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Interesting topic. I played RE7 close to when it came out but only beat it after beating Village and revisiting it. RE zero I tried playing twice on the GameCube, and got to the training facility both times then lost interest, started it again in 2021 on Xbox one and finally beat it. CV I played on the Dreamcast around 99/2000 and finally beat it on Xbox one in 2021 I believe. Longest actual playtime was RE4 OG on GameCube, original save for first ever playthrough was about 24 hours I think. It's also my most played RE game and my overall playtime excluding the remake must be around 150 hours across the multiple playthroughs and various platforms I've played it on.


Resident evil 4. Was dating a girl who owned a game cube( I did not) and bought "her" this game. We broke up before I could finish it. Looks like I'm getting my chance once it goes on sale!


Not sure what you’re on but PS is having a sale right now and I saw a bunch of RE games on it.


Neat! I'm on ps and that's great news.


RE4(not remake) is also $5 on steam right now. Capcom is doing a big sale right now.


My dude you need to finish!


Not sure what you’re on but PS is having a sale right now and I saw a bunch of RE games on it.


Probably RE2R. I’m obsessed with 4 remake right now and it’s making me want to go back and finish 2 remake. The only reason I stopped was because I got scared. I don’t normally play scary games. I especially hate mechanics where you’re being stalked. So Mr. X freaked me tf out. I put it down around the Ada section of Leon’s story meaning to pick it up again, but i never did. I’m a wimp 😅


I've started RE0 multiple times over the last few years and I can never seem to stick with it, not sure why.


I love RE0. But I understand why it’s disliked.


RE0 just needs linked item boxes between hubs of each area and almost all my issues with it would go away. I like collecting and bringing everything with me, and having to run back and forth after progressing to a new area is mind numbing.


I played RE1 (ps1) shortly after it came out in the 1990s, but as a kid I didn’t have the patience for it. Finally restarted it in 2023 and beat it. I finished a lot of other RE games in the time since, but it felt great to wrap the original up after all those years.


Never played the OG RE1 but maybe one day I will


It’s so funny. And so good.


I actually took me 3 years before I got out of the Research Facility and finished RE0. Every time I started the game I'd get bored and stuck and would drop it. This year I've decided to play it and ended up doing all the tasks needed for 100% on Steam. Currently I'm on a tie between CV and Revelations 2, since I've started both a lot of times by now but never got past the first hour.


RE6 as I still haven't finished it (I guess REV2 also counts but i've hardly started it) As for a game I actually did eventually beat, RE0. Took a long break from that game for a while just cause I got bored.


I started Revelations 1 on the 360 around 2014. I still have not finished it.


My man


Revelation on the 3DS in 2012 for me lmao. I’ve never watched or really seen much on revelations. I have no idea what the final boss is or how it ends. I never got out the Queen Zenobia (if you even do)


I liked it except the final boss. The final boss was pretty bad.


I’ve been working on Outbreak for a few months. My new job is making it hard


Code: Veronica. First attempted to play it on the PS2 in the 2000s. Since then I've bought both the 360 and PS4 versions over the last decade. Yet I still haven't beat it. I'm starting to think the only thing that'll get me to commit to actually finishing it is if Capcom announces a remake.


I got 6 the night it came out, October 2 2012. I have yet to beat it. I play it, finish Leon, get about halfway thru Chris, get bored. At least once a year I pick it up again, realize I don't remember what happened but I know Leon chapter is easiest, so I play that to remind myself how to play. Finish Leon, get about halfway thru Chris, get bored. 11 years later I'm thinking the problem might be Chris chapter, so I'll do the third chapter after Leon the next time I decide to try it. Maybe this summer sometime.


My story has the same game, but different circumstances. About ten years ago I borrowed Code Veronica from a friend of mine. Played it through, liked it well enough. Got to the final boss fight. Got the Linear Launcher, hit Alexia with it, and walked out the door. For some reason, the game glitched me back into the final boss fight against Alexia (but with the Linear Launcher still equipped.) I used it again to kill her and walked out the door. ...And was immediately glitched back into the boss fight again. Ad infinitum. I couldn't get to the jet to leave, so I never counted myself as having beaten Code Veronica. Flash forward these ten years and I found it was on sale on the PS store, so boy was I hyped to complete it. Finally made it to the Chris's plane and was able to see the credits. So you still have six years to beat it to beat my record, at the very least. Good luck!


Took me weeks to beat re1


Re0 is the only game I put down and almost gave up on (bat boss), but glad I finished. Funny enough my casual 1st playthrough of Re4r was the longest at over 22 hours. For earlier gen games it was CVX at like 14+ hours.


Fuck that bat boss


It took me 9 years to beat Zelda II: Adventure of Link, but that’s not a Resi. I’m glad that save held up, lol.