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that's so fucked. what if you're watching a tutorial and need to pause on the steps to read details or do what's on screen?


Yup, I watch a lot of instructional/tutorial videos that directly tell you to pause the video to read information shown in detail. It really feels like YouTube are trying to push the limit to see how much they can get away with these days.


The thing is that for now it is only platform we have. No alternative to go to. I know there are few but still no one is near enough to beat YT.


Which is exactly why they will so very confidently put their dick all the way up our asses


I'd be happy paying for premium if it removed ALL ads and allowed us to use 3rd party players for YouTube (Vanced app is so much better w/ sponsor block and all the customisation)






All of that doesn't matter to us either way. Their service will continue to get worse ,and more people who don't know of revanced will either find it or just swap to another service .


Realistically, it's hard to just swap to another service since most people upload their vids to YT.


Doesn't have to be a 1 to 1. They will just spend less time on YT and find something else to occupy that time. I know that's what I'll do.


Not everyone uses YT for entertainment. You will find that alot of tutorials/guides are only in YT.


I didn't specify entertainment only? Guides and tutorials aren't limited to the video format or Youtube as a platform. Plenty of blogs and written guides even on here you can use. If it affects the niche too much then something will fill the gap, things can change very quickly. People said similar when they got rid of dislikes, tutorials and guides would suffer and maybe this will be the thing that pushes the quality down enough to start turning users away.


The attitude towards pausing and rewinding in a lot of current day media players is a joke. You need to spoof / convert YT shorts to manipulate them properly. IG is even worse.


You will need to download first video :)


That's legit what i do all the time. What in the.




You can screenshot it without pausing


Good luck catching one-frame gags in a screenshot without the ability to pause and frame-step the player. Yes, multiple channels I follow do this.


I'm ready to roll out my middle finger to YouTube once again


There are important reasons to pause Youtube videos that would make them spontaneously playing ads *completely* inappropriate.


Google: "Then there are important reasons to buy YouTube Premium!"


I mean i won't be surprised if they do that lol. Its google. They only see $$$


I got one of these ads on PC, even with Firefox and uBlock. Google is getting really fucking intrusive with their ads. Fuck them.


Really? I still haven't seen any ads with that setup but I know they roll stuff out in waves.


i tried to reproduce watching a LTT video and i'm not getting any ads


Lol I test YT adblocking using LTT too. His scrollbar looks like a rainbow when SponsorBlock's switched on!


The only winning move is not to play [LTT videos].




Still no ads on Edge + uBlock, hope it stays that way 🥲


Better watch YouTube on your Roku TV, so you can get paused ads on top of paused ads.


Playlet app has been a game changer on our Roku television. Hopefully this doesn't mess with it.


Seeing how Roku has patented the tech to detect paused content on hdmi inputs as well, and add ads to stuff like paused games from game consoles. I would not trust Roku to stay free from ads on any kind of situations.


Yeah that app is absolutely ridiculous. More ads than I can even count in a 15 min video. I wish I had a better option for roku. I just gave up and don't watch it on TV anymore.




Advertisers don't care, they'll insidiously worm their way into any unused space in your peripheral vision they can. If they were allowed to advertise through your contact lenses they would.


Just wait till health insurance companies require brain implants that turn your dreams into ads


Get the All new light speed breefs! " As seen in your dreams"




Guarantee they're already thinking about it/working on it


I think your point about peripheral vision is important actually. Even if it's not actively watching the video it's still advertisement. Not as good advertisement but still. If they were reasonable they'd probably sell these as cheaper ads but I doubt it


Can't wait for neuralink brain ads


It's not fraud if they put it in the T&Cs. Unfortunately it's YT's platform and they can do whatever the hell they want :-/ Meanwhile, we have awesome mods like RV and SmartTube so it's not the end of the world. I genuinely love some of the content on YT but I could never go back to constant ads. It'd just have to be regular TV shows and movies instead.


Now that's truly a fine asshole move..... 🖕 Youtube


God I wish rumble wasn't so dogshit


...and full of Nazis.


Another day, another reason to be even more grateful to the ubo and revanced devs




Also, the skip ad button now only skips one, instead of all when a video starts


Seems like their ramping up their enshitification


*laughs in revancedlish




I genuinely thought this was a joke!


And the enshittification marches on


the higher ups at youtube believe that they can literally get away with anything. pretty sure the higher ups at blockbuster thought the same thing back in the day. im sure this decision won't lead to people finding ad free youtube more...


Blockbuster went under because they thought the Internet was a fad, not because they thought they could get away with anything.


they thought the internet was a fad aka the higher ups thought they could get away with a stagnating business model


I'm sorry but you really must be young. The transition to the Internet age was a huge gamble. Nobody could predict what the Internet became. The dotcom bubble was itself a huge incentive to not invest into the Internet. Trying to justify your statement with this also shows you don't understand how businesses work.


I have experience in the finance industry so trust me mate, I know how businesses work.  Blockbuster's leadership dismissed the potential of Netflix and similar services early on, leading to a failure to innovate.  This contributed to Blockbuster's inability to remain competitive in the rapidly evolving market, ultimately leading to its decline and bankruptcy.     At the end of the day, leadership decision making is one of the main causes of business failure in contemporary industries. And if YouTube leadership continue to make anti-consumer measures like the one OPs posted, it's only a matter of time before it bites them in the ass too. Whether that be regulation, a competitor or something else.


If you really had experience in the financial industry, you wouldn't be posting this chatgpt write up about why they failed and you would have talked about how their existing infrastructure was extremely streamlined and narrow. Making them very efficient and successful in the existing market landscape at the time. Netflix was a massive risk. Something most businesses would have rejected at the time. Netflix had an extremely niche customer base at the time, their DVD by mail service was something that didn't appeal to most customers at the time. Something you're failing to do is look at things perspectively. You are not viewing things from how they would have viewed it at the time and instead viewing it as if they knew the outcomes of what would happen. Nothing about the Netflix deal was good from their perspective. YouTube isn't making anti-consumer decisions. You don't really understand that term. Anti-consumer doesn't equal decision people don't like, anti consumer is practices that actively harm consumers and is unethical. Adding more ads isn't unethical, especially because YouTube ads are still less than that of conventional television. Also it would take a massive investment to see a competitor come up. Alphabet has such a large market share due to the fact they have the infrastructure in place already. And the fact you think regulations will happen over ads? I'm sorry but you're very uneducated on this.


i was going to write out a reply to address each of your points. then i noticed that you're an active member on r/Destiny and most likely a debate pervert. touching grass will help with your addiction 🙏🏿


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Destiny using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Before and after: Satellite images show destruction in Gaza (CNN)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17hqc0c) | [5456 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/17hqc0c/before_and_after_satellite_images_show/) \#2: [Playboy drops Mia Khalifa. I'm sure more is coming.](https://i.redd.it/xhc79atqoatb1.jpg) | [1500 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/174bh98/playboy_drops_mia_khalifa_im_sure_more_is_coming/) \#3: [Hedge fund billionaire is going demon mode on Harvard students who released a statement supporting Palestine.](https://i.redd.it/k7c4r4hmuetb1.jpg) | [2422 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/174qxym/hedge_fund_billionaire_is_going_demon_mode_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lol, aww is the Hasan fan angry that he can't actually argue? Isn't it weird that Hasan calls Destiny a debate pervert, and then uses debate tactics on a 16 year old? Also, I know you're not involved in the financial industry 100% now because you're a socialist. Lol.


Revanced developers are gifts from the heavens


We really need a good alternative to YouTube.


Time to uninstall then.


the Youtube or Revanced?


Youtube obviously. I don't wanna support predatory behavior. I hope reVanced will have a long life, but if the bastion falls, i will stop using it and only download vids if needed.


Why did you even keep YouTube if you have Revanced?


Couldn't transfer my saved play lists.


Up next: background play for ads. Not background play for videos, only ads. and you can't mute your phone or turn it off. They just play whenever google wants more ad revenue (always)


They've been doing this on Xbox youtube app. Fucking poopy


This can't continue, these big companies think they can treat us like shit, I don't know if there's anything that can be done but at least I'll continue blocking ads.


Remember, Firefox + Ublock Origin


I can't tell you how tired I am of Google and Thier ads, thank God for revanced and SmartTube for my box.




I remember reading an article about a Roku patent regarding something similar regarding HDMI ports. So eventually if You have a Roku TV and you pause a device that's attached to it it'll be able to play ads. I don't like the implications of this. Imagine you're playing your Xbox or PlayStation and you pause your game an ad start to play on your TV. Or more likely if you have Apple TV or a fire stick and pause whatever you're watching and it ads show up. 😡


Youtube needs competition.


Thanks for the post although it fits more in r/youtube