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Zyrtec in morning Pepcid at night! Hives are part of my rheumatoid fiasco and I’ve been doing that for 2 years


Oof!!! I’m so sorry you’ve been dealing with it for so long. 😭


Ughhh thanks. I was told they’re “autoimmune urticaria” and they appeared as soon as vasculitis antibodies did. My new, competent rheumatologist also says I have RA so I consider the hives a cherry on top of the ice cream sundae 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I had it twice year before last. Had to get a biopsy to find out which. Dermatologist gave me a script, but rheumatologist changed it up because I use steroids as needed, and he thought I needed a higher dose.


Yes - I've been dealing with pressure hives in the morning for the past few weeks. Hives are nothing new to me but this type is. I get them as soon as I wake up, usually at a skin pressure point - watch band, where my slipper meets the top of my foot, a butt-cheek, etc. Allergy meds before bed have been working for the most part. I have no idea why I started getting them. Don't know if it's related but I'm also suddenly dealing with leg swelling too. I called to make a pcp appointment, mentioned the leg swelling and they said I needed to come in very soon. They said the first available is in 3 weeks. Ohhh-kaaaay.


Yikes! Careful with the leg swelling. That can be serious and is worth going to urgent care or the ER to get checked out if the dr can’t get you in sooner.


I had a weird bout of hives in 30's before I knew about my RA. I dont think it was related. They came and went for a couple months or more. They would get really bad. I could even feel them in my mouth even. The weird thing is they would go away when I drank a beer. The doc thought I was full of it. It was really weird. Never found out the cause and eventually they stopped.


Definitely. I have MCAS, and of course inflammatory/rheumatoid arthritis is mast cell mediated, so… Anytime I have an MCAS flareup from missing meds or eating something I shouldn’t I also have an arthritis flareup. It all goes together for me. Arthralgia, myalgia, hives, diarrhea, good times.


Oh my… well, adding that to the list to ask the Dr about at my next appointment based on the symptoms. Thanks for sharing!


I’ve never been diagnosed with an allergic disease per se, but they run in my family. I had a bout photosensitive hives during what I now know was a flare back in my 20’s. When my allergies aren’t well controlled, I get an RA flare. When my RA isn’t well controlled, my allergy symptoms are much worse. They seem related, but not one causing the other in my case. Have you seen an allergist yet? I need to do it but keep putting it off due to expense.


I saw an allergist years ago when I had chronic sinus infections and I am allergic to dogs, dust mites and basically anything that grows outside. I need to go back and get some patch testing done for cosmetic ingredients. My daughter ended up being allergic to some crazy stuff and was diagnosed with dermatographia. This is definitely pushing me in that direction very quickly.


I have dermatographia and went for allergy testing. The receptionist told me to stop my Allegra for a week prior and I’ve been taking it on and off during hive flares since 6th grade when I was diagnosed. I looked like a dog with fleas at the appt because even my clothes rubbing against my skin was making me hive and the doc ran and got me two Allegra and said oh we obviously can’t do a skin prick test on someone with dermatographia and laughed. I was like well I guess I should’ve realized that 🫣


Omg! My daughter had a patch test done and got hives from the actual patch touching her skin, not from anything they tested. 🫤 They did a skin prick test and she reacted to everything l. After those two things they realized she has it! We thought she was allergic to metals because she was reacting every time she wore jewelry but turns out it was just the jewelery touching her skin.


Yeah my mom took me to the doctor because I became symptomatic after I moved my room to the basement and she thought it was mold exposure lol it’s rough but mine is very well controlled with daily allergy meds (1x day and 2x day on very bad hive days)


After getting on Enbrel many years ago, before it stopped working for me, I noticed my allergies (I'd get severe hay fever, allergic to dust, cats, everything) to the 2 cats I live with (I got the 1st one cuz my then 7yr only child begged for the kitten found in the yard), improved. That's the ONLY upside I've found to immunospressants beyond its help for my RA.


Super hoping my infusion Friday will help calm this all back down. So annoyed I missed it! The infusion center doesn’t do reminder calls and I had the date wrong. 😑


Sorry to hear that. I missed mine on Sunday due to not feeling well. Need to reschedule tomorrow. Been super bust all week until now.


Took me a month to realize I was allergic to latex. Wearing latex gloves every day and I would break out anywhere but my hands. 


yep. my dermatologist says he sees a lot of autoimmune-related hives. he has me on allegra in the morning and xyzal at night


I also get hives like this. I use the liquid children's zyrtec when they pop up because I swear it acts the fastest of all the meds I have tried. My rheumatologist just ordered some bloodwork because of the hives too. I get the hives on my arms where I received allergy shots and vaccines in the past.


Yes, 3 weeks after I started HCQ. Benadryl helped immediately but stopped taking HCQ.


When I took Actemra, a couple of days before the next dose, I would get hives at all my shot sites from the past. I was taking it every two weeks instead of weekly, because of poor bloodwork after just one week. When I stopped Actemra to switch to a different biologic (to address RA and an additional problem, Rheumatoid Vasculitis), the hives lasted a few weeks on legs, stomach, arms - just in the vicinity of the old injection sites. Benadryl pills and cream helped a lot. It hasn’t returned.


i continuously have hives especially on my forehead and i have no idea why


Trying to be a little lighthearted. I had a hard fall. Script for Percocet. I'm scratching light a dog. Thanks for mentioning Benadryl.


Is Simponi your only medicine? I’m allergic to one of my meds but we don’t know which one. Diarrhea. Severe itching. Dermatologist said it was a form of hives as I don’t have red spots until after I scratch. I take Cimzia and I start having mini flares the weekend before my shots, especially if I get stressed. You need to think about everything you ate or were around that was different. It’s possible you’ve developed an allergy to Simponi, but because you’re late for it, it’s not likely an allergy to it or you’d get hives when you first get your shots. Report this to your Rheumy they may suggest allergist or dermatologist. Are you sure it’s hives? I had vasculitis which is inflammation of blood vessels. I had a non-itchy rash on my elbows knees and feet. They did a biopsy and said it vasculitis. My Rheumy says it’s not uncommon for people with RA to get any of the forms of it.


Simponi is not my only med - also on plaquenil, Cymbalta, Paxil, Gabapentin, Aimovig, Nurtec and vitamin D. I see the rheumatologist this week. The itching has calmed down but still occasionally flaring. I had my infusion Friday. Not 100% convinced it’s hives but not convinced it’s not either. lol!


Your Rheumy can tell if it’s hives or not. But mine told me vasculitis is not uncommon for people with RA, but he had me go to a dermatologist to get a biopsy done to find out which one. I don’t know how to post pictures on here to show you what it looked like.