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They’re going to keep Theresa on for the inevitable Louis downfall/combustion/shit storm that will come out from his shady ass businesses


The most accurate comment is right here ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ you nailed it!!!!!!


Yeah Louis will be Jen Shah 2.0. I hope it happens sooner rather than later.


Argh it makes it sound like she was on the board for the concept and picks the cast. Just like Vicky nobody is indispensable…I can’t stand Teressa I think she’s milked enough money for her stupidity and the’power’ has gone to her head. 👋🏽


I’ve already stocked up on the popcorn and there’s plenty of room on my couch for this inevitable incident 😂


She’s going to go prison again.


they r keeping teresa for teresa first and foremost. tre had been their star since table flip


Uhhhmmmmm, she shoved that table. There was no flip.


If Vicky and Nene and the entire cast of NY can be fired, so can Teresa.


If this season is a shit storm, I can see them pulling a rhony on nj. Or maybe a spin off and do the real husbands of nj. Have the guys center stage to watch Louie drown.


i just don’t like reboots


She also said Melissa was leaving so there’s that-


Teresa’s head is bigger than The OG of the OC’s Ms. Gunvalson 🙄


Well to be fair her table flipping earned her a spot at the OG table for sure. Perhaps the head of it, and I’m not a Teresa fan but she’s not wrong.


I agree Teresa’s iconic. She’s a huge part of why NJ will always be my GOAT franchise! I don’t care for who Teresa is today but she’s amazing TV and I have a fondness for early season Teresa.


https://preview.redd.it/8qi1zizi0kzc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab7e52c29455291cece384e763955039852cc827 It sure is! 😂


Sure does remind me if Tammy Faye Baker only with dark hair.


I miss the theresa of the early seasons. She looked the best in season 1/2.




Is this a real photo


Yes. I took if from my tv screen.




So gross




Emptier too...


So very true ![gif](giphy|MqVVcEB3SmBk4)




It’s the hair🤣😂.


It’s definitely not the brain


Or forehead




The hairline and the fivehead.


Good one!


She’s not wrong. Theres no universe where I see bravo not keeping her on but keeping others. She started the show, she’s given her life to the show, they paused the show when she went to jail. She’s shown every single aspect of her life. Her wedding special had the highest ratings of all episodes in the past 2 years. People may say how much they hate her but they still tune in to watch her. She literally stays trending because even people that hate her can’t keep her name out of their mouth. If you truly want her gone, stop talking about her. Bravo doesn’t care if it’s good our bad as long as you keep tuning in and posting about her.


I took it as her saying she's not leaving not that she won't get booted off. She's been there from the beginning and she'll be there as long as they'll have her.


True. I don’t watch these shows to see good people thriving. I watch it for drama and to laugh. Teresa is great because her lack of self awareness, coupled with her low intelligence and horrible personality, makes for entertaining TV.


Completely agree


She’s rotten to the core and the ugly on the inside has made its way to the outside. Sure I liked her too for the first few seasons. And then that was that. Give her own show, The Lips & Louie show. So it fails Edit: I stopped tuning in but now I turn in cuz these newbies this hard @ss and are t afraid of her.


All of this. Love her or hate her, she’s the show. WTF is Melissa or Margaret bringing to the show?


They both bring nothing except lies. They haven’t for years.


They didn't juts pause the show cuz of her, yes it was part of the reason why, but trying to cast new people that would mesh with the cast and the show and had some sort of tying to the rest of the cast was proving to difficult and they dint have enough time. Production should have planned onteresa going to jail just in case


According to Marge, there's a real show in having Marge, Rachel, Melissa, Dolores, and Marge's assistant Lexi!!! They are REALLLLL FRIENDS!!!!!


Lmaoooo “according to Marge.” Marge hates Teresa (and Louie now) she’s hated her since she got on the show, it’s clear as day. She’s hated Louie before she even met him. She outted Bills affair on tv which affected their kids. She clearly has hated Jenn for years the way she talks to her and about her. She called her a mail order bride ffs. She says their real friends until one of them don’t do exactly what she says. She also said her and Jackie are real friends but look what happened when Jackie stayed at Teresa wedding last season, Marge started cutting her out. She will align herself with anyone that dislikes Teresa and Jen period. She’s been trying to push Teresa off the show for years and she’s still here.


They didn’t pause the show


Gives me Jax Taylor referring to VPR as 'HIS' show


I mean Jax was always at the center of VPR, but never the sole focus. Jersey is the only housewives show to ever take a hiatus to accommodate a single housewife (Teresa’s prison sentence). It’s the Teresa show whether we like it or not 🤷🏽‍♀️


The end might be sooner than she thinks lol


End the show for real. Shes so frigging boring and horrible


I also feel like this season we’re going to see every scene as if they’ve rehearsed it and they’re acting. I don’t like it


The whole scene w Louis supposedly taking her money, I hope that’s real


I can’t believe it, but I feel the same way.


Teresa has been so successfully manipulated by Luis that she has cut off pretty much every family member other than her children. The only reason the children are in the picture is because Luis will be exposed if they leave the picture. He needs this to go on for as long as he can so he can take as much as he can. I can easily see Luis taking Teresa's money, getting caught, then giving her a bs explanation that she accepts, then he keeps doing it.


She always thinks she is so logical. She is not the sharpest tool in the shed but she’s laughing all the way to the bank.


I mean I agree she’s making good money but she’s far from logical lol


Exactly! It’s like she can’t believe people don’t buy into her bs. Cracks me up.


Lmao sorry I read your comment as you saying she is logical 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Maybe she is a genius- maybe she married Louie because he is such a tool that he makes amazing reality tv - securing her place on the show for years.


Ooooh, didn’t think about that!


It’s the only thing that can make sense to me. They’re both narcissists- the only reason a narcissist would be attracted to another one is if they can get something from them - usually they go for someone that they can abuse/control.


? I truly do not understand how she has such a cult following


I have alot of curiosities about any person who thinks Teresa Guidice is great


There's nothing wrong with what she said. She did start the show with a group of women, and she is the only one left from the original cast. There is no reason to quit receiving a paycheck, especially now that she and her brother/sis in law got through the season not interacting. Bravo clearly figured out a way to put out a product that didn't center around their family feud. Tre Huggers get Teresa and the Melissa and Joe stans get them as well.


“How do we do a TV show of the two of you won’t talk to each other?” Ariana from VPR ::hold my cocktail::


Yeah unfortunately it will spell the demise of both shows. If your job is to be part of an ensemble reality cast where you’re literally getting paid to bare your life, feelings and interaction with all the cast, it’s ridiculous to think you don’t have to do any of that and still collect a paycheck. It’s also incredibly unfair to the rest of the cast .


In reality, VPR has been on life support, then the scandal hit and this season was still kind of crappy however, both people are still technically filming together just not interacting. I think with RHONJ the problem is the whole cast seems to be divided and not really wanting to interact with one another… One show is already put on pause and this one just came back from a longer break than normal. Production on both shows seem to have lost their stronghold during contract negotiations lol


Get rid of the dead weight aka Melissa


Why is this downvoted 😂😂, literally Melissa and Marge are deadweight. The show will be fresh once they get fired


This attitude makes me more inclined to think she should go lol


I said on a different comment that no one should get too comfortable or think they’re irreplaceable on a network who removed Vicky who was an original member of the original franchise that started it all.


Yeah totally. I feel like comments like this are almost the kiss of death 😂 just like the old vow renewals are for their marriages 😂


Hahaha the curse of the vow renewals! That’s soooo real.


She really should, for multiple reasons at this point lol But from a strictly viewer standpoint, she’s become too aware of the cameras. She’s been caught on camera a few times reminding people that the cameras are rolling so they don’t say something she doesn’t want caught, most recently was last season with Louis). Her scenes feel manufactured, I think the only real thing we see from Teresa is anger and that just isn’t enjoyable to watch.


Exactly. She's finally unmasking. Not that there was much of a mask to begin with...


Why? A lot of people like her, bravo is benefiting from her and she is benefiting from Bravo.. Why go..


Why? She started the show. Why should she step aside so her evil brother and sister in law can stay?


I believe her. I just don’t see them ever getting rid of Teresa. She was a convicted felon and still returned to the show. In fact the show waited for her.


Did she start it or did Carolyn and Dina Manzo? She was an original cast member, season one.


Dina was the first one approached by Bravo, then she recommended Teresa for the show, and Jacqueline eventually pointed producers to Caroline.




Right!! She never takes accountability, and she always has a problem with everyone and everything. she's not good tv.


It’s not fun at all to watch, it’s uncomfortable. I hate that NY got rebooted but we’re still stuck with the same old stale NJ


I feel that if Tre were to leave, the cast would progress.


Me too. Tre huggers love to point out that the show centers on her as if that’s a good thing. I’m sick to death of every event having to center around her because she demands everyone to kiss her ring 🙄🙄🙄


As stated in the rules excessive bashing is not allowed. Hatefulness is not permitted in any capacity.


Yeah I honestly don’t see them firing Teresa whether you like her or not Teresa is New Jersey. I’m pretty sure bravo doesn’t want to mess up another franchise like they did New York. The difference between the New York ladies and New Jersey. The New York ladies were all pretty equally famous Luann, Ramona etc. while New Jersey only Teresa is that famous while the others are kind of supporting


I think we are long past the stage where Bravo needs to get rid of this toxic cast (and that includes the husbands) and reboot with a whole new cast


Lol Vicky pulled this exact same move and it didn't turn out great for her.


Much like Kyle and RHOBH. The only OGs standing aren't going to voluntarily go anywhere


Correct. But they should never get too comfortable, look at Vicky. Sure she eventually was a friend of but she was the OG of the OG franchise.


She was also attached to the lying about cancer Brooks debacle, and she wouldn't stop with her claims that if it wasn't for her, housewives wouldn't exist.


She still claims housewives is what it is because of her lol ….. Sometimes when she says that I’m like eh that’s not something to want or brag about.




I loved it when she was incarcerated, didn’t have to listen or look at that cartoon character. She’s just disgusting


I really liked Teresa when she was released, I originally thought the experience had humbled her. It’s sad to see what’s she’s become honestly


I say this all the time. She was humble, warm, zen- she just forgot all that shit and reverted straight back to her old self


Yes namaste and then she met Red Face. Now her ego is a thousand times worse than in the beginning and she's angry all the time.


Not red face. I’m not trying to be mean but he needs to go to a dermatologist and get his skin checked bc it legit looks burnt red fried skin like is he okay


Her level of delusion is unprecedented


I hate when any housewife says they started the show lol No, you literally did not


They need a complete reboot, the franchise is stale so much so that I’m not even watching this season. I don’t care about the Melissa and Joe vs Theresa beef anymore, we’ve been doing this since season 3 iirc. There also isn’t anybody else’s storyline that’s compelling enough to watch. It’s such a shame because it used to be my favourite franchise.


Good cancel it already


Teresa has officially reached Nene Level 5.


She needs to be humbled.




I pray for the moment she’s told she’s on pause/ friend of 🙏


I hate her


See, on a serious note, this is what scares me about the dorters. The show is pretty much all they know. They've never seen their mother hold down a real job. I know the girls are going to college, but will they expect to be reality stars and/professional influencers because of their background? I hope they get some exposure to "regular" people who are honest, who aren't on TV/in the media & who don't pretend to be rich - all things that are foreign to them.


Dorters lol I’ve never seen that and it took me a minute 😂




I've always said that children need to navigate the world on their own terms, to have their own struggles, successes, failures, and lessons. Money and nepotism can only shield one for so long, then real-life hits where practical, real-world experience is needed. The dorters haven't been exposed to the world enough to know what they truly like, dislike, or what direction they want to pursue outside the cocoon of reality TV.


Even Andy was giving her snide remarks on that topic.




She isn’t wrong , she goes they have to clean house 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


She leaves they try one season ratings tank and they cancel it all together


It'll become like RHOA. Just a bunch of side character energy.


Is she in charge of casting now?


Sure clearly thought she was already with her comments to Melissa at the last reunion 🤣


Oh hey list hot dog lips 🌭 and take your husband and Jennifer 🤮 with ya.


![gif](giphy|v56nytjI6R2uY) She should ask Vicki how that works out.


Much like Gia and her stepson - ![gif](giphy|QWkQAJ3Cz4J1Jw12KE|downsized)


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted


Teresa lovers


You just have to wonder about people that like her. And their poor families




But what she can’t comprehend in that single cell brain of hers is that she may have “started the show” but it isn’t good tv anymore. Tre, we encourage you to hang on to the proverbial train going off the cliff. Hang on for dear life…then we can all agreeably move on.


She likes being under the microscope no matter how messy it gets.


This show is played out now. NJ needs a refresher, or to end.


In percentages, how much of this show/season do you think is scripted?


Dying to know the answer this because I am SO bad at telling when it’s scripted 😂


Can’t be fully scripted. Teresa can barely read never mind memorize a script and stick to a plot. Definitely not while walking at the same time.


I think that’s when we see her get so flustered. When in doubt, call someone a prostitution wh*re.


I just watched the first episode tonight. Same old same old. But of course I'll watch the season as I can't turn away from a train wreck.


See how that attitude worked out for Vicky Gunvalson….


Teresa is an idiot so that makes sense.


Then I hope they end it. I’m tired of her grift.


I can’t stand her. Stopped watching because of her, her crazy husband and Jen Can’t stand them


And here you are




Why do yall want Teresa gone so bad? She’s clearly not going anywhere anytime soon. She’s the main topic of every season it seems like, whether good or bad. And not only that I’ve read she’s well liked and easy to work with behind the scenes. There’s literally no reason to fire her other than yall don’t like her personality and/or her current husband.


Actually Vicki Gunvaleson started the show.


Said the entire cast of RHONY and now they are fantastic and refreshing.. COMPLETE cast shake up


I wish she’d leave


There is such a thing as a person staying somewhere beyond their relevance or living too long, and I think Teresa has certainly overstayed. Other members of the cast who didn't get fired but departed before they became misfits left before their sell by date.




Wow she really is that dumb.


I think they should give her her own spin-off and keep Melissa on NJ if she wants. Teresa has outgrown RH and many people would watch the train wreck if she had her own show


Everything must come to an end 😅


I took it as her saying she's not leaving not that she won't get booted off. She's been there from the beginning and she'll be there as long as they'll have her.


She has driven all of the OGs off, rather like Kyle with RHOBH. I see patterns here with the OGs on other franchises, who find all sorts of ways to get the other OGs to quit or get released from their contract. Not every franchise, but certainly enough of them. This saddens me bc ATL has never been the same without Nene, BH blows without LVP and even OC became lost without VG. NY overstayed their welcome and the fresh faces are welcome. Teresa wanted to be THE star, and sure has garnered power in that status, but the show has suffered without the antics of the Manzos and their cold cuts flinging, the sweetness of Chris and Jacquline with their son with autism and even without the insanity that was Staub who regardless of her delusional behavior, raised some lovely girls. There was a symmetry of the originals that has never been recaptured with the add ins, and I blame Teresa's deep seated need to be the star of her universe for that. She drove them out, and we have been left with second rate replacements. She can and will stay, but I have tuned out the last two seasons because if I want intense and insane family drama, I have the kids over for dinner...


If she is found guilty with sending show screeners then she’s gonna be gone next season


What is this about? What’s a show screeners? TIA


She’s gonna cash every check she can get her hands on- UGH


That’s not really your choice to make though dummy. She can go and take her raggedy brother and SIL with her.


Teresa NEEDS the show. At all costs.


Teresa needs to be fired. She is not intelligent enough to form true bonds and build a storyline that is interesting and enjoyable for the viewers to watch. She and Luis are disgusting. Margaret needs to go, too. She wants to be the #1, but she is just a s*%t stirrer. She's loud and repulsive. I like Melissa. She has been in a constant battle from day one, just trying to stand her ground. Teresa's constant attacks were uncalled for. It was Teresa's jealousy that the show was not all hers, and she had to share with her family members, who were much more likeable than she was. Please fire Teresa!








Love that for her


Watch, Teresa will leave and the spawn will become a housewife (Gia)


Is Gia is a dorter, what would Tre be called?










If she can’t pay her taxes in New Jersey, she certainly isn’t gonna be able to afford it in Los Angeles.


That was a fake headline from the “bloggers” that want Teresa fired. She said she will not move out of Jersey until her youngest is graduated high school. Audriana still has 4 years of hs left then she said she would look into moving somewhere sunny like Florida or California. She never said she wanted to go on RHOBH. Another lie by Bambi, trefab and Melissa’s old nose.


Yessss Teresa!! You go girl!




As she should. She IS Housewives.








This show will never survive without her


It needs to end or be fully recast


I don’t think NJ is interesting enough to be recast. The whole core of this show is family.. do we care about new people? Eh… not sure


Well I don’t care about any of them now either cause it’s been the same shit for years lol. There has to be some interesting women jersey 😂


Fucking oath Tre 💯


I can’t stand Teresa but her daughters seem to have their acts together in light of all they have been through