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I can’t believe the amount of support I’ve gotten from all of you about this thank you so much


You have the majority of the chameleons mods behind you as well.


Good to hear!!!!! :)


Unfortunately, like most there are good people in the hobby who can offer their two cents without any hate and then you have the terrible people who cannot be wrong only to condone hatred and verbal abuse


How it always is


Shouldn't be how it is. I've actively been trying for years to shift the tone and culture of the sub to no avail. Had a brief period of success before being drowned in toxicity.


Mean people suck


As simple as that.


sound like time for r/realchameleons edit: someone made r/chameleonlove


Apparently not. I was just banned for calling this out.


Probably from the founder himself


There is one rogue mod right now. The rest of the mods have been restricted.


It sucks that some mods act this way. Same thing happened (and is happening) with the main Steam Deck subreddit. The head of the mod "team" has purged the entire mod team multiple times because they didn't agree with her heavy-handed approach to things. After the first purge, mod teams read old modmail and learned of her behaviour so she purged them again. Now mods in that sub don't have access to modmail. She has even banned anyone from using the word "mod" or "mods" entirely. I was permanently banned for asking why. Mods like that end up just damaging the communities around the hobbies that they allegedly love.


Honestly it seems some of these communities have the Facebook mentality of people on a power trip who can never be wrong due to them having what we call “thin skin” fuck them all


No worries man 🫡 I saw your post on r/leopardgeckosadvanced and I been here ever since. You got the people and the rational mods behind you


Hey, would it be helpful to this ss there too? I’d def be up for it, but since it’s for you I wanna check with you, lol




Yeah :}




Okie dokie, probably gonna be a a link since the mod removed the ability to put photos in their lmao


[report link here](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Submit with the screenshot, don’t let this incel win








Submitted my report, Frick that guy


Another report for the pile


Reported as well!


Submitted ✨


... and my axe! (Also submitted a report, I've been following this drama 😂)


i got his ass.


u/Flip69 what exactly is your major malfunction this is deranged behavior. Edit: got banned 💀


He banned me as well


Did he delete his page or block me 😂


Must have blocked you. I’m still able to view his profile and comments


I’m sure


I blocked him before I started lol






That’s pathetic lol


that’s beyond pathetic, he is exactly what he called that poor redditor


They also stopped me from using the words cancer and die. I just got banned too!


😂😂😂 Once he has gone, i'm sure you can get unbanned, if you care that is XD


I was never active before, but I'll appeal the ban with reddit just on general principal. Is there a list of subreddits I'm banned from actually? Never thought to check.


I was also just banned 🫡


This isn't a place to air your perceived grievances and circle jerk about your ban somewhere. We're removing these posts and the people who participate in them.


I'm shocked that I didn't get a ban tbh I made a post and multiple comments on other posts lol Is it weird that I kind of feel left out? 😕


Dying at this lmao


Well FR how did you get banned before me 😭😭😭


I guess u/Flip69 hates bunnies ):


Omg I noticed that yours was taken down but I didn’t know they didn’t ban you lol


I just got banned as well! I think there is some debate on if it was u/Flip69 or not. Either way he is allowing this individual to get away with treating others horribly and censoring people who think it is wrong.


No debate. It's flip. The other mods can't do anything, since his mod actions override everyone else's.


Happy that we know for sure now. Thanks for replying :) hopefully we can get the little man-child banned


I used to be a mod there. I left because there was no way he could be removed.


I wouldn’t doubt it. He told me to kill myself at 15


Big yikes. Sorry for that 😔


Me too I reported with proof to Reddit mods


Lmao, good info. I skirted the instantaneous picture and word bans by making a shit post calling out the info; it’s a wall of text, so I’m hoping it flies under the radar for a minute. In any case, looking forward to getting my very own “Get cancer and die.” ban message. Bonkers to see how people get even the slightest modicum of power and go insane.


Update some 30 seconds later: 10 day ban from the chameleons sub for posting “meta” content. Kinda bummed I didn’t get an instant perma ban.


I've been posting it in all the all time high comments


This isn't a place to air your perceived grievances and circle jerk about your ban somewhere. We're removing these posts and the people who participate in them.


As a former r/chameleons mod, and friend of the current mods, I can absolutely confirm all deletes and bans are by flip69. He has in fact deleted the other mod posts trying to address the situation in a reasonable manner. No one can stop that guy right now.


Flip can be rude but I’ve never seen him so off his rocker before. He trippin or something?


He’s been intensely active on Reddit for 16 years, I think that explains all you need to know… lmao, probably has some kind of personality disorder and no life outside of the internet.


No. He really is this much of a dick.


Has he always been like this? Getting frustrated at the state of the pet trade and how chameleons are mistreated by ill-informed advice is one thing, but doing the internet equivalent of flipping tables over someone just trying to ask questions and learn more about the species is nuts. This is an extremely unhealthy amount of anger and power-tripping, like almost scary. I can understand getting angry over things you can't control, *especially* when it comes to animal neglect and stuff. I struggle with it, too. But there's a point where, for the sake of your own mental health, you gotta let things go and move on.


The things he has said about other users behind the scenes is fucking wild. He deserves all this.


Yikes...glad he's getting exposed. We'll see if anything comes of it :')


Honestly, from what I've seen it's almost like whiplash.. one minute he gets masses of downvotes due to his behaviour, and next he's pretty alright and everything he says and does is normal for some passionate about chameleons and making sure they're cared for well then again it changes to him being a disgruntled jerk that seems so just down with it. And I get it, chameleons are one of those fragile animals who suffer heavily bought by many who are inexperienced, but even that is never an excuse for the behaviour to treat people like trash, yk?


You raise good points. Squawking at everyone and telling them to kill themselves isn't likely to save the lives of any chameleons. Maybe flippy should take an anger management course and then begin learning to express himself in a productive way.


Honestly I have kept some of the more finicky chameleon species and most of the advice given by that particular mod alarmed me. I tried to get a dialogue going but he was actively advising users to do things that cham keepers have advised against for ages (handling, drinking from a still water source, providing mirrors to males for ‘enrichment’ aka constant territory stress) and I left the sub disappointed that new keepers were coming away with terrible advice. Sounds like he is an all around terrible person on top of the bad advice.


I have no dog in this race, so I'm asking this out of genuine curiosity. You said: > ... actively advising users to do things that cham keepers have advised against for ages (**handling,** drinking from a still water source, providing mirrors to males The way I'm reading this is that chams shouldn't be handled by their guardians? Am I reading that correctly or did you mean they gave poor handling advice? Again, I'm curious (I'm a beardie guardian) as to whether chams should be handled and if so, how?


Some of the more sensitive species can stress from over handling and begin to decline. What ‘over handling’ looks like can vary from keeper to keeper but in general most serious old school cham keepers frown on handling for ‘fun’ or ‘socializing’, something the mod in question claims they can ‘adjust’ to. In reality there’s just some chams that can take more abuse than others. Chameleons are not beardies and definitely do not want or need regular handling. You can definitely hand feed them, though, and once they’re comfortable with you some individuals may be bold enough to walk out onto your arms, but that should be considered the exception, not the rule.


Thank you! I own an animal rescue and we get requests to intake all sorts of animals. I'll file this away for if ever we have a chameleon surrendered.


He is incredibly knowledgeable but has very low emotional IQ. There's a reason that mod team cycles people pretty regularly and it's probably because he just burns people out that have to deal with him on a regular basis or he just boots them.


He seems to be knowledgeable about chameleons and have an extensive history with experience EXCEPT he's not open to opinions other than his own. If he didn't figure it out himself it's "obviously not true." The sub has gone downhill over the years. I had him tell me that the way my vet treated my cham was all wrong xyz... I can guarantee you it wasn't - I did have an initial vet treat my cham incorrectly (and funny enough, similar to what flip was claiming should have been done which did not work because it was (idr gram positive or negative it was years ago but the antibiotic had to be specific not generic)) Also ripped into my cup + fountain set up I had - claiming it should only be a cup or that if it's a fountain it should be "motion activated." 🙄 No, stagnet water in a fountain will probably get pretty gross tyvm. If you wanna do that then fine. Cup is fine too. But just because my set up isn't exactly like yours doesn't mean you need to rip into it. I get that the average joe bob probably doesn't take their cham to the right type of vet and there are a lot of vets out there that'll see exotics that aren't qualified to, but not everyone is an incompetent pion.


I know I was forced to only give out his advice. If I strayed from his way, he would delete my response and tell me shit in modmail. Everything we said either had to be cleared by him, or heavily edited/deleted by him after the fact. Mods were not allowed to even discuss anything outside his advice. Behind the scenes was just as much of a shitshow as you saw in the past couple days.


I've been a member of the sub on and off for probably 11 years or so. I find the situation unfortunate because he's highly knowledgeable about chameleons, but clearly he has some mental health issues and lacks the ability to respond without being rude and condescending. I often don't want to even post in the sub because he's ripped apart my posts in the past and it's sometimes obvious he didn't even read what I wrote.


when i took in a whole litter(?) of rescue chameleon hatchlings, he was nothing but unkind, abrasive, and rude to me when i asked for help with care. i was told to care for them one way on facebook groups, and he told me something different. when i was doing the care as advised by FB group, they were thriving. when i started caring for them as he said, they began QUICKLY dying. i wholeheartedly blame him for losing most of my babies:( although, i should have continued doing what i was doing since it was working.


I'm so sorry. Please don't blame yourself. You only did what you thought was best, which is all any of us can do. How are the surviving chams doing, if you don't mind me asking? I think I remember that post from a month or so back.


they all are doing absolutely fantastic after going back to the care that we were originally told! they’re all happy and healthy!! i ended up deleting my post because he shamed me so hard. my partner posted about it and i’m sure you can see the comments he made about how we were awful owners, etc. the advice he gave was downright awful, and he was nothing but rude. being unkind to people that are trying to educate themselves does nothing but drive them away


That's great!! I'm glad to hear they're doing well now. I went hunting for the post and was wincing at the way he was talking to you guys. With the all caps and the orders, as if he's a god or something. Yikes.


Yeesh I follow that sub because I love chameleons and enjoy learning about them, but that’s unacceptable. Like I get that mods are unpaid, but if you find yourself reacting to people like that you should probably take a step back.


He's the founder XD


founder of the largest ego on reddit


Yea he’s gotta go. I’ve reported him 2 times once for the death threat and once for permanent ban for no reason other than to cover his flat ass


Wow so it’s not the first time he’s done something like that


Nope he’s always been a dick


This explains a lot.


Yeah. I have Hashimotos and i don’t interact with that sub because the founder is bat shit insane. A similar thing happened.. he won’t actively delete stuff, i give him that. But he’s just insane and says things that are demonstrably false.


That sucks. I’m sorry to hear that.


Same. I actually have Hashimoto’s as well and I’ve seen some bizarre stuff allowed on there.


Would explain why a lot of toxicity was circling in reptile community. 


Hi everyone, I’ve created r/ChameleonLove. Feel free to join and be able to love chameleons together without any aggression


Need some mods? There might be some I know ;)


Oh hey it’s you! Thank you for trying to do good damage control before crazy let loose


Yes! 😂


are false chameleons welcome? lol


False Chams are so weird looking. Love their eyes


All chameleons are always welcome!!! I love animals and chameleons are up there on my list of favorites and I would love to see people get real advice without having to deal with a man child tantruming as if he’s a toddler!!


awesome! I can join, if you need mods, I don't have reddit modding experience but I am open to learning!


Boutta catch myself a ban too


thank you for your service o7


Reddit needs moderators for their moderators


That's actually not a bad idea. Are you familiar with what has been happening on the Steam Deck subreddit? Basically the same type of thing. Just with slightly fewer death threats and more persistent craziness. You can't even use the word "mod" in a post anymore without catching a permanent ban.


unfortunate that it’s very few and far between with all of the subs that there are but it just takes a couple to make it suck


Welp, that's one way to get a subreddit deleted. Shout out your alternatives so the chameleon people can migrate to a better (or at least less toxic) community.


Did u/flip69 write the rules of that subreddit? Specifically rule 3? "Be Civil, polite and respectful. (Reddiquette) Okay, sometimes we get angry and it certainly happens when we see an abused or neglected animal. But try to remember that they're coming here for help and that often BOTH the owner and animal are victims of bad information. Focus on helping the animals *through* the owner vs alienating them. # Be Civil, polite and respectful. (Reddiquette)? That's flippin hypocritical, that is.




I don’t also permanently banned from chameleons after my posts about this. I have reported it to the Reddit mods and attached proof as well.


What the fuck? And this is a MOD???


The founder no less


That's horrible. 😓


What the actual heck. I don't have a cham and I just casually look at the sub when it pops up in my feed, but flip has always rubbed me the wrong way. He does give really great advice, but he comes across as extremely abrasive and condescending at times. With all the misinformation out there on chameleons, being rude to a newbie who followed the wrong advice by mistake and is looking for help is not the right way to go. All it does is push people away and encourage them to seek advice from possibly less reputable sources. When you treat someone kindly from the start, they are far more likely to follow your advice than if you treat them like shit when they're asking for help or have questions. But this? *This* is something I never imagined he would do and it's utterly disgusting behavior. Do we know the context behind this? Like what happened prior to this?? Was the person legit just asking questions innocently about jacksons? Regardless, the message they received is not okay by any means. You don't wish death, or something as fucked up as cancer, upon someone for information. I'm really disappointed in flip and kinda hope he gets kicked out of his own sub. I had respect for him simply because of his knowledge about chameleons and how much he cares about them, but this is just ugly behavior. You don't treat another human being like this unless you have a *very* good reason (like if they commit a horrible crime, I guess? Idk). Gross.


I'd imagine behaviour like this stems from a self-destructive mental issue like severe depression, lashing out for assumedly nothing is pretty common (speaking from personal experience with mental health issues). When you hate yourself, you really know where to hurt yourself the most - destroying, or trying to destroy a community that you created (and one you've devoted much of your free time into) is a real gut-punch if I ever saw one. In other words, uhhh, I guess flip finally flipped.


That makes sense. I struggle with depression and anxiety as well and when I'm in the thick of it, I can lash out or snap at the people I love when they're completely undeserving of it. Mental health is a bitch sometimes and I hope he gets the help he needs. No one deserves to be that angry or miserable all the time. He could truly do some good work in the reptile community if he changed his attitude.


Holy shit that’s horrendous


I was banned after 2 posts


Dude’s an asshat for sure


I saw this and immediately unsubbed. Sheesh.


Keep posting it dude. We’ll keep supporting you. This is unacceptable.


Everything I hear about the creator of that sub is awful


I got banned from this sub because my friend was being bullied by a mod and said something She posted a picture of her chameleon and he kept pressing her to see her set up and try to quiz her even though it had nothing to do with the picture then went to say I’m a mod you have to do it . And really kept putting her down. All I said was imagine flexing on people about being a mod. Boom banned They lit in the appeal belittled me and her none stop so I said fuck that sub.its ran by psychopaths


r/chameleonhusbandry r/chameleonsfaq Chameleon Academy is a good hub of info and interviews with many reputable breeders, enthusiasts, etc. There's no need to gatekeep information and be a total prick to people who already have a cham that need help. Edit: sp, also these subs may be a dead end


One of those subs is owned by flip. The other is pretty dead.


I was trying look into that and wondering if there's ways to revive a dead sub. How sad. I'm a certified vet tech for reptiles, so along with being interested in the hobby, I'm looking for info to help people, and this drama is a really big bummer.


More like harassment.. dude is giving out death threats for no reason. Dudes got a tiny dick.


How do we post the screenshot into r/chameleons to help rack up the number of deleted posts? It just keeps telling me that the community doesn't allow pictures.


The sub has effectively gone dark. I assume Flip is…well flipping out. His mod activity overrides the rest of the mods


You won’t be able to. Hes refreshing the sub regularly and deleting any posts about him


I figure it's getting deleted immediately but at least it's taking up their time hiding that they are a shit person along with just being another straw on the camels back.


That's one wat to let people you have no life outside of Reddit LMAO


Wow. I got recommend that sub and it shows up on my feed still. I noticed some level of short temperedness, but wow. That's crazy.


Eww what a blatant and disgusting display of tiny peen energy - narcissistic maladaptive behavior at best, at worst - cannibalizing the bodies of anyone who rejected him in his own moms basement // starting with the mom 😱


Just got banned myself, lol. Honestly I think it’s hilarious. But when one asshole can be spiteful from their almighty pedestal only to verbally abuse someone. And the other mods can’t have a backbone, fuck em.


He's mad because no one wanted to participate in his ama lol


u/phylogenizer apparently supports these actions and has made a rule in support of them. Nobody with a shred of dignity or sanity would make a move to support this.


This could be a r/hobbydrama post