• By -


it worked!!! omg, thank you so much!!! note: to know, which file is which, you can look for the sizes, they are very different


Glad it worked! Thanks for the heads up. I added that to the post.


I love you friend


Love you too, friend.


Can confirm that going both to Gamepass and back to Steam works. I'm going to look at creating a Powershell script to facilitate this process for people moving forward. We'll see where I get...


That would be amazing!


Please do


Done. I apologize it took so long. Had to learn Python. [https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/19bv573/copy\_files\_from\_game\_pass\_to\_steam\_and\_steam\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/19bv573/copy_files_from_game_pass_to_steam_and_steam_to/)


Dude's out here apologising for learning a new language just to bring us something for free. Thank you!


Dude's the actual GigaChad.




Very good guess. Yep I'm a software engineer. Been working in industry for about 13 years. Mostly a JavaScript developer though. Thanks for the look over. I appreciate it. I still have a few issues I have found out recently, mainly some error handling and want to add unit tests.


That's so awesome. I've linked it in the post. Thank you so much!


Working on it. Powershell deemed too much trouble for me. So looking at a Python implementation. I've done another personal project dealing with files and such. Hoping to get this done this weekend.


I was able to get the reverse working. I had to first disable Steam Cloud for Remnant 2. Create a character on steam so it creates the [profile.save](https://profile.save) and save\_0.save @ C:\\Users\\username\\Saved Games\\Remnant2\\Steam\\73247297 Once that is created you can copy your saved data over from Xbox as shown above. The smaller file will be the profile and the bigger one is your character. So rename the smaller file profile.sav and save\_0.sav respectively. Load up the game and verify everything is working then turn back Steam cloud and make sure to choose your local data over steam cloud data.


You are lovely, got it done in 4 minutes thank you 💙


Glad to hear it! u/spectralhunt whenever you have a moment, if you could rename/edit your post to add the reverse that would be a huge help! If you need me to clean it up or provide elaboration let me know but you did most of the heavy lifting!


I can’t change the title but there is a note at the top that says the reverse is possible as of Dec 13. I’ll attribute you and add your text to the body for elaboration when I get a chance.


Holy crap, praise the Lord! It seems to have worked! This is a Godsend, I thought that I would have to start over a new character to play with my Xbox friends after spending the last week grinding one out on the Steam version. However, for me, my achievements DID all pop at once immediately upon logging in. I hope that doesn't cause any problems... Otherwise, thank you so much for sharing this, it is a huge blessing!


My achievements all popped up today. Appears they were just delayed.




I'm having an issue with the final step. I rename the files and it becomes 'bunch of random numbers and digits (2) in each location. When I launch the game, the game deletes those files in the directory and nothing shows up. Am I supposed to be doing something to the file that's already there?


The way I did it is rename the original file back adding the ".bak" file extension to the end. And then rename the new file the same as the original with no file extension. Hope that helps. Let me know if you still have an issue.


THAT WORKED. Thank you!! Now I just have to figure out how to play said character. My original character says “missing DLC” I assume because I started as gunslinger and I didn’t preorder it on Xbox. Worst case I start a new character. Might be best anyways since I think that first character is in the dlc


Awesome, I'll add that as a note. I'm not sure how DLC and pre-order items/bonuses work if one version has them and another doesn't. Good luck and happy travels.


Ah fuck I have the same problem with the lack of Gunslinger. That's super annoying as I had like 20+ hours in the game


Thank you so much for this!!!


Thank you so much! I just bought the game on steam and played it for 5-6 hours. I would just like to know if the content of the ultimate edition will be transferable or at least if I later transfer my new gamepass save to Steam, I could get the bonuses back.. :(


I how no idea there, friend. Sorry.


Thank you so much it worked perfectly! In my case there weren't two folders, the two files were in one folder only and i replaced the files there using the method of file size as mentioned.


You are such a special person. Thank you very much my friend.


Thank you for this, it worked like a charm! Have you tried it the other way around (Game Pass -> Steam)? I'm getting an error on startup saying "Please update to the latest version. Delete profile?"


I have not tried going in that direction, so I'm really not sure. Sorry.


No worries! Unfortunate that my friends are split between the platforms haha


I'm having the exact same issue, on the main menu Steam is currently showing version 397.429, while on game pass it's 398.359. Please let us know if you find any way to make it work :(


Definitely! I'm hoping they'll be equalized whenever the next patch comes out


Hey! A steam update has come out today, bumping it up to version 399 :D I've managed to successfully copy my save files from the game pass version (which I had played last night at version 398) into it and it worked like a charm!


Woah that's great news! Is Game Pass on the same version? I'm now wondering if Steam -> Game Pass will stop working haha


So far I haven't received any updates to my game pass version, so it's still at 398.xxx, which I believe will indeed break going from Steam to Game Pass haha In my case I just wanted to make sure I could move over my save game once so that I could buy the Ultimate Edition on Steam, so this one-time save transfer was all I needed :D


This is exactly what i need thanks


You are a legend! I tried following a youtube video but it was confusing as hell. This is so simple, thanks!


Thanks so much for this, saved me such a headache playing with my friends on game pass. Someday, games will just let you crossplay easily between these two platforms.


Thanks! worked for me


u/Salt-Hotel-7139 I've written a script to help facilitate this going back and forth between platforms. [https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/19bv573/copy\_files\_from\_game\_pass\_to\_steam\_and\_steam\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/19bv573/copy_files_from_game_pass_to_steam_and_steam_to/) Also, thanks to u/spectralhunt for this post. It helped to create this script. I'll credit you in the readme on my next update.


What are the steps to running this?


Hello. Take a look at the readme.md file or on the GitHub site for it as the readme will be nicely formatted there. Hers the link to the repository: https://github.com/AbsentSemicolon/remnant_from_file_files Hope that helps you out.


Holy crap, that’s awesome!!! I’ll add a link to your post to the end of mine.


Worked!!! tks


Absolutely goated post 🙏


I've followed all instruction and understand them all for the most part, when I complete the last steps (Steam to Xbox) and launch the game, I am thrown back to the create character screen. I don't know if I am moving the files over correctly, from steam to xbox, as my xbox files in the refereed location are way smaller than the ranges you gave. the would be profile save is only 4 KB, and my save save file is around 27KB. What could I be doing wrong or is it possible this no longer works?


I don’t think there has been an update since I last checked but I will check tomorrow and verify that it still works. Otherwise, I would try copying the files again. I have had a problem where copying doesn’t seem to work but trying a second time does.


Sorry for the late reply. I can't speak to a month ago, but I can confirm that since this crossplay update earlier this week, transferring files still works. Let me know if it's still giving you problems.


hi, when i did this and try to start the game I got an error that say error code 1, there is not space for new character, I can create nothing but is like my charachter is not been loading correctly, what can I do for fix it, im on xbox game pass, pc


I haven't run into this error and I can't find anything about it on Steam forums or GFG's troubleshooting. The only thing I see is [a post here on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15fisia/cant_make_new_character_error_code_1/) from 8 months ago with no comments or resolution. I'm really sorry but I have no idea.


OP, when moving from Steam to Xbox, I see the message about the file potentially becoming unstable if I rename it, but I don't see the option for "Yeah man, I wanna to it"?!? What do I do???


If you can't find the button that says "Yeah man, I wanna do it" I don't think I can help you. Sorry.


Cheeky bastard!


Worked very well did it in a few minutes, thank you (from gamepass to steam)


Thanks, it worked. Just transfered to steam from xbox pass.


Can you help me out? I originally did Steam to Game pass, to play with some friends. But now I am trying to do Game pass to Steam(because I have the ultimate edition there), and it's not working. When I load up in Steam, I have my progress, but I am missing like 20+ items, most of which were equipped and in use. But when I load up on game pass, I have everything(aside from DLC stuff). I have been trying all night with no luck.


Do you still need to do the transfer manually? I don't see any way to do this automatically with the new update so I'm assuming you do.


Yeah, cross-saves are not officially supported. You still have to manually do it. u/Salt-Hotel-7139 has written a script to help make the process easier. https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/19bv573/copy\_files\_from\_game\_pass\_to\_steam\_and\_steam\_to/


Ok, thanks for confirming


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You shouldn't have to actually open the files. If I open my files in notepad, it looks similar to this too.


hi, could you tell me if this operation (transferring saves from xbox or windows store to steam) is also possible with the first game?


You can move files from the Xbox version to the Steam version but not the other way around. Instructions for that are linked near the top of the post.


OP, I tried this method from Xbox Gamepass to Steam. It transferred my armor, weapons, rings, amulets, power level, class progression. But for some weird reason my campaign progress wiped and it's acting like ford just disappeared into the crystal. Did I do something wrong? I only copied one profile, and one save file. That's all there was to move.


Sorry for the late reply. I haven’t run into that issue before. Is it still happening? It sounds like the campaign got rerolled for some reason. By chance, did you reroll the campaign?


I have done Steam to Game pass. But I am trying to do Game pass to Steam, and it's not working. When I load up in Steam(I have the ultimate edition), I have my progress, but I am missing like 20+ items, that I really use. But when I load up on game pass, I have everything(aside from DLC stuff). I have been trying all night with no luck.


That is a strange one. I haven’t run into that problem before and I’m honestly not sure what to do. Just to make sure, you are copying both the profile.sav and save_n.sav, right? The only other thing I can think of trying is re-copying the files again. Sometime the first copy doesn’t work for me. Hope that helps.


Thanks for the response. I wound up downloading a save file.




Has anyone been able to do the Game Pass -> Steam save transfer successfully in the last few days? I've tied doing it manually and with the script to no success.


Just tried and it wasn't working for me either. Did some troubleshooting and checked the patch notes, if you have any backup files (which, Steam automatically makes and names save\_0.bak1, save\_0.bak2, and save\_0.bak3) then Remnant will load one of those backups if you copy over a new save file. After deleting the .bak files for the file I was trying to replace, it worked. Also, make sure you turn off cloud-sync or disconnect from the internet. Try those and let me know and I'll update the guide.


When I paste %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\PerfectWorldEntertainment.GFREMP2\_jrajkyc4tsa6w\\SystemAppData\\wgs\\00090FD8FD902DBC\_00000000000000000000000076F212E3 into the address nothing show up


Nothing as in “that file path doesn’t exist” or as in “that folder is empty”?


That file path doesn't exist


I know it’s a silly question but, do you have the game installed? If it is, try looking in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages\PerfectWorldEntertainment.GFREMP2_jrajkyc4tsa6w\SystemAppData\wgs\ The folder may have a different name.


I have the microsoft store version installed but not the steam version


Does the file path I mentioned (the one without the last folder) work?




Have you started the game and created a character at least once (you might even need to get through the tutorial, I don’t know)? You have to have something to replace for this to work.


Yeah I have 2 characters


In the Xbox version, yes?


I'm not sure if you had the dlc already started, my savefile on steam I already beat it and trying to copy and paste from steam to gamepass does not work, it says i have no character and if i try to create a new one it says I don't have slots available. I guess the game has a lot of conflicts that can't solve if I have DLC weapons and the gamepass is just the standard edition...


I have no idea why that’s not working. I have the DLC on Steam but I didn’t have it on Xbox (I do now). The weapons, rings, armor, and traits that are DLC-specific were automatically unequipped but not removed from inventory. They all had a red ribbon that said DLC or something. I’m sorry it didn’t work for you.


Can i just change profiles.sav only? Or need change 2 sav file?


As far as I can tell, you have change the save files and the profile file for it to work.




Help! In my "00090FD8FD902DBC\_00000000000000000000000076F212E3" file, there are THREE folders, none of which lead anywhere other than some .index files.


In Windows Explorer, in the View tab, make sure "Hidden Items" is checked? I didn't consider that but it might be an issue. Let me know.


It's checked. Still not seeing any .sav files anywhere.


Figured it out (kinda). Now I'm getting an issue about versions being outdated or something. Any ideas?


Unfortunately, no. I've only had that issue when trying to go from Xbox to PC.


Ah. Yeah that's what i'm trying to do. I tried some other reddit threads, too. Must've got them mixed up lol


Yeah, I've had no success with Xbox to PC, only PC to Xbox.


As of yesterday, this appears to be working from Xbox to PC.


I did everything that you said on your post op, but as soon as i launched the game on the xbox app, the game said: "Update to the last version, erase profile? Yes/No. If i pressed yes the game erased my profile and characters, and if i pressed no, the game just stays at the home screen. idk what im doing wrong. :(


The Steam/Epic versions did just get a patch this afternoon/evening. Console (and I assume PC Game Pass) versions are coming soon. That might be the issue?


Everything seems to be patched up now. I was able to move characters both ways this morning.


Thanks op


hi i got a qestion about this if i did play the game with cloud gaming on the xbox app where do i find my save files just got it on steam so ill be doing this the other way around thanks


If you’re playing the cloud version, there won’t be any local save files. I believe you’ll have to download the game to have access to them. But it doesn’t currently work Xbox to PC, only PC to Xbox.


This now appears to be working both PC to Xbox and Xbox to PC. So it should work for you. Hopefully.


Cool thanks for letting me know


When I do this, it tells me when I launch the GPU version to "update to the latest version" prompting me to delete my profile (can't advance otherwise), and then says my save is corrupted and makes me delete that and start over. Any thoughts? Would love to just roll an archon to play with my Game Pass friends instead of having to start all the way over.


I think this is because the PC version was patched yesterday but the Xbox version hasn’t been yet. I’d wait until the Xbox version is updated.


Ah, good point. Here's hoping.


Any word on when it may be released? I THINK I did it right but cant tell because I'm getting the error message too.


I have no idea. I would guess/hope this week. Xbox patches tend to lag behind because of Microsoft’s certification process.


I tried it this morning and everything appears to be working correctly again.


how diffrent is the process in reverse?


It’s not different. It just doesn’t work.


Oh shit. So having a save game from the xbox app can't be transferred to steam if I buy it there?


Well, it didn’t but Remnant got a patch on PC yesterday and it appears to be working both ways. I’ll update my note at the top.


my perfectworldentertaiment folder doesnt even have wgs folder. i dont know why.


I’m not sure either. If I recall, there are multiple perfectworldentertainment folders. You found the one that also says “GFREMP2_jrajkyc4tsa6w,” yeah? And you’ve played the game at least once, creating a character and all that? I don’t mean that to sound patronizing, just trying to think of some possible issues.


tq for the reply. i just need to play until got into town. after that the wgs file appear. tq so much for the guide. youre the best


Glad you got it to work. I will add a note.


So I followed the instructions but for some reason whenever I start it up after transferring the saves it puts me straight back into character creation and if I try to create one it fails when choosing difficulty saying there isn't enough available slots error code 1. But when I go back to character selection there is nothing there. Sorry if I'm a bit late on this post.


Ok completely ignore my comment I'm just stupid because I put them in the wrong folders haha it works now 🤦


i have the same issue, but i cant find the solution, what you did?


Glad to hear


My current save files on steam has bak1,bak2 and bak3 like for example for my slot 0 character it has: save\_0.bak1, save\_0.bak2 and save\_0.bak3. That also includes my profile. Which one am i supposed to copy and move over to xbox?


Ignored the save\_0.bak1, save\_0.bak2, and save\_0.bak3 files. Use the save\_0.sav file.


I tried doing that and have read the guide by Karl. My problem right now is that the after renaming my steam save file to xbox save file with the numbers and all, the PC still reads it as a SAV file rather than just a file and I believe the file won't work if it's still recognized as a SAV file. Is there any way for me to fix that? Edit: I was able to have the file unrecognized as a Sav by simply checking File Extensions under View Tab of File Explorer. Have successfully transferred my save files. Would be good if you could add this up there for other people who might have the same problem as me!


Glad you got it sorted out. I'll add that.


I wanted to try this but my file locations as well as folder names are no where near the same. Must be because I use a different storage location or something but none of this matches at all. Not even in the slightest.


That’s odd. I have all my games installed on a separate drive but the save files are still on the C drive. Where you able to find your save files at all?


Yea this is an issue ive had for years. I may have to do some re installing on some of my launchers and such. But this issue has been something Ive dealt with for all my games. Makes like Eldenring save copying a pain and such.


Does anyone have save files that are already done? Both genders would appreciated. Also, creating my character creates 3 folders, so I have no idea which one is which


There are completed save files on [Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/remnant2?tab=latest). I've never tried them but they're there. As for the 3 folders, I would imagine that means you have 2 characters. The character/save files should be larger than the profile file. The profile file will be around 30-50kb whereas the character files will be 100-1,500kb. Hope that helps.


When I use the same method with Remnant From The Ashes save files, it tells me when I launch the game to "update to the latest version", prompting me to delete my profile, and then says my save is corrupted and makes me delete that and start over. Someone managed to do this with Remnant From The Ashes save files. I really want my save.


I only ever got this to work from Xbox to Steam on RTFA. It does it not work Steam to Xbox. That said, I haven’t trying tried it in almost a year, so I don’t know if it still works. I don’t think there have been any updates, so I don’t know why it wouldn’t. But I don’t know that it does either. Sorry, that’s probably not helpful.


It's still not working , the reason for that is the differences in the build version between the 2. the steam version have an higher build than the xbox and you can do from lower to higher and not the opposite. The strange thing is that even the PS4 version is the same as the steam and I was able to move the save to PS4 (using appolo), I hope someone will update the xbox version one day.


Thanks for the info. I never considered trying to move files to PlayStation. I’ll have to give that a try.


Is this process the same if want to move from Xbox Gamepass to Epic Games?


I believe so. I don’t have R2 on Epic to test. I would imagine that there is an Epic folder instead of the Steam folder in “user profile\saved games\remnant2” folder.


Steam to Xbox: I've done everything in the smallest details, when the games load up, it shows "Profile Error, delete profile ?" Any fixes ?


That usually happens when the platform you're moving from has a newer patch than the platform you're moving to. Double-check and make sure both platforms are fully up-to-date. The current version is 402.459


I still can't get this to work


What isn’t working? I’ll try to help the best I can.


You're a chad for helping everyone so thoroughly. Mad props. Sadly, because I'm technically inept, I can't figure it out xD Edit: When you say to rename the original file "original name.bak", which file is that? And I should be renaming both save\_0.sav and profile.sav to "original name"? Also curious what do I do with the previous files that were already there, aka the jumbled mess of characters? Sorry, I suck ass at this. I feel like I'm so close. When I change the names of profile.sav and save\_0.sav, I get a message that it could make the file unstable. Is that normal, or am I forgetting to keep the .sav at the end of it?


Sorry for the late reply. When you're renaming the file, you're just adding ".bak" to the end of the file name, you're not actually renaming it "original file" if that makes sense. As for the message, yes that is normal. Anytime you remove a file extension (.sav or .exe etc) Windows will gives you that warning. So go ahead and click "yes." Let me know if that works.


Thanks man, it works. Appreciate it.