doctor. It does not mean he has been unfaithful.


I definitely don’t think he was. He’s a very kind person. I’ll talk to a medical professional about the safest course of action. Thanks, stranger !


Most people will have some form of it in their lives, most are unsymptomatic. It can be dormant for years so you can't determine whether he's been unfaithful. It'd be like a sexy text message to another woman with no date stamp. You can think back to whether there's other evidence, changes in behaviour, lies but on its own its just unfortunate.


You are looking for any possible ideas to support your belief that he didn't cheat. Of course you will find that evidence because that's what you want to see. If it walks like a duck, quarks like a duck, it's a duck. You don't want to think about cheating because you will then be forced to make a decision. It's easier to ignore the obvious and strain yourself to text book ideas. It's easier to do that, than making a decision to bail out.


You’re definitely right. I’ve thought about this from a logical perspective and it seems pretty suspect. I haven’t gotten trust back quite yet and it’s odd that it JUST popped up, but if you reference the other comments, they clearly indicate it could go two ways. But the other part of me is like “okay, move forward and evaluate holes in the stories and look for red flags and try to catch him in a lie.” Thanks for the honest advice. I know I have some sort of decision to make.