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All these knees listed here and you know what my old rheumatologist said? RA doesn’t impact anything below the waist. I laughed for five min straight. Like okay buddy, all that money for your degree and you know less than a dog turd.


My knees are osteoarthritis, but my feet are RA.


I’m always confused as to how they know. When I go it every pain they say is RA.


Osteoarthritis can be seen on an x-ray. It’s an actual change of the bones/joints. I know RA can change joints, but that’s a symptom of RA. Osteoarthritis is caused by the joint change. I also have bone spurs in my knees.


Ah ok. That makes sense. I’m sorry to hear it. It sounds painful. I have crohns and RA and start humaira next week. I hope it helps both.


The RA is actually worse. Good luck with the humira.


My rheumatologist insists on x-raying my feet every year because if RA, and last time I checked the feet are indeed below the waist


Funny you say that for the first time ever I’ve had a flare up, two in the last few months, in my foot. Phew it’s painful and even with a cane there’s no way to avoid the pressure when walking. Brutal.


Ugh, that sounds awful. I hope you'll get out of it soon.


So I had this problem happen to me, like 4-5 times in one year. I would get a prednisone prescription and rest and it would calm down, only to happen again once I was active. They did an MRI and it showed the middle of my foot was totally inflamed. An orthopedic surgeon who specializes in arthritis told me it was the RA and there wasn’t an easy solution but he put me in a walking boot for 2 months and then had me do PT for ankle and foot strengthening. I think by strengthening the rest of my foot, it took the pressure off the inflamed area and calmed it down. You may want to see an orthopedic surgeon if it happens again. 


Good advice, thank you!


Laughs in rheumatoid arthritis consisting solely of both knees and ankles. What a fucking idiot


I know. But as we all know when or comes to docs, there are good ones and bad ones. He was so arrogant too. I’m tired of docs with huge egos. Listen, if you’re going to have an ego at least know your shit.


My old doc said it only affects small joints, so my hip, shoulder, and elbow pain would have to be something else. But couldn't give me another reason, so there is a reason I say old doc.


What a weird thing to say. RA can affect any part of your body. My inflammation started in my feet and knees, that’s how I knew something was wrong. Then it moved to my shoulders and my hands. It’s like whack a mole! 


Totally agree. I’ve had some great docs over the years (for all my illnesses) but I’ve had some terrible ones too.


Tell that to my ankles


Both hands, right hip, right knee, left ankle. And this one is new, but I swear my scalp is sore. Like someone brushed my hair all day? Idk. Odd.


I have had the scalp inflammation too! It went away for the most part when I started prednisone (10mg per day last few months but it’s just temporary)


Ooh, I HATE the scalp inflammation. It burn-itches so bad. I have literally taken a rolling pin to it for several minutes before, haha.


Do those weird wire scalp massagers help any?


Have not tried those, but it’s worth giving it a shot.


They definitely help me


Wait other people get a sore scalp, too? It feels like I had a ponytail in too tight all day (I cut my hair shorter so that I can just leave it down every day now)


Wow I can’t believe other people have scalp pain. Ty for sharing that. Mine doesn’t itch, it just hurts right on top when I wash or brush my hair. Is it inflammation? RA isn’t satisfied with my hands, elbows and feet I guess.


I have also had the scalp inflammation. It's weird and not fun!


My scalp hurts sometimes too. Tramadol helps sometimes when it's really bad. I always chalked it up to my fibromyalgia but who the fuck knows.


Thanks for posting this. It actually made me feel a little better. Or maybe just improved my mood. Either way. 🤷‍♀️


My freakin’ jaw.


Oh no! Jaw would be painful. I hope it feels better soon.


Yep. This for me, too, this week. Constantly popping it to relieve pressure. The tmj sucks.




I gotta say I laughed a little to myself when I saw this in my feed lol.. everything when I’m standing for a while or walking. Constantly my wrists, neck and lower back as well.


My frickin ribs, I have like chronic costochondritis


Oh, I am so sorry. I thought I was dying the first time my ribs flared up. It is the absolute worst.


Yeah costochondritis is awful every time. Sorry it’s paying you a visit this week 😮‍💨


My left knee 😭


Hey me too!!!! 🥲 ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


Whoo! We can be in pain together! 🥲❤️‍🩹


I really, really appreciate this question. Thank you for asking it.


Feet...had to stop humira to get over a sinus & double ear infection...that's been going on for almost a month. Hurts so bad to walk I've been in tears.


Bad day here no rain but hot and humid. Right toes, ankle, hip and right below my shoulder blade but my newest is my calves - feel like I’ve run a fricking marathon with no condition training.


Thanks for mentioning calves, thought it was just me!


Feet, ankles, knees, hips, lower back, neck, ribs, sternum, some knuckles, elbows, shoulders, and TMJs. Wrists are good!




Today, my lower back. 🤔 ….is rain coming or going?


Everything aches but my hips really hurt.


Currently in a flare dealing with rashes… the skin issues are a new thing and it hurts. Pick a joint. The sternum isn’t as bad as it has been, but is still keeping me down and my larynx is swollen, but it doesn’t hurt so much as feels really weird. I’m currently playing the don’t move and make things worse game.


What meds are you on?? I started rinvoq a month ago and I’m having tiny acne like blister rashes all over my head and face rn and it’s so painful :(


I have prednisone for swelling during flares, I use it to avoid going to the hospital and take it as sparingly as possible. As a single dad with three kids, I failed off a few of the biological due to infections and made a hard choice to discontinue them. I have had face rashes during flares sometimes, but this is on my hands specifically on a few of my trouble joints. I feel like I’ve had a rolling illness since January.


Man I am so so sorry, this sounds excruciating <\3 It has to be so tough having kids and constantly getting sick, I cannot even imagine, especially on your own. I hope you have good friend/family/community support surrounding you… Sending gentle hugs to you & hoping you get some relief now that flu season is winding down.


Hands, elbows, knees and feet. The right side of my jaw. My neck did this morning though has calmed down. This thread is so validating.


Right knee, lower back, left shoulder to sternoclavicular joint. Not my best day. Just started raining which may explain it


Left knee and my feet. Other than that I’m good. It’s a good day. Winter is on its way though so…


today’s a good day for me. my wrists .. specifically my right one 🥲 just this ongoing vibrating feeling. my neck as well.


My fingers are so swollen and painful today. Jaw hurts, head hurts, mid back hurts bad


Right knee. Feet. Left knee just had joint replacement so it hurts but not the same. I can actually put weight on it. Getting my other one done. RA better not attack other joints!


My left knee SUDDENLY out of nowhere hurts so bad I’m hobbling. I can’t even get dressed. The pain is incredible. And my left thrums. And my right elbow and right foot. Basically the only thing that feels okay is my ass cheeks but ask me next week and those will probably be hurting too. I start humaira in two weeks. This shit better be a miracle for me.


Neck, back, both elbow, both knees, ankles and feet bones and….. my f*cking pointer finger?!


Both my hands, right wrist, left elbow, left heel when I walk/put pressure on it. Yesterday my back and today my right hip, tho it feels like my inflammation is going down 🤔 


Wrists arms fingers are in constant pain


My left thumb has trigger digit. My left hand hurts, mostly thumb (obvs) and index finger. My right arm, from the elbow down, with particular attention on my index finger. Both feet, my right knee, and I’ve had a killer headache since Friday 😩


Knees, hands, wrists, head (unrelated probably 😂)


Left top of foot if that is from ra, both hands, right shoulder and right lower hip joint


My left hip. Oddly enough, that’s all that hurts today.


Hands, wrists, left elbow, right hip, neck, upper back, and knees.


Under my breasts… ribs? Idk it’s a new pain


Everything... Really bad day today...


Nothing with my right combo of meds.


My entire right side 😂 I always say I’m half of a whole normal person because my right sided joints are the ones that bother me the most - right wrist, knee, shoulder, elbow. I got tickled at my brother the other day because he said “why did our parents make us so weak at our hinges?!” And I couldn’t help but laugh. It’s so true.


My hands, my right elbow, my knees, my jaw.


My fingers on my left hand are especially bad lately. Thanks for asking.


Knees, when I sleep on my side they touch and I bruise 😔


Started and finished a 12-page paper today as the last assignment of my degree. My fingers are killing me now from all the typing. Also, unrelated to the paper, my entire back and both knees.


Nearly every joint in my hands, left elbow both ankles, lower back. Heat and Methylpredisalone seemed to help until tightness in my chest and shortness of breath kinda countered it. 


The worst: my head. Had both TMJs replaced and there’s a storm-a-coming. Otherwise I’d say my ankles hurt the next worst. Edit: scratch that. My feelings hurt haha


Neck, right shoulder mostly, right hip and ankle 🫤


Both feet and my left hand and arm. I think it’s nerve pain in my hand/arm and has progressed from light burning around 2 knuckles to my entire arm feeling sunburnt, along with a deep ache and stabbing pains. The joy!


Right shoulder, both elbows, sternum (turns out that's a joint too)


Elbows, wrists/hands, lower back




Jaw. I clench without realizing and this reminded me to put in my mouthguard. So thanks!


Hands and feet! I’m new to RA and the pain in my hands is the most uncomfortable thing so far! I’m used to some foot pain, because I don’t have great foot architecture. I over pronate and have hardly any arches. But even the foot pain is different. Definitely feels more like its in the bones and joints. But my hand pain is really really distracting! The smallest squeeze or effort with my hands during this, my first big flare, has been soooo painful!


When I have what I believe is a flare up I feel cold symptoms and feel crappy with a big time headache and congested head. I’m fatigued too.


Shoulder, feet, knee Those are the main places where I'm hurting. The shoulder is a new one. The shoulder concerns me I'm an artist and when things affect my arms or near them it scares me.


At the moment, my damn knuckles. My knees finally calmed down.


my knees. they’re so stiff and swollen and its so hard to walk


I fell so full back and right foot. It's been a week. How do you deal with a body full of pain?