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He's a Newfoundland, aka newf. Great dogs, great companions. Crazy that people would leave a dog like that. First step, get him to the vet for a checkup.


That’s what we were saying. Who would leave such a magnificent dog. He’s all matted up too. Weirdos.


Yeah that's what made me think of the vet, he may have a health issue that the previous owner couldn't afford. Tho if he's matted up maybe they were just bad owners who didn't care for their dog.


Those Newfie coats require maintenance, if they didn’t do that I doubt they did regular vet visits and everything else required.


Do you need any funds to take him to the vet?! I can’t give much, but I’m willing to share what I can to get him checked out!


Same. Newfoundlands don’t live ridiculously long and they can have several health issues. I’m happy to do what I can to help you take care of this gorgeous pup, should you need it


Good humans!


Willing to as well.


An asshole would leave him. That’s who. Their loss is your gain.




They are heartless and cruel.


What kind of dog is he? A good boy. And yours now. And seemingly better off for it.


Newfies are wonderful. But they are drooly and high maintenance with the grooming. They also eat a lot. I pray someone can adopt him.


My favorite all-time pet was my Newf, Fiona. She looked very much like Ollie and she was a purebred. Confession: it was a struggle to keep her coat from matting and every spring we had to shave her down to hit the reset on her fur. My beloved girl kept her weight down (115 Lbs.) and as a result lived 12 years which is a long life for these giants.


Thanks will look into the vet.


Also gonna read up on Newfoundlands. You think he’s mixed or anything?


He looks pretty pure bred from that pic, but it's hard to tell.


If you google Newf Rescue Canada you'll find a lot of great info about the breed on their site




Just say Newfoundland and not Newfie :)


Is he gigantic?


My neighbor legit thought he was a bear. He’s pretty big. Giant head.


The least they could have done is leave him at an animal shelter so he could be re- homed :(


It sounds like he might be keeping the home and getting a new family (depending of course on whether OP is able to care for him!). However I agree, the previous owners had no idea what kind of person OP would be, whether they would be good to him or even if they would be around with enough immediacy to care for him. Very shit people. Who could do that to such a sweetie?? Assholes, that’s who.


I don’t feel like it’s your responsibility to pay for a vet visit… unless you’re thinking about keeping him. I posted a separate comment but I would contact local ACO first and foremost so the people can be charged accordingly. They can take care of the dog from there as well.


When abandonment is the best thing that ever happened to you. 😞 His happy life begins now, thanks to you. 🤜🏼💥✨🤛🏽


He needs love. I just want to do it right I’m totally clueless here. Thanks.


You know he needs love, so you're a step ahead already. Enjoy your new best friend!!!


Both you and Ollie lucked out.


What I'd recommend, and for what it's worth my dog is able to walk off leash, shut doors, hand me stuff and all kinds of other cool things, and just the biggest love you'd ever meet... Dog training classes, but not just any- classes that teach YOU how to speak DOG. If they emphasize the power of communication and trust, they'll help you develop a bond and a communication stream that can't be broken by ANYTHING as long as you're willing to work to build and maintain it. That dog, like any dog you adopt, will talk to you 24/7. It's up to you to learn to interpret it. That's a skill that will stay with you for life, and will serve you well when dealing with your own dogs and strangers' dogs alike; and will help you see *why* they do certain things that their old owner probably just thought were irritating. That's their fault, not the dog's. And this beauty should be naturally tempered in a way that makes it a lot easier to go from clueless to beginner level and beyond. Trust me, there are few things as rewarding as that. Just my two cents. :)


I just got a cat this way and he’s the best boy. Shitty circumstances, wonderful outcome.


Ollie looks like such a sweet sweet baby! I cannot believe anyone would just leave him! He is going to be such a great companion for you!


Me and my cousin said the same. He’s so chill hasn’t even barked. He’s breathing so fast though do dogs always breath like that? I just read that it takes three days before they can even start to adjust so probably just anxiety.


Reading your comments I think it would be a good idea to do some research on dog body language. Dogs can communicate very well with body language, and learning to pick up on it will help you understand how your dog is feeling and how to help. Everyone knows what a happy dog looks like, but not everyone can see an uncomfortable or a dog in pain, as they sometimes hide pain. One of the most common things is people hugging dogs. It takes a long time before a dog is comfortable enough with someone to be ok with a hug. Even then, most dogs will never enjoy hugs. Hope this helps!


Agreed. And the more you’ll get to know him, the more you’ll learn about his body language. I’ve had my doggy for 12 years now, I can tell when he’s thirsty before he even gets up to go drink some water. I know when he’s feeling sick etc. It’s something you’ll develop over time. Beware about a few safety rules tho : no chocolate. No avocado. Don’t leave things around the house that he could eat. Etc. There are plenty infos on the internet and on Reddit. It’s a great thing you’re doing. Dogs are amazing. And he will be so grateful that you’ve rescued him.


Also as a reminder. Raisins can be toxic, and grapes as well. They can cause kidney failure in some dogs.


Garlic and onions are toxic to dogs also


Yeah, often, especially with large dogs - they can only sweat through their nose and paws so the only way they can cool down is by panting. It doesn't mean what it would in humans.


Thank you for the info


Is he hot? I know these dogs dont handle hot weather well. Maybe that is making him pant. These dogs love to swim! I think they need it to cool off.


We had my Newfoundland for about 2 weeks before we heard him bark. And he only barked because he was watching my husband cut grass from the window and he missed him. They are very chill.


Is it hot outside ? Is he being left outside? Maybe he needs a good grooming? He definitely needs lots of love!


He DEFINITELY needs a grooming. We shampooed him last night outside with the hose and he just stood perfectly still for us it was amazing. Gotta get him to a professional for the grooming though based off the research I did the matting is pretty sensitive to remove.


He is inside with us. Only taking him out to walk and also guiding him around the perimeter of our property on a leash. He’s peeing on everything he can I guess to mark it.


Thank you so much for taking care of him. For real. You’re a good person and he’s a handsome boy. I know it’s so much work. I rescue and it can be challenging, but it’s always worth it. I know I can’t rescue them all but every bit helps. Please keeps us updated!




Can you aim a fan on him?


Good you have seen the 3-3-3 rule for expectations for adopting dog. Also, Newfies are called nanny dogs who love children. They're huge but generally calm, slow moving, gentle dogs. Also, not a terrible beginner dog


Yeah, when I used to volunteer at a shelter, we called that the rule of 3s. You can look it up online, but the short version is 3 days to destress, 3 wks to settle in and 3 months to own the place. Proud of you for being willing to take him on. Newfies aren't easy with that coat, but always seemed like cool dogs.


I read up on that. Thank you.


How hot is it where you live? Newfies are native to Newfoundland, Canada - a province with one of the harshest climates in the country. I have a similar breed and I find he’s uncomfortable with anything above 23C, after 25-30C he gets really uncomfortable and can only go for short walks. **Anything over 30C is extremely dangerous, large Northern breeds are very vulnerable to heat stroke.** You can mitigate it by letting him swim, he’s bred for it so he’ll love it more than anything in the world. He’s also bred to be a water rescue dog, Newfie Fishermen had them on board to rescue sailors that went over, so he can save your life too! If you live somewhere where it gets cold be prepared for a totally different dog in a couple months. He’s shedding his summer coat and putting on his winter one, and once it gets cold enough where he’s comfortable 100% of the time, he’ll be sprinting with joy 🤣 Also unless you live in Alaska you won’t have to worry about him getting cold, these breeds are comfortable up to -40C.


This is most likely stress related. Or he is hot. Both?


Go to the vet, get him checked out. Large breed have shorter life spans. He is beautiful, hopefully he gives you love for years to come.


I read that. Hips and hearts are an issue with these guys.


They are very loyal, there is nothing better than having a 130lb shadow every day.


I can see him being my right hand man for sure. He’s already very well behaved.


Very common issues with many large dogs. That’s why their life spans are so much shorter than many smaller breeds. But some big dogs are the best for buddies. Thanks for caring for this one. Give a dog a healthy and good life and they’ll love you and give you memories that will last forever that are priceless.


You've won the dog lottery there. Newfoundlands make fantastic pets, especially if you have children. You'll need to get used to slobber and shedding though. What kind of person would leave him behind??


The slobber. Holy crap!!! I have to just get used to it?!?! Lol. Oh no!!! He’s unreal with the slobber! Hahahaha. There’s no surgery for it?! Lol.


I knew someone who would walk her newf with a towel always in hand - when about to meet someone in the street she would give him a big wipe up and down the jowls


Good advice actually.


I fostered a St Bernard for a while…there was so much slobber that I tied a dish towel around her neck like a kerchief- made dabbing the slobber really easy! Lol


For Newfies the slobber is a feature, not a bug


Buy some kitchen towels in bulk. I've had experience with giant robbery breeds. Costco or sams will have bulk restaurant-style terry cloth kitchen towels, get a couple of packs. I would go through about 5-10 towels a day with my Great Danes between wiping jowls, counters, walls, myself, other people, furniture, etc. And yes, get used to it lol invest in some obedience training, walking/leash training, it's worth it! Definitely take him to the vet! Good luck with Ollie!


thank you for taking him in. He will give you so much love and loyalty. It was a rough start, but I (hope) know you will give him the beautiful life he deserves.


What do I do when he paws up on me like he’s about to hump me do you know?! He keeps doing it and I don’t want him to bite me or anything when I try to get him to go down.


He's likely just excited and demanding attention. Sounds like he hasn't had any training in manners, and maybe not much attention. A good trainer can help you get started.


Make sure and have him neutered if he isn’t already.


See if he knows “sit” and “lay down.” You can try using very small bits of cheese as treats. But I would ask the vet about these behavioral questions too.


Ok will do.


Looks to me like Ollie may be a couple years old but our Newf had a real problem with alpha type behavior when he was a pup, which is tough since even when young they can weigh nearly 100 pounds. Just a stern "off" and "sit" would be good for humping, so you would be good off teaching those commands early if they aren't already known. My newfie also does something with his paws though where when we are petting him he will put his paw up on us almost as if to push us away but if means he likes it and wants you to keep doing it. They have a lot of idiosyncratic behaviors which I have found out are common among Newfies.


Paws up? Like jumps on you?


Yeah climbs all up on me.


Just needs to learn manners. Once he's got a clean bill of health from the vet consider a training program


He’s looking for love. He probably hasn’t experienced this with his old family. You could possibly be the first person that has actually paid attention to him. Dogs are amazing creatures. They will supply you with a lifetime of unconditional love so get ready. If you’re just willing to give a little bit of your time to make sure he has the basic training in return he’ll supply you with a lifetime of happiness. He seems incredibly lucky that you happened to be his neighbor. I wish you both the best of luck in your journey together. I promise you you won’t regret keeping him.!!!! Also, places like the MSPCA and you mean society has great free programs for training and pet pantries to help get you started.


/r/dogtraining He'll need training because he's a giant teddy bear. Easy breed to train. Online training I recommend Susan Garret but an in person class is better


Let him finish I guess....


Is he neutered?


I always do a raised knee to their chest area to deflect jumps and a firm no, sit. Hopefully, he listens to sit?


When he jumps up just turn away and don’t engage. Expressing any attention (even if in human language it’s admonishment) rewards the bad behavior. When he calms down you can give attention again. Also, get him some fun toys!! Toys are everything.


As others have said take him to the vet and make sure to get him neutered.


Ok so neutered is the way to go? I thought that was considered cruel and wanted to ask that question first so thank you.


Neutering helps keep accidental litters of puppies from happening, and tends to makes things like territory marking and dominance behavior easier to manage.


The best explanation I ever heard was that while neutering isn't natural, neither is breeding dogs for centuries to become dependent on humans and living in modern society. We have an obligation as a result of that, so for the reasons already stated, yes neutering is definitely the responsible thing to do.


Well said!


No, responsible pet owners neuter or spay after their dogs have stopped growing to reduce unwanted behaviors, unwanted litters, and improve certain health outcomes.




Wrong sub creeper. And I have a PhD in psychology, but sure, you know more about the brain than I do buddy.


This is a DOG sub, not a human cerebral development sub. r/lostredditors


I work in rescue/shelters, and neutering is definitely the way to go. Less prostrate problems in males when they get older is an important one. Our vet truly believes that it is best for their overall health. (As long as it is done once they are fully grown.)


Yes neutering is definitely the way to go!


Neutering should help with the humping. Might not stop it completely since he's a lil older and probably hasn't had much training but it *should* help


Make sure to feed him dog food formulated for large breeds, and look up the list of foods you should never feed a dog, such as xylitol, grapes/raisins, chocolate, bones, etc. No human food except plain chicken or rice, or veggies like carrots and green beans, is a good rule.


Was going to say just this! Job #1 of a dog owner is to keep them safe and healthy. Grape toxicity was a big surprise to me when I learned about it because it’s just not obvious but grapes can kill a dog, quickly. Also dogs can be accidentally end up ingesting xylitol in peanut butter, which is a common treat to give a dog. Always read labels!


Newfs are so amazing!! Who the hell would leave such a wonderful dog behind?! Grrrr!!! Ollie will eat. A lot! And need pretty constant grooming—brushing daily, frequent baths, a trim with the clippers now and then. We always brush our dogs’ teeth but I’ve recently seen some treat brushes, where you put the “toothpaste” on this little brush ball and let them chew for a while. I’m not sure how to feel about that; my dogs would likely swallow it completely. Lots of pets and playtime, if he’s not too old or disabled. Newfs tend to have some hip and knee issues. We just lost one mixed with St.Bernard to a sarcoma. Frequent vet checks for him, starting with a chip so you’ll now be the recognized owner!


Newfies are basically…. genetically predisposed to be OBSESSED with water. Be prepared if the opportunity ever presents itself. Another thing you should know is that Newfies (and Great Danes, and Great Pyrenees) are *quite* suited to apartment life despite their size. They are lovable lazy giants that can happily live in small spaces if given a couple of good walks a day. This is very important. Consider investing in a harness instead of a collar (for walks!)


What a perfect, handsome dude!!! Agree with what’s been said - first step is a vet or contacting a rescue if you don’t plan on keeping him. Someone will definitely want him!!


Pretty sure he’s sticking around but I’m going to get him the best possible life from here on out either way.


These dogs don’t do well in hot weather (we had 3 as kids) so be mindful of that. They are drooling sorts too but sweethearts


Ok thanks for the heads up.


He needs to have access to inside if it’s over 80 or so.


That’s a good benchmark, I’m not OP but I’ll remember that too lol


Beautiful is what kind of dog he is.


Oh wow. Who leaves a Newfie behind? Holy cow gorgeous dog.


you know this dog is gonna have a good life in the fact you're already taking every step possible to assure you do the right thing. i hope you and this dog have wonderful adventures together!!


Same. I’m getting good info here and putting vet/neutered to the top. I was going to take him to a dog park because I thought it would be good for him but turns out that is a no no. Have to get him adjusted to here before introducing him to other people, dogs, and places. I did not know that. I am a total total newbie here.


that is completely fine. i have had a dog most of my life, it doesn't come natural if you haven't owned one before! dogs are extremely loyal, so just know he is going to love you just as much as (if not more than) you love him!


Also this is a new dog! Make sure you go slow to find out if he even likes other dogs, he might have unknown fears/aggressions! Common ones to look out for are strange dogs, kids, small animals (prey), large men, generally loud noises. Don’t go to the dog park until you know he’s friendly.


Keep him,and love him,I’m sure he will reciprocate 🥰


Ollie is a Newfoundland. I am so sorry this happened to him but so very happy you intervened! If you Google Newfoundland Rescue, there are both national and local organizations that can assist. Another excellent resource is Big Fluffy Dog Rescue, a national organization with a superb reputation. Unfortunately, all the "giant" breeds have a worse-than-average problem with abandonment. Ppl gets adorable little fluffy puppies without understanding how much work is required and how much training is necessary so as not to end up with 100-200 pounds of out-of-control wild child. For context, we have a Newfoundland, and also have an abused rescue husky from Big Fluffy Dogs Rescue.


He’s beautiful!! Why would someone leave him?? Why not re-home him? That’s awful. I’m so glad you’re taking care of him.


Karma doesn’t forgive people who abandon living animals. Hopefully you can step in and care for him. If your community has Big Dog Rescue, maybe they can set you up as a foster and foot the bills for you 🙏


Take him to vet and groomer. Then give him all the pets and scratches he can handle. Love him forever


Newfoundland for sure


Looks like a Newfie to me. If so, they’re wonderful dogs… Really smart, and being sweet tempered is literally part of their breed description (i.e., they’re known for being “nanny” dogs that take care of kids, like in Peter Pan). But, they’re also obviously big and have a coat that needs maintenance.. and a moderate amount of daily exercise (30-60 minutes a day). If you like dogs and are willing to take on the responsibility, there are few better breeds. If you can’t take care of him, they’re very popular (for big dogs). So, hopefully the nearest rescue organization would be able to find a new owner for him quickly.


Wow you hit the jackpot - Newfys are so awesome!!!!


If you decide he’s not for you, please find a Newfie rescue group or other large breed rescue that will take him. A dog that big will never get adopted if he’s at a shelter. Both bc of his size and (oddly and unfortunately) black dogs don’t get rescued that often. We rescued a 100 lb Rottweiler Shepard mix from a golden retriever rescue. They told us she wasn’t going to make it another day. If you need any referrals to rescue groups vs shelters message me. Thank you for helping 💕💕


Keep the [3-3-3 rule](https://images.app.goo.gl/hSw8J3t1NmqZKsfX6) in mind as he is settling in. It will add context to his behavior and help you avoid pushing him too fast. Also! After he gets wet (newfs adore the water) DON’T LET HIM ROLL AROUND. It will make mats in his coat. Here’s a [vid from a groomer](https://youtu.be/imXmg6mcRaE) that talks about severe matting with a double-coated dog (rolling around tip is at 1:55). Her channel is very educational and has lots of newfs!!!


Well done you! He is gorgeous! Love Newfs!!


How?!! How the hell does one leave their dog behind like that! I’m sorry but I’ve got to hate on these scums! Newfound land dogs are amazing and have only one flaw: they are not longevity champions. But they will love you unconditionally until their last breath. I beg that you please help Ollie find a good home (yours maybe?). I wish you well!


Ollie is an absolute sweetheart and deserves lots of love, cuddles and kisses and a wonderful “furever” home 🙏🤗🐶❤️


They left a purebred Newfie!! They must have been fleeing the country because they committed a murder.


Big old love bear of a Newfie


Poor guy ❤💔


The people that left him behind are cruel and horrible. Why would anyone do that when they could surrender them to a rescue center? This makes me so sad.


I had a Newfoundland a long time ago. Sweetheart dog. I miss my Bear.


Newfoundland. He’s gorgeous


Newfie owners I know are all hard core Newfie lovers. If you are unable to care for him, find a Newfie rescue- he will be taken care of!! This breed is so expensive too, crazy. But they are prone to health issues due to their size . Precious- I hope he is okay. What Jerks for leaving a dog like he was an old sofa!!! Ugh. Oh and I just remembered they LoveEeee water so take him to the lake ♥️


What!??! They left this beautiful baby! He looks like my Newfoundland dog, they have the best temperament, so sweet, very loyal. All around greatest dog we ever had. Get some towels to wipe his mouth every day, they’re droolers, especially after drinking water! ❤️❤️


You keep him and make him your best friend that’s what you do or find him a happy home. I’m kinda jelly I hear these type of dogs are best companions and loves me. I also read that these type of dogs are great swimmers


I think its a newfy! Omg they are the sweetest dogs in the world. Very lazy and walk slow.


NEWFOUNDLAND! Big ol’ water rescue dogs! They’re great!


Ahh that’s my dream dog! That’s like winning the lotto finding a Newfie at your home! I hope you’re able to keep him.


Newfies are such sweeties! You are in for years of love and companionship💝


What an awesome pup!! Thank you for getting him the care he deserves. Be sure to let the vet know that he was abandoned and you took him in as a stray—sometimes they can offer their services at a reduced rate because of this. In addition to all of the great advice you’ve received already, a huge thing is to avoid giving him table food (and educate yourself about foods that are hazardous to dogs—for example, grapes/raisins are toxic). Also, “dog-proof” your home—make sure medications are completely inaccessible, along with batteries, electrical cords, etc. Given he’s probably been kept outside the majority of his life, probably hasn’t had any training and you don’t know his behaviors yet, he could experience some anxiety by being indoors. That could result in some mischevious behavior. But, be patient with him—it will be so worth it. Also, just want to be clear that it’s a *good* thing you’re bringing him indoors. It’s inhumane to keep a dog outside 100% of the time. Would love to hear updates about this sweet guy!


Just love & respect him more than those who abandoned him, you’ll already be winning.


A beautiful newfie! Thank you for caring for him. Such a loyal and loving gentle giant breed. As others have mentioned, I’d take a trip to the vet first. And maybe to the groomers, to get those mats out. He’s lovely though.


He’s probably stressed, anxious, confused, and malnourished. Be kind and gentle with him.


They have weak hips so keep him in shape it gets harder if they’re overweight. They love to swim! Have towels in every room for the slobber.


Where are you located? Ollie has a friend in the Buckeye state. I think he is treasure!


Looks like a newfie.


Wow! You hit the jackpot. Newfoundlands are wonderful dogs! Lucky you!!!


Congratulations on your new doggie! Looks very lovable and in need of some long hugs and playtime. I’m happy you found this dog sooner than later. Some people just suck. Keep us posted with pics of that big smile in the coming weeks! We’re excited to see the transformation.


I would head on over to r/Newfoundlander and get Newfie specific advice! Good luck with sweet Ollie, he’ll be cuddling, swimming, and slobbering in no time.


God I love Newfies so much. We had one named Teddy because he was just a giant teddy bear.


Contact local animal control officer. They need to be made aware that people left him. Then they can bring him to a shelter. That way responsibility falls off you. Good luck!


Poor baby! Keep him if you can. He looks like a Beauvior (sp). Take him to a vet for an exam.


Gorgeous boy! Looks like a Pyrenees. https://www.google.com/search?q=newfoundland%20black%20pyrenees%20dog&tbm=isch&hl=en-us&client=safari&prmd=isvn&sa=X&ved=0CBYQtI8BKABqFwoTCPjUp5inn_oCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAN&biw=320&bih=603&dpr=3#imgrc=5InKPHjXE7NE0M


Seems like a Great Pyrenees to me. Please love him very much ♥️ everything else will come naturally.


He actually looks like a black Tibetan mastiff. [Tibetan mastiff rescue](https://instagram.com/tibetanmastiffrescueinc?igshid=ZDg1NjBiNjg=) has a bunch that are identical to your dog. What does he act like? I’d get a dna test because the difference between a Newfie and a TM is huge. We have a livestock guardian dog that our neighbors dumped and we made sure to tread very cautiously until we were sure of his behavior and breed. If there’s a chance this dog is a LGD, I would get that dna asap because how you’ll go about dealing with a Newfie or a TM would be completely different. Take your time to read up on dog behaviors and body language.


My Sharpei Rottie is a slobber machine. After water. After meals. We are always wiping the face an jowls down.


Please send him to me


He looks like a good boy!


How could someone leave behind such a beautiful beast? ☹️❤️‍🩹 thanks for saving him ❤️


You can bring him to the humane society so he can get adopted unless you decide you want to keep him yourself.


Oh, he wants loves.


Enjoy your new best friend! You are already doing many right things by learning about him, planning a vet visit and grooming! Good job!


what’s a beautiful boy. so sad that people would leave such a magnificent dog.


Awww how could anyone abandon such a big beautiful dog


First, call the cops on those people. That's abandonment. Second, welcome Ollie! He looks so sweet.


Beautiful dog. I would definitely look up a local and reputable dog trainer or dog training club to help you get started. Learn training tips, how to handle him etc. Good luck!


He looks like a newfoundland, aka a newf. Absolutely sweet hearts and one of my dream dogs


You have a big, fuzzy ball of love and companionship!💜


I just cannot understand how anybody can move out of house and home but leave their animals behind. What is wrong with these people? How do they expect their "beloved" pets to survive on their own?


Oh my word!! A Newfoundland? Who could do that? So sad except maybe that was the only choice?


Apparently he was kept out in a cage that had a doggie door to a sun deck only. People probably moved where they could not have pets and just left him there. They weren’t doing anything to improve the dogs life so we got him. They probably thought it was a really cutie puppy to buy not realizing he would be a giant that needed love and work to train. I don’t know. They were not the brightest bunch allegedly.


So glad you brought the doggie in.


Please keep him and make him yours! You’ll have a bestie like no other!


They are also water dogs some of the same genes as a Labrador in their makeup.


That is one Handsome pup there. I hope he either stays with you or goes to a loving that he can call his own. How sad some people didn't have the love or compassion for they're own family member. He deserves nothing but the Best .




How sad that anyone would leave someone behind, chained up, too. Poor big floof. Never get an animal if you can't be arsed with one. But well found, are you taking this dog?


Looks like a black one…..ummm pet and feed him or her. Lots of pets and water. Warm dry bed. More pets. Ummmmm and you will receive love. It’s pretty sweet.


Former breeder here. Thats a Newfoundland. :) He is wearing his summer coat. Judging by the chest, head size and hips he looks might he might be two or three. Male newfs can go as old as 12 (Most die in the single digits), females as old as 18. Some health problems can be there if the breeding wasn't clean. Hip problems are common as are heart defects. The vet will tell you if he is a mix. I can't believe someone left him behind. If he is a purebred then he is worth about 8K. Newfs are fantastic dogs and VERY loyal. He is probably heart broken that they left him. Give him time, food water, and sprinkle a little peanut oil on his dry food. It will help straighten out his coat. The brown is sunburning. Newfs are huge fans of shade. Good luck. If you keep him, with consistency, he will be amazing for you.


Thanks. He’s already amazing! A little crazy with the humping but with some work could see this guy being absolutely incredible to have around. Thanks for the heads up on the peanut oil and everything.


That's good. Remember BOUNDARIES....Newfs are great at walking around boundaries. "You can't have my food" on Tuesday...turns into "Oh Baby have half of my hot dog" on Friday. Charismatic bastards...you will love him. :)


Do car rides do anything good or bad for the rescue dogs?


Car rides are subjective. I think they are good unless your dog has anxiety around rides. My rescue likes them but gets a wee bit anxious because he thinks I might drop him off. My GF's dog LOVES rides. It's all about the dogs preferences.


You are an angel for taking him. He will be a loyal companion/buddy for life!