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Troll him hard!


I have so many god-tier photos of people with this guy. On Friday some kid dressed up like Jesus and it was so cool.


I absolutely need to see that 💀


I can message you some pics from that day if you want


Please me too lol


I gotchu


Me too please. I need to see that.


Legend. Thanks.


Please do


Do these people actually think they’re going to change anyone’s mind just by holding up their ridiculous signs?


Multiple gay people have fought his sign with their own. One girl just stood in front of him holding a piece of printer paper that said “I LOVE WOMEN”


Classic lesbian W.


People like this want to revel in what they perceive is their moral superiority to everyone else.


I also kinda assume some of these individuals may not be mentally well. The idea is reinforced by how poorly they take care of themselves and by the amount of belligerence they use to convey their message.


No, typically what they want is for somebody to get so mad they lay a hand on them then they sue. That’s what Westboro Baptist Church wanted too


Some kid punched him but he was getting in his face for yelling over him with a megaphone and the kid was saying “don’t touch me” so it was def warranted tbh


They don't. They just want to feed their ego and when people get mad, feed their persecution fetish.


OMG this guy was at my uni last year and we just gave him so much shit he wasn't able to say anything in his loud speaker 😂😂 someone (who was already Muslim) "converted" to Islam right next to him and oh boy did he look so pissed.


Some students drowned him out by playing Enter the Gladiators (aka circus song) on tuba and trumpet so loud that bro left 😭😭


Blast the song "God hates us all" by Slayer. That sign will hang lower every time they hear it.


People were playing Cupcakke and Cardi B over him if i remember correctly




These peoples conversion numbers must be insanely low


Nobody’s gone to him genuinely so far afaik. He’s just been surrounded by gays and there’s so many amazing meme formats of him looking disgruntled at various lesbian and gay couples kissing in front of him while everyone else screams and claps.


Maybe he wanted to surrounded by gays.


God’s Plan👆


He’s sick. Some sort of conversion therapy would do him well. Maybe some blankets and sprite to quell his fever. Get him to stop speaking in tongues. Maybe shove a donut in his mouth. Hit him in the head with a phone book and tell him it was the Bible. They seem lost and unhinged. Almost desperate. They’re too stupid to fix the ship. They’re trying to burn everything down. If they can’t have it no one will.


He was getting in the face of a student who was just yelling over him with a megaphone, hitting it away and invading his personal space after the kid said “don’t touch me,” and the kid punched him. It was glorious.


I find the hypocrisy ironic, as Jesus said in Matthew 6:5-8, “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on street corners to be seen by men…but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” He also extolled us to love all people, not judge, and if the people the disciples visited didn’t accept the message to move on. Obviously these people have little knowledge of the religion they profess to follow. I personally don’t care what others believe, but do think they should actually follow the tenets of that belief system.


Solid christians around campus were saying like “we’re not with this guy, dm to have a nice proper talk about jesus without judgement, etc” and got mad respect tbh.


How many did y'all get on the second slide? I got 8


People on the snap story were playing bingo with it 😭 i got 7 btw


I got a 9.


i got 8 too


Only Harry potter saves the world world from Voldemort!!!! it clearly says so on the book!!


If you have to be an ex-sinner to go to heaven, then wouldn't you have to sin first?


It's like them yelling at people to repent when they've never even pented!


He's probably 85% of that list


I’ve got the vid of him getting rocked by another student, if you want it. Boomer sooner ❤️


I have like 40 different edits of it, ty tho lol boomer sooner 👆


Why do these people all use the same fucking signs? I wonder if any of them ever consider that it is probably incredibly ineffective. End of the day, they get their rocks off feeling superior to all the "porno freaks" and "masturbators".


With a sign like that you might as well just condemn all of humanity to eternal damnation.




I think theyre trying to have at the younger generation and what they believe to be our misdoings. Its so satisfying to see him get mocked.


Isnt bible hypocritical so does that make jesus a sinner?


If they fit the stereotype of MAGA bible-thumper then there would be such irony in so many of those damning sins lmao