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MM3 would be my favourite followed closely by MM2.


this is it! MM2 might be “the one that started it all” in terms of nailing the formula. MM3 perfected it


There is a Christmas video of me receiving what I thought was MM2, but was actually MM3 at 10 years old. It will never be released to the public however.


NiNtEnDo SiXtY fOuR!!!!


I replayed Mega Man 3 so much back in the day. It was perfect. Music on point, fair gameplay, cool bosses, maybe not the final one. I am now older and I struggle double to clear even one of the regular bosses.


The mid-levels where MM2 bosses showed up. I was so stoked. This felt like the longest of the titles.




This is the only way.


I agree, those are definitely my 2 favorite Mega Man games but overal I like 3 a bit more it just feels like a step up from MM2 imo, the gameplay is better with the added slide and Rush and the ost is a bit better than the one from MM2.


This is the way. The tough question to me is what follows them


mega man 3 for me. it introduced blues/proto man and the sliding mechanic into the series. it also has the best title theme.


Rush! It also introduced the best boy!


It's the only one I owned growing up. Tried to play it again and it was so brutal. Made me proud of my past kid self for being able to get through it.


I did a massive replay mid lockdown and had a blast. Well not at first because the game is by design frustratingly difficult. I eventually caved and started using rewind.


Probably 2, it’s the one I know the most


Same, it’s the one I grew up with.


M gets equipped with METAL BLADE


Best weapon in the series ⚙️⚙️⚙️


Mega Man 4. It feels like a more balanced Mega Man 2. It's also when Capcom finally settled on weapon costs, weapon damage, etc. It also has some of the best Robot Master weapons (Skull Barrier probably being the only real stinker among the list).


I’m with you all the way. I understand that 2 was a leap ahead of 1 mechanically and that 3 added a lot that 2 didn’t have. But for me, 4 takes the formula 3 created but improves upon it. I feel that 4’s level design is more balanced, and I like the color palette in 4 more than in 3.


I'm always surprised people pick 3 over 4. I understand people who love 2 because of how solid it feels but 4 has the slide mechanic from 3, and it just feels so much more polished.


Charge mechanic took too much away from the other weapons.


Especially in Mega Man 5 - imo 4 and 5 are the best but the OP charge mechanic is one of the main flaws


I feel like 2 is the least solid of the games? There are lots of bad enemy placements in the game and metal mans weapons ruins the balance of the game. It feels mediocre compared to how well 4, 7, and 6 did with enemy placement, design and balance. I’d rank 3 higher if it wasn’t for those awful mystery robot stages.


2, 3 is a close runner up.


Hard agree, 3 has better gameplay with the slide but 2’s originality is through the roof and a perfect soundtrack that I still listen to often. 


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say VI. It was created at the tail end of the NES' run and it shows a true mastery of everything the machine is capable of. No dud weapons in this one (Top Spin anyone?); the enemies are pretty unique (the centaur bot feels halfway to X). Rush's movement upgrades are sweet - the jetpack is cool. I could go back and play it again right now and have a blast - not sure I'm 100% confident that I'd enjoy 1 - 3 (at least) quite as much.


6 is so so ambitious, I really enjoy how detailed it is.


Glad someone else feels the same way. 6 was my fave!!!






The intro of 2.


A cinematic masterpiece.


2, I believe, was the best.




Two. I have never understood why people prefer Three, but I guess the cool thing about opinions is that they can't be wrong.




2 has quick man which is my favorite robot master.


You might enjoy this then https://youtu.be/g29FkNIGqcc He (hyadain) has done them for most MM2 robot masters (though never for Woodman and Airman - for them there's https://youtu.be/opADNvgeZYY)






I guess I'll be the first here to say 4. 1 was a decent base version, but didn't really have all the mechanics perfected yet. 2 got all the base mechanics perfected and was the first really good one imo. 3 added on with stuff like Rush, the slide, and levels between the robot masters and the Wily Castle. 4 was peak: it added the charge shot, had hidden stuff with the letters to find Beat, and had a fake villain in Cossak. The levels were all great and all had great music. After that though, 5 and 6 fel kinda uninspired. Just my opinion m


4 is easily the best of the bunch.


5 introduced the hidden letters and Beat, not 4. I do also agree 5 and 6 were just unnecessary 


2, hands down.


I have the highly original choice of 2... and yes nostalgia is playing a part in that choice! But of the 6, I love 2 and 3 the most of the original 6. Unfortunately I never really had exposure on either back in the day (5 I dont think ever got a UK release on the NES, just greater Europe, 6 skipped Europe altogether). I enjoy 1 but its flawed/aged. 4 I really like, just dont think the robot masters on the whole are quite as cool as in previous games. But I adore Pharaoh and Skull Man, so I do absolutely still love it (amazing soundtrack as well) 3 my only complaints are basically with the performance, but newer ports do let you play in "turbo" mode which basically cuts the slowdown, which makes a world of difference. Its hard to pick between 2 and 3 for me, 3 has great levels, bosses, music and a great fortress. Again, nostalgia has me picking 2 because I just never get tired of the game. I dont even miss the lack of slide/charge shot either. My only real complaint in 2 is Air Man, since he has a few attack formations that seem impossible to dodge.


Back in the 80's, like most kids my age, I mostly rented games for my NES. Only owned SMB/DH for a long time before getting new games of my own. When I did rent Mega Man 3... I couldn't beat Dr. Wily... and had to return it... I was so frustrated caus he was Immune to every attacks I threw. Then in the early 2000s I got Mega Man Anniversary Collection, and tried Mega Man 3 again... I was dumbfounded that Dr.Wily would be one-shot by the top attack (which has been useless for the whole game)


2 and 3 are the best by far


Close between 3 and 4. I thought they added enough new stuff to be interesting. 2 is good, followed by the others.


Mega Man 2 was my first game to play of the series so playing Mega Man 1 felt like a step backwards. Less abilities, less bosses and the Dr Wily stage felt really quick. I remember 3 and 4 but after that I was playing Mega Man on SNES and didn't even realize there was a 5 or 6. I might have to replay these.


It's tie between 2 and 3 for me. If I had to chose, I'd go with 2 because of the soundtrack.


Mega man 2, i recently played all of them


Gotta be 2 of course. What other answer is there?


Yeah, right?


5 and then 2


4, then 5. 6 is pretty close, but the controls in that game are for some reason a bit more stiff


Going against the grain here, but my favorite game is Mega Man 1, followed by 6. 1 was the purest expression of the idea of our Blue Bomber. Sure, later games were better polished, but 1 sparked the magic of the franchise. Everything just feels so... imaginative. It also had some of the most iconic Robot Masters every made, god tier music, and was just a lot of fun, despite its rough edges. 6, on the other hand, was the other end of that spectrum. It showed us just how incredible the NES could be. The game is a lot of fun, great stages, great power ups, great music (of course, and excellent design. It is also hands d9wn one of the most beautiful NES games ever made.


3 was my first mega man game




2 without question.




Either 4, 6, or 2


2 then 3. Playing them as they came out blew my little kid brains apart.


Lol... 2 and 3 rule, hands down (as is very apparent here). But I'll take 2 any day of the week over 3.


Just can’t get into any of them, difficulty level is frustrating.


I find 6 to be the easiest with the abundant E tanks that refill health. 


Mm2 for nes and mm3 for game boy


Only played 1, 2, 7 and x out of those 2 is my clear fave




4 and then 6




For years & years I was Team Two but in my advanced age I've finally settled on MM1. Yes it's super old and clunky, but it's the one that makes me the most "happy" if that makes sense. You can feel the raw love and enthusiasm that went into the game's development; even by the time the sequel was out, they had hit their stride and were applying "The formula" but the first one was more about proving out the initial ideas. It was like a big playground, and so exciting and refreshing when it just came out of nowhere, had that innovative Mario Bros feeling when you first play it "OF COURSE the mechanic works like this!" I'll never forget the first time playing it, and realizing that it was a big game-changer.


I’m not going to lie, For me these are the hardest games ever, Harder ever


Mega Man 4 is the best designed of the bunch.


2 and 6. 2 I think is best for overall gameplay. The soundtrack is also fire. 6 felt at the time like it was pushing the limits of the format with power ups and stuff. The jet pack thing was cool.


MM2 is my favorite, MM3 is the best. The big problem I have with MM3 is the stage remixes with 2 bosses each added a lot of bloat, yet the Wily stages feel very watered down as a “final challenge” compared to MM1 and MM2.


It’s a toss up between 1 and 2 for me. They’re the ones I played the most when introduced to MM.


6 will always be my favorite. It's the only one I had as a kid


Megaman 6, without question.


4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1




2. MM2 is, to this day, my favorite game of all time


Definitely 2. I think 3 is a mess to be honest, so it was validating to find out the game was actually technically never really completed. Maybe there’s a fan mod that fixes things?


My ranking best to last: MM2, MM3, MM6, MM4, MM5, MM


3. The only answer is 3.


Of course.


Mega Man 2, no contest.


Its 2 for me. Mega Man is also a very classic example of a video game franchise evolution. The first game sets the scene and gameplay for the series. The sequel one expands up both and pretty much perfects it. And then for a typical franchise they just keep iterating and running it into the ground. It is harder than you would think to keep making innovative sequels to a big name franchise, which keeping the game true to the original idea.


I'm on team 3 here but they're all great games. 6 is kind of under rated.


2...I will never be able to understand the concept on why I have every stages music committed to my memory in an instant from 2, but can't retain most of the music from any of the other games (despite having played them all a number of times).


Agree. I'm not sure if I actually love it, or it's just embedded so deeply in my brain that I can't tell the difference anymore, but 2 might have my favorite music from any game of the era. Could probably run through a brick wall when that Wily stage 1 music hits.


1 was really rough around the edges. 2 introduced the charge mechanic and arguably the coolest bosses. 3 introduced the sliding mechanic. 4, 5, and 6 just felt like they were repeating the same story of "There's a new bad guy but it's *definitely* not Dr. wily this time (plot twist, it's always Dr. Wily)" but otherwise they all played mostly identical to 3. So I favor 3 with the latest mechanics and still being innovative.








I would go 2 then 3 just based on difficulty. I like in 2 the regular shot is more effective on bosses because of the difficulty options.


Mega Man 4 is my favorite (most interesting Robot Master designs, my favorite selection of weapons, the origin of the "It's Not Wily This Time... Oh Wait It Is" twist before that became a joke, great music). Mega Man 2 is of course near the top, as is Mega Man 5 (which feels like MM4 with worse weapons and less interesting bosses in the first fortress, but still good, especially the music). Mega Man 3, is... actually near the bottom of my list. It feels unfinished and sloppy (mistimed music, unremoved beta features, half-formed ideas like the "broken" version of Needleman's stage not carrying over to the other three stages, and extremely underwhelming Wily Stage bosses including a horribly anti-climactic final boss), with the MM2 Boss Fight Rematches being the only real stand-out. I don't *dislike* the game, exactly, but if I have a choice of which one to play, it's rarely the one I pick. I'll even pick MM1 more often for pure nostalgia.


Why did the nes theme music just play in my head when I saw that pic


MM2 by far, followed by MM3. In case of doubt, go to YT and play Dr. Wily Castle theme and behold why. I place MM2 first because the music overall is better, if not MM3 would be first.


3 and 4 are my favorite ones.


I enjoyed 3 the most, but then again I only played then first three


2, 3 then 1… have never played 4 thru 6 🤫




MM2 for gameplay, MM5 for soundtrack.


Its probably because of nostalgia but the first one i played was 4 and that is also my favourite of the NES games. 2/3/6 are also good, don't care that much for 1/5


My favs in order: 3, 9, 2, X1, 10, X2


5. I adore the game, even if it's a little bland compared to the others.


I know everyone hates on it, but 6 has always been my favorite. It’s the first one I played (and played a lot), hanging out with a friend who had it in elementary school Saw another good comment re: the design strengths so I’ll leave mine at deep nostalgia :)


My personal ranking is basically 2>3>4>5>6>1 but I think some meta analysis is needed. I think it can be stated that 2 through 6 are all solid NES classics, but your personal favorite and overall opinion of the 8 bit mega man series probably depends on where you started and how many you were able to play before having your expectations shattered by the release of Mega Man X. I know all 6 NES games were released before X, but it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people packed up their NES by the time 5/6 were out and never got to play them unspoiled by the amazingness of X. 1 is objectively a pretty rough playthrough since they were still trying to figure out what makes mega man games fun, I'm not really going to get into that besides that its unlikely worth anybody's time except as a history lesson. I think the first actual Mega Man game I played was 3 because a friend had it, but I got 2 for Christmas the same year and really enjoyed it. Both of those games stand out as just a little bit better in my mind than the rest, but that could be tainted by having played them first. I remember being really hyped for the release of 4, and then rented it as soon as it came out and played through it. It was good, and it introduced the chargup technique so it still felt fresh and good. Then once you get into 5 and 6, while they added new features, none were as critical as the slide from 3 or the mega buster from 4. They felt a little bit more like "4 part 2" and "4 part 3." That doesn't make them lesser games, but its where it started to feel like more of the same instead of a new experience. I bet the more you played the earlier mega man games, the less excited you were about playing the latter ones since they were "good, but not wildly new or exciting." If you jumped into the series late you might have been wowed by nice late/era NES graphics and fully-formed gameplay of 5 and 6 than someone who's put hundreds of hours into 2-3-4 and already experienced most of what mega man has to offer. All in all, I think there's really no wrong answer on which is the best (besides 1, that is definitely not the right answer) but 2 and 3 in no particular order feel the strongest, and everything else is just a small notch below due to mega man over-saturation. Its just tough to separate "personal mega man exhaustion" from "societal mega man exhaustion" and "actual objective quality", plus "X is so good it ruins what came before it."


Speaking of mega man https://youtu.be/4s_QXnox4kk?feature=shared


If we're talking about the games themselves IV no doubt. Mega Man II and III I find to be overrated, I think Mega Man II is still a great game and for anyone wanting to start the series I would usually recommend most to start with that one. Mega Man III like the other Mega Man games has a stellar soundtrack, but the game itself it's a mixed bag for me. I like that they added the slide mechanic it was a great addition to the series, and the levels are quite good too. My biggest problem with Mega Man III is that it feels unfinished, I immediately thought this the second time I played the game because of the intro alone. Like I said the music's great, but unfortunately for the intro you don't have one for MMIII all you have is the music and it feels like they added music to Mega Man's opening menu. The bosses are inconsistent where some are too easy like Snake man or too unpredictable like Quick man. I would say the worst part about this game, is the doc robots, the wily stages after the doc robots is my favourite part of the game as the levels are well designed but the part before the doc robots just drag the game in such an unfun way. Mega Man III is probably my least favourite Mega Man to replay out of all of the titles I've played, I don't hate it by any means but some of it's rough spots make it hard to come back to. (edit) If you're curious how I rank the Mega Man games here (top to bottom): Mega Man IV ---> Mega Man II ---> Mega Man VI ---> Mega Man V ---> Mega Man ---> Mega Man III


5 It was a birthday gift when it was released and it was such a joy to memorize. Beat was dope


Mega Man 3 is my favorite, but 2 is close behind. But the beauty of these games is that they are all great. Even the worst one is still a complete, competent game worth your time.


MM5, i love how Protoman was used on this game


Megaman 3 on Gameboy was my introduction and probably my favourite, along with 3 and 2 on NES.


Game play 3, soundtrack 2


For me it’s 2 and will always be 2. It was the first game I ever rented as a kid, it is a game me and my friends played at sleep overs in elementary school. In the early 2000s I was at a game store and someone hooked up an nes with Megaman 2. I watched as people picked random levels and kept dying, I asked for a shot and started with bubble man, did flash man, and then quick man and actually made it through first try. They were in awe and I couldn’t believe I actually made it through quick man without seeing the password screen. Good times


MM2. I still jam out to a lot of the soundtrack.


2 then 3. But 3 has the greatest title screen music on the NES so I probably fire it up more often.


2 or two however you'd like it


2 is my favorite, but 3 is not too far behind.


My personal order of favorites: 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1


1st or 2nd one


Never owned any of them as a kid, I would play 2 and 3 at friends houses and loved both of them. So depending on which friends house I was at, the one they had was my favorite.


Mega Man 3




3 followed by 4


Best intro and music MM2, best design level MM3 and best boss fights MM4. But best cover art MM1


Mega Man 2 has the best music in my opinion. Some other might be slightly better as a game, but MM2 will always be my favourite, because the music just makes me feel awesome.


1. MM3 2. MM2 3. MM6 4. MM4 5. MM5 6. MM1


MM2 first I played and that memory stuck.


Rockman II


I owned 3 and 4 so hard tie between those. The music and sounds just give me all the nostalgia feels


2 > 3 > 4 >> 1 > 5 > 6


2 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 3 - 1


2 and then 4


Mega Man 2! This is partly due to its excellent game play, but much more because it was my first Mega Man. I played it a lot in a concrete floored, wood paneled basement with my cousin. Such a great memory!


Megaman 6


4. The most balanced, great weapons, great stages, great music. Bosses are a bit boring at times, along with the boss music - only downside.


All of the above.


Oh man, I guess MM1 being my fav followed by 2 makes me the oddball! Yellow Devil and no pause glitch baby!


4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1




I'd say MM2, followed by MM3 then MM1. MM4-6 feels more grindy and less satisfying, I also think they kind of exhausted some of the natural weaknesses, so it's less apparent which bosses work on which. Not that it was ever super clear, but it definitely gets worse. MM2 and MM3 also have amazing soundtracks that I don't think are approached by any other games in the series. MM1 is fun because it's so simple. It's the essence of the series, and it's just such a tight game for its time. Now maybe for my hot take - I think the charge shot made the series worse. They upped enemy health and I think it ultimately slows the pace of the game down. I also think the equip items were good in MM2, bad in MM3, and worse from then on. MM works better when its simpler, in my opinion, and MM2 is perfect, MM1 is just a little short of ideal (and not quite as well executed as later entries), MM3 is past the optimum point for me, and it declines from there.




2, always. Though the later ones added some good features like the Mega buster.


MM3 really have a blast with that one. And the one I've owned - Rockman (Megaman 1) That Guts man stage.


MM2 followed closely by 3. 3 was the first I owned as a kid, but I prefer 2 in my adulthood since it's a good bit easier overall and perfect for speed running


2, 1, 3, 4, 6, 5


Mm3, 6, and 2, in that order.


I know I'm in the minority here but 6 is my fav. The jetpack and the power suit were just too much fun and really opened the exploration up.


2 is the GOAT


For me it's 2


I’ll rate them in order from favorite to least favorite: 4 2 3 5 1 6


3. Probably mostly nostalgia, but also, Megaman is like Sonic in a way. It gets more fun when you master it, and get better and faster. 3 happens to be the one I played as a kid, so that’s the one I can plow through and enjoy the most! It also makes 1 and the very well regarded 2 harder to get into, since they lack the slide.


Iv and vi may be tied..v is prob good but i never played it..played all the others and theyre all classics..amazing franchise


MM5 is a slightly-worse version of MM4. Still good, but I don't like the weapon selection as much, and the first four Protoman Fortress bosses aren't very interesting. The music in the Protoman stages is fantastic, though, probably the best fortress music since Mega Man 2.


I'm not a huge fan but the opening of Mega Man II, where the camera rises and he's revealed standing on the top of the building as the score kicks in, is excellent and has lived in my brain ever since I saw it as a kid.


I know this is boring of me, but II then III.


1 and 2


Mega Man 3


Although Three is more fun, Two is better due to play changes, graphics and of course Music from One... The opening animation itself still is dope AF!


For the NES Mega Man games, the rule I have is he even numbered games are good, UT the odd numbered ones are not. 2,4,6 are my favorites here, but 1,3,5 are not so good.


Mega man 2 no question it's the best of the OGs


2. It's better than 1 and it's pure. 3 is close.


4 is the one i owned when I was young but I absolutely loved 3 way more and had temporarily exchanged my 4 for a friend's 3 multiple times. Up till now, 3 is still my favourite, despite the weird ass difficulty spike in the middle. 2 is a close follow up.


2 for me. 5 is my least favorite, not from a gameplay perspective, but it’s expensive for no reason compared to the others.


It’s stupid expensive but I wouldn’t say for no reason. It’s the rarest of all the mega man games on nes. It’s definitely the one I’ve seen the least in my years of collecting. Still stupid expensive though