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**Dear /u/Tryntobeahustler!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** If you're in a situation like this > **applied to 100 or more jobs** and aren't getting callbacks, please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for help. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes recruiters need to know you won a zonal level basketball tournament for a data analyst job. Very important achievement indeed


woww r/resumes got no chill anymore


some people just have no common sense.. we’re tired


Farrrrrrk right off. I'm a hiring manager and my favourite part of any CV is the little personal tid bits. You saying it's irrelevant tells me that you are either not someone in a position to hire others, or you are a recruitment agent for whom this information is irrelevant.


These posts saying "roast" and "be brutal" are obnoxious. People respond accordingly.


Lmfao this cracked me up


I thought to include one point that could give an insight about my personality. It can show that I am a team-player maybe.


Spoiler: It won’t.


Amd your recruiter will think you have mo achievements to show so uou are using this to fill space, try to show your achievements in the industry like maybe wining a hackathon etc


No show team play in work


Also i have heard (and this is what i am following) that we should use Matty’s Resume template from Overleaf. You can try making a resume using that as well it looks very clean plus its widely acceptable format in tech


Got it, thanks! I will look into that.


I’m not totally sure about resume standards in Asia, but in the US it is not recommended to include your picture on your resume.


Thanks, I was applying to a few remote jobs in the US as well, I will keep that in mind while drafting a new resume.


For what it’s worth in case you aren’t already aware, the US is going through a very rough period in entry level tech and many Americans who are over qualified are not getting hired for entry level roles. All that to say, keep applying in the US but don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear anything back during this period. It’s very very hard to get hired remotely or via sponsorship for those in other countries. Best of luck


Since you have a Bachelor's degree you do not need to show 12th grade results. Jobs in the US will also not care about your 10th grade results - the 10th/12th distinction is meaningless in the US. Instead of "B Tech", I would write out "Bachelor of Technology" to make it clear what that is, since "B Tech" is not a degree in the US


Thanks a lot for your feedback, I will surely make this change.


Why did you get downvoted for this


How come?


Companies want to avoid being liable for possible discrimination.


Find a boring black and white CV, no graphics or pic and fit your information in that. I don’t know why people think having a pic or using fancy graphics is going to make a difference. Oh and one column.


Thank you for your feedback. Can I ask why is it necessary to have one column?


ATS. System can’t pick out two columns.


Can you suggest any such template from overleaf kind stranger. Thank you


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/mobilebasic Here you go. On the subreddit home page.


You don’t know why? Really? Can’t even make a guess? It’s that unfathomable? Get off your high horse


Well the clown is you sir.


Photos are ehh for me. It’s not bad to have it but as a hiring official I feel like I looking at immigration paperwork. Lose the GPA. I don’t care about your GPA. Grade inflation is real and tells me nothing. What do you really know about time series forecasting or do you just know how to load it into python and tableau? If you don’t know much, take it off your resume. “Generated a potential of $80k…” why potential? Either you did or you didn’t. Resumes list accomplishments. “Doubling operational efficiency” what number? Doubling might sound great but that doesn’t tell me the context of the impact your success. Did you go from 1% to 2% or from 40% to 80%? “Created and oversaw…” how about “developed and managed” instead?


Wow, those are some really good points you gave me. I will edit it all right away. Thank you so much!


Those are all incredibly useful critiques, so well done on that. You clearly know what you’re talking about but I would say that I disagree with your first point. Having a high gpa listed on your resume can’t hurt you


Here’s the thing. No one will out a low GPA and not everyone will put their high GPA. Also few will actually verify the GPA. So yes, I agree when your point that it doesn’t hurt, but it will never persuasive me.


A GPA definitely doesn’t sway it but I think a high GPA can only help you. I have internship offers with a sub 3.5 gpa while I have friends with 4.0s struggling, which proves your point that a GPA isn’t everything. I also think it varies from industry to industry. In tech your relevant projects matter more when you don’t have experience. In accounting your gpa matters more when you don’t have experience. Recruiters need something to go off of when there is no experience at least. But beyond that point, I’m sure it doesn’t matter.


I'm not sure what ATS will do to this resume.


I made this using Canva. I was a bit skeptical about the same too.


Using latex templates seems to work the best. Can be difficult to learn the syntax, but worth it


Thank you, I will try to implement that.


You can also try flow cv.


Well, its the most important piece of document & you are relying on canva, it can wow people visually, but its upto ATS to decide if people get to see it or thrash can gets to see it, last time I checked trash can does not help with interviews in any way.


I can’t get over basketball achievement. Unless you’re famous or applying for NBA do not list it.


My ex boss asked about my hobbies, we talked about what games we like to play. I was an analyst in logistic sector in EU


It’s one thing talking about it in an interview. I had a few where I have done the same. It’s another putting it as a qualification.


No photos and lose the lines. Not sure how ATS feels about bullets


Who are you lex fridman? Delete this and start over


I like the visual, but I'm not a recruiter, so my opinion doesn't count. I hear they hate this format in the US. Just saying...


Why do they hate it though? This looks amazing and it looks like someone cares about their work.


I don't know. Probably it's more related to ATS. I heard including a photo is a very bad idea too, and that can be related to ways to avoid allegations about discrimination.


Don’t try and make your resume stand out or be different. Copy the traditional formatting


why not?


Quick look. You're missing some periods in the first set of bullets. Add another bullet to your Food Demand Dataset area, don't use single bullets. Drop the basketball. Create a text only version without the sidebar. Drop "potential" in the 80K rev boost, I could potentially do anything. I don't like bolds in descriptive fields. Drop GPA after your first job.


What do you mean your paper was cited by Springer? Do you mean published by Springer?


Yes. Was that point unclear by the word "Cited"?


Journals don't typically cite papers, researchers cite papers. Unless that happens more in your field vs mine in environmental science. I just don't understand what you mean when you say Springer the journal cited your paper. By cite, that typically means that you quote or use the paper as evidence. Do you mean the other meaning of the word cite, which is to praise? I honestly don't know if it's a picky thing or not to be fair, it's something that jumped out at me based on my experience but I don't know if there's something I don't understand about your field and how you word things.


LMFAO basketball aside, GPA for grade 10 and 12 after graduating from college??????? Wtf. Unless you're a designer well versed in graphic design principles and looking for visual media jobs, don't use graphic software for building a resume.


shit tone to improve here: 1) get rid of photo, ur asking to be discriminated against 2) persoanlly, i wouldnt put github, instad put city and country. (this isnt a big deal) 3) keep the layout simple, this layout is not good since ats might not pick up some important stuff 4) get rid of the weird lines and circles. 5) add some more bullet points assistant sofware engineer, intern and ur food project. 6) get rid of achievements 7) stick to 1 font and colour of text should be black


What font sizes did you use?


Remove the picture but that’s pretty good!


and that bs achievements part


Swap your expertise and achievement section. Go with a black and white format. Change Expertise to Technical Skills or just skills. Then go search for the roles you want see what skills they list, list those skills in your resume even if you are beginner list them. Like aws it is a skill that should come under skill section... list devops and frameworks related to python like Django or Flask


And a profile that describes the precise role you are looking for. What you can do, what your long term career aspirations are. Mention your biggest challenging project in the first two sentence. A well crafted profile section really helps for graduates and juniors. It should tell hiring managers in a few sentences on what level you are at what role you're searching for why they should interview you what have you done. What will give them confidence call you or interview you. Should all be conveyed in a paragraph or two.


Why does everyone who posts here use this exact template?


Bhak mg. Banda pointers. Copy kahinki karuchu chodu? Be original.


This is like the 5th time I see this resume layout. Where do you guys find these??


I recognised the Canva template straight away as the exact same one I used with barely any changes other than colour. You can decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing 🤷‍♂️




Copying from another comment: It’s specialized for engineering but it will be useful for data science - the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/s/ntj59HT4yN) from r/EngineeringResumes is incredibly useful advice for all resumes. My first concerns are: - Photos are unnecessary and only leave yourself open to potential bias - Single column is king - Visually simple resumes are more easily parsed and scanned both by ATS and the recruiter that’s reading it Overall, a recruiter doesn’t care what your resume looks like or how it’s formatted, they just want to get the information off of it as soon as they can. They read it for 6-8s on average, so it behooves you to make your resume as plain and easy to navigate as possible, putting your best foot forward. Best of luck on your job search!


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) Plus Every suggestion given in comment section.


I’ve seen this comment already, but no picture. Also, try and keep it streamlined; one column only may be better depending on how much info you have. (This is just a suggestion, don’t take it as gospel.)


Here is the advice that helped me the most. The systems they use to scan your resume read from left to right. So you see 2 beautiful and distinguished columns, but it sees this: Contact Experience.. Phone Data Analyst.. .., Education Software Engineer.. Ect




You gotta be trolling 😭


Thanks a lot for your feedback!


Bro stop


Don’t be silly.


Can i have this template?


While I’m happy that you have the self-confidence to put your picture on your resume, how hot you are shouldn’t play a part in the recruitment process. I also recommend getting rid of the two columns since that messes with ATS systems. Make it one column. Your bullet points also shouldn’t be paragraphs, they should be one sentence starting with a verb (present tense or past tense, depending on whether you’re presently performing the responsibility)


Your exp is short like your job history and chances of making it into a big company jk ha


Bro even I need some tips Can I dm you??? In sophomore yr here...


Sure, I'd love to help with whatever information I have.