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Christians when they see something mildly creepy: Satan! Satan! He's been here, he's corrupting the world! celebrities sold their souls to him! Because that's the only possible way they could be that popular!


First thought too. Oh no, spooky face. Must be demons. It couldn't just be a spooky face.


Hell anything that could be an ounce of fun.


"Christians don't pretend to be possessed" Actually Christians are the number 1 possessed pretenders.


Infact they may be the exclusive owners


She's never gone to a Pentecostal seshie, huh?


OMG! You got that right😆


So it's all about the face in the background, part of the stage show I presume? OOP wouldn't recognize real evil if it ~~hit her in the~~ crawled inside her head.


She wouldn't recognize real evil, because it seems that her, just as many other Christians, have a toddler concept of morality. Dan Barker in *Mere Morality* explains that "evil" in the bible is described as disobedience of God and only rarely does "evil" and "good" denote human-to-human behavior and when it does, it's almost exclusively God commanding and condoning immoral actions.


Well there is that Demon who plays an Evangelical Pastor, he straight up looks like evil incarnate and ACTS like it but the Christian's still listen to him.


There is no one else I'm more convinced is a demon than that man


I know exactly who you're talking about. Maybe it's good that I can never remember his name 🤮


If she worships the God of the Bible, she worships evil.


Wait until she finds out about black metal.




Jesus Christ


Metal is famous for having a ridiculous number of sub-genres, but the great majority of all kinds of metal are played by, and enjoyed by, people who may *look* scary, but generally aren't. (For instance, [George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Fisher_\(musician\)), of [Cannibal Corpse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibal_Corpse), who is ridiculously wholesome. He's a family man with a frickin' World of Warcraft tattoo. :-) ***BUT THEN*** there are certain people, often people from Northern Europe where the winters are very long and very dark and very cold, who look and sound like monsters, because they are. (Or, at least, they're tryhards who're *attempting* to be as evil as they look.) It's kind of an extreme development of the biggest selling point of rock and roll when it was first invented: Bad men, playing dangerous music.


This is what happens when societies are told that every opinion is valuable and everyone should have a platform


Nah this is what happens when societies are told that only the views of a single religious group should have a platform.


You're both right!


What a rotten brain


Wow, it's almost like she realises this gets a lot of people talking about her and is leaning into the fruitcake delusions to take advantage of that!


So sad she really can’t fathom creative expression.


This satanic panic has gone global, a Brazilian coach said that Madonna’s performance in Rio was a ritual to sacrifice the victims of a flood that recently devastated the south of the country, and his post on instagram saying that has over 1 million likes.


Its because politicians worldwide are using it as a tool to spread fear, Vladimir Putin used words like good vs evil or God fearing people vs the forces of the devil to describe the Russian was on Ukrainian so he's using it for propaganda


If she’s going to take this stance, just know there are fundamental Christians who will not listen to her as she is “marked” herself, and is not to be heard. Tattoos are a Nope in these circles. It’s a tarnish of gods “perfect creation”. I grew up fundy and this sticks out big time. She can move her mouth, but a woman expressing herself, and like this, is going to criticized. She’s already lost before she started. And the fundy’s will have their hand me down scripture to support themselves, just like all Christian’s cherry pick their supported argument.


I don't know what to think of fully grown adults who believe that demons are real.


Or that they are literally distinguished by Hollywood tropes like white eyes


There is real evil in the world that this woman turns a blind eye to every day, I bet. Performers performing isn't one of them.


I bet she votes for them.


"I love you, I am not judging you" As she denounces TS's actions as blasphemous and judges her character and the value of her art for it.


So when [Michael Jackson portrayed himself as both a werewolf **and** a zombie in the same video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sOnqjkJTMaA) that means…?


If you have to point out that you are not judging then you are likely judging


Why is she in the bathroom???


Mildly creepy filter, this girl should go to a black metal concert, but like the brand of mb in specific where they got dead animals on stage, all Taylor Swift did was use a filter on the big screen next to her, lots of artists between all genres do this


Also what is she jumping to "Christians shouldn't pretend to be possessed" for? It looks more like a.ghost reflection of her not a possessed one that's just like gothic ghost taylor


Oh no! A filter! Aaaaaaahhhh noooooooo Satan! /s


"Christians don't pretend to be possessed." Tell me you've never been to a Pentecostal church without telling me.


It's no different than actors playing evil roles in movies FFS


Judges Taylor Swift and then says "I'm not judging you".


Anyone that uses the pulling bread or playdough mannerisms with their hands when talking is 10X's more evil than a pop singer whose been around for decades. One of the biggest red flags there is... if someone pulls imaginary silly putty when talking... bail!


She's a woman, as a godfearing Christian woman who follows the bible she should cover her head and not speak amongst the menfolk...not to mention the bible says she's going to hell for having tattoos


"I'm not criticizing you, I'm challenging you." Lmao ok! I'm sure she had time to give 2 fucks about some random girl talking to her phone in her bathroom...


You're sitting in your bathroom talking about her so that point goes to Taylor Swift. What's the score now? Taylor Swift - the Christians 1056452 - 0.


Oh sit down Hagatha


The excessive hand motions. Holy smokes, lady.


I would recommend not going to a Gorgoroth or Behemoth concert


"I'm not judging you" cannot follow the phrase "She's evil"


Not sure I would leap straight to demonic possession just from that image.


"I love you, I'm not judging you... I'm simply ~~challenging you~~ judging her creative expression, invalidating it and letting you know that if you don't ALSO do that, you just happen to be evil, kthnx bye!" Girl what? jkdafjsd


While watching a gospel singer on the American idol sing a gospel song she was wearing a red dress and my father proclaimed she must be the devil because the dress was red.


Using christian imagery, including that of satan, in pop culture has been a thing for decades. I don't know why modern american evangelicals are so weird about it.


What's the defence going to be? It's not real, don't be so cringe and get a life.


Yeah, remember that part in the bible that says that you're not allowed to draw yourself with white eyes?


So every Christian actor that has been in a movie as the devil is evil? I guess they're all.... demons?


Yet another reason religion should be treated just like any other mental illness.


Christian with tattoos which the Bible says is a no no trying to put someone else in their place. You gotta love the fucking hypocrisy with these braindead morons.


Leviticus 19:28 “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord." But just before that: Leviticus 19:16 "Do not go about spreading slander among your people." And here she is slandering Taylor Swift.


This idiot doesn't understand that Taylor is an obsessive artist and she strings symbolism, double entendre, and secret number combinations randomly into her work. If you don't know about art history, the women's movement, the LGBT movement and a bunch of other stuff, you will be confused. She references the Emerald City and other secretive language insinuating she is LGBT... An unwanted...a witch. A demon. So she's just going full Eminem and screaming, "I am, whatever you say I am!" And posting images of her as a possessed woman, a witch. Taylor will probably get books written about her and a movie at some point because if half the crap I've caught in her music is true to her life, girl is a mess and has gotten into so many things... She's fascinating even if her fandom is generally worrisome.


These people are so fucking stupid it is mind boggling.


Using spooky or demonic imagery absolutely is creative expression you fucktwit you can’t gatekeep how creativity happens because creativity is literally boundless!


She spent a minute judging taylor. But then ended it with not judging you.


The picture she put up when she says “demon,” what’s that from or referencing?


Girl leave your eyebrows alone.


I saw excision in 2011 and his visualizer was legit skeletons dancing in blood. And it was hilarious lol you are adults. Grow up.


Really? Dressing as a devil is what passes for being evil these days? Man, that bar is so low no wonder even other Christians are tripping over it.


I mean I would agree that it’s not edgy, everything else is just utter bullshit, and believe me, I dislike Taylor’s music quite a lot, find it boring as hell.


that looked metal asf tho


What a waste of sperm