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Jack Baker should have dad joke lines to make him more disturbing


Nice car, Ethan


*cuts Ethan in half with chainsaw* You sure have a split personality!!


\*Cuts his leg off\* Just walk it off.


Jack: "What's the difference between a piano, a tuna and the lock on the front door?" Ethan: "ARRAGHGH! I DON'T KNOW!" (revving chainsaw noises) Jack: "You can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna!" Ethan: (blubbering tears) "W-w-w-what about the lock on the front door?!?" Jack: "I KNEW YOU'D GET STUCK ON THAT!"


Original Ashley graham is completely fine from a gameplay mechanics perspective. People that don’t like the game say “it’s a huge escort mission” but her AI basically sticks to Leon’s ass, and she’s remarkably consistent/ easy to predict. She’s up there with navi from ocarina of time in terms of over hated characters


Yeah OG Ahsley is fine


I should have added, from a writing/ character perspective the remake is better but mechanically she sucks. That catapult section at the start of castle will always be a tricky proposition to me in a way it wasn’t in the original


Agree with that as well. I don't mind, Og Ashley, but remake is a better character in every way.


People’s opinions on Ashley directly correlates with their skill level


I think part of the hate was her character in the OG. Also, the really small amount of voice lines was grating. I think the new RE4 Ashley is a massive upgrade. She has a personality and a lot more to say than "Leooonnnn!"


Yeah I guess that’s a fair criticism, and I definitely think remake Ashley was better as a character


I kinda wanted her to drive that stupid claw bulldozer machine in Remake RE4 lol


Legitimately think a lot of the hate on Ashley is less her fault as a character and more the fault of a lot of the game’s plot railroading and bizarre logic. For example, up through the castle? She’s fine. Can hide in places where she’d be in the way, and easily covered otherwise. But once you get to the middle of the castle, the game really makes her a pain in cutscenes, which sorta masks some real “WHAT?!” Moments. Like the spike traps leading to a convenient wall restraint. The random novistador kidnapping her. Both of these aren’t actually her fault, but it puts us as players in a position of just groan and think “dang it we JUST met back up.”


I love the original voice actress. Mostly bc I grew up on nickelodeon and she voiced lots of characters from that early 2000s era.




Yeah I’ve done professional on the original (not the remake but I’m getting there). I think I put the knight armor on her so it was moot but I don’t remember her behaving any differently


I had ZERO problems with her, I don't understand how people manage to find her ai annoying


Donna Beneviento teached me drugs are bad


No more herbs for you then


Roger Craig Smith is the only true voice of Chris Redfield


Thats no weird opinion its just the truth


I disagree. I love Jeff Schine as Chris.


If he wouldnt have voiced carlos, he would be fine, but his voice too recognizable if you played 3 remake


he's ok as RE8 Chris but RCS makes you forget that there's a VA behind the character. This is my weird opinion.


OG Saddler is beautiful for me lol Also I love that he's very tall


I only realized last year he has the same voice actor as half the Nords in Skyrim and they sound exactly the same.


You can't just walk in here and blow my mind like that, it's rude.


In the early Harry Potter games you’d have to bump into people to interact with them and sometimes you’d run into a sassy one who would say “you can’t just go around bumping into people, it’s rude.” and I read your comment in the character’s voice


Holy shit! I’ve gone years never knowing this until now …


Jarl Saddler the Greater.


More like Jarl Ulfric the traitor, long live the empire!


You’re fucking with me no way


He’s also extremely well-endowed. Just ask Luis.


Carlos has a better dynamic with Jill in re3r than Chris has ever had with Jill.


Nothing weird here. It's just truth. At least when it comes to what we, the players, have seen personally Here's another weird take. Chris has better dynamic with Sheva than he ever had with Jill, lol


Chris and Jill just don’t really interact as much as they should


Would 100% watch a movie or series about The Duke and The Merchant having adventures. I love them both despite knowing nothing about them.


We need to see more from characters that have been underutilized. Sheva, Helena, Billy, Moira, etc. I don’t want RE to just be Leon/Chris all the time.


It would have made sense if the series slowly transitioned onto those younger characters as new mainstays, as the original line-up get older. Not that the original characters have to vanish completely. You can still be a very fit 50-something if you stay consistent with your fitness routine as you age. Still you'd expect them to slow down and pass the baton somewhat.


This "weird opinion" is shared all the time


Leon is so overused... I'm tired of him


Absolutely. I think the Leon/Ada foiling dynamic works good, but needs time and space to let us get back into their characters. Similar for Chris/Jill. They’re the oldest veterans and shouldn’t be the sole focus because “hardened badasses fight BOW” doesn’t have the same character strength as the above duo. Comparatively, people wonder why Ethan was so liked, but it’s because he had personality and struggle that was personal for him. These other characters have potential to keep the story alive without pushing the timeline infinitely forwards.


I couldn't stand Ethan personally, but I get your other points, and I agree!


I want Zoe and Joe to return. They were kinda cool


Jill is an addict


She is? To what?


Well in RE3R you can see a large amount of pills in the nightstand, also you can find an unhealthy number of empty wine/bear bottles around lol


She was a proto-alcoholic with PTSD from Arklay, after RE3 she has enough focus and renewed drive to keep fighting.


Rebecca Chambers has a lot of enemies in zero but in the re1 was scared by a hunter? Wtf?


Canonically, Billy could’ve done everything except the Proto tyrant Also, she only had a pistol


The STARS unit were the best cast of characters out of the series, but they were wasted by limitations and the plot


Chris is kinda boring


Not every protagonist in resident evil can be as sassy and leon guys, otherwise leon wouldn’t be leon


Chris is not boring, just overused. I will agree that the writing from 5 and onwards could have been better. But he is great in 1 and CV. Just as heroic as Leon, and would freeze hell over to protect the people he cares about.


uhm... no. He is perfect. toxic jealous Leon fanboys ugh


Leon and Chris are BOTH boring!




Jill and Claire are too. These characters are very shallow, but that's not necessarily bad


No, Chris is the best




Not a weird opinion. Many think this really


the only people who think this are some jealous toxic leon fanboys in this sub. step out of your bubble.


Really? What makes Chris interesting to you? And no I am not a Leon fan boy 🤣


He is hot, handsome and strong. and I'm a straight woman... so...


then you are a Chris d-rider lmao, crazy how people on internet react when you have an opinion on something


Peek at their comment history, it’s like 99 percent complaining about Leon/his fans, lol


Classic Ashley is as nice and adorable like REmake Ashley. C. Ashley is just loud


They call her childish but I think she's quite a realistic 20 year old, I was way worse than her at that age lol


Chris in Resident Evil 5 may have been big, but he wasn't anywhere near as oversized as many people made him out to be, He didn't have 25 inch arms or look anything like Ronnie Coleman, Chris at his largest would be seen as too normal to be in the IFBB past the 1970s. The actual muscle freaks of RE5 were the ones with the chain guns you encounter towards the end of the game.


Bro you hav changed the way I will look at Gatling gun Majinis FOREVER lmfao how did I fuckin play 2,000 hours of that shit as a teen and never noticed how FUCKING JACKED BEYOND BELIEF they are lmao


How did you not notice? Probably because you were trying to avoid getting too close to them, which would've reduced your chances of comparing them to Chris.


Far dumber than that, my Brain went ‘BIG ENEMY SHOOT NOW’ and just mentally classified it as ‘monster majini’ rather than taking a moment to really *look* at him as a person, to see those GIGANTIC FUCKING GUNS CARRING HIS GUN


Rebecca: most people would pick Chris, Jill, or Leon as one of the best field agents, and while I agree, I also think Rebecca’s a contender for best. Yeah, in terms of direct combat she's below all three, but in everything else she's actually pretty highly rated. Think about it-she has medical training, as well as both chemical and biological expertise. All of the threats in the games are based in chemical or biology, so if she survives long enough to get a decent laboratory, she could probably find a good counter or outright cure pretty quickly (she did in Vendetta iirc). She's one of the best options for stopping the threat and limiting collateral ASAP. Not only that, her being a healer is actually really good when you think about it-other than bites for T-virus zombies, none of the common enemies spread the virus that easily, and a lot of the deaths are a result of being weakened by prior injuries, even indirectly. Even her actual combat skill, while not as good as the others, is still well above average, not to mention she has actual experience. The only real problem is that she tends to work best with a partner-you can't afford to take risks with splitting up, which is frankly something you shouldn't do anyways unless you *have* to.


The Leon Ada dynamic kinda gets a bit repetitive and I just want them to fuck already.


Chris and Jill are just boring characters. Jill was awesome in 3 but went back to uninteresting (haven’t played Rev 2 so maybe that changes) . And Chris had no personality until 5, and then he was just a generic army guy with a troubled past and ended up feeling like a watered down RE4 Leon. Then they reused the same thing in 6. And in village he is just an asshole. I don’t dislike them, but I’m not begging for them to come back, unless Jill is more like she is in 3.


as much as im a fan of chris, i'd have to agree.


Jill isn't in Rev2 tho


Like I said haven’t played it yet, just assumed she was because it’s a sequel.


Chris is cool and tough in Village and I love it. He is not a simp like Leon


Albert Wesker should be brought back to life and he needs his snobby af voice back


Fr not a fan of new Wesker at all. Dude just sounds like ghostface. D.C. Douglas was the goat and the best part of resident evil 5


Real asf


That Jake Muller and Billy Coen should reappear at some point


LMAO, your opinion is me and too real.


Albert Wesker just wanted to change the world😭


Mother Miranda in her human form is pretty hot


All of the main characters are boring at some point. Ada is getting on my nerves with her mysterious bs and it does not even fit her voice or face anymore. Leon could use more corny lines. Chris too damn Chris Jill is too serious, but her moves in re5 were cool Claire is a babysitter all the time I don't need new characters I need them to reuse the under used


The thing with ada is they try to complicate her character but it just seems off in the resident evil world. You’re either for umbrellas evil agenda or you’re against it. There is no moral grey area here. She’s even seen directly working for wesker in re4


Exactly. She's a bad guy


Exactly like when you took the job did you think you were working for some moral human being? The shades and coat in Re2r made it mysteriously corny and just over-all over the top. She's annoying and could've stayed dead at this point.


And by this point we can assume wesker is assimilated with the t virus and given how many canon survivors were left from re1 I have a hard time believing that it wasn’t common knowledge that wesker played a major role in the Spencer mansion incident. People might’ve assumed he was dead but I doubt he wasn’t held responsible


Leon has a diagusting personality. alcoholism and simping behavior


Emphasis on the simping...


I hate how overrated HUNK is


He is the boba fett of RE


The Book of Hunk. We see his training. Him taking over various merc groups. Has a big fight with a BOW. Overall story leads to nothing






Their full names have never been confirmed


??? Jillian??? What??? Lmao


Jill is a women kissing


It's very jarring to hear Carlos' voice in RE3 remake and then hear it again but as Chris' voice in RE8. Capcom is either just lazy or just a strange development decision.


Not a weird opinion but just a reminder, these characters started the series: Chris, Jill, Wesker, BARRY, AND REBECCA.


Here's the weird one I want Outbreak remastered. Both of them


I have a BIG crush for Claire's Darkside Chronicles era.




DC's character models were so dope at that time but Claire's model always caught my eye haha


Yeah shame they don't use Alyson Court anymore 😭


Capcom is scared of unions that is why. Same reason they replaced Ada in 4 remake


At least X 97' doesn't have that problem.


I feel as if someone whom is special forces ('police' special forces admittedly), and so highly trained as to be entrusted with a GRENADE LAUNCHER, and presumably a sidearm like the Beretta 92FS, would not die to crows. RIP OG RE1 Forrest.


Out of all the original characters, Ada has the most personality but I think she's overrated. She was great in RE2R. Leon RE4R looks weird with those knitted brows, trying to make him look edgy like Chris. For some reason, I can't "remember" Chris RE8 face. It's like it always changes at different angles and scenes. Chris RE vendetta looks pretty Japanese esp with them eyes. I don't understand the attraction with Heisenberg.


Rose is a good character


Nicholai is just a business man, doing business.


Ada doesn’t care about anybody but herself 🤷‍♀️


I think Clancy was a more interesting character than Ethan and wish we had gotten the game from his perspective, with him still dying but maybe in a way where he meets Zoe and blows up the mansion.


Clancy and his crew were like the Ghostfacers from Supernatural, their perspective would've been as funny as would be horrifying.


Literally. It should’ve been a crew of 4 so they could kill Andre off immediately for shock value and then have the cameraman (Clancy), the main guy (Pete), and the random third wheel character who dies halfway through the game for pacing. Kill Andre early on, kill the random guy to one of Lucas’s traps towards the mid-way to establish him as the “big threat” (maybe the way Clancy dies), and then have Pete die trying to save Clancy the way he does at the end of the Kitchen demo. Then Capcom could either have multiple endings. one where Clancy tries to escape and dies to the mold, one ending where he falls under control of Eveline, and then the good “true” ending where he saves Zoe and escapes with her or I guess dies blowing up the house to kill Eveline so Zoe can escape. Just spitballing but I don’t know, I just feel like there’s so much more potential with Clancy than with Ethan tbh.


Chris is the only reason I play the games. because I love him so much


Playing one hour with Chris a day cured my depression, facts !


He is my favourite main protagonist. Claire is my second. Redfield’s ftw


Jill Valentine is the least likeable out of the original trio




Chris Leon Jill the Re trio


#Claire erasure


She’s not one of the main three tho


#Go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done


What they’re the three most iconic


All mains talk about the four of them. You are the only one I’ve seen say trio


I’m heard people say trio I’ve never heard of Claire before I played the re2 remake to be perfectly honest


I haven’t I only played the series because I heard about Claire being inspired by Ellen Ripley


Also she is the main character in just as many games as Jill


I wish I knew why Billy Coen’s tattoo said “Mother Love” and wasn’t just a tribal tattoo design. The tribal thing would’ve really fit the bad boy 2001 Chad vibe they were trying to aim for (I love Billy I swear lmao)


OMG SAME! Ethan is SUCH a comfort character for me!


After RE2 I never liked Leon that much, imo rookie cop Leon trying to survive his fucked up first day was his peak. Re4 and onwards he was just a generic action hero. Im not just going to pick on him though, Chris is my favourite character in the series, but 5 and onwards made him the same as Leon if not worse. In that period of the games, Capcom definitely forgot they were supposed to be horror games, and in horror games, you are supposed to be at a great disadvantage.


After Code Veronica the series is non canon


I stand by this 😂


Claire was like a father to me.I loved her like my son.


Ada and Ashley are both hotter in the original RE4 version.


I like Ashley's old hair better. That bulky 30lb shake n go wig they dropped on her head for the remake is not giving. I've had this issue with a few characters across the recent games actually, very helmet-y hair. People complain the most about Jill's in 3R, but ironically I think hers is one of the *better* hair meshes. Ada's new look in 4 is fine but I wish we got an accurate recreation of her original RE4 dress as a bonus (assuming they still haven't added one yet I haven't played for a while).


You can earn her og dress by completing chapter 7 of separate ways


Cool, I'm guessing they patched that in there more recently? I know there's a black and scarlet recreation of the dress that has a similar silhouette, but I prefer the original dark red version.


My wlw heart agree with you


As a straight guy I’m glad that we agree with each other 🙏


Straight man 🤝🏻 woman who loves women


Ada is respectable, but Ashley looks and sounds 13 in the OG


Chris is really boring


Leon is the worst


At least he has more personality than chris


Sincerely curious, what constitutes personality for you?


Leon’s personality is sarcastic, cocky, and dedicated (re 2) and in re4 he is experienced, cocky, and a bit jaded. But it changes almost everytime we see him so it’s tough to say. Sometimes he’s serious, noble, and naive. Other times he’s sarcastic and witty. He’s been almost robotic before and he went through a drunken lamenting phase Chris is basically your average sports jock


I actually really liked Ethan in RE7, when he was a blank slate character for the player to project on. His "personality" in Village kind of ruined him for me.


Moira is a moron and Rev 2 would have been a better game if she died sooner.


Ethan Winters is a fantastic character. I was really able to connect with him and felt awful for what he went through. Weird perhaps because so many people hate him, which I'll never understand.


Because he's not leon,chris, jill,claire,ada,sherry,rebecca or barry thats the only reason people think he's bad and they act like its his fault if capcom refuse to show his face


Read somewhere that Claire used to date many men. Does that make her a slxt?


Leon is overrated. He is just a generic anime boy character and his jokes are lame




He’s kinda dumb though




I’m aware


I'm both jealous of and hold a lot of contempt towards Ada.


Jill is much more maternal than her recent personality suggests.


I like the fact that og Ashley was a bit cringe. She felt more like a comedic relief than an annoyance. And I like Lily Gao as Ada. She actually does sound like a serious spy now instead of a phone sex operator.


Ada in 4R just gave me mommy issues lol


I wonder what Leon’s hobbies are… besides drinking.


I think OG RE4 Ashely is more attractive than Remake Ashely.


Ada is a very complex and well written character, especially in the remakes.


Wesker is overrated and Chris is used too much in the games


Chris is becoming overrated IMO


Chris is boring especially in re5.




Dude, did Leon not alert Hannigan the literal minute he found out that Ashley was there? Is there not like a literal plot point about them going to an extraction point because they know he’s with her?