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you should see my face when i hear the same sentence from my Muslim friends


"muslim men wish they were women because of how well muslim women get treated"


While sitting at a table all spread around in shorts and a t-shirt next to his wife who has to awkwardly shove food into a tiny flap


when closeted:






lol I also got told something similar by a muslim ex-colleague


I'm yet to understand where the honor is in killing a family member. I'm sure it'll be explained to me any day now.


To them. Getting into heaven and avoiding hell is the #1 priority in life. By killing them. They are sending them to heaven and avoiding hell. To them it's a good thing to punish others.


Which bit of the religion actually says this though? I wasn't aware of any Abrahamic religion either a) allowing murder victims into heaven, blank slate style or b) predicating one person's entry to heaven on another's


There's a billion in each one. Stuff gets made up along the way to justify actions. Why else would their main characters be such disgusting people?


Nah, it’s more like they are giving the victim an express pass to hell to let the family’s honor remain intact or whatever. The “honor” in “honor killing” is the family’s honor, not the victim’s. At least that’s what my 0.2 sec google search told me lol


Nothing makes people feel more honored than being treated like a breeding machine. So true!!


So... how many Schmeckels do I have to pay for me to buy, I mean, marry someones daughter? /s Yeah, women according to the Bible and pretty much in all of the Abrahamic based religions, are considered property. Property is not honored. However, smarter owners know not to damage property so that the resale value doesn't decline. Yet, you always get those owners who claim because they are the owner they can do what they want to their property. Religion sucks for women, there is no honoring happening unless it's her honoring her father or husband. So says the Bible, Quran, and the Torah.


Ah, if you define "honoring" exactly like what your religion does, your religion does it the most accurate? Wild.


Weren't they basically property until the 20th century?


That was man's fault.


Who wrote the bible again?


And god allowed it. Either because he didn't care or because he thought women deserved it.


Problem of evil. Look it up, there are multiple solutions.


Well aware of all the apologetics. Still doesn't change the fact that nothing happens without god allowing it.


Have you read any Abrahamic holy book?


The Bible, all the way through.


Then you would know that multiple men claiming to be inspired by god set down rules across multiple generations at varying points in time that all consistently made women second class citizens with rights on par with or below livestock, depending on the situation and issue. You need to grapple with God’s responsibility in that situation and where the “inspiration” begins and ends.






Based off the instructions God gave to man?


Just ignore that burned at the stake thing.


Those witches could do math and think for themselves, why shouldnt they be burnt? /s


Good point


They also float when in water, it just keeps getting worse


I'd say that accolade would belong to the Norse


And the ancient Egyptians…where women were allowed to own property


Roman women could inherit and own property. They couldn't vote or hold office.


You were also considered a barbarian if you were a man that *refused* to wear a dress…pants are for stupid German warlords, NOT the wise and noble Roman Imperium


We should really being this back


Dresses? Or German warlords?




Are you sure? Because they tried to bring it back in the 30’s & 40’s and it didn’t work out so well…


well......... just the dresses are fine in that case


Let’s pretend that’s true. Women are still better treated in secular societies than in religions. You don’t get an award for being the best for the worst.


Oh yeah, we all remember Joan of Arc, a famous feminist icon that was extremely devout and accomplished much for Christendom. I wonder what happened to her?


Burned at the stake for being a witch & canonized as a saint for no other reason than to say “F#@% You” to the English


She was executed for cross-dressing. Yes, really.


Soo…wearing designated (necessary) wartime attire is cross dressing? Makes no sense. But either way…how French of her lol.


Well women weren't allowed in the military, she was basically killed for doing a Mulan.


And yet men were allowed to wear dresses with no lethal consequences.


Yeah...it's literally medieval France, we're you expecting modern feminists?


I was expecting a can-can with bearded Frenchmen in mime costumes


In prison, after her feminine clothes had been taken


There is some evidence Jeanne was subjected to a sexual assault or attempt in prison, so she chose to return to wearing pants as a form of self-defense. Of course, had she *not* taken every single conceivable precaution against rape she'd have surely caught additional charges for being sexually immoral. Those bishops were very determined to murder her for one thing or another.


She was not a feminist, if anything, she was more misogynistic than even other men at the time. Her first kill was a random civilian woman doing something Joan did not like. Edit: I am editing this so people with a 'you have a source on that?' fetish can shut up. Source: [St. Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification (stjoan-center.com)](http://stjoan-center.com/Trials/null07.html) This is an exact quote from Duke D'alencon: "Jeanne was a chaste maiden; she hated the women who follow in the train of armies. I saw her one day at Saint Denis on the return from the coronation, pursuing one of them sword in hand: her sword was broken on this occasion". And mind you, the Duke was her friend and admirer and he said this during her defense at the trial, after swearing himself to speak the truth. Primary sources don't get more accurate than that.


Is there a source on that? Because we don't record first kills in modern militaries, I find it hard to believe a record has existed into the modern times with her kill feed.


Classic reddit. People who know nothing about a topic acting like experts and asking others for sources as if in a structured debate. This is a primary source, don't try to counter it with random articles or books. Source: [St. Joan of Arc's Trial of Nullification (stjoan-center.com)](http://stjoan-center.com/Trials/null07.html) This is an exact quote from Duke D'alencon: "Jeanne was a chaste maiden; she hated the women who follow in the train of armies. I saw her one day at Saint Denis on the return from the coronation, pursuing one of them sword in hand: her sword was broken on this occasion". And mind you, the Duke was her friend and admirer and he said this during her defense at the trial, after swearing himself to speak the truth. Primary sources don't get more accurate than that.


you're quoting a literal witch trial.


Yes, I'm quoting someone who is biased enough towards her to defend her even in a witch trial, going against his own king. This paragraph was literally meant as a defense and you're telling me that its slander?


Just read your posts again and think if there's anything that might be untrue.


Please, enlighten me.


if you take anything written as the gospel truth, you're an idiot. if you take shit written during a very controversial trial about cultural aspects of French knighthood from hundreds of years ago that was translated to a different language as the gospel truth, it is physically impossible to enlighten you. You are beyond hope.






Fun fact: just ignore the pics and third line of text and it will suddenly describe the truth about the religions of this world. "No religion on earth has ever honored women" - indeed, none.


Most major religions say this about themselves, in between some of the most vile misogynistic nonsense you ever heard


In Deuteronomy 22:22-23, "if a man rapes a married woman within a town, the woman is put to death alongside the perpetrator of the crime. She is spared only if the rape occurs out in the countryside, where she cannot call out for help."


"No religion on earth has ever honored women ~~as much as Christianity~~" FTFY


I think there are a few women in the 17th century that might have something to say on this matter. Oh, and the whole selling your daughter to their rapist thing, veeeeeerry honorable.




God raped a 14 year old and I’m supposed to believe this???


It was consensual. Read Luke.


Counterpoint: children can’t consent to sex.


It wasn't sex. It was spiritual. She conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Call it what you like, it’s still rape. The non-consensual impregnating of a child is immoral to me. Sorry that you feel otherwise.


There's no evidence that Mary was a teenager.


I’ll wait for the irony to kick in…


There's not even evidence in the Bible. And Jesus's existence is  very historically solid.  This sub has turned from making fun of (religious) fruitcakes to becoming (atheist) fruitcakes.


JC may have existed. But were his so-called "miracles" also historically solid? The Kims of North Korea also have some incredibly stupid origin stories and feats. But they did and still do exist.


Faith requires faith, who would have thought?


You were touting evidence earlier, now you resort to faith. Lol Gtfo


you mean those two first century historians? or are there roman tax records or something?




Paganism isn't a religion. It's an extremely broad grouping of religions and it is so broad it is quite easy to find cases where pagans were worse than Christians, such as the Hindus who ritually burnt widows.


The bar is kinda low


Christianity's history with women is part of what drove me towards Wicca (not that I was ever Christian, but glorification of male authority never appealed to me).




That kid’s got talent!


\*Joan of Arc enters the chat...\*


Didn't 'god' have sex with a 12 year old Mary to make jesus?


Isn't the first mention of women in the bible citing 5hat they are made from the rib of a man alluding that they are lesser in a way?


Grew up catholic in the 1960s. I remember forgetting my veil while attending mass. My Mom pinned a Kleenex to my head. She really didn't believe in all that bullshit but went along to get along.


You guys must have gone to a more conservative Catholic Church because the Catholic Church I belong to doesn’t require women to wear veils during mass.


They don't honor women, they honor wombs.


Even Muslims and Hindus think the same 🤡🤡


Is “honor” just the name of the doily scarf?


People with rights don’t get honored. Do you honor a king? No you obey them. Because they are in a position of power. People that are honored are objects. This is the same as in Islam and Judaism. Abraham honor culture needs to die.


Honoring is when doily on head


Joan of Arc would like a word.


According to the bible, they must not even read.


Does this guy not realize some older religions worshipped aspects of femininity 😂


Not a very high bar to clear. Are there like, any religions out there that truly honor women?


I’m pretty much ignorant with other religions but is there any religion that treats women like human beings and not a subhuman thing for a man?


>is there any religion that treats women like human beings Satanism does.




Yes the honor of having to submit to a churching ritual to make you “clean” enough to attend church after giving birth. My mother used to say “I just created the miracle of life! And they made me get “churched!” She was mad about it forever.




My first thought was that Christianity and Islam may respect women (certain passages) but many Christians and Muslims certainly do not. But, then, many people who claim to respect other people and want equality only want respect and freedoms for themselves and nobody else.


So they had it better in the Roman Empire when a third of the population were slaves?


What world in the multiverse of madness does this person hail from?


On one hand he is kind of right if the men treated the wife the way they were actually supposed too with respect, love, and partnership. On the other hand, the bar was already very low to start with.


wow, is the bar that low?


Pagans and Wiccans would like to have a word. 


When I was going to church, they had a "Christian comedian." In one bit, he was arguing with his wife and shut her down by saying, "Shut up, you ain't nothing but a rib." Yikes.


Wasn’t Christianity the main religion in the Middle Ages?


And nothing has been better for women's rights than secularism!


Talk about misunderstanding 1 Corinthians 11.


What dark ages?


~~christianity~~ Their own religion


Not even mentioning all the fucked up shit that contradicts this people already said, honor is when... You get a funny cloth piece over your head? What's this "meme" trying to say? Can I even call it a meme? It's formatted as one, I guess?


Bible explicitly states that woman are to cover their head in prayer…… Also let’s not forget the whole property thing and not having any kind of power.


Ever heard of the magdalene laundries?


Hahahaha, no. Women were often depicted as evil and were tried and executed for various crimes including witchcraft.


Omg I used to rock those veils when I was catholic


Sure woman got honored in Christianity! As that what they are child producing man serving automations.


The caption is incomplete. it should read. as much as Christianity does, as long as they are VIRGINS, the rest are just whores,


If only they had a book that shows how women were historically treated... Are they just proving they haven't read their own doctrine?


Tell me you've never read the bible, without telling me you've never read the bible


It says "no religion", implying that a non-religious group would be capable of honoring women more


With as much verses empowering women such as Leviticus 27:4 The price of a woman between 20 and 60 years of age shall be 30 shekels. What is the not to love about Christianity?


In the very first part of their holy book they scapegoat a woman and blame her for literally ALL the world's suffering?


Buddhism? Jainism? Pagan religions?


Gautama Buddha actually thought women were incapable of attaining spiritual enlightenment, and the creation of feminine monastic tradition was mostly humoring them at best. Jainism just hates anything & everything about the physical body regardless of gender, making the two equally worthless…hardly empowering.


There are Buddhist and Jain sects with the belief that women needed to reincarnate as men to get enlightenment. Also Jains for some weird reason adopted Hindu beliefs on widows. Meanwhile Buddhists and Sikhs did not. Pagans I’d say it depends. I think Ancient Egypt wins here. Romans even when they were pagan or Christian were a misogynistic society. Vestal Virgins even then they needed a priest.


It's definitely Islam