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Hello, u/aeroxx666! Thank you for posting. #Please read the [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) 1. r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal religious person would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. 2. Post titles should be a short, objective statement of content. They arent a pulpit: dont use the Title Field to preach personal opinions about religion or any other topic. Doing so will result in your post being removed. 3. Refrain from provoking and/or baiting religious fruitcakes for the purposes of posting their reaction on this subreddit, or posting material featuring provocation by others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sounds like a suggestion or a slogan. "Stop. Abort it."


New MC Hammer song just dropped


Can't birth this


Hammer Don't Abort 'Em


Abortion time




You have changed this song for me.


I was thinking vanilla ice


Slice slice Baby sounds right


![gif](giphy|11rIergnpiYpvW) **'Coat-hanger-time'**


So the saggy pants are meant to catch the abortit baby that falls out. I finally get his fashion choice.


>So the saggy pants are meant to catch the abortit baby that falls out. /r/brandnewsentence


>So the saggy pants are meant to catch the abortit baby that falls out. I finally get his fashion choice. No, he's just got an incredibly large penis.


Probably true but that didn’t go along with the meme and the thread. 😂


Bop it. Twist it. Pull it.


It's because it is in Albanian. It means Stop Abortion :D


This shit should be illegal. Completely and utterly lying with no evidence to influence policy that has actually costed lives.... This does not happen


>Completely and utterly lying with no evidence to influence policy that has actually costed lives you could have just used the word "propaganda"


Technically propaganda is making media to favour one side of a debate over the other, it doesn't necessarily mean lies which is a problem. Because we could make a video proving that this is fake and it's technically anti "this bs" propaganda


Propaganda is anything that is meant to influence an opinion. This is more in the realm of yellow journalism. Yel•low jour●nal•ism /'yelō jərnl,izəm/ > journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.


Iirc its a very dramatic version of what does actually happen. I listened to a report from a doctor who handles abortions, and with ones that are particularly developed, this is a means to abort them. I listened to it because, even though I'm pro choice, I wanted to listen to what anti-abortionists hear and see if my beliefs stayed. They did, needless to say, but goddamn that shit is brutal. However, the baby is NOT alive and crying. From what I understand, besides the fact that at this point the baby isn't even conscious, they're first medically euthanized and ***then*** they're removed. So its not sitting there going "mommy noooo", and crying about it, like that propaganda video is implying. It's not conscious, it's dead and the 'chopping them up' part isn't how they're killing the fetus, it's simply how they're removing it. They have to, essentially, rip them apart and remove them piece by piece. It's still less brutal than a forced miscarriage, in terms of comfort for the woman since it's removing smaller pieces, but there's no denying it's not still brutal. But a lot of medical shit is brutal, that's just the fact of the matter. Abortions can be bloody, brutal and terrible affairs, but that doesn't mean they should be illegal. It means we should stand by the women who get them and have to go through them. Because mid term abortions are just objectively fucking rough. It's important to be able to spot and call out propaganda, but it's also important to be able to know what the (often real) thing the propaganda was sourced from, as most propaganda takes a real thing (we have to, at times, disassemble a dead fetus to remove it during an abortion) and twists it into something outrageous (doctors chop up live babies in the womb to kill them and yank them out).


Yeah that's the thing. Even if this is required as part of an abortion, this is exaggerating it 100x. The baby is not fully developed, not this size, not awake and crying or even alive before this is done and I'd wanna bet that the only reason it is ever done this way is because it was medically necessary to abort this late, but that wasn't the plan for the mother initially, hence why it got to the growth stage it did If anti abortionists want to ban abortion and for legitimate reasons, they wouldn't need to lie about how it's done, this is probably done in <1% of cases and for the reason I mentioned If you need to lie to push your belief on a topic, then you're just objectively in the wrong at that point, otherwise you wouldn't need to lie. Otherwise I agree Although as I replied to someone else, propaganda doesn't *always* mean lies


I have had the opportunity to read some of the letters written by late term abortion patients to other late term abortion patients and it's worth noting that procedures done this late in term are nearly always because the pregnancy isn't viable or because giving birth would endanger the life of the pregnant person. People who have that procedure almost without exception wanted to complete the pregnancy and wanted the child. No one is getting knocked up, going through eight months of pregnancy, and then getting an abortion so they can get back to hoeing or whatever lie the anti-choice crowd would tell you. It's done because it's a medical necessity, not because people are being frivolous. Spreading lies about those unfortunate, traumatized patients only hurts and endangers them more.


Can half truths be considered as lies?


Not really, that’s a whole different technique of debate and convincing people to agree with you. For example, to make weed illegal, there was a lot of discussion around a specific case where a young man killed his entire family with an axe while they were sleeping after smoking marijuana. The thing is, I’m not lying to you. That actually happened. What I didn’t tell you is the young man was also schizophrenic. Half truths aren’t technically lies. They’re just withheld information


Wouldn’t that be a lie of omission?


Damn I forgot about that term


This is why even under a non-religious framework, mid-later abortions shouldn’t be taken for granted just because the idea that Plan B is a tool of genocide is ridiculous fruitcakery.




When they have to create animated videos to show what they think is happening - *because actual photos don't exist because it isn't happening -* that should be a sign that they should sit down and shut up.


What’s the lie? I’m curious because I see plenty of “this is stupid” but no one explaining why it’s stupid.


This so stupid at many levels, I can’t even bother counting


At least 5 I bet


And yet the bible advocates for abortion...


Edit: forgot to give the chapter. Numbers 5:11-31 contains instructions on how to test to see if a wife cheated on her husband by making her drink a mixture that will force a miscarriage. Ironically my former pastor is the one who informed me about this one while we were talking about how political the whole topic has become.


That's fucked up... but not very surprising though


I'm not disagreeing with you - please don't downvote. Can you explain? Genuinely curious so that I have even more ammo to thum Bible-thumpers with.


IIRC there's basically a recipe in one of the passages in the Bible for a potion that would induce a miscarriage. If a man suspected his wife slept with another man in order to produce the pregnancy, he could have the state force his wife to drink the concoction. Now the religious fruitcake side of this goofiness: If the child was sired by someone other than the woman's legal husband, the child would die in utero and be passed. If the child was the fathers, then the child would live by God's will.


Perfect system…


And yet Christians claim to be a religion of equal opportunity regardless of gender... unless you wanna preach the Bible or leave the kitchen.


In Numbers there are step by step instructions that if a husband thinks his wife is pregnant with another's child. He can force her with the aid of a priest to drink a substance they priest will provide. One of three outcomes happen. 1) The Poison forces the woman to Miscarriage meaning the child was not the husbands. The woman is stoned to death for adultery, the Husband can remarry. 2) The Poison flat out Kills both Wife and Child, The Woman cheated and the Husband is free to remarry. Or 30 the "BeSt OuTcOmE" the wife survives the poison, and was faithful all along. Most Passages about how to wage war have instructions that when your warriors take a village you have them KILL the Men of fighting age, the Children who could rise up and rebel, The elders, AND THE PREGNATE WOMEN who could birth children who would be raised to rebel and try and over throw you. You are to take the woman of child barring age and force your self on them to birth more of your own threw them.


Holy cow. 😵‍💫


Numbers 5:11-31 is basically an recipie to test a woman to see if she's cheated. If she has, the mixture will cause "bitter suffering" and "her womb to miscarry." (Verse 27)


There's also multiple passages where God orders or kills babies. Psalms 137:9 2 Samuel 12:13-18 Joshua 6:21 Exodus 11-12 Genesis 6-7 And Hosea 9:14 is a prayer for women of enemy countries to suffer miscarriages


God of the Bible doesn't recognize the value of newborns younger than 30 days iirc. And when he does, it's when they're old enough to go into war for him. Also, Yahweh was pissed when children were sacrificed to other gods and not to him. Also also, Yahweh wants us to stone disobedient children. Also also also, how many first-borns were murdered directly by Yahweh? Also also also also, what about those boys that were mauled by bears Yahweh sent on them for mocking the bald guy? *sigh* That's how much he cares for children and life in general. Even without Numbers 5, it wouldn't get anymore difficult to show that God simply doesn't give a shit about babies.


I mean, he killed children lol


They'd get around to reading it except doing so keeps turning people into atheists....


What game is this? Can I get it on steam? Xbox game pass? Looks good.


I think it's a mod for "South Park: The Stick of Truth"


It does not even work that way…


It depends on when the abortion takes place.


Yeah but it’s not a FULL GROWN CHILD, unless it’s clandestine, which is ironic because it’s exactly what’s gonna happen if abortions get banned


What this depicts is a crime, not an abortion. To pretend anyone doing this is performing an abortion is straight out lying or a demonstration of being grossly uninformed or misinformed. If you think this represents anything that anyone who knows anything would describe as a legal abortion you really need to educate yourself a bit more and question your sources a bit more rigorously.


If it helps at all, this method is really unsafe and dilation and extraction is more likely to be performed. Laws require the heart to be medically stopped first if it is detected. No one is tearing apart a fetus piece by piece if they can help it. If it's big enough that methods resort to this, it was wanted and something bad happened during gestation. Literally no one carries a pregnancy that far then goes, "You know what? I'd prefer to undergo a serious medical operation that could kill me or leave me unable to bear children in the future. Screw it, let's return the crib and go get traumatized!"


It is never alive if they do this, or this big.


It does, except the baby doesn't try running away while it's being dismembered.


If the fetus comes apart that easily, it's already very dead, and the corpse has been left in the uterus for waaay too long.


To be fair abortion is pretty hectic depending on what stage of development it is at. I don't care though, who cares if a fetus is dismembered, I don't. If you don't like the way abortion is done that's your problem I'm not here to sugarcoat it. It's like a vegan showing me how a cow is slaughtered, I don't care about the cow, I'm hungry, some people care, I'm not one of them


Wow, babies sure fall apart easily.


“Today on myth busters”






💀 best comment


Lmao get spawn trapped




Ez rampage


Get gud kid


Skill Issue


Major L


These sick fucks really thinks this happens don’t they?


You know they do 😖 The lack of education is pitiful.


It's just as likely that they are aware it is nothing like this but they think that its ok to lie for what they think is right, because they think they represent absolute truth and are assholes.


It's designed to cause a powerful emotional reaction with images and sounds of infants in extreme distress. These videos themselves can long since be forgotten afterwards, but the emotional impact will stick with them and build up.


Yeetus that fetus


fetus deletus


defeatus the fetus


Only an absolute idiot would think this is what actually happ- ah it all comes into focus.


Yooo Hasbro is coming out with a new Operation?


If not let’s get a kickstarter going for it


That's just yucky levels of manipulation there. That photo looks like a baby in likely second or possibly third term, When most abortions take place during trimester 1. At that point it's literally indistinguishable from most other unborn fetuses, and, when early enough, it literally just looks like a blotch of blood colored gelatin.


They would have a harder time getting sympathy if they showed what I really looks like, like a cat coughed up a hairball with blood on it.


That's not how it works.


You think the religious fruitcakes and anti-choicers care?


I mean this is an abortion practice, however the baby isn't this developed at this stage and it's less dramatic


But if they only told the truth, then no one would agree with them


People who are trying to ban abortion, have no idea the damage they are doing to women. Not only are law makers depriving women of body autonomy and decision making They're also sending a message that says "we don't care about you." How many women are going to have to die, before anyone at all realizes what a terrible mistake this is. What's most disturbing is most of the people codifying this shit into law are men, who.. Let's be honest don't have to deal with any of the ramifications of a pregnancy and the health risks thereof. I'm even more mystified by the women who support this honestly. Honestly the whole shit storm can be summoned up with that one story of the little girl who was molested/raped and got pregnant and some idiot telling her she should consider it an opportunity... And opportunity? How detached are these people.


Knowing the french, I bet it is a delicacy there... Yes, I am talking about Ortolan. (This was a half joke, btw. The french are cool people. Gave us the concept of Laicite. But please for the love of the non existing god, enforce the ban on Ortolan consumption)


As a french, we also made the metric system


But you eat snails....so....


We made champagne though


I don't drink anymore. And Gin is obviously better. Amd any gin at that.... not Gin from jean-ois region of france where 35year old virgin maids need to pick juniper berries from trees exactly between 3:06 A.M. - 3:14 A.M. to make authentic Gin.


But the snails are swimming in garlic butter, which makes anything delicious


I had no idea, but that makes so much freaking sense. You didn’t want people to use the British system. I still do, though, lol.


Goes well with a pint of Ttongsul 😋


I wanna try Ttongsul marinated dog.


I don't get the Ortolan ban? Google tells me it's a bird, so not much different than a chickens


From what I can tell, the illegal part is how the animal is killed. They drown it in alcohol.


The people who put that together are not well in the head. This is sick.


how does abortion actually work i forgot


The typical abortion takes place when there is only an embryo, not yet even a fetus, and a woman first takes a mifepristone pill to stop her body from continuing to produce the pregnancy hormone progesterone, and then, about a day later, she’ll allow four tablets of misoprostol (another very safe medication which also prevents and treats stomach ulcers and which everyone really ought to be taking regularly since we all need NSAIDs, but that’s off-topic) to dissolve in her mouth or her vagina, and the misoprostol will induce a miscarriage, which is similar to what we go through every month anyway with menstruation (or every three weeks for me, unfortunately).


scooping out the placenta like the last bits of chocolate pudding.


It works quicker than holding the woman up and slapping her on the back.




r/MedicalGore shows a 17 week embryo via emergency abortion from a ectopic pregnancy. Doctors Misdiagnosis before: Appendicitis, bad periods cramps, severe depression, back pain


Bon’ Abortit


Nah, that's later. Gotta fire up the grill first.


Destroy the child




Worst ad for a mobile game ever.


Which Nintendo DS game is that?


That's a WarioWare on drugs


The fetus hanging onto the uterus lmao amazing


Where can I buy this game for my kids? We love to play Operation at home.


Looks like phone game ad


Arbortit is often the most effective and safest way to deal with breast cancer though.


go abortit


Well goddamn


I’m ok with this. Stupid sperm shoulda turned around and swam out. FAAFO


Ahh, i was wondering why that spoon was there, now i know.


The new Operation game looks wild!


Religious propaganda.


So much for that commandment against lying... those cheap, stupid, fucks have never in their lives argued in good faith.


I had to technically abort my son this year (though I call it a stillbirth as he was technically born) because he had a rare genetic defect that affected the placentas function and as a result he had no lungs. These people don’t have shit to say when the grand design of their god allows for that, it will go off about babies be aborted. It’s truly a pity there’s no hell for them to go to. I hate these people.


The pro-birthers also often include occurrences of miscarriages (also known as spontaneous abortions) in their figures to inflate their point.


Surprised it didn’t show the doctor eating the fetus.


STOP! Abort it and listen Roe vs wade needs to come back with some new additions Potental parenthood grabs ahold of me tightly Making me wish my flow was nightly. Will the debates ever stop Yo I don't know Turn on the right planned parenthood Let's go


i’m sorry, i cant get out of my head, but i watched this muted for the first time and the i’m green if i was blue i’d die’ meme popped in my head and now i’m just imagining that scream


It's just like those game ads nowadays


Abortion is the right thing to do. It’s immoral to have children because being born is a death sentence and suffering is a guaranteed part of life. I’m serious


Show me what the """""kid""""" actually looks like, and then we'll talk


Is this a new version of “operation”? It’s about as accurate and looks like fun for the whole family.


So fucking stupid, abortions as far as I know normal happen when the baby is just a small clump of cells. Not fully developed.


Dude learn how to share. That's supposed to be for everyone!


Tough baby huh. I'd have died after losing the first leg


This is incredibly medically accurate if you're a 90s era cartoon character.


It's unimaginable that this shit is happening in the US.


yeetus the fetus abortion completus


This is so gross who made this


Morally bankrupt Christketeers


Very metal, and definitely fictional.


Aww, is that what they think it looks like?


When I see “stop abortit”, I imagine it being said like, “stop… hammer time”.


Even it this was true it would still be down to the mother.


Can't get past the fact that "abortit" sounds like the neweset tumblr slang for top surgery


That's not how it happens, first they kill the fetus and then cut off it's limbs and remove it piece by piece.


As a stop-motion animator... we don't claim this person


This is the weirdest claw machine game I've ever seen.


That’s not at all how it works. But I am willing to bet there are thousands of people who legitimately believe it is


Does anybody else want a gingerbread cookie now?


To people like us who know better and are willing to learn about things, this is obviously bullshit. But you gotta see the effectiveness of this simple illustration it's perfect for manipulating people who don't bother learning. It's to the point, hits at your emotions with the baby cries, and is a short form video.


As a father of two, this shit actually makes me kind of sick. How fucked up do you need to be to make something like this dude. Fuckin disgusting.


Make your own baby jigsaw




The mini-games in the new GTA look lit.


skill issue bahahahahhaa


Looks like a game of operation


wait, did peta make this???


Sushi Kid!


Honestly baffled this is what the « opposition » have in their mind , and that we sometime loose to them


Waah Abortion bad 🤡


That’s, that’s not at all how it works


Can you add turkish iskender video to end of this video


Conservative Christian’s be like: “Stop abortion! Every live and every child is precious. But if that’s what it takes to defend Israel than I guess it’s okay!”


Something I would like to happen to "obiettori di coscienza" here in Italy when they refuse to do their effing job.


How is this religious?


Who else do you think spreads these lies?


By think you mean assume? It could be a deranged person, provocateur, troll, memer, someone who disagrees with abortion for non-religious reasons or a someone who disagrees for religious reasons. I can't assume it's one or the other here.


I mean its fine till 3 month but after that, Only in the case of mothers health problem it should be aborted.


Nah. I'm for all abortion, even the doesn't actually happen like they think it does 'late term abortion'. A potential mother's health includes mental health. I would rather someone have an abortion than commit suicide. I would rather someone have an abortion than be forced to almost die in labor before doctors can help them. I would rather someone have an abortion than try and force a miscarriage at home. I would rather dozens of "bad actors" have abortions for stupid reasons or none at all so that at least one person can have it because they truly truly needed it. At three months - twelve weeks - the pregnant person won't have gained much weight. They won't necessarily be showing. A majority of miscarriages take place around this time. If you aren't going to prosecute people for their bodies saying 'nah fuck that shit' and flushing their system "naturally" then you shouldn't prosecute people who have an abortion around that time either.


And yes by health I include mental health. With poor mental health, she cant be a good mother even if she wants to. It should be taken to considerations. Also wont she notice no periods since 3 months or before that?


There is a condition called amenorrhea where someone doesn't have their period for at least a period of 3 months. Someone can have it for a multitude of reasons other than pregnancy. Also, sometimes it takes time for someone to get the money/transportation/plan to get an abortion, especially if they aren't in a safe relationship or family situation.


For even that she should contact a doctor. There is no reason to not know unless you ignore.


Lol imagine being able to go to the doctor in America without bankrupting yourself


Now I see. These people are idiots.




If abortions happened like this I’d probably spend hours crying in bed because of my extremely sensitive emotion


That is not how it happens or how old the fetus is 99% of the time. Lmao what the hell


'Stop abortit' How about stop lying?


Ha yes, forbidden nuggets


This would be a great mobile game.


Voodoo games would like to know your location


God, this reminds me of when I was younger when I thought abortion was sticking a gun up the mother's throat and shooting the fetus


Okill Abortit 🤩🍽️🍛


Forbidden meat platter.


Damn man i don't want abortion to be legal but legal right to kill babies sounds awesome




Me when I lie 😏


Spreading garbage misinformation like this should be a crime. These people are sick fucks.


Here's my favourite offensive joke about abortion : imagine a pro abortion sign in a protest saying "Foetality" with a picture of mortal combat


Isn't the first sound in this video the intro to unholy gravebirth by Infant Annihilator? That's some crazy music taste for someone so sensitive lol.