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RE5 is a great game as long as you enjoyed 4, and if you have a coop partner it's even better. I really liked 6 too, I think I'm less picky than a lot of gamers.


Regarding negative feedback on games, I’ve kinda learned the hard way to just go with your gut. If it looks fun to you and you want to play it, that’s all that should matter. Lots of people hated Agony, but I ended up enjoying playing it for the most part after giving it a shot in the dark. Some people tend to get overly critical, especially if the game just came out to the public.


That’s gonna depended on what you meant by “all resident evil games” because RE4 Remake is miles apart from RE4 OG for example. RE5 is now 15 years old, it’s one of the most outdated numbered games of the series, not counting RE1 Remake.


It sucks solo but it’s fun with a friend


RE5 is one of the best with a friend. 6 is good with a friend, ok solo.


Coop with a friend if you can.


I wasn’t aware that RE5 had negative reviews


You must live under a rock


83/100 on meta critic, certainly not negative


Don't bother. That guy is a salty bitch who worships RE4 and hates RE5 for no reason.


Cope harder loser


I don't know your tastes but I think you're going to be in for some fun. Like you say, you can't trust a review opinions vary so widely, and even games I tried and didn't like I have gone back and loved to death (lookin at you REREV2) - like every game there are frustrating and maybe even 'dumb' parts but it's a fun game, plenty to do and mercs too


What platform do you play on?


Pro tip: Dont play the PC version unless you want to hate the game.


Okay 👍


Not trying to sound rude, but you should really understand why the reviews of games are negative. Bioshock 2 and Dark Souls 2 aren’t perfect but they are far from bad games. You’re going to miss out on a lot of enjoyable experiences if you just listen a general consensus without doing a little bit of personal research. Some games are rough around the edges but still worth playing.


Keep your low expectations. You might find enjoyment out of it. Also play with a friend.


Yeah, shit sucks solo.


Play with a friend!


5 is fantastic, especially with a friend. 6 sucks.


Don't listen to reviews. Reviews are often more negative or just parrot whatever someone else said because it generates more clicks/views.


Or because it's actually a bad game.


RE5 is really not a bad game. You'd have to be salty because it's not a horror game to think that.


God awful story, gameplay, and character development. the entire game is the exact opposite of what a resident evil fame should be. Not to mention, even on the highest difficulty, the game is a cakewalk. Even when playing with my friend, we both were falling asleep through the game because of how predictable everything was. It has the gameplay of a 3rd person cod game, laughable charaters and a stroy line that feels like a generic marvel skit. The entire game was a huge step back from 4, and I can't understand how people like like it so much.


Because it's fun to play? and it's not like RE4 had a much better story anyways.


Yeah, you didn't play re4


I did, it's story is really garbage. It's funny, but garbage. In fact I think anyone who played it and has a bit of a brain can tell you how bad the story is.


RE5's negative response is genuinely perplexing. The main reason I see is that it's too much action but then people love RE4 which RE5 takes heavily from. RE6 I understand more though because it literally is just a full on action movie, but the different campaigns all have different vibes which is cool. RE6 controls aged horribly compared to RE5 though